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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. Ha, thanks for the update. For some reason, I thought the Pallid man was Olivia's son. Wish I had time for a rewatch.
  2. I thought that was confusing, maybe because so much was (literally) dark. Were we supposed to recognize Olivia's mother? Her brother? Who was that woman who tried to help the young Olivia, just a random street chick? Why was she lugging around a record player? Because the record keeps going around - until it doesn't? Still totally Team Jennifer, both the acting and the writing. She adds just the right amount of humor and humanity. Miss Katerina, though,. I have to believe that Deacon is conning them - he must know they didn't have a choice. Agree that the baby probably is James' mother, although I have to admit that I don't really remember anything about her from the prior seasons.
  3. I really liked this - easy to follow, lots of emotional resonance, it was so nice to see the first James splinter. I don't remember if Jennifer and her "imaginary friend" were in this or the previous episode, but I totally loved it, especially the museum gaaurd's reaction, laughing uncontrollably at her.
  4. I thought the Martians wanted to take Holden (and the rest) into custody not just because he appeared unstable and possibly had destroyed that other ship, but also because they feel (correctly) that he stole the Tachi/Roci and want it back. Nothing bad better happen to my gal pal Drummer!
  5. Ha ha, I saw what you did there. I'm a huge fan of the show, and the books, but I found it a bit confusing. Who was the dark-haired woman staying on the UNN ship - have we seen her before? At first I thought she was Melba, but that made no sense. I wish they used a few more identifiers, like mini expositions when being spoken to. Or, of course, I'm just old. Loved Drummer's speech, maybe she is growing into a leadership position. Hope we see MUCH more of her. Speaking of which - I miss Bobbie. Love
  6. I liked the first season a lot, the 2nd less so. I'm concerned after watching this episode that I may not make it through season 3. The green eyes don't seem too smart, I understand they are herded and hunted down, but why aren't they focused on developing ways to b;end in, like Karen did for years. As someone said, why not order supplies on-line? The messaging is SO heavy-handed, from the barbed-wire camps to the Jesus-like Max, that I feel that I should only use 10% of my brain watching this.
  7. If they were bringing back facetestants, where's Robert? He was always so entertaining. I thought the winning look, Humpty Dumpty, looked a lot better from the back, more egg-like. I also was SO tired of all the GdelT references, should have started a drinking game. Despite that, so nice to have the show back - it's always so nice to see the thoughtful, expert judges - and Mr. Westmoreland!
  8. The tiger was the best, especially his advice to Plum that her writing should be "more muscular." I like how everyone (especially the various Austen women) really seem to be enjoying themselves.
  9. I liked everything about it, but I have to admit that's probably because I totally identify with Plum (although I did manage a major weight loss after I retired). Despite the great acting and writing, I can't imagine there will be much of an audience for this, which is a shame. I din't read the book (didn't even know about it), so am totally unspoiled (ha ha).
  10. This is my favorite show, ever, but I can't say it was one of my favorite episodes. I felt there were just too many characters, both old and new, so that it felt a bit disjointed. I know it was meant to be a "where are they now" and "let's get things in place" type of episode, but I just didn't feel all that connected, Maybe just too much exposition, I don't know. On the other hand, I liked the whole belter slingshot jockey thing, and the Drummer/Naomi pairing is almost greater than the sum of its parts. Loved seeing Miller (and Diogo!) again. This is still the most visually arresting show, everything is perfectly realized.
  11. That was DREADFUL. I had pretty much given up, but thought I would give it another chance. That had to be the least entertaining (sort of) hour of tv I think I have ever watched. This could be Exh. A in illustrating what happens when you have good actors but the worst writing in the world. I realize the show to some extent has always been a Rose McIver vanity production, allowing her to play different parts, but that extended 50s thing was ridiculous. Throw in an incoherent plot, and desperate antics with Ravi being a ridiculous character, and the reek of desperation just comes through loud and clear. At this point, I don't care about Clive and Dale getting together, or about Ravi finding a supposed cure (it's happened before). Don't care about David Anders, who used to be one of my favorite actors. Tell me - were the writers' brains infected with some virus? This show really went from being one of the best written to one of the worst.
  12. I mean no disrespect, but in my opinion, adding Nick Frost was a huge mistake. I really liked the first season, and pretty much every character in it as well as the beautiful look and amazing fight scenes. He may be a fine actor (I loved Hot Fuzz) but Nick - his out of place accent, his preposterous back story, his "humor" - just doesn't fit. It's not that I don't like new characters because I like Pilgrim and Nathaniel (and Cressida). I don't think pairing him with Daniel Wu has done Sonny an favors. The good part of me FF pretty much most through their scenes means less tv time, so that is good. That said, I liked this episode a lot, mainly because I'm team Minerva all the way. The Widow is not only stunning, but she has the most luminous skin I think I've ever seen. I don't know if that is Emily Beckham or the makeup artist, but wow.
  13. I have to admit that I'm not liking this season as much as the first one, and this episode really pointed out why - lots of meaningless gore, characters I don't care about, a pretty sketchy world, obvious and implausible actions (ie, it was so predictable that Akane was going to dance her way to the Shogun and stab him, with none of his guards stopping her). My favorite thing in the episode was the writer talking to Maeve about rescuing a "literal sex machine - present company excepted, of course."
  14. I know very little about male fashion, but I thought the suit Philip tried on was very Russian looking. Speaking of Philip, I think that comment by Stavis was a wake-up for Philip, that maybe he and Elizabeth were not as surreptitious as they thought, that maybe other people (like the FBI agent living next door) might have some suspicions.
  15. One minor thing: I thought it was pretty recent that Elizabeth took up smoking so heavily. Was she doing that in Season 1, where I think she interacted with Curtis? Otherwise, I thought it was a decent, pretty linear episode, although I have to admit that I just didn't get how the dead artist's picture resonated so much with Elizabeth. To me, (wthout my glasses on), it l looked like a woman in extreme pain - is that how Elizabeth sees herself?
  16. Season 5 is showing in the US, at least on one of the PHila public access stations.
  17. The worst thing about this episode: The short shrift they gave to Liv's preparing and eating the brain. Watching those cooking segments has always been my favorite part, the brains look delicious and appropriate.
  18. I almost feel responsible for the cancellation. I think I’m the kiss of death for quality sci-fi. This is by far my favorite show, the only one I make a point of watching in real time on an actual tv. Fingers crossed that it gets picked up by someone who can do it justice.
  19. I love this show (and the books upon which it is based) A LOT, especially because how well visualized it is. I really liked the opening scenes, when the Nauvoo was being reclaimed. My only two quibbles: (1) More Drummer, please! I wonder what the Earth's population is at this point - it seems like 2 million may not be that great a percentage. I do find the UN stuff the least interesting, maybe because it is closer to our current day reality, political maneuvering etc.
  20. me, too! I could have sworn LIndauer referred to her as Eve, but she (assuming it's the same person, hard to tell from the picture) is listed as Rebecca. I can't even remember Caleb's wife
  21. Wow, what happened to one of my favorite shows, which I used to like because of the humor, smart writing and great acting? I can barely sit through this, it is stupid and cliched. I didn't even remember anything about the guy who threatened Chase (beside that he obviously was some serial killer they were looking for) so didn't care. I also don't care about two of Major's squad having relationship trouble. Regardless of what brain she's om, Liv has become so stupid as to be unbelievable. Oh, and how many times do we have to hear that Isobel is suffering from a fatal disease. Guess what, I DON'T CARE. At this part, the only watchable part is Blaine and Don E, which really isn't enough to keep me watching.
  22. I'm sick of Maddie, both as a character and as an actor. She's so whiny, and her treatment of Harry was just awful - too bad she it takes so long to show him even an iota of the love she has for Reggie. I'm not sure it even happened yet, since I FF through all her scenes, especially her wandering in the desert for 40 years . H ha, I originally had "dessert," which at least might have been delicious. I also thought it was the other IA, because of the ID. I like how it unfolded, although I'm pretty sure word would have gotten around about the camera in the evidence room. I'm not sure why, maybe because of his commanding presence and deep voice, but Capt. Irving (who was much worse int he books, if I remember) is my favorite character, I am mesmerized whenever he is on the screen.
  23. I used to love this show. Now, I doubt I'll be watching anymore. I was sick to death of Liv's stupid medieval brain - (I really doubt the guy talked like that ALL THE TIME), and just had to FF any scene she was in. Looks like another one next week - rapper girlfriend, no thanks. I also don't like this whole human/zombie trafficking SL- why are we supposed to think this is a good thing, picking and choosing what deserving people they'll "save," when we've already seen starving zombies in Seattle. If someone has an incurable disease, let them die. The only thing I did like - the return of Mr. Boss.
  24. Nothing to add that hasn’t already been said, but I just to weigh in on how much I disliked that opening warehouse scene —- it was so dark I literally would have had no idea what was going on had it not been for CC. (which wasn’t all that much help). I’ve always liked how this show was so good at atmospherics (especially by such well-chosen music), but that was ridiculous. It was frustrating not suspenseful for me.
  25. Gee, this used to be one of my favorite shows, mainly because of the smart, funny writing and great acting. Now I FF past Liv on yet another sex/dude brain that goes on way too long and is just painful to watch. Now,the only part I really enjoy is Clive (and Ravi to some extent, since he has become such a peripheral character). I do think Major's character is the only one that has changed throughout the show - I remember to what lengths he went to make sure the dog (sorry, can't remember the name) was all right. I don't think he's really recovered from being identified as the Chaos Killer.
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