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Everything posted by luvmylabs

  1. I actually thought this was a cute episode. But I thought Jessa resembled a cone-head with that cap in the chocolate making sequence. Si and Lauren are a little too much for me.
  2. Let me clarify my point. Though I would not choose to share pictures of a deceased child on the internet, I cannot fault those who might do so. But I wonder if Joy and Austin even realized they had a CHOICE to do this or not do it. I think they have been conditioned to think their lives are open books and they have no need for privacy, which I think we all are entitled to if we want it.
  3. I understand it is now fairly common for couples who have lost a child to have some photographs taken, whether by a loved one or a professional. I don't really have a problem with it as it was very common in Victorian times to take photos of dead children or loved ones. You can google some of the pictures. BUT, I do have a problem with posting them for the world to see. I can only imagine because this grief stricken young couple has lived most of their lives in the spotlight (Joy especially), that it never occurred to them to do anything else. That strikes me as very sad. Also, since we are on the topic, there are several organizations that make burial clothing for children who did not survive birth, or died soon afterward. You can donate your wedding gown and they make the tiny outfits from these donated gowns. They are quite beautiful. The seamstresses volunteer their time. I just sent my wedding gown to Sew Sweet Angel Gowns in Phoenix. They are on the web. There are other groups as well, though some are not accepting gowns right now. I cannot think of a better use for my old gown. A friend whose child lived only a few hours was comforted by the baby dress given to her.
  4. I hate those things on the baby's head. They look like an old dish rag tied in a bow...Olive green? At least make it pink or white! My daughter used to put those big bows and huge flowers on my granddaughters when they were infants. I told her they looked like cabbages on the girl's heads. Obviously she disagreed but at least they were pretty. Old fashioned lady here.
  5. Yeah, no social media in my day. I prefer privacy. Once something is out there it's out there forever.
  6. Is it considered poor form NOT to post something on sm when a friend/loved one dies? Reading all the criticisms, maybe Joe and Abbie decided to keep their grief private.
  7. Almost every picture of a pregnant Meghan Markle showed her cradling her baby bump. Not sure if it's fundy or not.
  8. I guess it's just me but I'm not feeling any chemistry between Bobby and Athena. Just don't get the relationship at all.
  9. Just read that the deal on Christine's house fell through.
  10. Dear Lonewolf, I will send prayers for you and your family. I agree with you about Meri and I hope that she will eventually get the courage to leave. Meanwhile, stay strong (your strength comes through in your post). God blessyou!
  11. Well, I have to give that drafts person props for creating that huge place. She met all his requirements and even went so far as to create differences in the bathrooms, etc. so there would be individuality. You could NEVER have just one entrance to a place with that many people. And I'll be the wives would all like separate entrances to their own places. This, of course, will never happen (the house I mean) but it would be well worth watching IMO if it did!
  12. Well, there is that frog pond on the property.
  13. My sister and I are headed for Flagstaff next week. Any suggestions?
  14. I couldn't cook much when I was married but I had a mother, mother-in-law and grandmother who were fabulous cooks. I sat with them and wrote down every recipe I could think of. I made mistakes, but we laughed those off. Of course ,I came from a family of good cooks and the Duggar girls don't have that advantage. But maybe their mothers-in-law had some favorite recipes? I mean gee whiz, you think of good cooking when you think of the south!
  15. This is what I could glean from Zillow: 4007 Wild Eagle Circle (5 bedrooms) 10/12/2010 sold $625,000 1/14/13 sold $447,017 1/17/2019 listed $599,900 46 days on zillow 4023 Wild Eagle Circle (6 bedrooms) 10/12/10 sold $625,000 12/19/12 sold $443,700 1/23/19 listed $599,900 (reduced from listing of 10/9/18 of 649,000 146 days on zillow 4039 Wild Eagle Circle (5 bedrooms) 10/12/1010 sold $625,000 12/21/12 sold $443,315 7/11/18 listed 675,000 9/12/18 reduced to $649,000 11/1/18 reduced to $639,000 1/16/19 reduced to $614,900 236 days on zillow
  16. I have tried to follow Kody's convoluted logic but I can't. My heart bleeds for Gabe and for the other teens who will be leaving what they have known for most of their lives. "You will make new friends"? My younger sister was moved across country as an incoming junior and it wasn't pretty. By the way, have any of the cul de sac house sold?
  17. I'm assuming your ESA animal knows how to behave and that you are a responsible owner. I think that someone who had such a disorder would be even MORE responsible because of the freedom they now have due to the animal. Wouldn't want to lose that. Unfortunately, there are some people who have grabbed on to this as an excuse to take their less than well behaved animal with them where ever they go. They are NOT responsible, as I am sure you are. Just out of curiosity, did you have any special training with your animal? Is there an organization who helps you with all of this? Good luck to you!!!
  18. There are any number of pets (dogs mostly) who are trained to assist with ailments such as epilepsy and PTSD (especially in veterans). I have no problem with these animals, as well as guide dogs, because they have been well TRAINED and behave properly. Their owners are also TRAINED in the responsibility of good ownership and clean up after these animals when necessary. Emotional support pets on the other hand have no training and no REAL certification other than a certificate you can download from the internet. These frauds (IMO) make things look bad for the legitimate assist animals and their owners. As for plane travel, this is often just a way to avoid the $200 the airline will charge to fly the dog. Remember the lady who wanted to take her 'support peacock' on the plane?
  19. I've not watched Ellen's show, but I have watched Game of Games. This last time, for the first time, I felt a little funny at how Ellen responds when someone is dunked, pulled up in the air, squirted, or whatever penalty they get when they lose. I also sensed a slightly sadistic vibe when she watches the contestants. I suppose it's just me. She does seem genuinely happy for them when they win the big bucks. That meanness thing...yeah.
  20. Reminds me of a song I heard by Uncle Floyd (Floyd Vivino) called "I'm My Own Grandpa". I've been out of the loop for a while. Did the whole family move to Flagstaff?
  21. It's too late now but I wonder if either store had surveillance cameras? Too bad someone (who would need financial backing to buy all the books, couses, etc.) couldn't infiltrate the church, take hidden photos, get stuff on tape, etc.
  22. I watched the last episode. Have to admit I was crying while watching the scene when Caro confronts Jack in his office. I think those two are pretty good actors. I wonder how difficult it is to do a scene like that with your real spouse? They wrapped it up nicely. Tied up all the loose ends.
  23. I have to agree that Jack is strong considering all that he went through, but I still wish he would stay at the hospital for that very reason. He has found a good place to be. Not just safe for him but a place he can make a valuable difference for the community. It is something he apparently loves. I would rather see them separate than have him move to keep Carolyn. But this is a female led show and I can see this probably won't happen. I have revised my opinion of Jack...he is strong, but I still wish he would stay at the hospital.
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