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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. "Mentoring" the woman? Then quickly get her in private, see if any special reason for the hysteria, tell her to get it together and not show such a public display again. Maybe she'd just had both her parents killed in a car crash and this was more than she could take. Maybe she was secretly Will's lover. But to just assume she's a chronic drama queen or somesuch .... illogical. To instantly fire her .... way too harsh. It was a horrific circumstance and some degree of insanity is to be expected from people.
  2. How did Diane know how well she knew Will, even if she'd worked there only a week. And then you go on to project personality traits onto her as to her motives. And even if she was over emotional, it's possibly a one-time deal. If somehow she repeats that sort of thing talk to her and give her notice. Don't act harsh based on pet peeves and jumping to conclusions and possibly overgeneralizing as to peoples personalities. It's fun to act harsh based on pet peeves, but it reflects poorly on her personality.
  3. Deserved in the sense of someone (Diane) overharshly acting out their own pet peeves, so viewers with the same pet peeves applaud. But the intern might have had very sincere anguish. Diane didn't know. She was just apparently annoyed due to her dislike of such public displays. The intern might never act that way again in the likely scenario that no key person around her at work dies suddenly. I realize many support Diane on this and they applaud her acting on their own pet peeves, and they project all sorts of personality aspects onto the intern, and they feel very strongly about this. But in reality it was very harsh and unnecessarily cruel of Diane.
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