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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. The velco pet restraint in theory is a good idea, but is there really a large enough market of people with tiny dogs? We use a harness/seat belt tether that works just fine. I felt sorry for the test dog, it obviously was terrified, but that could have been just the situation. I think they would have done better to have used a stuffed dog for the actual demo. I liked the wine idea and the guy a lot (didn't mind the mime, I thought he was pretty good) That's exactly the way I would like to buy wine - as it is now, I usually just ask for red; if they want more, I just say "full-body" or something. I'm not the target market for the hair thing, but it really seemed like a good idea. reasonably priced and a very likeable guy. The Montessori-based toy - wow, that was expensive, but that is the Montessori market generally. I wonder if she has to pay any kind of royalty or there might be trademark issues. I like that Robert withdrew his offer, she was pretty undisciplined. But isn't that the benefit of having a shark come on board? Nice to see the dough bar update - they're one of my favorite things - well-made, well-packaged, reasonably priced. I guess that shows why.
  2. Catfish Cabin: Boy, did I feel sorry for Rachael. I thought Gordon was unnecessarily harsh with her - she was extremely competent, more than willing to do whatever it took, and was constantly undercut by both her father and Geraldine. I don't know which one I disliked more - the spineless father who says he loves his daughter but treated her horribly by refusing to take any responsibility, or Geraldine with her "cash withdrawals." Speaking of which - if she couldn't produce deposit slips, I hope she was prosecuted. Gordon gets all that wonderful kitchen equipment donated - but nobody can supply an instant read thermometer? It just takes a second and then you don't have to worry about repeatedly sending out raw chicken. I don't understand why I so rarely see anyone take temperatures of the food on the various shows I watch. I thought there was going to be a bit of a customer revolt when Gordon kicked them out - are these people warned ahead of time that they'll have to interrupt lunch, and then spend time watching the big screen? Isn't anyone on their lunch hour? I noticed that at the relaunch they couldn't come up with any notables (even a local one) or food blogger. That lady with the raw chicken really didn't want to give it up - I think she would have eaten it anyway. I liked Rachael, and how the staff all liked her, and hope she was able to make a success of the place. In the 3-month followup, she looked a million times more relaxed.
  3. I liked a lot about this episode, although I found it incredible that the Russian oligarch had such bad security that it could be defeated by the old fingerprint on the tape trick. I becoming less and less a fan of Rafa as the show goes on. I didn't understand about the watch/Nina signal, so thanks, mxc90. I thought it was a timing thing, that Baserov timed his suicide to the timing of the plan. I did find Nina's aggressive approach very suspicious, I mean, Robert's not bad looking, but come on, that (literally) running into each other was so cliche. Was that Checkhov's child? I assume she'll be joining the hunt and since she's so obnoxious. we won't care about her. So glad to see Daniel and Hector together again. I was actually saying, during the NATO intelligence meeting how wouldn't it be funny if it followed real life, and had the US betray both our allies and our own intelligence communities in favor of Russia - and then it happened! Thanks, writers.
  4. Re: Vasi Yeah, the thing that struck me was how attractive - both in looks and personality - the owner's wife is. Why she married him - and stayed married - would have been more interesting than the restaurant makeover. I loved Val, especially her "Hell on Earth" remark. She was right, folks on the show have to swallow a huge amount of humiliation before emerging on the other side. This was one of the few times when I thought the restaurant makeover was really successful. It absolutely looked great once they were done with it.
  5. Bethany and the Spanx tooth woman. And Alex Rodriguez
  6. Kind of a meh episode for me. The adventure thing is so outside my life style i almost couldn’t understand it. Food products, on the other hand are something I’m usually interested in, so I was disappointed there were none. I also would have been excited if the dog washer were able to warm the water, although being able to turn it off/on with 1 hand seemed a good idea. Sorry, Bethany, insisting on putting your face and your own dogs on every package doesn’t mean you’re a good business person, just an ego maniac. Speaking of her- ugh, I’ve had it. I really can’t stand her, I asssume she’s there either because she paid. I was impressed that the Uniform guy was able to appeal explicitly to each shark, I like their misssion, the clothing seemed reasonably priced but they really could use some help in branding and marketing.
  7. I like how Bruce didn’t bother to tell Selina the side effect (turning to the dark side) before he gave her the root. I guess in Gotham that passes for informed consent. She would have eaten it anyway, but still.
  8. I was pretty surprised by this episode - at first, i was sure that Kennedy was the problem, and Gordon's advice would be to get rid of her. And then it turned out, she was really good and just needed to be able to do her job. I think there must have been a lot of editing, to get rid of Dad so easily, and arrange it so the wife took over. I felt sorry for Joe after the relaunch - he obviously needed a specific job, beside don't get in your wife or Kennedy's way and don't drink the profits. Also, this was one of the few episodes where the makeover really worked. This was one of the few that I might actually take the effort to see what's happening now.
  9. I didn't understand the poor job of explaining the cold brew filter - I cold brew all the time (although I drink it hot), and I use pods of coffee (2 oz of coffee) per batch, which are expensive but avoid the whole filtering issue which is indeed a pain. When I need to filter, which may be pretty soon since my source no longer makes the pods, I generally use panty hose. I certainly would be in the market for a filter like that, if as the young man proposed, it was available at a low price point. Giving them coffee to drink - rather than having them filter - I thought was off the point, although I know the sharks generally like stuff to eat and drink. Easy to duplicate, though, I guess the straw was the patentable part. I'm glad the moki folks sold the company without a lot of drama (although that may have been the editing). I thought it was a great product. I loved the non-treadmill, and certainly would use it if were in my gym. I wouldn't go to a class, though. Why couldn't they market it to large gym chains? From what they said, it seems like the price was reasonably for a commercial treadmill. Perhaps they could work on an at-home model. I like to run for a short amount of time on my treadmill rather than running or walking at a slower pace for a longer time, so I don't watch video stuff or read anyway. Tush baby? I don't think much of the name. I thought it looked unsafe, without any way to support the baby. If you need straps etc., that just undercuts the whole point of something simple. I used Bjorn or some kind of basic strap (can't remember the name) to carry my children around. I thought it was obnoxious how she only wanted Lori, but I thought her business was just too premature. I wouldn't have invested in it, I guess that's why I'm not a multi-millionaire.
  10. Agree - Rafa's circle of acquaintances is starting to get ridiculous. Super lazy writing, which I don't think I've seen too much of on this show. Also preposterous was the complete lack of security at this notable arms dealer's premises, including the super secret/secure vault. Speaking of lazy writing - I complained last season that April was just too good to be true, with everyone saying she was so great at so many different activities without actually showing us that she was competent. They've toned her down this season, I think, and made her a more realistic agent but it seems that Rafa has taken her place as the incredible plot device. Loved seeing Dean Andrews, I missed him since Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes. Also like the return of BB, and Steven is always interesting. I don't want to make it seem like I didn't like the episode, because I did. There was the right amount of action, different settings, a good mix of cast members. There was good movement on the main plot - I had been afraid they would be sidetracked with the Andrea retrieval, but that was wrapped up pretty quickly. Not looking forward to Hector's return. Good actor, but I don't think they know how to use him. After his exposure in the first season, he should have been gone.
  11. Not my favorite episode, not much of a mystery but I'm just glad to see the show again. Sick of Henry and Ruth. I liked that the inspector was so realistic with Miss Hart, and that her response was to be as competent as possible - I just hope they don't turn her into a plot device rather than a character. I recognize that her having that position at all is somewhat unrealistic, but still. I like how they invented Tinder and the microwave turntable. I know this is nit-picky, but I wish Danial MAslany would stand up straight sometime. Not all book readers are hunched over like that. I loved the house, and could have lived there very happily as I do not like clutter. Ha, I had forgotten about William's crime scene reconstructions. Thanks, Blackwing.
  12. Still watching, and enjoying it. Was it really necessary for Torres to carry the whole body around with him, instead of just snipping off a piece? Given how close he was to being caught, it seems rather reckless, although I guess that's his character's attribute. I especially like how competent Valerie and Robert are - Valerie was the one who first realized that the Russian gov was not (directly) behind this - although the ships at the end (and beginning) were Russian navy, weren't they? And Robert is really quick to analyze things. My least favorite part - April, who is just too perfect to be human. My favorite part: James Cromwell (Dorn/Diver) and Esther Krug's interaction. Two pros. Agree about his apartment, totally droolworthy (as is he).
  13. Thanks, But I ddidn't want to disrespect Tina/Tuna!
  14. Totally agree that Tina deserved the win, her birdhouse was adorable and very clean. I was only able to watch this by FF through the hosts appearance (and commercials). Speaking of host appearances: what is with that woman's hair, excessive makeup and short dress? I know show biz people especially don't like to dress their age, but really, some stylist should step in. Also: I had to laugh at Sherry's idea of a winter holiday dress.
  15. S3E3: Am I really the only one watching S3? It's so much better than S2 that I urge everyone who was turned off by it to give this a try. This was an especially good episode, even without Daniel - I always enjoy Steven, and watching Valerie be a good COS, although it seems that the station has really been downsized - I think the only employees in Berlin now are Valerie, Robert, April and, of course, Daniel. I knew Torres was going to be captured or killed or otherwise unable to get the body back - they're going to drag out for probably the rest of the season the question of identity.
  16. Message to ABC or whoever produces/airs this show: I have to DVR it so I can FF those awful, annoying hosts - so I FF the commercials, also. Bet your advertisers like that.
  17. I am a big fan of all iterations of this show, and I'm especially interested in the cookie (love them!) and bread (I have made rolls and loaves) weeks, but this was just about unwatchable for me. I think all the contestants are fine, and good bakers given the constraints they have to deal with. I've always liked Paul as a judge, and I think Sherry, while not as interesting as Prue, is quite knowledgeable. What is ruining it for me - especially in these episodes - are the awful sidekicks , whose names I don't know because I've started to FF every time they're on (except briefly to find out star/dismissed baker). They're not funny, they're not helpful and especially the man, are totally ignorant about baking. I assume that the man was hired to bring in sports fans (men) who wouldn't normally watch the show, but that has to be a total fail. Or, there's blackmail involved, because I can't believe anyone would hire such a charmless, ignorant (of baking!) person, especially for a show with such a dedicated following. Since I'm on a rant, I might as well state I'm not a baker, by any means, but I don't want to hear completely basic stuff (like about the gluten) over and over. Speaking of which - I don't want to have to hear the judging criteria for the technical over and over, we get it, or can figure it out by watching what happens. I also have never believed it was really blind judging, the judges can see the contestants' reactions, especially when the field has been culled to six or less. My feeling is that Jiwan is the one to beat, although Tina is pretty close. Of course I am usually wrong, so I hope I haven't jinxed either of them.
  18. Ha ha, that would be awesome. I liked the second episode even less than the first one (no disrespect to anyone who liked it), it seemed like there was a lot of action but no real forward movement plot-wise. Do re really need mommy issues? I'll keep watching, though, since there are a limited number of episodes. I don't know if I could have lasted through a whole season. This could have been so much better with some tighter writing and editing. The acting and look are fine, but I really don't care at all about anyone or their various subvert agendas. I keep waiting for Roger Cross to show up.
  19. I was quite underwhelmed, and I say that as a huge syfy fan. I'm not at all a fan of the almost-cliched at this point: opening massacre, then flashback approach. Don't care for hallucinations, too much trouble for me as a viewer to keep it straight. So far, the thing really is just a mass of cliches, including the dead daughter. Ont he other hand - Gretchen Mol! Always a delight.
  20. Thanks. I thought the second season was somewhat disappointing - the writing, not the acting (except April, although that could also be the bad writing). Regardless, I'm really looking forward to this. I'm glad I'm not the only one watching!
  21. Maybe because I'm not a gym habitue (ugh, I should spend more/some time there but . . .), but this entire episode did little to engage my interest. I kind of liked the protein shake pod, i can see people taking it to work for lunch, as well as the gym. I didn't like their logo at all, I shouldn't have to decipher a company's name. I didn't care about the rest enough to actually remember anything except the beer keeper thing. I agree that warm beer is not really a problem for us, nor do we drink and run around outside while doing so. This episode pointed out one reason I don't like the celebrity sharks - they are so limited that the pitches need to be tailored to them. Why would anyone accept any offer from A-Rod for anything other than a gym product? So he owns a bunch of gyms, but I don't see that as translating to any kind of merchandising expertise. On the other hand, unlike the other celeb-sharks, he was a sports guy and is married (?) to J Lo, so I guess he is somewhat famous. I really hate how they have to keep repeating that, in case we forgot who he is. At least he doesn't have a huge fake smile. Thank goodness nothing tempted me at all here. I have bought a number of items because of the show, and I have to say, use pretty much all of them.
  22. I really liked this episode because I very much like all spices, especially the warm ones and most especially gonger. I've started putting ginger in pretty much everything at this point, whether its sweet or savory. I give the show credit for coming up with new ideas. I also like that I'm always learning something new, not just about the bakes and techniques but also British words. This time, i had never heard of stem ginger or tonka. My two faves at this point are Kim-Joy for her originality, whimsy and precise execution, and Ruby who seems like she is funny and down to earth while also being a very good baker (as, indeed, they all are).
  23. Another less than stellar episode. I don't understand why they chose to open with such a weak presentation - that ridiculous handbag raincoat (stupid name, in my opinion, that's the kind of product that calls out for something really clever), the sisters were supremely annoying, and seemed to intentionally come off as incompetent business people, from their appearance to their double talking, to their complete inability to run a business. If I were an investor, I would have run a mile from them. Ont he other hand, the WISP guy was, I think, unfairly brutalized. Yes, he is obviously an great product developer who has no business sense, His product looked good (in fact, I paused the show to order one from Amazon immediately) but he really could have benefited from Shark expertise. I was surprised he didn't get a realistic offer, it could have been structured to be a win-win. I'm still not a fan of the Spanx woman and her gigantic smile. I know others disagree, but I thought her questions were absolutely basic, I can't imagine any entrepreneur choosing to partner with her unless she has a lot more behind the scenes credibility than I'm aware of (certainly possible, all I know is the Spanx thing). She seems pleasant enough, but I really wonder if this was anything more than a commercial. My favorite part was the Hawaiian dancers. They were awesome, especially the fire guy, and that was a pretty clever tie in that the entrepreneur did. I don't travel and have no points, but it seemed like a super useful service (almost too good to be true) and I wish the guy the best. He seemed like a perfect person to work with a shark. Kombucha girl - loved her, loved her kit. I've never had the stuff, but Barbara's right, she was the product's best spokesperson. I couldn't quite understand the sharks, though - they got down on the raincoat women for not advertising, but seemed to applaud the kombucha woman for not paying for advertising. Is it that she was much more successful without the advertising? It seemed kind of uneven - maybe it was the editing, but there was hardly any Barbara or Mark. There was a lot of Kevin, which I appreciate because he focuses on the important things ($$) and tells it straight. On the other hand, he really is greedy, and was so dismissive of Lori I couldn't believe it (although he was right, she wasn't putting any money in, but I she brings a lot to the table, especially for a consumer good like the broom).
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