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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. There's a Justin? Seriously, you could plug in any "J" name and I would believe you.
  2. It was very low-key ... blink and you missed it.
  3. I don't recall which episode it was, just that it was in the very beginning when they all compliment each other and tell each other how nice everybody looks. I believe Katie Lee told Marcella she had a "glow" about her, and Marcella said something like, "this is not a repeat, I'm pregnant and it's a girl." Then they all oohed and aahed and fawned over her and then it was business as usual and the show carried on.
  4. Marcella announced her pregnancy (she is having a girl) a few weeks ago.
  5. You win the internet today! Except somebody owes me a new keyboard! We can settle up in the prayer closet.
  6. Wait ~ Pris gets to sit in the FRONT seat ... with a MAN who is not her headship ... and TOUCH SHOULDERS? I am defrauded.
  7. So happy for you, Aja! Enjoy your relationship, and good luck with mom. But most of all, enjoy your relationship! You have whole team of cyber friends wishing you well! Let us know how it turns out!
  8. Being as I went "there," ... I will meet you all in the Prayer Closet. I will be bringing wine once again.
  9. That just made me giggle. Yes, I am 10 years old :) Most of us already have assigned seats. You can come sit by me. It's my turn to bring the wine.
  10. Please just send positive vibes here! Please and thank you.
  11. I live in Cleveland. RNC is on the horizon. Like, tomorrow. Very nervous with all the police shootings happening all over the US. I would hate to finally win a world championship (GO CAVS!) and then have the city darkened. Please, good thoughts for a peaceful RNC week. Let's all get along.
  12. I agree. Pretty much Food Network is my "default" TV station. For the most part, it's always on in the background. Except for this show. I turn it off every time.
  13. So sorry about your freak fall. But ... hoping ... wishing ... praying my Cavs come home with the Championship. Cleveland needs it. Sorry, I love you Sew Sumi ... but we need the championship. *ducking* Can we still be friends?
  14. OMG. I totally was thinking the same thing! Lose the crafts. Really. Concentrate on the cooking. Really. When I saw the "shirt" "apron" I really thought it was a joke. I was embarrassed for them.
  15. She announced it herself on her Facebook page.
  16. OMG yes a thousand times! I could not believe they kept showing it. WAT too tight!
  17. I would have done EXACTLY the same thing. Just because I could.
  18. I always cook all my meals for the week on Sundays. Lunches and dinners. Best habit I ever adopted. I have my own graphic design business and some days I am working late on deadlines. Or I come home the regular time but my brain is too full to think about meal prep. Or I have a taste for chicken and Husband has a taste for meatloaf. Whatever the reason, killing it for 2-3 hours on a Sunday afternoon has saved my sanity. And kept all of us well-fed. Plus a lot of meals taste better the next day ... or 2.
  19. Oooh ... interesting. Never thought of that. I would think she would have had some type of GYN exam ... but who knows? I mean, if she thinks her knees would defraud somebody ...
  20. I clicked. The men look pretty mainstream, but the women ... definitely in the Amish or Mennonite orbit. Don't know.
  21. I am still missing my mom terribly, especially on Mother's Day. And my birthday, and her birthday, and my wedding anniversary, and on Tuesdays ... I miss her every day. I just wish she was here on earth to see my successful business, how I finally learned how to cook, and cook very well. I know she "knows" ... but I just wish she were HERE to see it. Ok, there is dust in my eyes now. I am still missing my mom terribly, especially on Mother's Day. And my birthday, and her birthday, and my wedding anniversary, and on Tuesdays ... I miss her every day. I just wish she was here on earth to see my successful business, how I finally learned how to cook, and cook very well. I know she "knows" ... but I just wish she were HERE to see it. Ok, there is dust in my eyes now.
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