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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. I believe if Mike kills Werner or the other Germans, it would be with extenuating circumstances. Maybe self defense. Or maybe it will be like Walt with Jane - he sees him dying and does nothing to help. Or he sees Gus aiming at him and does not stop him. I think any killing of the group of Germans would be by Gus - and that would be through some cleverly conceived mass killing, not involving shooting them one by one - though Gus could shoot Werner or Kai.
  2. Jimmy did very well and acted responsibly in the interview, until the last question. His answer was idiotic and a change in character from the reasoned responses earlier. American Samoa U is what inspired him? "Go Land Crabs?" Forget not mentioning Chuck. There were a thousand easy, better responses than this. This seemed flippant. I think Jimmy has a subconscious need to sabotage himself. He can do things quite well and then he loses it and does something completely idiotic like this.
  3. I can't get over how old and jaded Huell looks. In BB he looked much younger and was spirited and full of life and exuberance. In fact the older appearance of all characters, some 7 or 8 years EARLIER has been bugging me the whole time. I think the show would have been better off focusing on the post-BB Saul. Then the aging of these people would have been appropriate. Yes there would be no Mike, but that is cool. There could have been Jesse, Skyler, Skinny Pete, Badger and a whole lot of interesting new characters. I hope tonight's is the last show pre-BB and we start on the post BB era.
  4. Just listened to the Podcast and in fact they did not film that in Louisiana. It was in NM. The trees were digital effects. VG seemed to have just learned that and gasped at how good that was done. They wanted to go to Louisiana but it was all too much. Yes the bldg was a church and they had to physically adapt it to a PO/general store thing.
  5. It could be taken as an absolute genius sizing up of the thinking of the ADA. She would have no reason to believe the presence of the absolutely insane, extreme efforts of Jimmy and Kim on such a "minor" case. And they sized that up and weighed it against her extreme obsessiveness on the matter. On the other hand, maybe they miscalculated her obsessiveness.
  6. Extra long episode tonight and Vince Gilligan directs it! I'm hoping they show a little flashback explaining how and why Nacho got involved in the cartel drug business. He doesn't seem like the type and in the sort of circumstances that he would get involved, so explanation would be helpful - but keep it brief.
  7. And here I was thinking they took the camera crew over to Coushatta and filmed the scenes, including an actual Post Office building there. That would have been pretty elegant! So that was in fact some old building in CA that they slapped a Coshatta post office sign onto?
  8. That scam scenario outlined by Captain is so oddly convoluted and unlikely it is hilarious. I love the facial expressions of Ernie. It seems like 99% of the time it's reactions to weirdness - and he is the perfect actor for that. The show has so many LOL instances -- that is what I like about it most. E.g. when Ernie calls Dud and shouts with great urgency: " The Captain's a fraud. He's playing some sort of twisted game. Stay away from him."And it's on speaker phone and Captain hears it.
  9. Vince Gilligan is an admitted big fan of spaghetti westerns. Tuco is a reference to the character in The Good The Bad & The Ugly. They like to throw in references to certain movies. So it seems entirely plausible there is a connection with Tucumcari.
  10. Tucumcari population is around 5300. It would have trouble supporting a big new bank like that. The city is mentioned repeatedly simply as a shout-out to For A Few Dollars More. And that they do this sort of thing is one of the things I like about this show and the writers. I was hoping to see the 3 film students back, and there they were! - some of my favorite characters. In that long waiting-for-phone-calls scene they had little dialog, but still chimed in on things and emoted with perfect facial expressions. One of my favorite scenes of the series. Those 3 are hilarious. Huell has been a favorite of mine too and it was hilarious how they were making this little case of a small time pickpocket into a major case. The confusion of the prosecutor was priceless.
  11. Agree on Kim. And it seems contrary to the opening teaser last week, which showed them splitting away from each other. Maybe it's the con life that will keep them together? I guess I missed it ... where in the ep. is the "communion" line you refer to?
  12. It could hurt a lot, if not break a bone - depending on the number of sandwiches, the type of bread, and the material of the bag. Also, a can of soda was in the bag, there was a very significant thump, and it knocked the cop down.
  13. Quite frankly, the Captain has been mentioned repeatedly since ep 1. It has been a major item of interest throughout. I guess the poster maybe has not been paying enough attention to the show as it airs, which can happen, but I am not finding the show overly complicated. There may be some unexplainable things so far, but I believe they will be addressed soon.
  14. He looks just like Clint Eastwood would have looked if a few things had gone wrong genetically.
  15. Actually I would have loved it if Hector had given a little grunt or groan or burp and we see Gus hear it and smile.
  16. I agree with this. Count me among those who remember the F bomb on at least a couple of BB shows when they aired real time on AMC. Yes, on reruns they were censored one way or another, and that surprised me when I heard it, since they had not initially done so.
  17. Good God, could they have possibly given Huell a smaller role? At least throw in a line or two for him. One of the great things about this season is NO CHUCK!! I was afraid they'd insert him in a big way via flashbacks, and they did a flashback, but his was such a small bit it wasn't too terrible.
  18. These kids were in more danger with their parents than away. Good God, look at what's happened to them. Marty and Wendy should have realized good parents don't put their kids in such situations and seen the emancipation as a handy partial step toward solving that problem.
  19. So many emotionally flawed characters making life difficult for themselves. Charlotte being so upset about Jonah trying to kill a cartel guy in self defense - ridiculous. She was down on Jonah in one scene, not just because this is the life they are now leading, but because he did not feel bad about wanting to kill him. Good grief ... it was self defense. Wendy being so upset about Charlotte wanting emancipation .. Marty at least came around and realized it made sense and they aren't in fact good parents. But Wendy's hysteria was really insane. Ruth clinging to her father after repeated abuse with more likely to come - ridiculous. She should have shot him when she could have claimed self defense, and be done with that problem. Then she kisses his dead body on the lips at the end. She should have been happy he was gone. What was there to like about him? Yeah he was her father, but too bad writers made her so weak in that regard. She should have said something like: "Bye daddy. Too bad you weren't fit for this world." And why should she give a flip about the Byrds being responsible. She should thank them. And Ruth considerately and rationally explaining to Wyatt she killed his farther and uncle. She was being open, kind and rational. She had good reasons for the killing. Wyatt's supposed to be fairly reasonable but he then goes off in a snit as if he didn't hear a word she said.
  20. The parents, especially Wendy, are adamantly, irrationally opposed to Charlotte's emancipation?? You have got to be kidding me. They should thoroughly understand that staying with them subjects her to criminal conduct and they should be sympathetic to her wishes. What a couple of loons! Probably they are seen as the heroes of the show and people are rooting for them, but really, what a couple of lowlifes.
  21. It was like the cartoon where one character walks right up to another's face and blasts him several times. The other is unscathed and says "ya missed!". Pretty ridiculous.
  22. I especially wanted Mrs Snell to die last season. No such luck. What a B!! That said, it will be interesting to see the battles between tough, sly guy, Mr Snell, and the cartel. The only good purpose for having Cade on there now is if we can see Ruth start standing up to him when he gets abusive. If she's just going to let herself be relentlessly pushed around -- that is no good. I'm suspecting we will see her being pushed around for a while yet, but eventually she will have an epiphany. I understand the concept of otherwise tough people having severe hangups as to family, but I find it annoying and want to see Ruth stay tough and grow up and not be constantly cowering to him.
  23. His resorting to bouncing the ball to kill time reminded me of Jesse in the big meth lab beneath the laundry, just killing time by doing one childish, goofy thing after another. ADD situations? Mike would have sat down and read a magazine.
  24. Jonathan Banks is an ok enough actor. His character is a rather sleazy guy who easily insults people and is hard to like. All in all, nothing to get too excited about there. He does seem to have a good PR agent, and the cast and crew hypes to help him too.
  25. Do stuff on the computer, read a book, whatever. Count your blessings you are being paid for an easy job.
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