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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. I thought this was a decent pair of episodes, aside from the presence of AR. He must have paid a lot to be included, since he brings absolutely nothing to the show. I wanted those donuts ASAP, but wonder how they taste without the toppings. Barbara was perfect for them. I liked the wipes - I know there are similar products but they seemed good quality for the price. Too bad the guys had no grasp on the numbers , I wonder why they weren’t better prepared. I liked the fire tin, and could see myself buying it to use when we are sitting outside. It’s a lot easier to use than a fire pit. I think the point giving them a slot was to let Lorie and Mark say Instafire numerous times. The fastener seemed like a great idea, the young man was impressive not sure why he needs to stay in school, though That dog lady was pathetic. I felt really sorry for her investor, he would have made a much better presenter. I’m surprised they didn’t take a Gatorade approach, and start by marketing it to working dogs/elite athletes who need a boost. I’m a devoted dog mom who buys pretty much everything for my favorite child, but I can’t see buying that except possibly for an occasional treat.
  2. I still like the show, but I thought the writing wasn’t really up to the level of the previous episode. For example, that was some clunky way of Nadia just happening to mention the old family hideaway. Speaking of the Nadias - it’s a huge leap from passively letting your abusive dad die to becoming an assasin I just don’t get the whole concept of knowing one is knowing the other - I realize it’s pretty much the only way to justify both Howard’s , but it makes no sense unless the characters are really old and have a substantial shared history. Yes, both Howard’ s like the same shirt, but so what? I assume they will kind of both move to the middle (or at least, meek Howard will toughen up) but that better start soon. Otherwise, having meek howard tag along is useless. I really hope they (sooner rather than later) explain what went wrong in prime Howard’s worLd. Finally, this episode really needed harry Lloyd. He brings some humor.
  3. I really liked this. I never watched the X-files, so I'm sure there was a lot of references that I missed, but I thought the political message was right on. I do feel that "truthiness" is rampant, what people feel informs what they believe, rather than objective truth. My favorite parts, though, were the various federal jobs Reggie had - sleeping at the SEC, cubical waterboarding, wedding cake in the drone strike. Although, I can't not mention the adult Fox's head on the child's body watching tv, with his jiffy pop popcorn. I heard leprechaun taint, too.
  4. Just rewatched (and enjoyed), and now have a few questions. What does Howard do with the rest of his workday when he's not spending 5 minutes "interfacing"? Speaking of which - what's the point of the prearranged phrases? I just didn't get the purpose of that, Also, if the worlds split 30 years ago, and Howard didn't meet Emily until 28 years ago (ie, after the split) - why is Howard prime involved with his world's version? Another question - when Howard was going up to see Quarles for his interview - was that circle transporting him to the other world? Or, was it just some kind of security thing, although it didn't seem like he was being scanned. Can't wait for the next episode.
  5. I just watched the pilot, and enjoyed it very much. Excellent acting from all, especially the always reliable JKS. So many familiar faces - in addition to Kai Proctor (since it's an alternate world, I guess he made it out of Banshee alive) and Olivia Williams, Harry Lloyd (also Manhattan, as well as GoT), Jamie Bamber. I was very surprised by the wife reveal - I thought the show may have been setting it up so that badass Howard (Prime) could take over Meek Howard's life (and wife). I just can't buy that the "Others" would put so much effort in killing Meek Howard's wife, just to "send a message" to Prime. That makes no sense, although I assume we'll be finding out the real reason, hopefully sooner rather than later. I know it's a fine line between a show making it easy for viewers to follow and spoon feeding, but I hope this doesn't become TOO confusing.
  6. Yeah, I didn't get the flower arranging thing at all. I understand that what was being invested in wasn't so much the flower arranging thing, but the platform that could allow prepackaging material for other types of businesses, like a mini-franchise. Buy our stuff and open your own "business' - which in this case, I guess is selling tickets to (and arrnaging) flower arranging classes. This whole "executive" selling ticket thing seems kind of pyramidish to me. I missed the first part of the first episode, came in on the end of the woman in the Sleeping beauty (?) costume, so I didn't quite understand the whole pet speaker thing. They were cute though. She seemed kind of tiring to work with, I thought the name GOAT was pretentious, ridiculous and not related to the product. I was almost offended by the "Dude Robe" guy, although I liked both the butler and the model. They were ill-fitting, looked uncomfortable and unstylish and I can't imagine a more unimaginative name than "dude robe." I had to laugh because I thought the guy looked a million times better in the old-school robe. I don't know why Mark, Laurie and Sara gave that nice lactation nurse such a hard time over the lack of clinical trials. They are tremendously expensive, there is no way she could have that at this stage of her business. I don't think energy bars do that - I'm looking at a Luna bar right now, which says it is crafted to "give you energy." Certainly there are "medicinal" teas whose claims haven't been clinically proven. Sure you can make your own, but there are a lot of people (like me) that would rather buy some bars than make them. Speaking of Sara - ugh! Why is she on this show? Beside her own, what businesses has she developed? I can't even imagine what she brings to the table, which I give Damon credit for recognizing when he refused to partner with her. I guess, given her outfit, this is part of her previous stint, I sure hope there are no more episodes with her. I don't like to comment on peoples' appearance, but she really needs to smile less, those huge teeth and bright lipstick are so distracting. I loved the long-haired guys, and the wigs! Their hair ties really looked like good quality and the designs were really atractive. I'm so glad Laurie didn't make them an offer - saying she would redesign them with skulls to make them 'edgy" was missing the whole point, I think. I give Robert props for the man-bun. Finally, I am so glad the last person got a deal, just because her partner was so adorable. Actually, she seems super smart, super nice. If I had the money, I would totally invest in her. The doggie costumes were adorable, and I bet there is a huge market for them. I have a real dog (not a rat dog), and while we don't get her costumes, she is very well accessorized (actually I am in the market now for more collar covers). I love that Damon would donate a chunk of his equity to dog charities.
  7. Ha ha, I thought it WAS a good way to show the sharks that you are a lousy businessman.
  8. I just received the Frywall (splatter guard) - while I appreciate they had sufficient stock to supply orders after their Shark Tank appearance, I wish I had waited. Although I got the smallest size I could find, the "medium" which is supposed to work with a 10" diameter pan. this thing is HUGE. I didn't understand that it is supposed to sit on the edge of the pan - which even though I tried with a 10" pan with a pretty pronounced lip just didn't work. It ended up slipping down almost into the pan itself (not quite, especially after I shortened it by folding it over to make the thing smaller), taking up cooking surface. Nice idea, but I think it needs more work. MAybe if it were smaller, it might work better. Oh well, I guess I just have to be more careful when I cook, ugh.
  9. Well, I just finished. Quite an ending - I sure hope the series isn't canceled, I can't wait to see what happens now. I'm not sure why Vincent felt the need to do what he did - as a super wealthy man, wouldn't he in a position to exercise more power than her? It didn't look like his host body was ill or aged. Vincent may have forced them but where is the terrorist connection? Or, is it merely aliens taking over the world? I thought David of all people would be more understanding, he saw what Marcy put herself through, in part because of her love of him. Hope next season we get Roger Cross, and Madam #53.
  10. S2E8 I think it is interesting to look at the whole concept of how the future the travelers know is affected by their actions. Their foreknowledge is apparently finite, resulting in financial problems, i guess they should have made more money quickly since they were relying on Philip's knowledge of racing results. Maybe they should have invested more, like Vincent did. I presume Carly had to show some sort of financial stability to regain custody, but if her paycheck is insufficient (on a regular basis) to meet her expenses, how is that going to work? Money laundering, I guess, on a small scale. Not too many comments here, I sure hope more people are watching.
  11. Especially since it's not really "hers"but her host was the one who carried and birthed him. I liked how the social worker saw through their act, but was willing to understand why they did it. Liking the season very much so far, Enrico C. is a great addition (as are the other Canadians), but am so tired of Philip and his addicition(s). Love his turtle. Also - totally love Grace, she is my favorite character. I've only watched the first 3 episodes (she was in 1 of them, tangentially), but I hope she is more involved.
  12. I mentioned this in the episode thread, but probably should have posted here - I loved the idea of the Comfy thing (basically a very large, fleece-lined sweatshirt), ordered one, changed my mind since they would not have been available until February. The reason I wanted to bring it upt was the super customer service - Brian, one of the co-founders responded almost instantly (20 min?), and very nicely cancelled the order. Even nicer, the refund was processed promptly. I don't know about the viability of the product, but I certainly hope these guys are successful.
  13. Update on the comfy thing I ordered: I realized that waiting until February wouldn't really help me survive the winter, so I canceled the order. Brian Speciale, one of the co founders, responded in about 30 minutes, and canceled the order. The refund also was put through promptly. That was great customer service, and I wish them every success. That's an update I really wouldn't mind seeing.
  14. I got the Trump vibes, too, I do hope it is intentional. I can't believe how much I like this show, it is such a good mix of humor and violence. I still remember C. Meloni from L&O:SVU, so it is a bit disorienting to see his character here. He is so absolutely perfect, though. For some reason, that shot of him running with the hospital gown flapping around his backside just cracked me up to the point where I had to pause it. The camera work/angles are great. I'm glad the pieces are in place to rescue Hailey, I'd really like to see some progress there.
  15. I forgot about the tent moving. That could be an answer, here, though, to the two problems here of (1) finding contestants able to make the time commitment required; and (2) not being bale to practice the bakes during the week, as well as being away from helpful family and friends. As justmehere above noted, even bringing the tent (or having it in one location) in the US is a problem also, because the country is pretty big. If they had it in different locations, though, they could do regional shows with perhaps a final bake off. I don't know if technically, that would work., though I think it would really improve the quality of both the contestants and the bakes.
  16. Johnny: Accused of sexual harassment by 4 former employees. From the article: "Iuzzini denies some, but not all, of the allegations. In a statement to Mic, he says he’s “shattered and heartbroken at the thought that any of my actions left members of my team feeling hurt or degraded.” He also notes that “I began working in kitchens when I was 15 years old, back in a time when it was rare to see women in the kitchen, and behavior was more bawdy than professional... And it was wrong.”
  17. S3E2: Morning treats I know I have a sweet tooth, but I guess I'm also a morning person because I would happily have eaten every single thing baked on this episode, even Father Kyle's coffins. Those donuts generally were amazing, the hand pies are one of my favorites, and even though the show stoppers weren't at the WOW level, they all looked festive and good to eat. I'm glad to see that Jessie had a bad week, because I thought it just wouldn't be fun to watch her win all the time. Vallery seems to be giving her a challenge. Sorry to see the father go, perhaps a little more prayer might have helped him? I do like Johnny and Paul as judges, especially Paul, both are personable and expert. I just wish Johnny - who is quite a handsome man - wouldn't go for the grunge look. I don't hate them, (yet) but I don't think the hosts really add anything at all to the show. They don't show the gentle humor of Mel and Sue, and the man, certainly, has nothing to contribute. Unlike the items being baked (ha ha), they have no chemistry whatsoever. I assume they were selected to attract a younger, more diverse audience. However, since they are new, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they improve.
  18. 1st hour: Wasn't that why they were hired? That's about the level of humor on this show. I don't really have a problem with the fact that it is a greatly dumbed down version of GBBO, and I assume that the generally lower level of ability is due to the difficulty in finding contestants who can commit to the taping schedule while being away from home. That, to me, is the biggest advantage of the British and a large source of its charm, that the contestants are at home during the week and can practice their showstoppers/signatures and can get help making molds etc.. My biggest problem is that there is no suspense at all - or rather, the only suspense is whether Jessie actually will win every challenge every week before winning the over all title. She's not at all unlikable, and so far, has earned her wins. Scientists, engineers and detail-oriented types seem to do better than the more creative types who may not have the technical skills to match their creativity. I thought some of those naked cakes looked delicious, and will (if I remember it) try to seek out the recipes for some of them. I thought it was pretty funny that none of the contestants were familiar with llamingtons- i only was aware of them because of some past GBBO. I'm not a white chocolate fan, but they looked good.
  19. Thanks - I just watched him on Youtube, and you're right, he is great.
  20. I guess it says more about me, but I totally loved the comfy thing. Our house is usually cold (to me, anyway), and i often wear my husband's sweatshirt. I could absolutely see myself cuddled up in it, with my hands in the front pocket, watching tv. Of course, I'd be mortified if anyone outside the family saw me, but the thought of being so toasty is so appealing I went to the website and ordered one for myself. It's supposed to arrive in Feb. I guess they weren't really prepared for the Shark Tank effect, they were pretty upfront about basically having no inventory but I thought they would have been better about it. Loved the look of the trees - but why was all the discussion about the expensive model? I don't know if it was the editing or what, but I imagine that the table top one costs quite a bit less, and would appeal to a larger market. If I were on the show, I'd appreciate some straight talk about my future prospects. Kevin was right about product t (I don't really remember - was it the fake tree trunk cover?) - he wasn't just giving a snap opinion, he was saying that the product just wasn't selling and therefore the guy should rethink further expenditure of time and money. Sure, Kevin could have said it nicer, but brutal honesty is still honesty.
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