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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. Wonderful episode, so much happened. The only thing I did not like was Elizabeth Mitchell - no disrespect, but I'm pretty tired of her, she seemed to play the same basic character, although here she's a pastor married to a woman, but she is so sanctimonious and self-righteous. Everything else, though - acting, writing, design - all great. This is probably one of the best visualized shows ever.
  2. Thank for the update. I have to admit, I don't see how they can have a Dr. Blake telemovie without Dr. Blake.
  3. I thought the episode was ok, although somewhat predictable. I also don't understand why Reece went against all her training and conditioning to save the "common" baby, although she was pretty cute. Watching, I just kept thinking that maybe better actors might make a difference.
  4. I have to admit that I prefer the case of the week approach, and am totally bored by/uninterested in the human smuggling aspect. Family reunification is one thing, people just wanting to live longer to me is just not a good reason. I like Ravi and Clive, and wish they were given something to do worthy of their talents. I never thought I'd say it, but maybe I'm just tired of Rose McI, I loved seeing 2, hope she pops up in lots of shows (well, the ones I watch).
  5. Sorry, should have made myself clearer. It wasn't bringing the flowers that I was referencing - it was bringing new ones every day and throwing out the old ones. I think that was a wasteful and mindless routine - like his job, where he did the same limited actions every day for years. I don't think Emily's carers would have thought he didn't love her if her if he had brought her favorite flowers every couple of days.
  6. I took it to mean that he was picking up on more Meek Howard mannerisms so as to be more believable as him, but is more practical. I din't grow up on a world of want, but I would never throw out 1-day old flowers, I've mixed different vintages (especially when different types of flowers), so he could do that or he just not buy new ones every day. I have to admit that I thought that an inspired directing choice, to show how mindless and useless meek Howard was..
  7. So I guess you like Honeysuckle Weeks? (Foyle's War)
  8. I thought she was assigned to be with an agent, until that family stepped forward and offered to take her. Clearly, there was no problem with that., I'm a pretty indiscriminate sci fi watcher with a poor memory, so I didn't compare it to other shows (except maybe the Event), so it was ok. I'll keep watching, at least for a while. I missed the beginning, so it took a while for me to catch up. I hope the writing doesn't devolve.
  9. At this point, I only like the high level dialogue: "If shit could shit, it wouldn't look as shitty as you." Thanks, writers.
  10. She's the mother of his child, plus turning her in will have negative repercussions on his career.
  11. I thought this was completely in character - he had to establish himself and get the information, which he did without hurting anyone. A less compassionate person might have applied more direct force. Overall, this was ok - I admit that I like the smart writing and humor, but the plotting is starting to get too convoluted. I like the case of the week approach, but only if the victim is interesting, the effect on Liv is limited and the case is actually wrapped up. Rose M. is a great actress, and I love how she adapts to each character, but I'd like more Ravi and Don E.
  12. I finally got my protein doughnuts from the Doughnut Bar - wonderful, well worth the wait. I like them plain - since they're low in sugar and salt, and are baked, they are kind of bagel-ish. The added protein makes them very filling - I have one for breakfast and that's plenty to satisfy me until lunch. The glazes and toppings are delicious, but since they are high in fat and sugar, I usually use one container of glaze for 2 or 3 doughnuts. To be completely honest here, my husband dislikes the plain doughnuts (maybe if he didn't have "doughnut" expectations, he would like them better), but does like them dressed up. I can't wait for my next shipment, I ordered enough to keep a nice supply in the freezer. The only problem is the long lag in shipment.
  13. I have to admit that the character I'm really tired of is sanctimonious Howard. Dogs love unconditionally - the fact that you, Howard, have this capacity does not make you a better person, it makes you spineless and insecure, this goes beyond forgiveness. He obviously feels superior because he is "more honest" and "fixing" Prime Howard's life, but I don't agree. I'm tired of Baldwin, too, and wish she could be more directly tied into the main story sooner rather than later. Since she's a super secret assassin, why can't she buy some concealer to cover up that huge, identifiable wound on her face? We really don't need a way to differentiate her anymore, we know who she is. Just keep her hair short. I still don't buy the school idea - it seems that it would be much easier for a properly motivated adult to be trained to replace his or her other than to raise these kids for years or possibly decades on the chance their others may be in a position of influence. After all, the longer they have been living separately, the more their lives may have diverged. I guess they are doing it as much to indoctrinate the kids, but still.
  14. Thank you! Good catch. Oleg is one of my favorite characters, so its so nice to see him. Of course it's a cross-over - he was there as a time-traveling soviet spy, after all, he does work in the tech division. I had to laugh at O'Keefe literally draping himself in the American flag.
  15. I'd like to try the heart of palm pasta (I've never even heard of heart of palm, much less a pasta made of it), especially if they send a chef to prepare it. Update: Still waiting for my order from the doughnut bar./
  16. I am so glad this show is back, it always puts me in such a good mood. It's smart, well-acted and funny, and has an attention to detail (like Jordan's brain headband thing) that is amazing. I thought it was a good catch-up episode, but I always like the COTW approach (not a seahawk fan, though Liv's face-makeup and wig were pretty funny). My favorite moment: The brains on the conveyor belt, for some reason that just cracked me up. My least favorite: Ravi the naturalist, that's cheap, unnecessary joke.
  17. We are still waiting anxiously (desperately, actually) for our order from the Donut Bar. Has anyone gotten any? Are they any good, or should I dial down our expectation here at donut central?
  18. I'm a big JK fan (the main reason I watched the show), but really, that could have been any decent actor in that role. Of course, he remains a "slice of heaven . . . "
  19. I really want to like this show, mainly because of the excellent actors, but it is becoming harder and harder. I guess we got some reasoning about why Howard Prime sought out Meek Howard (at his source Emily Alpha's request) but how is dragging him into all of this "keeping him safe"? Speaking of Meek Howard - he is so simple-minded as to be ridiculous. How could Emily have stayed married to him? I understand that the JKS wants to show off his acting chops by portraying very different characters, (yeah, slack mouth, drooping shoulders, slumpy posture, got it) but if I wanted to watch Forrest Gump, I'd watch forrrest Gump (and Banshee and Doll House reruns, but that's another issue). Baldwin helpfully exposited about them "moving to the middle" but that hasn't happened yet AT ALL. I assume we'll see that when Howard Alpha moves over to the other world, but geez. I really like Peter Quayle as written - although his FIL is a diplomat, I didn't get the impression t hat he got him that job. I think Peter is competent as well as weaselly, he certainly seems to have a good handle on what is going on. I am a pretty shallow watcher (spoonfeed me, please!) but I immediately knew the message to Emily was a drop, and that the malfunctioning switch would mean she was poisoned. I think it is all too predictable at this point, which is a shame, because the premise is so interesting. I'm hopeful that as more of the show is set in the Prime world it gets more interesting. I didn't get why the census records (as opposed to some tech, or resource mapping) were so important.
  20. Combining my thoughts of the last several episodes, since I binged and don't really remember which was which , - Wow, talk about a show lasting two long - up to the part through the "Bancroft reveal" I thought it was pretty interesting, well-written and generally good acting (Ortega being a notable exception) so I enjoyed it. When they started with the Rei stuff though, it was like the show just ran out of money for decent writing. Also, I totally didn't buy the Lizzie thing and hated that ridiculously heavy-handed outfit. Also unbelievable: Clumsy fight sequences, I admit that I am totally Team Rei, because the other love interest, Ortega, was so badly acted (in my opinion! Only my opinion!) The fight sequences were so boring I had to ff. It was like they had days or months to craft the first 8 episodes, and 20 minutes to do the last ones. No disrespect to anyone who liked it, but these episodes left a bad taste in my mouth.
  21. I made a vow to myself, that any hotel I stay in must have "full guest amenities." I thought it was ok, am a huge JK fan, so willing to keep watching. Thanks for the Tahmoh Penikett reference- I knew he looked familiar. Hope he recurs, which I guess is always a possibility here, short of stack death.
  22. I guess I’m just a softy, because I was hoping that hailey would accept and forgive Santa and he would turn into a “real” one. I felt sorry for sock puppet. Sorry we didn’t get any Meloni running scenes, although I guess that might have been difficult with a bear trap attached glad there will be a season 2 No rapes, please
  23. My update on the Frywall: I didn't like it at all originally, but now that I've found the proper size pan to use it with (a 13" one, with the smallest Frywall), it does work well. It contains the spatter (turkey burgers tonight), is easy to clean and store. In fact, the way it can be rolled up is why I got it. Those doughnuts from the doughnut bar (s9e20, 1/28/18) looked so amazing that I paused the program, and ordered a variety pack. I'm so glad they're "healthy" so we can eat them, ha ha. I told myself that without the topping, they're probably not bad. Yeah, I know.
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