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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Ha! Found some stuff. Here are some really interesting links about the behind the scenes stuff and contentious relationships between the writers on the show. This link is a really long detailed review of Never Again, including all of the behind the scenes contention and disagreements between the writers. Never Again was the last episode James Wong and Glen Morgan wrote for the show before leaving (they later came back) It's a fantastic break down of the episode and the review indicates it was written in 2015. It doesn't mention the rumour that CC wanted to keep Scully chaste because of his own personal reasons, maybe crush on GA, but it does clearly state that he was the one who wanted her kept that way. Part of another quote, itself quoted in the link: From the link above, there are links within that article to other articles they pulled source from, including this one about Morgan and Wong returning to the X-Files. In 1997!! SO they left, then came back. Another long one and very interesting. This was published in 1997. Crap, I have some reading to do. There is a lot in there. If AntiBeeSpray and I are gone for a while, send a search party.
  2. Oh, it's completely on Abe. Totally. That was something I always thought was odd, that Abe has from day 1 always seemed so cold and completely disgusted by his wife. I mean, she is very pretty (annoying yes), but pretty and kind and loving and he did agree to marry. I mean, was he going to live as a celibate monk for the rest of his life after he got his son?? And why - because he still has this childhood crush on Anna? Makes no sense. And though I think Mary was stupid/too hysterical at times, I feel bad for her. I mean, she wants to get it on with Abe, and he keeps rejecting her. I think this is why I was rooting for her to hook up with the English soldier that was living at their house. He was a sweetie and a hottie. And the 18th century is not an excuse - people have been having affairs for ages.
  3. I don't think she's acting like a 'skank', any more so than Abe is acting like a skank. Both are never going to leave their families ever. That's a given. Both like each other, like screwing each other. Blame is on both sides. It's the motivations that bother me. Abe is motivated by love of his own child (not Mary), love of his country and freedom from British tyranny. Anna is motivated by.....love of Abe? Please. Why can't her motivations be more worldly like the men? Because she's a woman, her motivations can only be about a guy. Come on! From right at the beginning, her husband was sent away, she lost her tavern and her life due to British meddling. That's her motivations! Not Abe but they are giving her dialogue that seems othewise. And please do not have her get knocked up. No, no no. No baby drama please. This show is excellent with lots of rich history and conflict to pull from. It doesn't need BS manufactured baby drama. And yes. Ben needs to *cough* relax.
  4. Now, now DeLurker. There were some good ones - 17 and 18 especially. Pittura Infamante would be the second worst for sure. At least the lice and scabies are now dead and gone, right? (sorry JN - that was kinda mean) Castle: The episode where they go to Vegas, and Castle, Ryan Esposito dress up in Elvis sequined jumpsuits. Yeah....no. Any episode of Friends revolving around Rachel's pregnancy.
  5. Yeah, I totally agree. And with only six episodes and a bunch of the talented original writers coming back, they don't need GA or DD to write anything. Darin Morgan, Frank Spotnitz, James Wong/Glen Morgan (they always wrote in tandem), Chris Carter, Vince Gilligan and whoever else else. I just listed 5 of the principle writers - each can devote themselves to one episode and that's almost your six episode season. I can't find the list of writers who are returning for this, but basically that's all they need for the six episodes. One of two or the writers can write two episodes and that's it. CC has written some good mytharc episodes, but keep him away from romance. Darin Morgan is brilliant at the standalone and comedic. They have enough writers right now so don't need DD or GA to "help" out.
  6. This. I remember I was reading The Witching Hour at the time this episode came out, so when the episode aired, I was like 'this is such a rip off of the book." The second hand embarrassment over the "sexy-times" didn't help either. It was just bad and cheesy and wrong. The book, however, did it much, much better. On the show, it was like a grandfather having sex with their granddaughter or something. Ew. Not every episode of season 2...Just most of them. There are a few in the season that are really good, and episode 17 and 18 were awesome - saving grace of the season - and show. But if one episode from season 2 and the entire series were to be picked. It was Deliverance. Dear god, that was such a horrible episode that it actually ignited the major backlash against the show (fans and media alike), and spawned the network to start making major changes (good changes). it was actually pretty unprecedented. Never seen anything like it before. Other lousy episodes: ST:TNG - the one where Wesley is on that planet with the creepy blond people running around in silver swimsuits, and he steps on the lawn and gets sentenced to death (Justice). Anything with Tasha Yar (I'm sorry) including the The Oil Slick episode (Skin of Evil). Data and the masks (Masks). The X-Files: The one with Mulder in the virtual reality game (Kill Switch). Another one called 3 (the episode was called 3), where Mulder hooks up with Duchovny real life girlfriend. Outlander: The episode with the long extended scene of Jamie Fraser getting flogged so badly that his back was like ground beef. I could barely watch that scene, and gave up the show after this. It is horrific reality, but that type of gratuitious gore I just can't watch it and wonder how anyone could survive it without dying of shock or dying of a major infection. I stopped watching the show after that.
  7. Great episode. So emotional. For a short while, I thought they were going to have Abigail be the person who killed/was somehow involved in the young woman's death. But when she was picked up by a dark-haired stranger, I was like, Adam! But man, slitting your own throat to protect your husband. That is some powerful love. Beautiful strong person for doing that too. Wow. I completely agree and Jo knew that somehow Abigail was important to Jo - maybe an aunt or some close relative. But doesn't Jo know Abe is Henry's "father" - I thought at the beginning of the series, she knew that, but I guess not, because then Jo would just assume Abigail was Henry's grandmother. That final scene - that I bolded in your post - broke my heart. And Lucas' reactions didn't help. He's always so jokey and goofy, but the last two episodes he's been serious, professional and supportive. Great character. And think about how Lucas, who so looks up to Henry, would flat out without hesitation say "I completely disagree with you Henry" and point out his observings. Amazing. Poor Henry. At the end, when he gets angry with Abe when he needs time alone - that is a rarity from him to his son, so it packs a punch. Great episode, emotional, great characters. It took me a sec to realize that yes, it was poetry sex. Holy cow! Renew this show, ABC!!
  8. Okay, thought this was a really good episode. Ben's frustration with Washington, and manupulating events to try to make Washington see reason. In real life though, Ben should have been probably much more severely punished for his transgressions. The scene between Tallmadge and Washington was amazing, and finally you see George crack under the strain. But he was right - everyone was trying to undermine him. Very true. JJ Feild is awesome too - loved his scenes with Peggy, and also him working on the play. Same with Judge Woodhull. Hewett is so trusting that a man rifling through his papers can provide such a simple (and truthful) explanation and Hewett thinks nothing of it. Just watched Burn Gorman 10 minutes before TURN started playing Adam in the show Forever. Love him. Don't care for Anna saying she does the spying/jumping in the boat for Abe. That's not the reasons the real Anna Strong spied for the Patriots. What the hell were they doing to Benedict Arnold's leg? Turned (ha, pun) my stomach a bit. Dude should have passed out from the pain. Though his reasoning for things makes sense to me, actually. And Arnold respecting Ben's brother. Damn, awkward. Simcoe gave Jordan his manumission papers! Awesome! That scene just tickled me. I know Simcoe is doing it for personal/selfish reasons, but it tickles me because in real history, as I mentioned before, he was instrumental in getting slavery banned in Upper Canada in 1793, way before England and of course the US. But instead of threatening Jordan, he gave him freedom papers without a second thought. I loved that. And on review, he wanted Jordan to be his second-in-command. Awesome. Anyone find the dialogue is a bit more "modern" sounding this season? The words seem more modern than I expect at times, along with the yeah's and interactions between people. I expect more formality I guess. Loved the introduction of the polygraphic writing device. Saw it as a demonstration at the Smithsonian's American History museum in Washington, DC. Genius idea. Because I am a 10-year old boy, the epaulets on Tallmadge's coat made me giggle at times tonight. I know, terrible. And because I am an adult girl, anyone find Andre and Tallmadge looking especially agreeable tonight? Even Simcoe with the longer dark hair. Looks much better on him. And I love those billowing white shirts the men are wearing.
  9. Loved Barbara's dress. Gorgeous. Hated Selina's dress. Come on, she is not a girly girl - give her something simple and without a pattern. Sheesh. So is Barbara somehow going to join the Ogre in his killing spree? Penguin and his mother are creepy together. A little too close for comfort. She is going to drop dead of a heart attack once she really finds out what Penguin really does. Riddler/Ed. Ed, Ed, Ed. What did you do, man? I guess now we know how he starts on his evil path. I thought for sure he was going to use some conniving to get the cop fired/punished. Bullock had a really good line that I wish I could remember!! I hope someone puts it in the quotes thread. And the "I don't have straw in my head" line was awesome! Camren Bicondova is a really good actress for someone so young. I was impressed when she was fighting with Bruce. Daniel Davis! Hello!
  10. YEAH!!! His tweet is HILARIOUS! Apparently William B. Davis is coming back too...based on the text in this link.
  11. It's got nothing to do with race I don't personally think it's only about race. He liked her/lusted after her, she was his muse, all he could talk about was her. Note he rarely talked about Crane/Mison or Nick/Barr either. I will put money that any show he develops and gets aired on CBS, a part will be included that will be perfect for KW, and she'll get a role on it. ETA: I should edit the first sentence actually because DeLurker down there vv is correct also!
  12. Has anyone ever read or currently has a copy of Phil Farrands The Nitpicker's Guide for X-Philes. When I was my geeky teen self, I have a copy of the Next Generation and DS9 version of his books. Very, very detailed. Like insanely detailed. But interesting if you are into continunity difference and tech info, etc. But I never knew the X-Philes one existed until looking it up now, to see if the author included TXF. He did.
  13. Then can you tell me what cardio-like exercises I can do that won't destroy my knees (even more)?? I also have plantar fascitis. Way back when, I used to jog and play squash, but used improper technique, on asphalt, with old not so good running shoes, coupled with my lousy genetics, that both my knees are shot. If I climb up and down steps, I hear them grinding and they hurt. My heels kills me because I don't have proper shoes or inserts. Now recommend exercises I can do that will burn calories (like some cardio like) without equipment. I cannot afford a gym, nor do I have room or money for home gym equipment or physiotherapy or fancy $200 all supportive running shoes with gel inserts and biomechanical whatevers.... This is the rub with everything and it does apply to my situation and much more to these people on the show. You are overweight, right?, so you need to cut back on food but ALSO work out to boost metabolism and lose weight. You're body problems would be less if you lost weight. In my case, I could lose some pounds, but because of my shot knees, I can barely do cardio because it frigging hurts. They can barely move. We cannot afford gyms or gym equipment. We can't afford personal trainers or dieticians to help us with eating (okay, I get the junk food part but overall). So then what am I (and these people) supposed to do? They have over the news that $29/week challenge for families controversy with that stupid Gwyneth Paltrow. So if they are limited to $29/week (I think they said a family of four) what on earth can they buy that's fresh fruit, veg, lean proteins, etc. All they can buy is prepackaged ramen, potatoes, bread, eggs and I have no idea what else. So what options are there? So again, the question remains - what are we/them supposed to do. I am sure some people will read this as an excuse, and maybe it is. The advice eat better, go to a gym, work is nice, but what if they can't because of reasons. /seriously, Foghorn Leghorn, I would love some free advice if I could get it *smile*
  14. Are they really wearing wings though? Extensions yes, but I thought they just grew out their hair a little more. Season 1, both had their short hair, and a ponytail (queue) attached to the back. There were flyaways all of the time at the front. Both Seth's and Jamie's hair now looks like they grew it out, so it could be pulled back into a (albeit short) queue, and then they just attached the tail. *shrugs* I certainly would have grown it out, instead of contending with a wig, but that's just me. I thought for sure they were talking about Baron von Steuben. I swear I read somewhere that he would be a character introduced, but maybe I am confusing it with something like Drunk History or something. My mistake. Me too. He, Caleb, Simcoe and John Andre are my favourites I think. I guess if you are an American viewer, they are supposed to appear to be the big bad villians to root against, but they are fleshed out well and loyal to their countries/future countries/leaders.
  15. nottopbravo wins the PTV boards for the day! Brilliant (and so true).
  16. I know *sigh* That was a nice scene, as was the shower scene before that part, but you know, could use some more. To quote Mison, "If I don't get a shower scene soon, I'm kicking off." (he said this at the first comic con they went to, when the SH pilot had aired, but not episode two but that episode had obviously already been filmed. Love this guy. And I ask for so little... On another note, I need to keep track of all of the tweets and retweets that Clifton Campbell is making. He's retweeting certain things and I believe is being very selective about what he retweets, and it makes me think he's maybe dropping hints on what might happen, or if not, what he/the writers are hashing out, thinking about including. Yes, this should have been told to us in season 2, but you know what - I'm glad it wasn't. Because if it were addressed in season 2, all of the reasons/answers would have revolved around Katrina, and I don't want to ever see her on my screen again. So if the reasons for Crane focus on anything but the wife, I am happy. I feel Iike I want to keep a record of this, and see if any of it comes to fruition.
  17. I like "Believe to Understand" line - short and sweet. I picked the misinformation line but the nitpicking usually occurs because of a mistake or continuity problem. But if people like this better I can change it.
  18. I forgot to mention - I loved Flay's reaction to Joseph winning! He was more excited than Joe seemed (Joe was more speechless and in shock), which made me laugh. Flay's reactions and facial expression were the best in this.
  19. Congrats Joseph. Glad to see he won. I was actually rooting for Vanessa because I thought she was a really good chef/cook also. The stuff she made looking amazing, as did Flay's stuff. I will say, out of the four mentors, Symon and Flay do the stuff I want to eat. I totally agreed with Joseph and Vanessa being in the final, but both of you decide on fish for the final dish? In a competition battle where you can pick anything??? And they pick fish?? Okay, not my preference which is why I think the final choice of fish was pre-decided on. I mean, nothing could beat a nice filet mignon with a red wine shallot reduction sauce, some savoury mashed potatoes, some crispy fried onions on top, and some veg. Or some lobster or scallops in a saffron cream sauce. I like fish, but that is not the first thing I would think of as my final dish. That's just me though. I actually expected Flay as mentor to win this right at the start, but at the same time was surprised. I figured they would share the winning chef wealth, since Flay pretty much dominates on Iron Chef. Stiil, glad Joseph won, I liked him. Feel bad for Vanessa. But this show was clearly scripted which took some of the fun out of it.
  20. So, LeeLeePanda, you've read this?? Or been writing it!! *grin* I would take Crane in swimtrunks, but I highly doubt either scenario will happen. At least this season. Crane is a character who wears a long coat and tall boots in the middle of summer - I don't see him stripping down to his trunks anytime soon or doffing his top in public, just as I don't see Abbie dragging him to a pool or beach to laze about in her bikini. It's too out of character for both right not. I just don't. Seeing another person in swimwear may be explored though (Atlanta's being stinking hot may be part of it). However, I DO see the LBD scenario, with Abbie on a date with another guy. That for sure I see and should definitely happen. And the date needs to be a romantic one and a good one for her.
  21. Me too. Just watched this last night from my DVR. The moment you had the elimination round, and Alex is the only mentor with two people, you KNOW she was going to lose one. Then when you realize that August isn't going to come back just to be eliminated again, you knew it was Sherri that was going to go. Duh. It's so obvious. And again, I think the four chefs then just drew straws to figure out their elimination orders. However, the blind judging by Flay and company was hilarious, just for their reactions. But how does something that 'tasted' like soap (Sharon's dish) still NOT come in last place. Mr. HD (not age 8) said the same thing yesterday. I'm like, I don't think so, because she's constantly yelling at him. I could be wrong. However, the hugginess between Symon and Vanessa is another story. They seem to get along really well. Haven't seen anymore episodes yet (but read the thread). Grooming August to be a food network host? I don't see it at all - as in him? He seems whiny, not interesting. Joseph is much more lively and has a better screen presence. And I actually like Vanessa and her look. She's enthusiastic and again, would be better in camera than August. That's just me.
  22. Oh well, I really hope it helps. With vitamins, don't the nutritionists say that a multivitimin isn't really absorbed well by the body anyway? The stomach just grinds up the food into smaller particles, but the digestive enzymes in the colon are what takes that grinded up food, breaks it down and extracts the good stuff out of it to be absorbed in the body. That's why I think (I hope) maybe a supplement like that could help you. Just compare and find one that has the highest IU or CFU for each of the different enzymes. You may have to try different ones to find a good one and experiment with how to take it (pill form, remove the powder from a pill). For the vitamins, I am sure I've seen a liquid form - like you take it via dropper - again in the organics section. Yeah, most stuff for dogs is the same for humans, just priced even more because they can. For my GSD, I found that a combination of the very expensive vet prescribed animal derived powder, plus a veggie based one from a pet store works wonders. I'm providing the link to the veggie based one so you can scroll down and read the breakdown of the enzymes in the package, and the amounts, because you should try to find a pill (or powder) where the amounts are higher, best bang for buck. NaturVet Digestive Enzymes I know - doggies are awesome. I love mine to death. She's my baby. What kind of dogs do you have? I really really hope maybe this will work for you, Mick's Picks. Let me/us know if it does. Big hugs to you!
  23. Hips up only. Though it is a beautiful statue (and physique) And boxers are sexy on men. :') Tighty whities, speedos etc are. Functional yes, but not so attractive. Again, possibly an unpopular opinion. Possibly not *grin* Very true. But it's mostly kids watching wrestling (I was one of them).
  24. The early Harlequins, what did the chests look like? - cause Hair matters. Have you ever seen the shot of Burt Reynolds as the centerfold of Playgirl?? That was the 70s I believe. Would you ever see a guy that hairy today as a centerfold now? No way. Muscle definition yes. Hair, no. Changing times, man. Here is another reality. A completely naked woman is beautiful to look at, elegant, with the curves and slopes a body has (wish mine did....*lesigh*) However, a man looks good until you get to their...*ahem* bottom area. The items "hanging there" are not always so elegant looking. Again, different reality. A woman in a bikini bottom can look amazing. A man in a bikini bottom...eh, not so much....
  25. The hell? Aw, sorry man. What the hell though?? Well, it's for the better I guess, as some public takes this took far. Sorry man for making you do more work than you should have (i.e. wasting your time answering us). That's what you get for being in the know *wink*. Still stick around, halwideman. This board (and PTV) appreciates it!
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