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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Well, I was right about the two young kids who were so cute and innocent being killed off. Houston gave the same speech last episode as he did at the end of this episode. Almost the exact same one. Jeremy Davies looks ill, he's so thin. Brendan Fraser sounds like he has a throat infection at times, he sounds strange. It was not bad but slow. And again, certain characters are coming across as goofy and don't seem to be taking anything serious. Comedy within a sea of Texas death. It just seems incredibly out of place.
  2. lark37, I'm going to answer your post in this thread, so as to not intro book spoilers into this thread.
  3. Answering lark47 here, from this original post: My impression of GW has always been of a calm, kind, benevolent, intelligent man who did not want to hurt others, was an expect military tactican and whose risks ended up being good ones. Mind you, this was my impression of GW before the show even aired or I read Alexander Rose's book. I was never interested in Revolutionary War history until I started watching Sleepy Hollow, to be honest. I always was more interested in the American West and the American Civil War. So started reading up on it, and decided to watch Turn because of SH, to be honest. Then bought the book (at the National Archives in Washington, DC, for the record). Anyway, in the book, if you have read it, GW comes across as really impatient and quick to anger. I don't blame him, to be honest. He relied heavily on the intelligence of the Culper Ring and other sources and it just wasn't coming fast enough for his liking (as fast as it could, considering the times). Also, in the book it seemed he was quick to anger and frequently annoyed with Woodhull continuously asking for payment for his expenses. He seemed to really value the intelligence, but I am sure the bleeding coffers of the Patriots, the worry over everything else and Woodhull repeated nagging him for the money didn't sit well with Washington. In the book, he seemed more impatient, easily irritated, quick to anger, easily frustrated and not too forgiving over certain slights to him or the Patriot Army. There was a particular mention in the book of someone executed and I originally had the impression that GW was like, "yeah, whatever, just kill the guy." It could have been Andre, to be honest, but not 100% sure. Have to reread. Again, this is coming from a mindset/impression of GW that was one way, and the book which ended up seeming very different. Other interpretations and accounts of GW will be different. It's just what I thought at the time. Hope that makes sense. ETA: I actually want to go back and reread the book soon. It was very interesting. You are right about the show deviating. In the book, J.G. Simcoe gets one paragraph of consideration and I think Anna Strong gets barely two paragraphs. So everything on the show is fiction for the show, except when the writers maybe did more research and included little bits and pieces of the character. Like I mentioned before, Simcoe wearing a beret and camouflauge mud on his face, while leading the Queen's Rangers. He did do this for a while, and he was the one who introduced certain military training tactics and ideas to the unit that were quite advanced for their time, but it's almost a side thought. On the show, Simcoe is just a murderous loon. Same with Anna - she wasn't leaving her husband for Abe, and she was about 10 or more years older than he was. Abe wasn't married at the time and had no kid. So creative/dramatic license coupled with a bit of history.
  4. ^^ Those audience maps are really fascinating, actually, DearEvette. So the move to Thursday makes even more sense. All of those males who switched to Scorpion, because of a bad season 2 and another decent show, now can tune in Thursday's for SH. Some of those same males will had the choice of NFL Football on Monday or Thursday ( and the Thurs games usually suck) so more viewship for SH. They may do what I do - tape both, fast forward through commercials and stoppage in play. It works nicely, actually, and you can finish the show, and watch the last hour or so of football live. I really thought though that SH skewed really high female. Only because I think 9/10 twitter and tumblr and forum comments I've read are all females. I think jhlipton is the only male here out of the rest of us posters in the SH board, so figured that was similar to how SH was overall. So again, this move by FOX - it almost seems like they know what they are doing. They "rebooted" the show, moved it to a popular day and time, where ad revenue is most expensive, scheduled it so the lost males could come back, and are banking on at least SOME of the Scandal viewship choosing SH live. Makes sense to me. Personally, I don't watch Scandal, like Gotham and am female (smack dab in the middle of the coveted demo) so maybe I am the odd demo, but there are a fair bit of us out there wanting our SH back. Also, the few wife-lovers will most likely not come back, but they are a very small percentage that won't affect the overall show that much.
  5. Jeffery Dean Morgan (aka almost twin of Javier Bardem) is on the show?? Cool. He's currently on a miniseries called Texas Rising and he's quite a good actor. More casting news. Hilarie Burton cast on Extant. From Spoiler TV: I'll put the relevant paragraph on Extant in here under spoiler tags.
  6. SpoilerTV posted a long article about Forever and it's potential renewal. Says that "every year, a network makes the wrong decision" - Forever was the 2015 mistake cancellation. A link to the petition and also dropping the "maybe on Hulu, TNT or Netflix" response. Don't tease me, like they teased me with Constantine. I would almost consider watching it on this medium to be honest. And this awesome fact...In France, Forever averages SIX MILLION viewers per episode. Stupid ABC.
  7. You are right. I was thrown off when Emily West (yes, played by Cynthia Addai-Robinson) went into Houston's tent and it sounded like Sam called her Emily Dickenson at first (threw me off), but then I was like, but her name is Susanna (from earlier I thought they called her that). Fixed my above. Yes, Emily West. Some of the things on the show, I have to look up, like Tejanos? No idea who they are supposed to be. Mexican Rangers? Mexican militia? I had to look it up also. The Tejanos all seemed to be wearing those blue military uniforms with red trim, so thought they were a specific military unit. Now I know. Tejano or Texano (Spanish for "Texan") is a term used to identify a Texan of Criollo Spanish or Mexican heritage - thanks Google. I love Turn too but watched this last night and taped Turn. Feel bad for Turn because I am sure it got decimated in ratings due to Texas Rising.
  8. It is sad, isn't it. Again, what a waste. I think also that both he and Tom Mison were really looking forward to working a lot with each other. Mison I think said that they really meshed well together and have similar acting styles, and approached the scenes very cohesively together. Season 2, they were barely together, and I think both of them were not too pleased with that. Instead, he spent almost all of his scenes in season 2 with Winter, and she is not the most strong actress at all. Also, the difference in a season 1 seemingly tormented Henry Parrish who absolved the sins of prisoners (why was this never expanded on. Oh yes, because Katrina), and season 2 sulking little child Jeremy....both he and Mison must have read the scripts and been like, "say what??" I may have seen it once mentioned before but another lost opportunity. Background on Sin Eater Parrish. *sigh* Here is a good screen shot (it may have been posted before) that shows the main people on the show now - specifically actors and exec producers (there seem to be....a lot of them). Right now, there are three cast members only. Mison, Beharie and Greenwood of course. And Albert Kim is an Exec Producer now?? Yikes. Orci, Kurtzman and Kindler I think are there mostly in name and will pop up periodically. Did Metzner get punished for his twitter argument with fans, which is why he is "still" a writer? Hmmmm....
  9. Bawahahahaha!! I swear, I am going to survive the hiatus only for the periodic shade provided to once again confirm what most of us knew. Very eloquent answered by Mr. Nobel - beautifully done but he speaks the absolute truth. And again I find it interesting that he said "we all know that." The conversations and behind the scenes gossiping that must have taken place would have been fascinating. And it was obviously frustrating for him (he said he was sitting around a lot). You did forget the most important words. "Season 3, I won't be there. Katia won't be there." Good. Thank god. Orlando will be missed, but not the other two (though Henry Parrish from season 1 will be). I'm still blown away that MG basically wasted an actor of such high regard as JN. Imagine Robert DeNiro or Morgan Freeman or Daniel Day Lewis guest starring on SH...Knowing MG, he would stick them in a bunny costume, and only have them hand potion ingredients to Katrina, all the while saying what a wonderful mistress she is, all in order to prop up his muse. I'm telling you....waste, waste, waste....
  10. Actually, the entire production is filmed in Durango, Mexico. I always am interesting in filming locales so checked the credits. Durango for everything, though many museum and historical societies in Lexington, Virginia participated in providing historical resources. The Mayor of Durango and a couple of other Mexican officials were thanked in the credits. I find this interesting only because that means that the portrayal of Santa Anna and Houston won't be so one-sided. i.e. both will be shown as good men but severely flawed. Otherwise, the Mexican officials (Mayor et all) are most likely not going to participate in a production to show one of their own President's - and military - in very poor light, if that makes sense. So that's good. Two Sam Houston museums in the US were also contributors. The two young kids are cute - I admit - but they seem kind of goofy and more like a comedy bit running through an otherwise serious film (and situation). I was waiting for them to die, because you know their innocence is going to be taken pretty soon (next episode?). I liked it, though it did drag for a bit. I will say that seeing how heavily stacked the credits were in terms of actors appearing, I was trying to identify them (it was sometimes hard with the weight losses and the beards and thick layers of dirt). Half the time I was like "Hey, I know him from somewhere". Also, some of the characters looked very alike so hard to differentiate. Like that natty dressed blond guy in the bar who shot baldy, versus the blond guy who rescued the woman when the wagon overturned in the water. Same with some of the soldiers. I am interested to see what Emily West Susanna Dickenson is up to - I did dislike the obvious female trope of 'must be rescued by man, sleep with another man', but the very end shows she's up to something. Revenge most like. I think she took a vial of poison or something toxic (mercury) from the doctor's medical chest. She's going after Santa Anna, is my prediction. Though over all, the characters were interesting, though that second in command who kept questioning Houston - most General's wouldn't let you get away with that once. He's lucky to be alive. I'm in for part two, which I was actually surprised airs tomorrow (well today, Tuesday night) for another two hours!
  11. Well I am going to disagree, but somewhat agree. I agree, in that this will be the last season for SH, if they don't significantly improve it. The fandom is loyal, but impatient. If it doesn't bring back the "magic" in a few episodes, then we'll all jump ship and move on. However, I don't think scheduling any show on Thursday is a death sentence at all. Scandal, The Big Bang Theory, Elementary, the Blacklist and Grey's Anatomy all air Thursday, and have for a long time, and they are doing quite well in the ratings. I agree with an article that I posted earlier - that Gotham was not the right lead in for SH - completely different demos. Honestly, it makes sense. If it was moved to a Friday or Saturday, then yeah. Death sentence. But Thursday is a good date to pick.
  12. Wow, Irlandesa. Again, really fascinating information and stories. Thank you for sharing! And everything makes total sense (to me). Yeah, Brett Butler was fighting her own alcoholism, and Mom has both mom and daughter being alcoholics. Write what you know, right? (common advice to writers) Most interesting.
  13. Irlandesa, your whole post is fascinating and glad that Cryer feels comfortable and open enough to talk about it. Sad about Angus too, to be honest. He's young, impressionable and honestly, I was shocked when he released his "religious" video. Just really surprised. What I would NOT be surprised about is if that cult religious thing whatever that he joined, targeted him since he had a lot of money. Not Scientology but all religions love their $$. When I was looking up some Chuck Lorre information, I learned that he himself is a recovering alcoholic. That made me wonder and think that when Charlie started back on his 'downward spiral', Lorre - as someone well versed in being an addict - knew full well how this was going to hurt Sheen, those around him, etc, and tried to do an intervention or at least confronted Charlie. Maybe even several times. And maybe Lorre was less tolerant of Sheen's shenanigans after realizing that Sheen didn't want to help himself. And I speculate that maybe Sheen got pissed that Lorre was interferring (Sheen was using heavily at this point), and started on his dragon, tiger blood thing whatever the hell it was. Lorre gave him chance after chance and finally said screw it and fired Sheen. This is just my speculation, but this makes the most sense to me.
  14. Me too. Loved the show and it's the only one of the Marvel shows that I've watched. Never saw the movies. To continue the good news..... 'Agent Carter': Hayley Atwell Says Season 2 Will Be Two Episodes Longer TEN episodes! Hell ya! ETA: Agent Carter - Season 2 - Episode Order Revealed + Hayley Atwell Q&A Video
  15. Yeah, sometimes I type fast and end up sounding curt and don't get the point across as well as it seems in my head!! Most of us masses make small amounts (comparatively) to these actors, so dropping from a salary of say $60K a year to 40K just to give you peace of mind and not so much stress can be a doable thing, but again, you have to have the financial situation to be able to. When we are talking about the money levels for actors and the volatility of the acting profession, it's a completely different animal. From all reports, Cryer has always behaved respectfully and has always had only positive things to say about the actors, the show, etc. He seems like a very classy guy and a consummate professional. I hope he goes onto to other things and continues with his success. If not, then he had a nice big bank account to soothe himself.
  16. Been in the same situation as you actually and you are right - money isn't everything (but in this world it is a lot of things). However Jon Cryer apparently was able to handle it because he stuck around for the entire run of the show. He could have thought about leaving way before, but pay raises and financial security are a nice motivator. Also, he may have thought he may not find another show to be on, therefore a few years of "misery" to pad that bank account and ensure his financial future is a smart decision to make. Actors are different - he's only going to suffer for a few years - not 30+ years of working like the rest of the masses have to just to attempt to have retirement money. You mentioned the migranes and stresses, but how long did you stick around before quitting? A few months? One year? A few years? Would now a salary of $600,000/yr sweeten the pot? And when you left, did you find another job first? Also, what did you have to give up? Being able to pay a mortgage or smaller things like not being able to take multiple vacations and buy expensive clothes? $600K/yr would make me stick around for a bit, because it would put me faster on the road to financial independence, therefore one only has to "suffer" for a short period of time. Fact is, it's only when one has the money and financial independence that one can quit jobs and go lower paying. That's why there are so many people who are borderline poor/poor but who still work multiple jobs because they have no choice. They would quit one if they could, but they literally have no choice. They have to survive. In the final season of the show, there were 16 episodes. At his per episode rate of $640,000, Jon Cryer just earned $10.24 million dollars. That is certainly a good reason to not let the behind the scenes BS that has nothing to do with you, not bother you. Also think of actors who are in action films who have really tough training schedules or physically demanding roles. Like in the Matrix where the actors trained for 6 months before even starting to film and that is was extremely physically demanding for them. Or Christian Bale or Matthew McConnaughhey or Jared Leto starving themselves for a role. That multi-million dollar paycheck sure is a good motivator (along with the Oscar chance). But as with Cryer - short term suffering for a big payday. Again, makes the pot sweeter, IMO.
  17. TLC pulls 19 Kids and Counting from Lineup. Good. Now cancel the show, prosecute Josh, throw him in jail for a very very long time, fine the hell out of those greedy SOBs and get counselling for the girls and free them from the family. Only then will justice be served.
  18. Unlike everyone else mentioned in this thread, right? That's what nice about those two - they actually act professionally. Apparently a rarity, if this thread is any indication.
  19. Hahahahahaha.....Apparently TPTB are repeating word for word what all of us have been saying ad nauseum for months. I'm expecting a bouquet of roses or a fruit basket to follow for each fan that repeatedly stated we KNEW the problems way in advance, knew what was wrong and wanted better. Hee. (Oh, and you idiots. We told you.) Heather Kadin Pays Fan Service, Tells us Exactly What She Thinks We Want to Hear and Previews Season 3. SLEEPY HOLLOW: Heather Kadin Previews Season 3’s Big Bad, Mining Abbie/Ichabod’s Relationship, and More.
  20. You mean, "I know, it must have been hell cashing those LARGE checks every week..." I would have no problem with any behind the scenes drama and spats if I could make the $620,000 an episode. Makes it easier to deal with, you know what I mean? I sort of doubt it solely because of the fact that the writers put them together as a couple again. The show is so successful that I think they would have had the clout to say "no, write that we stay friends." Apparently they are good friends still in real life, so that's good.
  21. According to IMDB, Kelley first popped up in 1986, with LA. Law, then Doogie Howser MD in 1989. Carter started with The X-Files in 1993.
  22. I'm actually not, to be honest. I was glad (but sad) when he was "killed" off in the finale, so not too happy he's one of the only ones who is back. Also - why has this kid not aged??? Wow.
  23. Something to cheer everyone up (I hope) or at least allow you to reminisce.. Let's see if you guys agree: Top 10 Musical Moments from The Late Show with David Letterman.
  24. This is a fabulous post, Bastet. Truly. The sad reality though is that yes - politicans and the like are all like "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps". Nice idea, but it's not reality. In my view, there was a peak of propersity for the average Joe in North America around 1999. After that, with the dot com bust, 9/11, Enron and all of the other corporate shenanigans, most people cannot attain the "American Dream" anymore, unless you are born into money. To quote Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Roseanne to me is one of the most realistic portrayals of a family, with a comedy flair running through. With all of the remakes of TV shows and movies, I think we are desperately overdue for another "Roseanne" type series. But nothing can improve from the original, I think. Some TV station really needs to rerun the show again from day 1 - in order.
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