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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. Great episode., I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the CYE/Homeland crossover - when F. Murray totally transitioned to Dar, when he was glaring at LD. I have to admit, I'm with Larry on the failure to seat an incomplete party policy. I knew there would be some kind of payoff with the baggy pants - I totally did not see the paintball shot as the result. I would have liked to see more of Ernest (?), Lin-Manual's cousin husband. For some reason, he just cracked me up, I guess it was that sort of deadpan Teutonic accent.
  2. S2E9 SPOILERS I've really liked this show a lot, it's one of the very few I watch in real time, but I hope they don't have another season for a few reasons: (1) I expect LOTS of super-spy April; (2) the writing has gotten worse and worse. This episode was variously ridiculous and obvious Things I did like: (1) Valerie and Josef; (2) Steven telling off the ambassador, and him actually taking it in.
  3. I think the season as a whole has been much better than the recent ones, I really do look forward to these episodes. For some reason, all the shucker puns (shuck and awe, especially) just cracked me up. I like the way the on-going stuff (Fatwa, tap water) has been integrated into the episode. Ilikd the whole L-MM/Larry dominance thing, including the staring. I think one of the reasons I like this season is sthat the actors seem to be really enjoying themselves. Speaking of actors - who was the shucker? He seemed familiar.
  4. The sniper - he's supposed to be an international class sniper (and I guess he was to pull off that shot), yet he leaves his young daughter alone at home with no security whatsoever? Daniel picked the lock in seconds. Come on, dude, that's bad parenting. She shouldn't have been there by herself! Best line: Robert to Hector: "off you f*. " Or something to that effect. Glad idiot Lena's in custody, shame April is still around. I wish she had been detained and held incommunicado. Sorry actress who plays April - I don't think you're at all a good actor, but the writing and direction aren't doing you any favors. Especially when pretty much everyone else (especially my fave, Michelle Forbes) is outstanding. I still laugh when I see bad-ass Daniel - I remember in Season 1 the whole reason he was successful undercover was because he was an analyst with no field experience.
  5. Thanks, 2727, I also just watched the telemovie, I enjoyed it very much, although I think that was because I've been watching the show from the beginning, so was able to appreciate how much the characters have changed over time (ir, {Patrick always trying to get Lucien fired, then being responsible for his reinstatement, Lucien being partially responsible for sending Edward to jail, etc.) I didn't buy the whole Lucien/Jean thing, it came on way too suddenly for me to feel that there was any kind of basis for the relationship, but it does seem that they are a lovey-dovey couple. The funniest thing to me is that Jean no longer walks like she has a stick up her a**, so thanks for that. I'm very interested in seeing where the show goes from here.
  6. S2E7: Worst episode I can remember. What happened to this show? Is there some kind of rule now against showing smart, competent people? The only person actually doing her job (badly, but still) was Esther Krug. Too much talk, too much Lena, too much April, not enough Valerie. I miss BB more than I thought possible. I especially disliked the cheap shot (ha ha) at the end. I usually don't bother watching previews, but I did this time - thanks, spoiler monkeys. The surveillance center seemed totally believable to me.
  7. S2E6: kind of disappointing. Too much Lena - are we supposed to forget how vicious she is, and her prior brutality? Too little Daniel (or, too much mopey Daniel) - why is he so traumatized? Hasn't he been in worse situations? I wish he'd pull himself together, get together with Hector and do something awesome. Speaking of awesome- Steven! I can really see how he became cos, he definitely was the most effective and competent person in this episode, although I really liked BB and Valerie "doubling down" with Josef. I have to admit that I don't get this "doubling down" reference at all. I've rally liked Ashley Judd and how she's played hype character Stull not impressed with April, although it was a good idea to hack Hectors phone. On the oth hand, she was amazingly clumsy and unprofessional with Hector. Best reference:. Post-truth world.
  8. I liked the episode a lot, Sam is always expressing a lot of what I feel. My biggest disappoint, though, is the way she plays the interviews - with interesting, informative people, like the NY AG, for laughs.
  9. S9E8: Bethenny wasn't quite as bad as I thought she'd be, at least she was a (slight) upgrade over the Spanx person. At least she was wearing something I would consider appropriate for a business transaction (yes, I know, entertainment, but still . . . ) Maybe it's cause I'm an old fogey, but those off the shoulder things don't seem at all attractive or comfortable. I guess the show really is a reflection of gender dynamics - men can be comfortable, women are supposed to be stylish. I couldn't understand the whole discussion about how it would be SO UNUSUAL to have on the go fashion kits (sorry, I'm sure there is a better description) for women. My daughter got married last year, and I can tell you there are a million of these, at all levels of cost, out there. The hair strips would be a great fit for those, because at weddings there really is a lot of last minute emergencies, everyone (women especially) concerned with their appearance. I thought the segment went on way too long, I had to fast forward to the inevitable Bethenny/Lori deal, not that there was any doubt. The idea about product extension (no mo bad breath etc) was a good one. I liked the snarky tea, and the lady herself. I would buy that if I saw it on the shelf (I'm a cool old fogey), but I can't imagine buying it on-line. I do agree that there needs to be more emphasis that it's a quality product, not just a gimmick. Not everyone shops at Walmart, so I don't think the names are too offensive for general sales. "Snarky" doesn't just refer to women - couldn't she develop a line of snarky teas for men? I thought the diaper enclosure was a very good idea, but aside from marketing accessories (ie, toys to attach etc), I don't really see how it is anything more than a product, not a company. I really liked the DreamPad, but I think it's an uphill battle explaining how it really is different from a pillow with a (sort of) speaker. If it were less expensive, I would have liked to buy a few as gifts. That valuation, I think, was almost designed to ensure he would not get a deal, so I'm surprised Mark wasn't calling him a gold-digger, except, perhaps, it really is a good product.
  10. That was great, I liked pretty much everything. I especially like how Larry and Richard play off each other, and for some reason, Marty always cracks me up, I guess because he says everything with such a straight face. I'm probably in the minority, but I really like Susie - she really is the only one who tells it like it is, and calls Larry out when he deserves it. I think the marital dynamic between her and Jeff, while somewhat exaggerated, isn't (completely) unrealistic - my husband and I do things for each other that we might prefer not to as a matter of convenience because that's what marriage (to us) is. So, I can see that Susie would expect Jeff to drive her, but in real life I would also expect him to see if there was a way to accommodate both of them. I didn't recognize the dirty car neighbor - was there some joke (beside the car thing) about who is is? I had to laugh at the school kids reading LArry's car. Larry really is a dick, on so many levels. That's not to say that's right so often, though.
  11. S2E5: Wow, what a surprise that the operation didn't go as planned*, for a minute I really thought it would work out that Otto would surrender, and testify. Ugh, we're still stuck with Fraulein Lena, although I hope she can be used by Hector (quickly!) as a bargaining chip to keep him in the show. I'm glad Valerie and Josef seem to be continuing their relationship. Speaking of relationships, it was nice to see Robert and Steven together. I imagine their Norwegian road trip will be fun.
  12. S6: Kind of underwhelming. Has this show jumped the shark (sorry, couldn't resist)? Obviously, they are just selling seats to anyone needing an infomercial, like Sara here. I acknowledge that she is an amazing successful entrepreneur with an amazing successful product, but how can she even remotely be considered a shark (ie, a specialized investor with expertise in developing companies, at least as I understand it)). I don't see how she's been instrumental in developing any business besides her own. She added nothing, except to make me squint in the glare of those enormous teeth. I'll make allowances for the fact that she was probably nervous, but someone should tell her to stop smiling so much. I never thought I'd say this, as I am a pretty devoted Sacca hater, but I prefer him to her, if Ashton Kutcher is not available. The second reason I think the show is in trouble (beside moving it to Sunday from Friday, at least in my market (Philadelphia, PA) is that they seem to be burning episodes, having 2 new episodes on at a time. I guess that's probably a scheduling thing, but it really detracts from my enjoyment of the show. I really liked the Father Figure (and his hair!) not to mention the cute babies. Don't really see the point of paternity clothes, for the reasons above, but if they were less expensive, I could see buying them as a gift for a new father. Hated the special effects app, but I do think it will be successful as an add-on with amazon, the way audio books are offered when you buy an e-book. I thought the drain thing looked like a good idea, didn't like the woman getting so emotional, though. Nobody twisted your arm to make that deal. I can't remember who they went with - Kevin? He'd be the right one. Off to watch the next episode.
  13. S2E4: I didn't see the point of the BB past stuff - so she had a fiance who was a fellow agent and killed in a car accident, for which I assume she blames herself? She still feels abandoned by her mother, which is why she deosn't form attachments? I like both the actress and the character, but I just don't care. I very much like the Valerie/Josef pairing (he is adorable), but I still can't help feeling that this is a HUGE setup. I don't really feel in the mood for more American humiliation right now, thanks. Worst part of the episode: Smirking April. Best part of the episode: Robert's adorable son.
  14. There was an update on that Safe Grabber (I think) - the silicone microwave circle thing. Has anyone tried it? If I have to microwave something in a container without handles, I usually just put in on a plate, and cover with another plate.
  15. S2E3: Wow, Michelle Forbes is absolutely stunning. I don't understand all the April love, they need to show why she is so favored (although I guess she showed initiative when Valerie turned her tracker off). Something else I don't understand: why does Robert still have a job? He is needlessly confrontational, and seems to have zero political instincts. I'd say he is the last person BB should have slept with. Not much Daniel in this episode, unfortunately.
  16. Good lord, is no one but me watching this excellent series?
  17. I applaud your self-control! It would take me no more than a week.
  18. Wow, getting quite a Haven vibe, m now we have the Duke analogue (smuggler who's fundamentally a good guy). I'm watching this, but I don't really know why.
  19. My son is an elementary school teacher, and he says that the fidget things should be bought by every school district. Every classroom has attention -challenged kids, (or just fidgety ones) and these things are small and discreet (unlike the fidget spinners). I know lots of people with nervous habits, and I think they could really benefit from this. So, I wish the guy the best.
  20. Got to admit, I couldn't wait, had to watch both episodes. I won't say anything other than how great it is to see the show back, with most of the cast from last year.
  21. Ha ha, never knew that about distilled water. That explains a lot, though, I guess I am a race horse. :)
  22. I do get the ring thing - I had rarely taken my wedding rings off in almost 40 years, but last month a wasp stung me on the hand, my hand swelled up instantly (before I could think to take the rings off), and I had to get the rings cut off, which was pretty painful. I also wonder if non-metal rings might be a better choice for someone (also like me) with slightly swollen finger joints. On the other hand - silicone seems so much less permanent, which is the point of a wedding ring, I think. I didn't really understand why the coffee additive was deemed to be so complicated - surely there are a lot of people who use distilled water for their coffee, and all you would have to do is add it to the jug of distilled water you buy and use it as you would normally , you wouldn't have to add it to each cup. We buy the distilled water, (our tap water is pretty awful) and use it replenish the tanks in the coffee maker/nespresso as needed, it would be just as easy to add something to it when we open it for the first time. I thought the fidget things seemed like a good idea, and I'm glad that awfully nice man went with Barbara, even though it means giving up more equity, since I read one of the postings (I think for last week's episode) showed how often Robert's deals (for whatever reason) don't actually happen. Overall, I liked this episode so much better than last week - no annoying guest judges, no stunts, just a tolerable level of interaction among the judges.
  23. i was surprised they killed Gordon off with so much time left, but it was really done so well. Emotional without being overly sentimental or dramatic. All of the actors are really first rate, to the point where pretty much every combination works - I never thought of Joe and Donna as interacting well, but that scene with them really worked. I'm still not at all a Cam fan, I think she is self-indulgent (professionally) beyond belief, but I'm glad she showed up for Bos. That was a lovely moment, when he referred to her as his daughter. Speaking of Joe - what is his role with the company, besides investor? Does he really do any work, or contribute anything? I guess his videos and interviews could be considered to be market research, but it's kind of unfocused.
  24. I just discovered this show, and finished Season 1, just started 2. It seems somewhat realistic from a procedural point of view, I haven't run into any serious plot-induced stupidity, and all the characters seems realistic and well-rounded. I really hope it does not devolve too much into soap opera, with Janet's marriage issues. While I do like some character development, I'm not really a fan of family drama in crime shows. I like the little touches of humor in Season 1 - like the stall in the women's restroom that was out-of-order throughout the entire season, which spanned a number of months. Now THAT was realistic!
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