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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. This! We don't only judge the other girls for child abuse or something. We also make fun of their tweets, outfits, bodies, hair, accents, vacations, food, and home decorations. Chelsea isn't Malala and it's a snark board. Everyone's opinion is going to be different, but people like Chelsea annoy me with the constant self-absorbed professional photo shoots and the multiple weddings for Instagram and the Pinteresty gatherings. That doesn't make them child abusers or mean that I think they're garbage human beings, it means they annoy me. She also annoyed me by taking like 80 years to finish a GED while sitting around on Daddy's dime. That's all none of my business like everything else on this damn show that I really shouldn't still be watching. But if there's any place to snark on petty stuff, it's definitely here, lol. In fact, sometimes I veer more towards snarking on Chelsea because it's more lighthearted snark, not like "well, here is more domestic abuse that is being filmed," which is the case for most of the others. Regardless of whether it's a good decision or not, it is inarguably her continued decision to put her private life on TV. If she wanted to never get public criticism or a bit of a jab every now and then, she & Cole could easily withdraw.
  2. Noooooo you brought up the cheeks thing again!! Every time I see Briana's face that's all I think about now. :( :(
  3. Given Jeremy's history of racist rants, and Kail's history of the same, I find it curious that MTV would pick David to fire. I'm assuming it's because of his overall scariness as well, but it does say something about how we often react to homophobia vs. racism. Kail said some pretty openly racist stuff and Jeremy did too. I also wonder if he's evolving in his views, or if he just saw a chance to get some attention.
  4. Ohhh, I get it. Thanks, I get confused by the Instagram posts sometimes (feelin' old).
  5. Nathan says he's more controlled about these things but that's only marginally/recently true. He was pretty open about his homophobia on social media a couple years ago. People are just quicker to point it out now. Jenelle has a pattern of being with guys who are racist/homophobic, etc. It's her "thing." I'm surprised she hasn't been with a straight up neo-Nazi. Which makes me wonder if those are her views as well? Does she agree with David? Does she actually have views of her own but they're just so socially unacceptable that she doesn't share them? Or is she just extremely brain washable and will go along with anything the latest Real Man (TM) says? I'm also absolutely not trying to be insincere or insensitive when I say that David comes across as the next Nikolas Cruz.
  6. That doesn't look like Becky to me, unless I'm not seeing the whole photo. But that one to the left of Kail definitely isn't Becky.
  7. It just means he's really cute. I definitely find him cuter than I did at first. He was not the cutest newborn at all.
  8. Does David not remember Jenelle hooking up with Tori? Like, multiple times? I get that people experiment, but I believe most people are not 100% one thing or the other (or at least many people are not) and you've got to be at least a 2 on the Kinsey scale or something to have pleasurable sex multiple times with someone of the same sex. Oh but I forgot, guys like David think that's "hot" when girls do it as long as it's meant for their own pleasure and not the girls'.
  9. This reminded me of this, AKA one of the funniest internet things I've ever seen. It's a damn peanut butter sandwich!
  10. It's a couple of pages back in this thread! Read the whole thread and you'll see it. I'm on my phone or I'd get it for you.
  11. Well, if that Heather story isn't the most believable, most quintessential Amber/Matt thing I've ever heard...Matt fucks up, he scapegoats someone to Amber, she falls for it hook, line, and sinker... Matt is a master of triangulation. And Amber is a willing puppet.
  12. Yeah. I think whoever we empathize with most in that scenario is dependent on what we would hate the most, lol, because they are clearly just a really bad match. She will always want more and he will always give less. He seems like the type of person who would need more patience than average to warm up, and she has less patience than the average, so it's just not going to work.
  13. Kim has rubbed me the wrong way for a while now. In her eyes Tyler can do absolutely no wrong.
  14. Maybe we read the interaction differently, but I've watched it again and still thought it was extremely rude. *shrug* His negativity permeates every conversation they have. I would just think that in a situation like this, trying to be positive would be helpful. And yeah, with regards to the makeup thing, I definitely understand that this is not like a normal marriage...makes no difference. My husband saw me in glasses and no makeup on our first date. Some people don't get dressed up. It's paint on my face and contacts...I do it for special occasions only. I don't see any reason why a woman should HAVE to (no problem if she wants to for some reason) wear makeup at any time ever. It's decorative pigment. It's not a necessity for hygiene and not wearing it doesn't make you a "slob," it makes you a person without a decorated face.
  15. And people who *do* take meds will feel like their relationship isn't "fairy tale" enough to save them like Amber's and feel ashamed. Young teens watch this. Amber can fuck herself. I can't bring myself to feel that bad for either Catelynn or Tyler. Maybe I'm just a sociopath but I'm tired of the whining. Taylor & Maci need AA. I thought the proposal was actually really sweet.
  16. I agree with this but wonder if Tyler has some pretty severe issues of his own. To me it seems like he really has a deep seated NEED, not just desire, for approval. I wonder if he's just burying his own problems for Cate's sake, which is an issue in and of itself, or if he's using them to hide behind. I would assume a bit of both. If you're always having to care for Cate, it really sucks, but if you're always getting compared to her, you also always look good in contrast. Could he be in an equal partnership? I really think the only way either of them will heal is through time apart. They've made a habit out of wasting money. MTV throws funding at them for "treatments" and passion projects that they could have used to quietly go to decent therapy in their areas (not resorts), gather their wits about them and work a local job for a while (not "design" clothing in a manic state, renovate an unnecessarily elaborate home or host an adoption-themed special). In separate houses. That's honestly what I wish for both of them.
  17. You can't be sitting around getting drunk in front of a kid whose parents were abusive drug addicts, Maci & Taylor.
  18. Seriously, though, I don't get where they get off with all this "saving lives" stuff. Someone has given them such a huge head. I value my education and my work and I'm glad it helps people and is in line with my morals, but at the end of the day a job is a job and I do whatever job I do to make a living for myself and my family. I'd do whatever I had to do (legally) from stripping to waitressing at 3 different places or working behind the counter at Mickey D's if I needed to to feed & clothe myself & my family, it's not that serious, none of us are THAT important to be above a given job. There's honor in any honest work from food service to education to childcare to cosmetology to construction, medicine and the arts. I agree with whoever said that almost none of these folks have felt any pride in a day's work or a decent education. They think they're too good to work as a waiter or in a daycare (ok Amber and Jenelle probably can't with their criminal backgrounds) or even at a bar or strip joint. No wonder they're so bored and listless.
  19. LOL it's literally just them on their respective couches angrily tweeting
  20. Yes! One of my closest friends from graduate school was a foster parent to several children. She is a clinical social worker, literally worked *in the Department of Child Protective Services* investigating cases for years, has two master's degrees, AND has years of experience under her belt...and she STILL says it's the hardest thing she's ever done, both because of the trauma the kids she fostered had been through as well as the complexity of navigating an often fraught system that is often underfunded and sometimes populated by folks who don't always do the right thing (like every field). She writes a lot about it. She's one of the most emotionally aware, mature people I have ever known and it was still difficult and required everything she had to deal with principals who dismissed foster children as troublemakers, a system that wasn't financially or logistically set up for them to succeed, and the aftermath of extensive poverty and trauma. So...um...MACI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! No.
  21. I agree to an extent, but I can also see the other side...he's the one who MADE it his brand/livelihood. Like...just as Cate is totally codependent on him for every single emotional need...he seems like he sucks up her "inferiority" and gets off on it, kind of? I don't know. I'm really torn on this one. On one hand, I can totally see Cate killing any motivation or ambition he has. On the other, I can see him using HER mental health as an excuse for not really doing much or challenging himself. They BOTH said they were going to go to school and get jobs and neither did. It's easy to blame all that on Cate because she seems more immediately sluggish, struggles with her weight more, etc., but she's also the one who's been through two pregnancies and all the before & after stuff that goes along with that. He had *so* many chances to back out of the relationship, then the engagement, then the pregnancy, and then finally the marriage, and he never did, and I doubt it's all out of guilt. If it's because he's afraid of looking bad, then he has his own mental health issue of being hung up to a detrimental, deeply unhealthy extent on social media approval. That said, Cate would be an absolutely soul-sucking person to be partnered with. As with most things with the two of them, I really think this is an issue of such a complicated, tangled rabbit hole that we could never really unpack all the levels of toxicity, ego, trauma, and dependency. Also they were stepsiblings for a while as well as childhood sweethearts, best friends, co-parents AND victims of shared abuse. Like...whoa. There's a lot of semi-incestuous deep-seated "we've gone through everything together" stuff there to dig through.
  22. I don't know that she would remember any of it. lol!
  23. I haven't had endometriosis (I've heard from many folks that it's unbearable), but I have ovarian cysts and a couple have burst. The bursting hurt almost as badly as childbirth, just a lot shorter. Drew is useless.
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