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Everything posted by luvmylabs

  1. Just finished watching episode 9. There are no strong men (except Roy) in this program. Everyone of them caves to a woman. There is no compromise. My wish is that Jack would stay where he is but you can bet that he will eventually cave to Carolyn and leave Inverness Hospital for the big city where she can pursue her dreams and gay (I do not mean that in the sexual way) lifestyle. George will move to Israel as ambassador to make Sarah happy. I am so disappointed in how this will all probably turn out.
  2. Just watched episode 8. This is not going to end well for Jack, one of my favorite characters. And, mean girl that I am, I was glad Anna got her come-uppance from Hollywood, although she got a mild reprieve in the end. I enjoy Marta Dusseldorp, having seen her in other programs, but she is no Meryl Streep.
  3. I have always enjoyed this show as my politics are closer to that of Mike than Ryan. I liked their back and forth exchanges. I can't get used to the new Mandy. When I found out she was a blond I think the writers missed an opportunity for her to say something like, "Well, I decided to go blond because Kyle is blond and when we have kids, they'll be blond too!" Much more in her character. I liked her remark about the citizen application...very Mandy. The new Boyd is good and I hope once they have gotten over the asides about moving to a new network, things might pick up...I'll wait and see.
  4. Matt--"no secrets" Really! He still hasn't told Olivia about his child?
  5. Anyone have a link to the episode where Michelle announced another pregnancy and Josiah ran from the room?
  6. Well, a different opinion here. Everyone's tolerance for pain is different. And fear can intensify your reaction. Erin probably remembers her first birth without the epidural, although she had stated from the get go that she wanted one. My daughter had an epidural that was not done properly and she was in agony and also frightened. Since I had never given birth (she is adopted) I was not sure what was going on. I did suspect the epidural was not taking effect because she continued to pace the room except when a contraction hit. The nurses were kind, but useless in my opinion. They called her midwife who comforted her over the phone but did NOT SHOW UP!!!! By now I was screaming give her another epidural...the first one isn't working...but there was no doctor available who could do one for several more hours. Finally one showed up, repeated the procedure and my daughter had instant relief. I am not a fan of midwives (at least this one) because of this. Anyway, I give Erin slack because she was in pain and scared, even though (and maybe because) she had been through this before. But she shouldn't be talking about more kids yet!!!! No no no!
  7. Not watching...agree completely. This episode is so far from the original book that I am just disgusted. Also agree that this Anne is not very appealing.
  8. Since she had been troubled by those things, why not create a new story instead of tinkering with a classic? Just saying.
  9. I have just read the TV Guide article about the return of this show. The show is now going to use its platform to 'address racism, prejudice and intolerance.' To that end, Gilbert will set sail on a steamship to earn money. Along the way he'll venture to exotic ports of call with fascinating people. At home, Anne and her friends will meet the people of the Bog, a real life enclave of freed slaves on PEI. If the producer of this program wished to tackle these issues (not addressed, as much as I can remember, in the original books), why not write her own damned story and leave this classic literature alone. I will not be watching.
  10. I agree, but my hubby asked if I would watch another season and I said no. The character Marcella was too bizarre, too weird for me to watch again. I felt badly for Tim, though. Did they have to drag him away for embezzlement? I've always had a soft spot for Jamie Bamber though.
  11. This show is like a train wreck. I hate it but I'm fascinated. Marcella has to be the most obnoxious, unprincipled character in a long time. I agree with Tim..."It's no wonder why everyone leaves you." And, if she wanted her kids so badly, she should have had Tim follow up on Jason's activities regarding and involvement in the death of that guy in season 1. No court would allow him to have the kids...no court would allow her either, if they knew the truth!!!
  12. OK! But I still wouldn't put it past them!
  13. My thoughts exactly. Moves kind of slowly, but still sort of fascinating.
  14. Caught a blooper. Abigail set a tray of beverages on the table where the guests were talking over their 'deal'. It wasn't there anymore when they showed her leaving the room. Just disappeared "magically"!
  15. This puzzled me too. I think it was routine for babies in the US to be vaccinated against small pox (I was born before 1950 and was vaccinated.) I wonder why it wasn't routine in the UK in the 60's?
  16. I agree. I've never thought that to be classy or even funny.
  17. Two quick comments. I think Meri ought to get the hell out of Dodge (or Las Vegas) and go run her B&B. WHY do sister wives have to live near each other, be an entire 'family' or even LIKE each other? If I was in that lifestyle for RELIGIOUS reasons I'd want my own house far away from the others as possible. Hubby come see me every 3rd day or whatever. Everyone else keep out of my business. Also, when they showed Kody in the very first episode of the show, he looked not too bad. Hair was clean and manageable.
  18. In some places of the country you can close on a house with only the title company. They now have electronic signings and such. Arizona does not require lawyers.
  19. I think you nailed it with the word predictable. Obnoxious women who are supposed to pass as 'strong', male characters with various issues, sex as the great stress reliever, and the obligatory gay character. I have to admit the nepotism angle was new. Promote your daughter to lieutenant without passing any tests or anything to create more tension with her erstwhile fiance. Meh.
  20. I think the consideration of George's conversion to Judaism was kind of forced. Many children are raised in 2 religion homes. However, I liked Anna's speech about why she is the way she is... pretty cool. Also leaves room open for another season...that and Sir Richard, the snake! The costumes are so great!
  21. I did not like Tori's dress selection, but my opinion is that it is HER day and she should pick what she likes. I may like it better when I see the alterations she spoke of. Having been in her position, my heart goes out to Michaela. You truly want to be happy for your sister but you are dying a little inside with the announcement. Good for Alyssa for giving her a heads up. All the family seems very supportive and protective of Michaela. I wish her and Brandon the very best. I get it!
  22. Is this a new trend? I like the idea of designing the top of the wedding gown and then having different bottoms...sort of mix and match. Haven't seen that before.
  23. I thought we women were supposed to support each other. I went to a La Leche meeting where the women there claimed breast fed babies were smarter, healthier, had better teeth, better everything than bottle fed. I am a big supporter of breast feeding, but come on! Thank God that there are formulas for babies who can't be breast fed. Stop placing guilt on others for their choices. Do what is right for YOU and your baby will thrive. As for Kody, I can't even accurately express my disgust at his behavior...g...d.. know it all...really a know NOTHING!!!! Who the hell does he think he is. It should have been Maddie, her husband, and the mid-wife....not that whole damn circus. Dear God, the thought of my dad being there when I gave birth...UGH!!!
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