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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Whew. Blackhoney is back! I was worried there for a sec, but I understand. It was a momentary bit of weakness because unlike a certain Kult, we actually have a heart. But no egging required. May Goffman go off and do this thing as CBS. Even it it works out for him, I don't care. He wasn't suited to SH and the genre, and that's fine. At least he didn't waste more time with the show. Same with Winter. Let her go off and get some more acting roles, job elsewhere. She's not a strong actress at all, so unfortunately, it will be a bit more difficult for her. See my "egging" will be when season 3 starts and the show returns - and most likely improves - on it's glorious premise and glorious characters. The stories are good, the episodes are thrilling, the actors are happy, the fans are happy and the Kult is seething. Ratings increase to a nice level, media is gushing, FOX is happy. And I will ride that glee and kult schadenfreude into the sunset. Success is the best revenge.
  2. Very good point! Take the toe, and her career is still over. But then it wouldn't have been immediately thought of as a homicide, and the drama would be less impactful. But yeah, I agree. She could have lost the toe, but still - you know - actually been able to WALK without a prosthetic. The only flaw in her motivations for me was the fame part. Fame is fleeting. She'll be in the news Monday, and replaced by some drama with a Kardashian or some politician making dumb comments by Wednesday. She would have literally her 15 seconds of fame, then a small paragraph in a text book. Not foot-worthy to me. I honestly thought she was going it to get some big million dollar insurance payout, actually. Oh yeah, he was definitely oblivious. He knew that Jo seemed happy with Issac (she says it earlier in the episode), and because of his "condition", he has put up some serious walls. He also really respects, admires and really likes her as a person, so wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize their relationship.
  3. Good episode. Felt really sorry for the ballerina for about 3/4 of the show. Actually was quite horrified over the idea of it - what a terrible thing for someone to endure, plus the end of their career. Then the twist. Damn...I get it, but those are some extreme measures. Crazy extreme measures. Wow. Lucas helping out Abe!! Awesome. Actually, the lengths he went to, to help Abe kinda broke my heart. And I don't know, Lucas is very attractive to me..I know....(so is Henry, for that matter, but a serious Lucas is quite nice). Jo! I don't blame her over cancelling the trip. The words "I have every minute of every day planned..." Not for me. She obviously likes spontanity. And how ironic that stiff, staid, proper Henry is the "spontaneous" one. Love that. Also, Issac was trying way to hard to impress her. Jo is not impressed by money and showiness - I so love her/respect her for that!. That ending...my shipper heart..why you do this to me, show? Henry, get a clue! Abe interrupting. I could be mad, but knowing why again broke my heart. How are both of them going to handle the news? This show needs to NOT end.
  4. Season 1 Finale - John Noble to guest star. Man, I really wish this show would be renewed. It's has decent ratings but a low 18-49 demo, so I wish they would renew and move it to another day maybe. Love this show.
  5. John S, the episode threads have been grouped together in a subfolder called S01. If you go to the main listing of threads for TURN, and look at the top, you'll see a Past Seasons folder, then below it, a S01. Click on S01 - that's where all of the season 1 episode threads are. Also, noticed that we don't have any threads to discuss the show itself, so I created them!! One is for unspoilered discussion --> Turn Speculation: Intelligence in America One if for spoiled discussion --> Spoilers and Speculation: Smithy Sailor Soldier Spy. Please keep the media thread for just that - posting media articles, promos and clips. Thanks!
  6. This episode is intended as an discussion area for UNSPOILED discussion about the series TURN. Please do not discuss any spoilers in this thread. For our Media thread, please go to Turn in the Media If you want to discuss the show and include spoilers, please go to Spoilers and Speculation: Smithy Sailor Soldier Spy. Thanks!
  7. This thread is intended to provide an area to discuss spoilers and any spoiled speculation about TURN. No spoiler tags required! For now, this thread can include any spoilers about actual events of the Revolutionary War and how those events will weave into the series storylines. If there is a need for a thread that does not include actual Rev War information, then that can be created. If you want to discuss the show without being spoiled, please go to this thread. TURN Speculation: Intelligence in America For any media releases, please go to the Turn in the Media.
  8. Thanks for telling us! Wow. Last season, the show aired on Sunday's at 9;00 pm. It was the Walking Dead replacement, and I was sure that this year would be Sunday too, but just looked it up, and yes, it starts Monday the 13th. Sometimes the Canadian feed is one day prior to the US airing, but no, the show moved to Monday. On my AMC, they are rerunning the entire season of TURN on Monday the 13th, starting at 10:30 am, so if anyone wants a rewatch, there you go. The Season 2 premiere episode is 2 hours long and starts at 9:00 pm. My DVR is going to be getting a workout. I'm very excited!!
  9. Woohoo! Season 2 Trailer released. Looks really good.
  10. Hey Everyone! Just wanted to extend a hearty thanks and give you our appreciation for once again doing your utmost to post politely, intelligently, respectfully and at times hilariously, and for basically keeping this thread fun without any negative or unnecessary confrontation. Awesome! @Dougal and I really appreciate it. Because you know, less work is good and myself, I am lazy. *grin* Thank you greatly!
  11. Good answer..... *grin* Welcome to the FTWD boards, Jordan27!! Glad you popped on in and hope you stick around!! And also hope the show is good. TWD is going to be a tough act to follow for them.
  12. You getting soft, Blackhoney?? Just remember who sidelined Abbie and Jenny all season to push his muse to the forefront. Who could talk about nothing other than Katrina in his interviews. Who destroyed Crane's character. Who wasted John Noble. Who did wrong by Irving. Who thought Deliverance was a brilliant idea. Who derided some of us for not being "true fans". I have no sympathy at all. His experiment failed. His muse on a pedestal failed. His "vision" and plan failed. Time for him to suck it up and move on to his probably bigger and better projects.
  13. I think just the reveal around the end of the film, and I was like "Oh...that's it...okay..." I mean, disturbing yes, but I think I expected something a little more impact to the general populace, maybe? Granted, FTF was about saving Scully, but still tied with with the alien mytharc. *shrugs* The movie was on TV recently, and I tried watching it but it didn't hold my attention for some reason. I should maybe give it another chance.
  14. Don't forget what else is more likely going to happen once the third season kicks off. If the episodes are good, and get good reviews during the recaps, and the ratings are good, every article will mention the fact that the show did poorly with their show runner MG, and that the episodes and the overall feel of the show has improved, is good again under showrunner Clifton Campbell. MG's going to be mentioned over and over again with regards to the failure of season 2, and Clifton Campbell will be mentioned over and over again as the saviour and show runner responsible for saving SH. Excellent. *grin*
  15. Things that make you go...BAHAHAHAHAHA!! This fucking show, I swear. Feel bad that Beharie has to endure extended minutes with Goffman, when you know he's pining away for his "beloved" But LOLing over the fact that suddenly...suddenly Miss Beharie has been invited to commentary. This is not a shot against Nicole at all. It's the thought of the decision makers who - once the Beharie tweet and subsequent response went viral - you know were running around like chickens with heads cut off, trying to rectify yet another mistake they made. Oh, this is the best shadenfreude ever! ETA: Oh yeah, you didn't bother to tweet congrats to the show for the third season, MG (fuck you). But you'll tweet the DVD commentary. Just divorce yourself of all SH mentions from this point forward and everyone will be happy.
  16. The second one just didn't engage me, I think. I didn't think the case was that interesting, and the ending fell flat to me. It was disturbing but meh. FTF was like an extended X-Files episode, but still I thought it was really good and held my attention. I kinda of equate it to the Indiana Jones movies. When the villian was a Nazi looking for a religious artifact, the movies were really good (Raiders and Last Crusade). But when the villian is some alien Crystal Skull thing, it ends up being really bad. Same with the movies. FTF had more of the traditional X-Files Alien mythology running through it, but IWTB with the transplanted heads, etc, I was like say what? Just weird.
  17. Bahahaha!! Best movie. That's my weapon choice! Those "swords" can easily take out Walkers!
  18. It was the Fight the Future one. The "extended' bee scene that appeared at the end of the movie credits. I saw the movie in the theatres but specifically remember the online video. I just remember the snare drum kicking in for the 20th century FOX theme music, then the scene, then the threatre losing their minds. The commentary I think was just from an interview that I read somewhere long ago but don't really remember. I have the FTF DVD, but don't think the extended scene is on there. Not sure. Good review. I hope the series more FTF than IWTB. Second movie was...not as good.
  19. Don't thank me, man. I just read twitters and post them here. I know nothing otherwise! Thank DearEvette and Blackhoney - twitter masters. But I learned something too, about the searching for tweets related to a specific person. Who knew?
  20. Whoa, RiddleyWalker...that's so IT! So dead on I cannot... Now add to that the fact that at every interview and at everyone moment, Goffman would talk endlessly about Katrina, changing the subject from her at every opportunity , well.... I've always placed Goffman as a card-carrying member of the Katrina Kult (tm DeLurker). His delusion and opinions quite mirrored those of the Kult.
  21. I need a map too. Problem is that there are so many threads, they fall to page 2 or 3 or more. We forget about them, and it's easy to just continue on the conversation where you are. I get it. It's all good! *grin* No worries.
  22. Hey guys...you're veering off topic. This is supposed to talk about what happened/was said on the Talking Dead. Speculation should go here to either Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation thread or the Conquer episode thread or actually the Zombie Talk: Gruesome, Gory and Grabby thread. I've moved some of your posts to the Zombie Talk thread. You guys have some really great analysis and speculation about the nature of the Walkers here, but does belong in that thread. Still, good stuff.
  23. I don't use twitter also, I just know the handles to read the twitter pages, if they are not hidden. RPG Crazy Ichabod has hidden her page from everyone, because people were screenshoting the insanity and posting it elsewhere (too bad, it was pure crazy entertainment). The tweets are going from one of the Katrina Kult, to Campbell, but he's not retweeting them. THIS is the infamous Sandra who's name has become an all-encompassing term for Katrina Kult member. The other "five fans" names' are also in there, i.e. she tweets with them. Yeah, sure she is, dear.. (actually, kinda is - writer didn't do well by her (or any of them, for that matter), but I don't care anymore - Good riddance.) I pronounce it "Ick-Cabbie." with the K and the C slurring together. It's the only pronouncation that flows for me. Everything else sounds too harsh or like a robot.
  24. I'm not sure about this, only because it's pretty unprofessional to respond to your viewers in such an angry way. He was responding to the severe criticism of the episode Deliverance (he didn' write that one), because he felt he was being attacked. He could have remained silent, but didn't. I think it was more he took it personally, and Goffman filled his head with "we must stick with our vision". But I feel Clifton Campbell is going to make sure his writers toe the line and respect the fans. There is an example of this about the show The Glades. It was cancelled abruptly, and he sent out a tweet apologizing to the fans and asking them to not direct anger at the show ( it wasn't shows fault) and then thanked the fans for their loyalty and love of the show. Very classy and respectful. I have a really good feeling about this guy - hope he doesn't disappoint me. I hope this means that's he's talking to all of the main actors to get their feedback and ideas and even some background drama. Orlando alone can educate him on the fandom. From what we've seen, Mison and Orlando really 'get it', so their input will be hugely valuable. I don't know what Beharie and Greenwood feel though, but I think they are similarily on board. This is going to be a good season.
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