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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I really liked this episode and they are doing a good job of fleshing out some of the other characters, such as Hewett and Andre. It was interesting to see with Hewett, how his passion was completely elsewhere (astronomy) and because of life, he ended up joining the army as a way to make a living, and here is was. It had the sense of "well, I'm doing my job as required, I am good at my job, but it's not my passion" kind of thing. It gave him a nice humanity and so many people can relate to him. Same with Andre. His disgust at being called to Lord Shippen's and basically being judged on his wealth, the look of disgust on his face was priceless, then him basically telling slamming Shippen for inheriting his wealth, not working his way up from nothing, as Andre did. I loved that. Again,a nice humanity to him. I can't help it, I like these two characters. What I don't like is of course all they can write for Anna is to be an object of desire for a man. I loved her interactions with Hewett at his telescope, and she seemed to actually like the person (not romantically), but at this point, she was Selah's wife (true life), Abe's love, Simcoe's creepy obsession and Hewett kind interest. Make her spy! The one little nuance I have missed is WHY Abe felt that Townsend would be a good person to bring into the spy ring. That I am not sure about. Simcoe - SIMCOE! OMG, Jamming the long sword into this throat, cutting out the guys tongue, writing a letter in the guys blood, and sticking the tongue to the letter. Oh, future Lieutenent-Governor, never change! Loved Abe spinning that story and twisting it to accuse the person who his father sent to follow him. No father-son love there, I tell you. Benedict Arnold, you kinda feel for the guy, I have to say. I get where he is coming from, and they are showing what a prideful man he is, but he is a tough person. And Tallmadge telling Arnold about the spying, I was like NO! The soldiers knew there was spying going on, so that's nothing new. It was the Culper Ring itself and it's activities that were unknown. I love Tallmadge's characters and his conflict with Washington, his activities, etc. There is even a bit of a connection with him in Arnold, in the sense that neither wants to disappoint Washington. This is why Arnold wanted to know what GW said about him, with Lee and Gates were slamming him. Ben is the same. He's been admonished by GW, and is trying to do right, but seems to fail sometimes, and it bothers him. Loved also his playfulness with Anna and teasing both of them. And last but not least, Seth Numrich, how do I love thee, let me count the ways! He is such a good looking man! But show, please do not film him in low/dark light when he is wearing his gorgeous long hair (his actual, I think) loose and all sexy. I need better lightening. I need to see! And back to Simcoe - here is an interesting little paragraph from some info on real life Simcoe. TV Simcoe was rocking the beret and had mud on his face for camouflage. You don't see that very often in any depictions of 18th century military. Excerpt from discussing his time with the Queen's Rangers: And unlike in the actual show....
  2. Well, I guess we'll agree to disagree. Season two, a lot of secondary, quickly reintroduced characters died, so that is nothing new for the show. Major deaths, well, we've had the two more coveted oned come to pass, and the core four aren't going anywhere, and Frank's already died, so that's off the table until series end. Jenny too, because they can't tease another "death' only to have her survive and they won't kill her off season three, unless it's a series end thing. As for morally questionable behaviour - well, Crane's done some very questionable stuff this season, all to do with the wife. But there are other things out there that could entice them, like with Abbie and one person/vs greater good but that's again already been done. That was part season 1 and all of season 2 again with the useless wife, so that's off the table too for the most part. So we are left with other things that could be a bit more "dark" and "gritty", as I mentioned above. It could be PTSD that both Crane and Abbie experience (and Crane should of all people), It could be something as stupid as Crane gets made fun of for his Rev clothes, and fisticuffs ensue, because that is something that is more realistic in life than spending 48 hours fighting demons, whilst the person is none the worse. It all depends on how the new showrunner is going to roll.
  3. Now think about the fact that Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco and Jim Parsons make at least half a million (and eventually will be ONE million) dollars for that scant 18 minutes of TV content. Life is so unfair (not for them), but ratings don't lie. The network wants them to stick around.
  4. Jon Stewart AND Stephen Colbert. My god, they would be brilliant. Jon Stewarts "Bullshit Mountain" alone rants would be awesome. Do it, guys!! Do it!!
  5. Considering many people want focus on Abbie, I'd say this is definitely an UO, and I do agree with it. I also don't want one mess of drama being replaced by another mess of drama, though CFD was epic in it's pointlessness and utter boring scenario. I want the focus on my Mulder/Scully quirky time travelling Witness team, with Jenny and Irving in the background. That's the team and works beautifully together.
  6. No, you must always be wearing a matching lacy black or red (usually) set (with bows and or frills) and are usually always prepared to have sex, as in always perfectly shaved everywere (legs and arm and other areas). *grin* Me too. The "special occassion stuff" and the practical stuff. *smile* Oh, another one --> That someone can fall asleep in the crook of their mates arms, neck bend ackwardly, or tightly spooning. Okay, I get some people can do it, but I need my space and my comforter fully around me and clear space around me. Otherwise, I cannot sleep.
  7. ...Is that no married or dating couple ever had morning breath? The pair wakes up in bed, and they are all snuggly and romantic, and then they start making out and tonguing each other and I think "toothbrush/paste and Listerine please!". Sorry for this one. That humans can sober up immediately if the situation calls for it. Someone will be very really drunk, when some drama suddenly happens or a secret is told or whatever, the drunken person suddenly sobers up and is perfectly fine. A woman can go to sleep with a thick layer of eyeliner and mascara and never wake up with racoon eyes.
  8. I watched Obama's entire 20 minute "routine" on Youtube and it is absolutely hilarious. I LOLed so many times. Man, like I said above - he just does not care anymore. Some of those shots were hilarious but also made my mouth drop, but you know what - it needed to be said and was so truthful. Fact is some of those attendees probably don't agree with Obama and support Bachman, Cheney and the others, so they probably didn't think it was funny. Again, good job, Mr. President. You did great and obviously said Buck-it! to the room! Ha!
  9. Not kids. Teenagers, like 15 or 16 years old, and who get parental consent. A child, no way, too young. That would be irresponsible.
  10. Just watched the video of Luther, President Obama's "anger translator". OMG, Hilarious! That was a thing of beauty. And the shots of the audience, were half of them have these sourpuss faces and are not laughing. Jeezus - drink some more wine/champagne and get a funny bone. Obama should have had an "anger translator" every time he dealt with some Republicans and the mess in the House! He's a funny snarky deadpan guy, and as the headlines have correctly pointed out, Obama has entered into this "I don't give a fuck anymore" portion of his presidency. Good for him!
  11. I tried to find the ratings for KuwtK, but couldn't find anything. However the Jenner interview got almost 16 million viewers - holy cow!! A 5.2 in the demo, so there you are. The networks are happy and now BJ can negotiate some more kash. No worries. I don't think he should have to hide either but the problem with Hollywood/celebs is that the paps are always chasing after them, and they lose the privacy they may want to have. Some will argue that the person is a celeb, therefore should be in public at all times, and I don't agree. Sometime you want to be left alone, and just because one appears in movies/TV, they should still have the option. So in the case of Bruce, if he really wanted to be left alone, he'd have to go elsewhere to attain that privacy, because in LA (and NY) the paps are everywhere. But it can be done. However, if he doesn't care about invasion of privacy, then he doesn't have to hide anywhere. I value privacy big time, so having my life "out there" for public consumption just makes me cringe, and I think some celebs may feel the same way too and if they do, they should be able to be left alone. There have been cases of hospital employees digging into patient files (I think Britney Spears was one), the info went out on the internet, and they tracked down the workers and fired them. What is wrong with people. For serious surgeries like this, Doctors recommend the person be at least 18, because the body is still growing and changing. Done too early can have negative consequences, but there are teens who do have surgery early, or decide on hormone therapy or whatever, early on, and they turned out okay.
  12. Please don't read my comment as me saying he needs to hide. No way. If he wants to one-up Kris, or feels now is the right time to do it, or wants the public to hear his story and learn from it, by all means. More power to him. By disappearing, I was thinking how others are saying he will be hounded by the paps. If he doesn't want to be hounded, and wants some privacy, then get the heck ouf ot dodge (LA). If he has a desire to keep things private or doesn't want to be harassed, he can do this. Leave LA. That's what I meant, not that he should hide because he wants to be a woman. But he does have the choice to avoid the media, and paps if he wants to, if he doesn't want to be harassed during the transition. As I said, many celebs can pull this off easily, so it tells me that the ones that are visible, deliberately make themselves visible. But my cynical side thinks - why now? Why not two years ago? One year ago? Five? Because in my mind it would possibly damage the K brand, take attention away from Kim and Kris, and maybe even cause problems with the show. Now that it's near the end of it's life, perfect timing. I still think it's about money. Everything else about this family revolves around kash and media attention, why not this?
  13. Personally, I think yes. Absolutely. All of this is being broadcast simply to make money. Why else would he go on TV? If Bruce really wanted privacy, he could have it. Move out of LA. Find a small house/apartment, have the surgeries, recover and pop up in a year. There are numerous celebs who are able to stay out of the limelight and radar, only to pop up to a premiere or whatever out of the blue. He could do this too if he really wanted. My cynical self says that this is merely a cash grab. The network pays him a nice chunk of change, they get ratings, the K family is happy to still be in the limelight and get attention and all is typical with the reality TV world.
  14. By gritty and darker, I mean things both emotional and physical dark. For example, the entire season 2, Abbie should have laid into Crane and YELLED at him - just once at least, or gotten really angry at him or even thrown a book at him in frustration. Crane should have been more angry at the wife, and they should have had a major back and forth fight, not what simmered and then was abandoned all season (CFD). When they are running through the forests and backwoods areas, they should be getting covered in mud and leaves and rain. They clothes should get periodcally ripped. When they fight a demon, they should rightly get slashed or bruised or get blood over them or have to wear a sling or go limping around from their ordeal. Both should have been seen collapsing into a shower, because they were covered in mud and leaves, or passing out in bed at home, exhausted from their ordeals and battle of the day. But we don't get any of that. We never saw the impact on Abbie, of her time in purgatory, after she was out. The impact on the wife who had been in there the entire time. Crane, very slightly but it's all glossed over. No one was even slightly bloodied. Same with the scariness. For, the only time I jumped was the pilot, at the end with the mirror. THAT was cool. Most of it is tamed over in terms of the real threats, so that's how I want to see the show go - more consequences, after affects of what they do, but keep the lighthearted humour and quirkiness. Hope that makes sense.
  15. Bahahahaha!! Someone out there putting up the episodes knows what's going on. I had to look up episode titles and order to see which ones they included: 1 - This is War 2 - The Kindred 14 - Kali Yuga (goodbye Hawley) 15 - Spellcaster (setting up evil K) 16 - What Lies Beneath (heavy Ichabbie) 17 - Awakening (goodbye Henry) 18 - Tempus Fugit - (goodbye and good riddance K). Hahaha!! 13 is Pittura Infamante, which is mostly reviled, and most of the other ones are K heavy and stupid with her presence. Though I think this is normal practise - they show the later episodes, so I would expect 14 and 15 to be unavailable soon. The channel that I get SH on, did show reruns of the Joe Corbin episode and the Pied Piper one a couple weeks ago. But I'll just pretend this is shade at the crappy season and pretend this was a deliberate choice! *grin*
  16. I was thinking of starting this thread, then found that I had started it months ago!!! Now that we HAVE a season 3, and we know who's dead and also with a new showrunner, hints of what may change, what do you guys want to see? Since the wife is dead (YEAH!!) and Henry is dead (YEAH!) and the core four are alive, this is what I want to see: - A time jump. This will allow Crane to mourn for the wife and Henry OFF SCREEN gets closure and moves on. No more of Crane being all moody over it. Hell, even Tom Mison said he was bored with it. However, he did say he would be interested in exploring a little of the after effect on Crane, so that would be okay. But the mourning needs to be over with. - Jenny and Crane spending more time together and bonding. They have so few scenes, and they bounce off each other well, so this needs to happen. - Crane and Abbie on a plane, and in a different city. It would be cool if they went to London, actually. - Irving gets his job as Captain back. More Irving and Crane interactions. - More of Abbie's personal life, down time, regular stuff that happens when she is not fighting demons. - Of course Abbie and Crane growing closer, (regardless of shippyness). They are the core of the show. - No mention, flashbacks, thoughts, anything of the wife. That's how bitter and hateful I am right now. - The show to be more gritty. I love the humour and fun parts, don't get me wrong, but there should be a bit more darkness with the show, which I think the new showrunner might go there.
  17. Sounds like he'll leave it slightly open for a movie or a season 2. All depends on ratings, and FOX deciding to commit to a second season/movie/whatever. Makes sense, his answer. Why not leave all opportunities open, right?
  18. I completely agree. I mean, it's not like the public is going to think Ben Affleck himself owned slaves, No. Why do people think they are responsible/should be judged on the actions of people who are long dead and you never ever met ever but just happen to be related to you? Just strange. I guess it's all Hollywood PR and appearing 100% blemish-free. Now if Affleck turned around and said, "Cool, my ancestor owned slaves," well then...that is a serious issue.
  19. I'm more irritated by another link from somewhere in the links I actually provided, that had Duchovny complaining about Anderson getting equal pay in the third season. I had heard that she was still fighting for better cash by the 7th season, but apparently no - their salaries were equal after season 3, after she negotiated hard. But here is Duchovny complaining, saying that if she wants equal pay, get better negotiators and it won't be a problem, and then saying how he does lots of the brunt work/fight scenes, implying that he deserves more. What the fuck, DD. What the hell was wrong with him back then? I guess the success of the show went to his head. No wonder he and GA didn't get along for a while. Glad that he seems to have matured or at least mellowed and seems to be better. A lot of interesting reads in there (links that I posted) and commentary of how Darin Morgan was so influential on the show, yet wrote so few episodes. His episode Clyde Bruckmen's Final Repose was the only X-Files episode to ever win an Emmy for writing. Also, as much as we hate CC for desexualizing Scully, he seemed to be a good boss. Allowed a lot of leeway and freedom for each writer, gave them time as needed and allowed them to be part of the entire production process (for the episodes they wrote). The writers have been quoted as saying the environment was hard (they had to pass a 13 week trial), but they learned a lot, and credit CC for that. Many of those writers went off to be hugely successful in other shows (example, V Gilligan in Breaking Bad). CC and his method of leading basically allowing those writers to develop their craft and truly learn everything about TV show production. Awesome. Wish I had a boss like that.
  20. Um,....yeah!!! Personally, as much as I like Robert Patrick, I am glad. Skinner being back is awesome. CSM is good too. But I really didn't want too much season 8 and 9 influence and characters coming through, so this is good!
  21. This post, Madding crowd, deserves all the awards...You win this thread - no, this board, for the year!!
  22. This one is dead on. And it's more than that in my view. If men could get pregnant, rape would be punishable by death, all birth control would be free, there would be even more options and it would be all 100% effective. Abortion would be accessible to all men and free. The state would subsidize maternity leave completely and if a man wanted to get their (vas deferens) tubes tied, it would be completely free and also reversable. When you have countries where the government subsidizes Viagara, but doesn't subsidize the birth control pill, that is messed up. Ha! So true. I love this. Maybe Scully's gift to Mulder was some sample Viagara or a box of condoms? That's what I remember too from that whole story line. The son was like Jesus too, because he was supposed to be the savior of mankind or whatever (I half tuned out on all that mess). I think that's where all of the rumours about CC refusing to sexualize Scully. Because he held her (or GA) on a pedestal, he wouldn't allow normal human factors to be written for their character. In the case here, it's her being a sexual being and actually wanting to act on her "baser" instincts. It's semi-reflected in IWTB. Here is Scully continuing her work as the saviour doctor/angel fighting to save the life of an innocent child, and Mulder is all lumberjack man grungy mess hiding away in his cabin dealing with crap and his own personal issues. Scully doesn't get the break, because she has to sacrifice herself for humanity (or however I'm spinning it!)
  23. I am going to use that. "Screw out of Jail Free" Card. I love it. As for woman considered to be sluts if they have sex then?? Hell, society considers that NOW!! Look at the Abortion and Contraceptive controversy in the US right now. How many times have we heard a politician say something that hints at "just tell the woman to close their legs." Yes, because all woman are capable of immaculate conceptions, aren't they? They seem to forget that impregnation also involves a male dick and sperm. Sheesh. (Sorry for the crude) Kinda off this point and the above about the immaculate conception - I always thought that the show was a bit too heavy-handed with that. Like, when the storyline had Scully find out she couldn't get pregnant. What was the terminology she used? "Mulder, I am barren." Who the hell speaks like that? Even Doctor Scully would never say that. It was such a strange and clunky word to use and so old-fashioned. It makes it sound like such a negative thing. (Adoption, Scully...and CC). Then we have Scully suddenly find out she is knocked up and stupid Mulder actually doubting the paternity. But what it totally reminded me of is the Biblical Virgin Mary. Here you have chaste, virginal Scully who is suddenly pregnant out of the blue. Of course Mulder has to be an ass and question Scully on her extracurricular activities. And of course there is never the idea that the man's little swimmers could be the reason why a woman doesn't get pregnant. Anyway, it was just another glaring example of how the show really tried to desexualize Scully into what Morgan said above - not a human. I will be interested to see if the six episodes will cover the baby thing. Honestly, I hope not.
  24. Duh - that's right. I was scanning the page quickly looking for stuff, copying/pasting, trying to get all of the links in, etc, and therefore forgot episode air orders! Like I said - lots and lots of stuff to read. What an interesting mix - Home is one of the best and most creepy episode, Never Again isn't bad (except for CC meddling), I always liked Musings in a kitchy way and TFWID I just...did not.
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