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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. I thought all the buns looked delicious and I can't lie = I probably could have eaten all the doughnuts. There's no such thing as a bad doughnut - some are just better than others. I wasn't really impressed by any of the show stoppers. The right people were sent home - Sarah Jane was just out of her depth, and I felt really bad for her, it clearly was more stress and fun. Ryan was so inconsistent, I am surprised he made it this far. I'm liking Cathryn more and more - she has a really funny sense of humor and doesn't seem to take herself too seriously. I also like Brendan - whenever they ding him for his 70s bakes, he should tell them they're classics.
  2. Yeah, I'll stick it out, but this show has become a major disappointment, which is a shame, because most of the acting is so good. I think it would have worked a million times better if there had been fewer episodes, maybe 6 at the most. It's just getting ridiculous and boring and senseless, now. I liked Plum int he beginning, because I thought a lot of her reactions and feelings were so realistic, but now she's just all over the place. That scene where she was supposed to kill the "rapist" was just embarrassing - who possibly thought that after 1 lesson, she could shot someone? And then run away without being caught? Such an obvious set-up. And Detroit makes no sense whatsoever, I'd totally watch the Stanley/Kitty show, along with the cafe guys. They all seem like they're having fun. And Tamara Tunie, because I've liked her so much. for so long. Her SL is terrible, though. I totally don't get the Dominic thing - why did his wife leave? Who cares? I assume this is so he and Plum can get together, which would be a huge step backwards for her, I think. Also, I never thought he was all that good -looking.
  3. I have to admit that this wasn't an especially compelling episode, even though they hit the usual revered dead father, family togetherness etc etc Jr seemed like a very nice guy, but if he's going to be the chef (maybe he doesn't want to do this at all?) , he needs more than a few hours cooking lesson. Both he and Marco need some leadership training. For someone who grew up in the biz, Marco sure seems clueless. My favorite parts: Stone (want Chinese?) , Gordon's dining companions catty remarks and obvious enjoyment of the degradation to come.
  4. To me, this show would have been a million times better had they started with fewer contestants. Tonight, with only 6 left, there was time to hear more of Mr. Westmoreland's advice, and the judges' discussion. I think Jordan definitely deserved the win, but Mel should have been disqualified from appearing on any future episodes (yeah, I know it wasn't an elimination) because of that abomination (showing how Mr. Westmoreland is always spot on). I just don't get the Matt love, I didn't think his creature deserved the judges' praise. Every time I see the term "all-star" i get irritated - to me, all star means winners, not previous season losers.
  5. My assumption was that she knows very well how interested he is, but is trying to let him down gently. I don't know why - I'd totally make a move for him. :)
  6. I agree, that I really started to like Bright as a character after his bravery with the tiger - and I think that laid the groundwork for his refusal to back down with D.I. Box (what's with the descriptive names : Strange, Fancy, Bright, Thursday etc). He could easily have been a standard fussy little bureaucrat, but the great writing and acting make him into a character of integrity and decency. Actually, I think everyone on the show is a great actor, even if their characters may not be very likeable. I also think the show design is spot on for the period. I understand Cedric's first murder (school girl Linda) was probably out of jealousy, she was his mother's favored pupil. So why attack the station master's wife? Was it triggered by the copy cat murders? I also didn't understand how Frances and her husband expected to get away with substituting Frances for Jilly, it's not like they were identical twins, people know them.
  7. This was one of my favorite episodes - mainly because I've developed quite a sweet tooth as I've gotten older, and all of the signature/showstoppers looked absolutely wonderful. I assume there is a spot that has the recipes, because I'd especially like to try that green tea cake. I thought Sue by herself was great, especially her eating the "spares." I almost wish they would show less baking and more judging/discussing. I liked that this episode seemed to have more baking info and less contestant home life (for me, just a little of that goes a long way).
  8. Thank goodness I dvr this ( not that I dislike commercials, but I refuse to be manipulated by the cut to commercial before revealing the winner), because I am not at all interested in hearing tarot readings for the contestants. I would rather they had used that,time for more comments and advice from Mr. Westmore. None of the looks were really horrible, maybe because they had so much guidance for this relatively straightforward challenge. I think the show recognized that they had to dumb it down a bit, or maybe weaker folks have left. I thought Matt deserved the win.
  9. While there was so much to like, I think one of my favorite moments was the look on Clarissa's face when she realizes that James Holden - the man she dedicated her life to destroying, for whom she murdered her way through the galaxy -was right across the room from her. Having her listen in on James and Naomi's conversation t was a nice way of getting her to realize that he was not the monster she thought. I'm Team Drummer all the way. I guess I like little moments, like the look of relief on her face in the no-gravity tube (or whatever that was).
  10. I would really have liked to see the judges discussion here, because I thought (and from their brief statements I think the judges agreed) that Kevon’s was outstanding. I guess it’s a good thing the show is ending, killing any chance of me being a guest judge because I thought Matt’s chef should have been in the bottom, based on the factors the judges apparently liked-the colors, misplaced teeth, etc. I thought damian’s Was way better, I wonder if they held him to a higher standard since he had help.
  11. It never occurred to me that the dates may have been set ups (i have no idea what the movement is that Plum is ready for at Calliope House, if it isn't Jennifer) because I thought they were all pretty realistic. The episode was pretty brutal for Plum (not just the humiliation, but also getting fired, getting knocked down etc), so I appreciated the small humorous moments, like when the cemetery guy inadvertently set himself on fire. There was just something about the timing that made me laugh.
  12. I didn't see any resemblance between them at first, but they are both such good actors I could see each in the other. They made it believable.
  13. Same here/ And I am a straight, old woman
  14. I liked the episode overall, but there were little things - like how Cassie and Cole were such expert equestrians - that kind of took me out of it. I also didn't like them stealing clothes from the Native American woman. So that was the Pallid Man's father? His son didn't give me any vibes that he was the same person who would become the Pallid Man, I wondered if he was a different person entirely. Love that Kat had some time with Elliot, I guess the plague and the collapse of civilization had nothing to do with her long, scraggly hair. Almost forgot: MY favorite moment: When Jennifer pointed out the anachronistic details in the saloon.
  15. I think it's less makeup than war paint.
  16. Ceindreadh: Sorry, wasn't sure how to respond to something in a spoiler, but I vaguely remember his leaving in the previous episode , but I don't remember exactly why he was angry. I guess my comment also applies to ep 7, then.
  17. Just watched the episode (S5E8) where I had a real problem with this - they identify the bad guy at the end, but how am I supposed to remember why he felt as he did? I could have used a little exposition about why he blamed who he did (sorry, trying to avoid spoilers), and I do remember from a prior episode that he had left town but that's about it. I'm afraid they're turning Jean into a plot device at this point - does this woman have no faults whatsoever?
  18. I agree with this, maybe its my tv set (yeah, I'm old school), but I thought it was too green, like jade, and needed a bit of blue to make it more turquoise which to me would be more in keeping with the mezoamerica idea. There were some hits, and some really awful misses. (yes, Kelly, I'm talking about you, sorry). I agree that Damian deserved the win; I thought it hit all of the challenge requirements and showed a lot of skill. I especially liked the eyes and the color scheme. I was really conscious this week of which models were working it, and which ones were more static. I guess that's a choice of the contestants, but it seemed really noticeable.
  19. I just really like this show. I know I shouldn't admit this, but I just love Kitty, and her fierce determination. The way she took down that CFO was a riot. Not a fan of Plum's makeover, except for that fabulous lipstick. I wouldn't mind a little Jennifer in real life, without the violence, of course. But imagine a world where women make a third more than men! Where only women could run for President for the next 50 years.
  20. Just curious: Is your first name Peter?
  21. I totally agree; what I don't like are the various time-lines. I shouldn't have to (and don't actually, I only differentiated between young and old MiB and assume everything else is happening contemporaneously) spend so much energy figuring our WHEN something is happening that I lose track of WHAT is happening.
  22. What a contrast to last week's episode - which was a quiet, beautifully told story of love and awakening, presented without gratuitous violence, and which (to me) contained almost a new thought in this show - Ake's realization when he saw the deanimated bodies that not only has he lost his love, but others have as well. He is the only character host or human - that sees beyond himself. This week - MiB's disaster of a family, lots of violence, endless questions and few answers. I have to admit my favorite part was Maeve's masssive side-eye at having no choice but to listen to the endless exposition around her. As long as Charlotte, dies, of course.
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