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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I'm rewatching the Wendingo/Joe Corbin episode....and honestly, my UO is that I do not need Henry Parrish/Jeremy Crane on my scene or in my show. First, I've never watched Fringe, so I don't have that nostaligia/love of Noble's character, second, I (now) feel that Henry/Jeremy partially ruined SH. So, just like Katrina, I bloody hate/cringe/get angry when this person appears on my screen. But I know that John Noble is an amazing actor and he is, but his character is just annoying and irrtating to me, that I do not want to see him. But I will say this - whenever Katrina's name is said, I "raise my fur". Fuck, I hate any mention of her. It just brings me anger and hatred to a degree I cannot. I never want to hear her name from Crane's lips again, that's how much I hate it...
  2. Aw man, I loved this premiere. I actually saw Abraham are finally competent as a spy. Not waffling, not whining about anything. He was hands down doing his thing. I really like the premiere - a lot. And I have to say, my love goes out to Tallmadge (Seth Numrich is bloody hot as hell), and his demeanour and competence. Mary - I don't know. I really think the show is going to have her screw things up. However, I'm partial to Hewitt and honestly - Simcoe. Hewitt because he seems like a good guy trying to do the right thing. Yes, he is calculating and deceiving at times, but I think he has a good heart. Dear god, apparently I may be a Loyalist. Simcoe, Love his villany. I was cheering when he was sitting doing menial work, then the orders came in for him to move on, then BOOM, here is evil Simcoe. Loved it. Same when he found those military people and basically "convinced" them of his leadership. I believe that John Graves Simcoe (thank you show for showing his full name via signature as such) was quite a noble and good man in REAL life, and was very instrumental in getting my country (Canada) kickstarted on it's path. So whilst TURN portrays Simcoe as this terrible tyrant, if you read the book this show is based on.... But then, I'm not an American. Loved seeing Abigail again and I know this will cause controversy, but liked seeing that Andre was treating her well. Again, people forget - The Dominion of Canada and England banned slavery decades before the US ever did. Again, something else to be proud of. Loved seeing "Mad King George" seemingly starting down his path, and just the intrigue. And I have to say - god, thank god I'm in this time now - I don't think I could handle being a woman of that time. Dear god, the boredom and nonsense would kill me. Ugh. Terrible gossips, the lot of them. But they mentioned Townsend! Yes! Great premiere - lots of good stuff and really enjoyed it.
  3. I know it's a bit late, but AMC (well, my AMC) is running all of season 1 in order today, starting at 10:30 am, up until the new episode starts tonight at 9:00 pm. So if there are episode you have missed, or want to watch the final episode before the season 2 premiere - the show is marathoning today.
  4. Hey Everyone. Just a quick heads up about all of the season 5 episodes. If you are looking for them on the main page and going "OMG!! Where are they!", all of the episode threads have been moved into the S05 subforum. To find them, either on the main Walking Dead page, look UP (near the top of the page) and you'll see a Past Seasons, then S01 through S05. To find the actual episode threads for season 5, click S05 to find them. Or you can click here. Past Seasons/S05 On the main page, I've left two links to the actual episode thread as a shortcut to that folder. This will be here temporarily just as a helpful link to S05, but I will be removing it in about a week. Also, the links cannot be pinned, so won't appear at the top of the page, unfortunately. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, since it looks like your episode threads suddenly disappeared!!! Thanks.
  5. Hey Everyone. Just a quick heads up about all of the season 5 episodes. If you are looking for them on the main page and going "OMG!! Where are they!", all of the episode threads have been moved into the S05 subforum. To find them, either on the main Walking Dead page, look UP (near the top of the page) and you'll see Past Seasons, and individual link to S01 through S05. To find the actual episode threads for season 5, click S05 to find them. Or you can click here. Past Seasons/S05 On the main page, I've left two links to the actual episode thread as a shortcut to that folder. The shortcut is the episode name, and a grey arrow pointing left. This will be here temporarily just as a helpful link to S05, but I will be removing it in about a week. Also, the links cannot be pinned, so won't appear at the top of the page, unfortunately. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, since it looks like your episode threads suddenly disappeared!!! Thanks.
  6. Don't remind me....*lets our long suffering moderator sigh* I still have no idea how you people manage that many posts in one hour, while paying attention to the actual show. That's why I can't live post. I have to actually pay attention to what's one screen. But I agree, I like the discussions afterward about the episode. Makes it all the better, tbh. However, CletusMusashi, you totally forgot about the record you guys pulled off a few weeks ago. For the actual episode thread Forget (S05:E13:), you guys managed over 1000 posts in FOUR days. I believe that is the record here (in TWD board). So count me surprised that the season finale isn't as busy as I thought it would be (still is busy). Maybe one of you should organize a little rewatch schedule/plan or something!
  7. Wow, um..Okay...First of all, these people have faced a situation where they HAVE lost their life. Their income, their friends because of their issues. And most likely, they lost friends because of their neurosis. Most people cannot understand this unless one of personally experiencing it, including me. Is this an issue of the lower classes? Probably. Most Likely. Why? Because the rich have the luxury to get the help they need, regardless because of their issues and without legal consequences. Are the "poor" lazy? Hell fucking no. It's the rich with their connections and their entitlement and their arrogant belief that they "earned" what they have. Again, it's really nice to imply or assume that the decision one makes is solely due to familial obligations. Hell no. Hell fucking no. Fact is, addiction affects all classes, but the lower classes are the ones that get caught and prosecuted. The upper classes are the ones running drugs whilst smoking or snorting on their luxury private jets. But no one fingers them, because they are "upstanding businessmen". Unfortunately, it's the sad reality of life.
  8. Sneak Peaks from the TURN season premiere. So excited!
  9. But it's a catch-22 here (and in other ailments). If you refuse to help the person, you are a terrible family member for being cold and unfeeling. If you do, you are a terrible family member because you are aiding the ailment. Don't get me wrong, some of these people like Marla are manipulating their family. But not all. And some members of the family probably feel sorry for the person, have a warm heart, do they help and inadvertently end up not helping. No one can win in this case. There is a fantastic book by Marya Hornbacher called Wasted. She was an anoretic from her teens until mid twenties, depressive and suicidal. Her parents tried to help her, first with love and compassion, then by tough love, then by chucking her into a hospital, then into a mental institution. She was in and out for years, hid her anorexia, bulimia, alcoholism from her parents, nurses and caretakers. She recovered then relapsed, then recovered and relapsed over and over again. She herself details in the book how she manipulated, lied, cheated, stole, etc to cover up her illness, get what she wanted, etc. No one would say that her parents were not helping her but then at times, her parents couldn't deal anymore and refused to help her. Nothing worked, until she finally - finally - decided to recover. They tried to "care" for her in so many ways, and everything backfired. I see the same things in these cases, except instead of anorexia/bulimia, it's overeating. So it's easy to slam the family or dismiss the person as narcissistic, but the issues are much more complex than this. Again, just my view. Not everyone can combat their demons as easily as those on the outside claim they should be able to. I have my own demons that I am dealing with and for someone to say to me, "just stop doing that" is such BS it isn't funny. Okay, I'll go right out and do that. *eyeroll* Yeah, sure. It doesn't work that way. The demons can be strong and they infect not only the profiled person, but also the family members around them. Who knew this TV show would cause such passion, eh?? *grin*
  10. Oh, I never took Henry's comment as literally getting lost, as in you have no idea where you are in relation to your hotel or whatever. I took it as getting lost in your emotions, feelings, romanticism, vibe, culture and atmosphere of Paris. Like, just allow yourself to do whatever, go where ever your whims and fancy take you. It could be extended as getting "lost in your partner", because of a strong connection and love you have for your partner. That's how I took what Henry said. In a romantic ethereal way, not a literal "where the hell am I" way.
  11. I think the comparison that I am trying to make is a serious health issue that leads to incapacitation, required full time care from family members. So what about an alcoholic? It is an addiction but also a mental illness that highly increases the risk of stroke. Anoretics are also the complete opposite with starvation, but the stress it puts on the body can cause strokes and incapacitate them in the same way. I guess my point is that society is so easy to dismiss an overweight person as selfish and nasrcissictic and self-absorbed. Everyone else "has a problem, an addiction, psychological issues", but an overweight person just has to "stop eating" and stop being "so selfish." Not saying that Marla isn't selfish, but not all of these people on this show are selfish/narcissistic. JMO. ETA: Obviously we are all going to agree to disagree on this issue, because we see it differently. :')
  12. Yes it does. It's a health issue. These people didn't sit down and purposely said "My goal is 800 lbs". Genetics, food consumption, lack of exercise, lack of metabolism all contribute. Also, at certain weights, how the body uses/stores fat completely changes. If a person was a life-long chain-smoker (causing high risk of stoke), then did they "smoke" themselves to incapacitation?
  13. I don't know about that? Aren't all of the Walkers technically disabled. They all have limbs missing or gaping chest wounds and are falling apart, but still are very dangerous. Even the ones who have only half of a body are dangerous. Even the chomping heads are dangerous. Michonne had it right - the only time a Walking is NOT dangerous is if it has no jaw, or gets a katana through the head. Otherwise, watchout. Which then makes me wonder - can Walkers see? I mean, they eyes are rotting just like the rest of their bodies. Noise causes vibration, which maybe their brain stem picks up. But ear drums rot too. So do jaw muscles - there should be more Walkers with no lower jaws.
  14. So then...if your elderly mother or father suffers a left-side stroke and is almost completely incapacitated, and requires help to get out of bed, to even turn over in bed, to go to the bathroom, to be fed, to walk, to dress, etc, they are being selfish too? True, blot clots that cause strokes are sometimes caused by lifestyle, but I was friends with a guy who suddenly dropped dead of a brain aneurysm at 50 years old and lived a very healthy life. What if that clot blockage caused a stroke instead and incapacitated him. Would it be fair to have his teenage children or spouse have to bathe and feed him, help him go to the bathroom also. Or is he simply being a narcissist? Not everyone is well off enough to afford 24-hour nursing care. I am playing Devil's Advocate here (and using my personal experiences - my father suffered many strokes and was completely incapacitated for a long time) to attempt to demonstrate that these people are not simply chowing down on 10,000 calories a day simply because they are ALL self-absorbed. Marla certainly sounds like it, and maybe she is traumatized from the kidnapping, maybe she just liked the attention. Ordering her family around is a powertrip and hints at narcisism but it is not the entire picture. These people have issues, man. For Marla, maybe it's like a version of Munchausen's syndrome coupled with a need to control her family and other psychological issues. I don't know. But these people who are so overweight they are incapacitated are NOT the only people in the world who are a "burden" to their families due to physical illness.
  15. Because it's being filmed for TV?? They have to act 'nice' because they know they are going to be on national TV and want to make sure they appear 'sensitive' and 'caring'. I wonder how they acted (that means everyone) when the cameras were off. Just a thought.
  16. That's really sad for her, revbfc. Truly. I mean, some poor people have to contend with the horror of one stalker, an ex or ex-spouse. Imagine multiple minions of the church following you everywhere. What I want to know is who in the US government is being bribed by Scientologist. Because this "church" gets gov't tax breaks and is allowed to continue this type of completely illegal behaviour. Why hasn't the FBI stepped in or whatever. Same with the disappearances of certain people. So who do the Scientologists have wrapped around their culty finger?
  17. Yes. Most of these posts about this should really go into the Small Talk thread, actually. *deadonfloor*. LOL. Make sure you take pictures and post them here, JackONeill...
  18. I'm at the same point in my life as you are, galax-arena. However, I would guess that you don't have the additional cynicism and expectation that humanity are selfish bastards that I do. To extend this to scientology and religion in general - if a religion (cult or no cult) asks you for money, then forget it. If you take my money and live in palatial palaces and drive cadillacs, while I struggle to survive, you have nothing to offer me. You message falls on deaf ears. If the only answers I can get require me to give you tens of thousands of dollars, then your message is BS. The only message I recieve is "I want to get rich off of you." That's what blows me away about Scientology. The message that you cannot be "clear" or get rids of your thetans or whatever it is, without shelling out tons of cash. So it becomes (in my cynical view) a 'religion' for the rich. Only the rich and the rich celebrity can attain the highest levels in the cult, and that to me is a BIG red flag. The fact that they call those offices "celebrity" centres really stands out. So what, the average Joe can't go there, just the HW set?? If the message comes with a price tag and can only be delivered once you pay, then there is no worthy message at all and I can guarentee that you won't have the answers for me to improve my life. I think that's why some people wonder why "rational" people get sucked in. Logically it makes no sense, but there are those that even the glimmer of hope can suck someone in. On that note, not sure if this has been posted here, but I used to read through a message board a few years ago. It's a message board for ex-Scientologists and they share their stories about leaving, and also discuss a lot of insider information. They hate Miscavige, know L Ron was crazy and it's a really eye opening site. Some of the stories are insane.
  19. Just a reminder to everyone to please keep the discussion considerate and respectful, and to limit the unnecessarily body shaming and general shaming overall. Please take the time and read this brief Mod Note before posting. Thank you.
  20. This show really needs to be renewed. Starting it on a Friday didn't help it (though I always watched) Tweet from Executive Producer.
  21. You are right - to a degree. That's definitely the case with those who claim organics are the best. Organic food is mostly a BS marketing term and inflated prices. Half the food you get is not really organic (pesticide free). A large farm cannot do that, without major risk of bacterial contamination. They all use pesticides, they just use certain ones so that legally they can call them organics. But first you have to look at biggest bang for the buck, and also what type of grocery stores are closer to the person to shop at. For example, I have a slightly more expensive grocery store really close to me, then the "discount" No Frills much farther away. Burn gas drive longer, or go closer pay a bit more? Depends. Also, lettuce is not really a nutritional food. It's mostly water. Lots of Vitamin A, but It will not fill you up at all, which then makes the person hungry and eat other things, thus adding to the calories. And as everyone knows, to make lettuce taste better, they slather on the dressing, which is where the calories are. A potato is supposed to be one of the best foods to eat, in terms of nutrition, but it's how people eat it, like the lettuce, that's the problem. Bake a potato, add salt and you have an nutritionall dense, filling food. Add butter, sour cream or bacon....well, not so much. Unfortunately due to factory production, frozen prepared food is usually cheaper. If I read today's grocery store flyer, a bunch of asparagus is $4.99. Kale is $3.99. a fresh rib roast is $15.39/kg, fresh salmon fillet $17.49/kg. Whole grain bread is between $2.99 to $3.79 a loaf. Red/yellow/orange Peppers are $4.99/lb, big block of cheese is $6.99. A tray of 6 boneless/skinless chicken breasts is going for around $17 dollars. A large tray of lean stewing beef about $14 dollars. BTW, these are in Canadian prices. Now compare that to some of the frozen prepared foods. A tray of lasagna is $6.99 (serves 4). It would cost me more to MAKE the lasagna from scratch. A 1lb box of chicken tenders is $8.99. Breaded frozen fish fillets 1 lb range from $4.99 to $7.99, depending on fish. Certain brands of frozen prepared pastas are like $1.99 each. White bread is $1.99 loaf. A box of meatballs is $8.99. An 8-pack of frozen hamburger patties is $9.99. A box of frozen chicken breasts (1 lb) is usually $9.99. I'm not saying it's always the case. I love to cook and trying out new things, but there are many times that baking and cooking a meal costs more than the frozen equivalent. (but homemade tastes 10X better). Also, with our high cost of meat (a filling protein) and vegetables (again, filling nutrious ones), many people opt for frozen. That's why there is so much frozen food out there. It's convenient, but also cheaper. Same with fast food. For the same price, I can get a bunch of asparagus or I can get a Big Mac with a Medium fries and a drink. No wonder people go the bang for the buck route. Also, veggies and meat are highly perishable - frozen is not. Here is another example. I would love to be able to buy into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). There are many farms that are within a 30 minute or so drive from me. Here are the deets for one. They only do pickup. I would have to drive 30 minutes to get there. Cost? $450 bucks. That's 25 dollars a week. Think about what you could buy for 25 bucks a week. It's sad, but it's the reality with factory farming. Small farms cost lots. Vegetables cost a lot. My apologies for rambling so much. *sigh* ETA: I should add, I am not excusing poor food buying/eating decisions. But it's not so cut and dry. Cost plays a huge role for most people. That's why I'm not buying Tenderloin, ot boneless/skinless chicken breast, or shittake mushrooms, or organic peppers or Valencia oranges or wild caught fresh salmon every day or sustainably caught seafood. I would LIKE to, if I had the cash. But reality is much different.
  22. Love it. HAHAHA! *DeadOnFloor* HAHAHA!! Hey John, don't hold back, man! Let it out and tell us everything!! We understand. Wow. Again, strong words and obviously he's pissed over season 2 and what could have been for him and the show. And DearEvette, you forgot the mention that John's tweet was a response to a tweet Iscove made only about Fringe. SH wasn't mentioned at all, but John threw in that little dig anyway. Beautiful. What I would not give to be sitting in a bar with John Noble, Orlando Jones, Nikki Beharie and Tom Mison, get them semi-drunk and get them to spill DEETS. It would be glorious. (I've omitted Lyndie Greenwood because she's actually friends with Katia Winter, therefore would be gracious and hold back the gossip and probably cause the others to also).
  23. Don't mind Flay at all. Apparently he can be a smug jerk in the past, but possibly has mellowed over time. I just get a kick out of his sarcastic snarky comments and the faces he pulls. For the episode with the immersion circulator, he cracked a joke something like that he doesn't use fancy cooking tools because he can actually cook. Thought it was funny. He's my favourite of the bunch, for sheer entertainment snark and deadpan looks. Michael Symon I like also. He seems decent and a good mentor. Same with Curtis Stone, thought Stone seems a bit too anal and controlling. But he's really hot and has the Aussie accent, so he gets somewhat of a pass in that I just want to look at him and swoon. Alex I don't mind, except her yelling at August all of the time. She seems like Curtis - anal and controlling - and it doesn't seem to work with August who wants to do his own thing. And she chooses to make more classic foods that I would love to eat, as opposed to Curtis with these weird amuse bouche' with smoke and immersion circulators and I forget what else he did. Gotta say though - all four chefs seem like good actors because they sure as hell can pretend they care and are sincere. Maybe they are, but still. I have one of his books - Bobby Flay Cooks American - and everything of his I've tried has been amazing. It's my type of food though - the steaks, mexican, and sauces. Lots of Sauces. I love sauces to death, and he is the King at them. One recipe of his I've made - downloaded from FN - is Grilled Salmon or Trout with a Ginger, Honey, Mustard Sauce. Oh. My. God. It is absolutely amazing. I HATE ginger, but this recipe I love it. Served with a side of rappini - it's heaven!
  24. Gave this show three episode chance, and while entertaining at times, it's way to scripted. For the episode when they brought August back, okay, what Alex made was exactly what I would want to eat. But Flay losing the Texas blonde woman (forget the name). I called it the moment the challenge started. Specifically someone from Flay's team was next to be eliminated. Alex, Michael and Curtis all lost someone, now it was Flay's turn to even it out, it was just a matter of which one. I really thought church guy would go, based on his past stuff. But come on. Steak with amazing sauces doesn't do well? The runny egg yolk over a steak was a problem, when it's one classic item to add to a steak. No way. I don't believe it for a second. It's all scripted, so that none of the four chef mentors will look bad against the other ones. It all has to be balanced equally, until the final eliminations and I am sure they drew straws to figure out the final order of eliminations. I do find some of Flay's comments hilarious though. He seems to have the "whatever" attitude and just cracks snark, which makes me laugh. Then he hides in the background during judging and just pulls these "I'm not here for this" faces. Actually, all of them are amusing, though Alex yelling at August is grating. I would get annoyed at that. I'm rooting for Vanessa to win. I like her, love her retro 50s look and think that she and Symon have a great rapport and seem to like each other, get along. Thought Italian grandma is ballsy. I don't know - with these Food Network contests, I love watching the cooking but the judging I have no use for. Because half the time, the judging is BS, the comment are idiotic and in this case, is obviously fixed (IMO).
  25. Honestly, I think that "serialized" comment from the FOX heads was just corporate speak hiding the real reality. Yes, they need a certain number of shows to reach syndication, and that may be part of their goal, but the comment was just a redirector. The real problem they knew was Goffman and CFD, but they cannot outright say that. So instead, they made the changes necessary, and claim that the format will be changed. But it really won't. Most of the show was pretty unserialized. I mean, the only overriding theme that went throughout was CFD. Mentions of Mills backstory was contained within each episode, as was Crane's past, Jenny's, Irving's etc. The dialogue was enough to pick up most of the idea. The only serialization flaw was CFD. That's gone now. So they can focus on other things. Similar shows? Castle, Forever, Elementary. They have their MotW/CotW, but also those little character stories that run parallel and may span many episodes that run in the background and also allow character growth and progression. SH already did this mostly, and will continue to do this. The only serialized thing that needed to be moved away from from CFD. Actually, with Clifton Campbell, I think those little stories that run episodes for each character will become tighter, progressive and much more important. He's used to doing this, while weaving standalone cases throughout, so this bodes very well for the show. The only connecting cases or MotW will be a two-part episode, like most shows have.
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