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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. I'm worried that Fred will wind up being Nichole's real father.
  2. There was no real suspense for me because the S4 trailers have shown June in Canada since the new season started. I am grateful that the episode was relatively short. I don't think I could be handled dragging it out any further. I'm also grateful that they didn't drag it out over multiple episodes. They needed to get June to Canada and this was the bridge between it and Gilead. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. I was just "whelmed."
  3. That's what I think, too. I don't think this series is a mystery, per se, but a story about how an abduction affected an entire town. The payoff, or twist, will be that Martin was the only villain but that there were many victims. Anything else that other characters might have done wasn't done out of malicious intent.
  4. I don't have much to say about this one. The "previously on" section went on for way too long and yet that wound up being the most interesting part to me. This felt like filler except for Samira's acting which was great. My husband only made it through the first 12 minutes. He got up, grumbled something about this feeling forced , and left the room. I haven't seen him since.
  5. I still think that all the stuff about Jeanette lying, getting in trouble, etc is just one red herring after another. It all LOOKS bad but she's still telling the truth about not seeing Kate.
  6. I wonder how long until God delivers his desire for Ick to have a threesome?
  7. He's awful. And then he sat there and said that she has "funny teeth."
  8. For people who overthrew the American government they sure don't seem to have a good long-term plan. Most of their Handmaids aren't reproducing. They don't have a lot of kids. How do they plan to keep the country going when the current generation dies out? They're definitely going to need to outsource at some point, and that's something they should be working on now. The Nazis had crazy good propaganda. Even North Korea tries.
  9. Just what every girl dreams of hearing-that she was born strictly for Ed to use on a trashy tv show 30 years later.
  10. Garrick has to be on something, right? He always looks stoned. Loved the date with the king and queen. "So you consider yourself bisexual?" "I AM bisexual." Simian claims that his job is being a "mythologist". Wtf is that?
  11. omg. I thought I was the only person who noticed that.
  12. I like the Lawrence character in the same way I like Aunt Lydia- their particular brands of crazy make for good television, but I wouldn't want to hang out with them.
  13. I miss a lot of the emotional torture that we saw in S1. They're not big on subtlety and that's too bad. The scary things aren't always the physical torture. Gilead is wasting an opportunity not to hoist Agnes up as a lead member of The Real Housewives of Gilead. It would absolutely crush June if one of her kids was actually happy and thriving there. (Or had the appearance of that. I don't think anyone is actually happy there.) It would be great propaganda. Not only would it help boost morale in Gilead, but it would help undermine June's message. I just finished The Testaments. I just felt kind of meh about it. I enjoyed the continuation of the story, but I wasn't blown away by the plot or writing. Doesn't it start 16 years later? If the show is going to follow the book (which I'm not seeing yet) is it going to hop a decade into the future? Is Elisabeth Moss going to be okay with that? Her character becomes anecdotal.
  14. I don't know about a link. I'm watching it on Discovery+. Someone will probably upload it to YouTube.
  15. Sorry guys, I watched this one yesterday and right now I'm deep into the Single Life's Tell All. Aside from the 6 hour leak, this is by far the best one I've ever seen. The Coltee/Ed showdown alone is worth it. Also, Shaun is much better. She's snippy and sarcastic and, unlike Dr. Drew, she does watch the show. This is the 4th reference to The Thorn Birds I've heard this week and all of the contexts have been different...Now I gotta go watch the miniseries.
  16. I'm still frustrated by the fact that Darlene wouldn't be able to sell the tickets. If the airline ticket is in her name then it can't be changed. If her friend paid for the hotel then it would be reimbursed to her credit card, not Darlene's.
  17. That's a really interesting idea. I'd watch it!
  18. Scott is guilty AF and is right where he should be... That said, there were some sketchy things that happened during the investigation, like announcing his fishing location, and if Gerragos had had his shit together better I think he could've won. Still, he doesn't deserve a new trial.
  19. I'm having trouble buying Elliott's attraction to Angela.
  20. Moira is like, "I am NOT cleaning up your shit again. You got a a husband and a baby up there and you WILL come with me." The more I look at this and think about it the more in confused as to why the show didn't use Detroit.
  21. It all has a very STEPFORD WIVES feel to it.
  22. Kokoni was right about moving, but it still wasn't her place. Kalani seems to enjoy playing victim and hanging up on her husband. I'm not even convinced that Aseulu is aware of his surroundings. There's nothing wrong with renting. For some it's even more practical than owning because you're not responsible for pricey repairs. Renting doesn't make you less of an adult. In their case it would be much more practical than getting tied down to a 15-year mortgage. Much like his lunacy over condoms, however, he won't even consider it. I've never heard of a green card interview that gives you an answer right then and there. To get that would mean that only one person, the interviewer, made the decision and that's not how it works.
  23. I know why she did it, and I probably would have too, but Moira assisting a Gilead criminal to get her to Canada could be seen as an act of aggression and start a huge fight. They should've sneaked her in, drove further east once they got to Canada, and had someone "find" her like they did Emily. Then they could've offered political asylum.
  24. Yes! That's what I've been trying to say. I loved it when he acted like what the Waterfords did to her wasn't that bad because sometimes Serena was "decent" and June replies with, "Do YOU get raped every night? Does someone come upstairs and go up YOUR ass?" I rooted for her saying that. This is the first scene that I've found myself liking Luke. I disliked him in some and was indifferent in others. O-T, however, is awesome.
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