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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Okay, I'm not reading any of the comments before I post mine.....Okay, what the hell. John now cheats on Molly?? Based on his behaviour in season 1, he is the last person to cheat. And we all knew Julie was into John, but this was strange. Total retcon. Male Objectivation # 1: Goran Visjnic....yum with the stubble.... Male Objectivation # 2: Jeffrey Dean Morgan. That stubble and those dimples make me weak, but seeing you in Texas Rising two weeks ago, in a barely there low slung linen pants...well now.; Seriously - dude's hot. And I like his character. They destroyed Julie though - she was not like this - she did not want corporate power. John would not have cheated on Molly. This is pure retcon, but the episode did interest me, so I guess I will stick around.
  2. Oh crap - I just noticed you changed your avatar! Ha! Nice. Man, DD and GA seem awfully cozy and touchy-feely, don't cha think???
  3. Have you seen this yet, my lovelies?? 'X-Files' returns: New EW exclusive photos (alternate link if the above doesn't work) I'm going to have to mop AntiBeeSpray off of the floor after she sees these ones.
  4. Yeah, early on, like the first season but it didn't last long obviously. At least that's what I read. Everytime I watched the show and there was a kissing scene, I couldn't help but think, "man, that must be awkward..."
  5. Did he actually say it was Katic though? I remember reading this as a blind item and the speculation was about Fillion and Katic, but I didn't think it was confirmed by anyone directly. Hmmm....Maybe he was joking though? I know these two dated early on in Castle days. I could see Fillion trying to crack a joke like this though?
  6. ^^ To add to orza's awesome reply, yeah, Friday and Saturday nights, lots of the desired demo of 18-49-year olds go out. Whether to a movie, a club, a restaurant, bar or someone else's house, they are not home to watch the TV show. Add to that the ability to DVR, a Friday or Sat show is most likely going to not have live viewers, but lots of DVR viewers later on. However...interesting TV watching trivia. Back in the day, when the X-Files aired, the first three seasons aired Friday nights at 9:00 pm. After that, they moved to Sunday's at 9:00 pm that now - what with Mad Men, The Walking Dead and other shows - is a very popular schedule slot. Anyway, guess what the Friday viewership was? It started at 12 million and hit almost 20 million before the Sunday switch. People were going out back then, but only had VCRs (if you had it). That doesn't happen now, does it? Empire is considered a MAJOR hit (deservedly) and getting numbers like this. It's ranked #5 overall, and #2 in the 18-49 demo. Guess what the X-Files was ranked? Started around #50 to #60, and at it's peak, ranked #11. Crazy eh, the change in ratings and what's considered a success.
  7. I'm calling it for the record (and slightly because of the picture and just for fun.....). Considering how TV and movies have jumped onto the zombie bandwagon these last few years..... Alien-Human hybrid gone wrong, that the result is a Zombified Humalien. Just saying. *grin* I don't remember the end of IWTB...Mulder and Scully were helping the FBI, but at the end, they didn't invite them back? Did they leave it open for either to return? I don't remember, if one of you awesome people could remind me. I'm banking though that Mulder is back with the FBI for sure. Mulder will do it, because he wants access to the X-Files and wants the resources. Just speculation.
  8. I really do too. I mean, it's maybe not the best acted or nuanced in it's writing, maybe displays military situations incorrectly and employs typical tropes, but it's fun and entertaining and I really enjoy it. Depending on the area. The city I gre up in literally had two separate Timmie's across the street from one another. Both same size, both sit down, not a wide street. Both thrived. They are everywhere around here. But going out to Vancouver, I saw lots of Starbucks, but for the life of me, couldn't find a Tims (downtown Van). Up to Thunderbay, very fews Tims, but they have their own chain that does well (Robin's Donuts). Depends on the area. Tim's did okay in some parts of Eastern US, but they announced they were going to close their US head office, but Tim's is having a hard time expanding further into the US. I was chuckling, because I'm like, Dude, you know there is no more garbage pickup, right? But your point is dead on - it's not rational but a sense of normalcy. Great comment I totally agree. Didn't even catch the thing about the safe room, but damn, you are right. They are probably all dead in there. Creepy. I also liked the contrast of the XO choosing the ship (because he had no family anymore), Chandler first choosing his family but ultimately went back to where he really should be. Hard decision.
  9. Have more to say later, no time now, but I CANNOT believe there was a Tim Horton's product shot.Out of everything they could have done... For those not in the know, Tim Horton's is a very successful coffee and doughnut chain mostly in Eastern Canada. We LIVE for our Timmie's coffee but Tim's attempted expansion into the US has not done well. Regardless, I was like "OMG, are those TIMS COFFEE CANISTERS! HOLY CRAP!" More later....But before...Mmmm....military porn...F-18s, Cargo planes, yum....
  10. Nope, not anymore. Just been announced. Damn show. We've enough drama and lack of information for the equivalent of TEN seasons, and now this? Please don't tell me there is NEW drama this season. *lesigh* ETA: Link to same announcement at GiveMeMyRemote
  11. To be honest...Mulder moving into his living room tells me that he's back to form, back to his normal FBI /X-Files investigating self. It tells ME that he's "out" of the deep end and has a purpose. Why do I say this? Because in the entire run of The X-Files, what was the joke (besides M watching porn). That Mulder didn't have a bedroom. It's even used for maximum effect in Dreamland I and Dreamland II (the one where he switched bodies with Michael McKean's Morris Fletcher.) There was a scene where Fletcher (as Mulder) goes into M's apartment, because he wants to get ready for when Scully comes over for dinner. He's looking for a bedroom, finally opens a door and boom! a bunch of porn mags and boxes and boxes of files tumble out onto the floor. Later, when Scully is over, she comments "I didn't even know you had a bedroom, Mulder." So him "moving into his living room" indicates to me, that Mulder is back in full form, back in FBI mode and ready to do his thing. Because that's how he works. Everything around him has to be clustered into one room. It's just the way he needs to work, to be most focused and efficient. It's just his quirk, like writers who need a particular setup to be productive. And one of the pictures someone posted above had Mulder in suit and tie - therefore back working for the FBI. Anyway, that's how I see it.
  12. Ah, found it. There are two "easter eggs" on the cover of the magazine but possibly one more. The 3rd E of the Magazine title Entertainment has a little alien head on it. The X of X-Files looks like the tape that Mulder used to summon Deep Throat. Three letters are underlined in the article titles that spell out U.F.O. THE TRUTH IS IN HERE. (Hey, you stole my thread title EW!) FIRST LOOK. THE SMOKING MAN IS BACK - WHO ELSE?
  13. I thought it was okay. I did expect them to play on the original Rolling Stone (was it RS??) cover from years ago, as an homage, but that may still be coming. Both look good, but washed out. GA's hair needs to be redder. I like the tie grab, though. *fansself* And she's standing on a box!! Some comment somewhere claimed there were two "Easter Eggs" on the cover. One, I can see a little alien head on the 3rd E of Entertainment and the second they implied DD watch has the time of 1013, but it doesn't. Have to find what it was. Do get a kick out of the fact that one story is about Scully's hair. Hee.
  14. Man, we need someone here (who is organized) to keep a bullet list of all of the things the various articles are telling us we will see, to compare it to what actually happens when the show airs. Because you know....Chris Carter = Secrecy of Truth + Plot Misdirection + Media Manipulation.
  15. Double-posting. FOX releases Fall 2015 premiere dates. Sleepy Hollow season 3 (along with Bones) premieres Thursday October 1st, 2015 @ 9:00 - 10:00 pm EST *Sigh* I have to wait that long...I thought for sure it would be the week before, because that when most of the shows are premiering. FOX, why you make me wait? ETA: Show, you'd better give me a good Halloween episode this season, dammit. October 29th it would air, and I want some creepy Halloween. I mean, come on! Sleepy Hollow out of all shows has never had a Halloween episode. It's just not right.
  16. Here's the cover of Entertainment Weekly with our favourite duo. M & S The Article.
  17. Wait, I thought the Lone Gunmen were dead? So then, this is flashback filming, right?? Werewolves...yeah, the series didn't do it well. Gotta be deflection for the media for what really is taping.
  18. No, in the sense that they film scenes out of order for the most part but not the series. They are filming episode one, maybe two right now, but the scenes themselves are most likely not in order. But they won't be filming episode 5 yet, because it is not (most likely) yet written. Also, there are probably rewrites going on for episode one and two (and so on) all of the time. So to shoot at the hospital, they need a permit to shoot at the hospital, but they can only do it certain days. Outside filming may be weather dependent (well, it is Vancouver so sort of). Also, there might me several units filming, so the main unit with DD and GA, and second units filming other stuff elsewhere. At least that's how I understand it.
  19. Is it possible that the plot is going to be something like this: - We know that some reporter/news guy contacts Mulder because of some weird alien abduction stuff going on. - Riverview is the hospital, and both Mulder, Scully and news guy are there. - Is it possible that there are a bunch of victims that ended up in the hospital with some local strange illness or issue that incapacitates them somehow and news guy wants to get to the bottom of it (because you know - news = people being hurt = drama =ratings). - News guy contacts Mulder, who calls Scully and they go to the hospital so that Scully herself can see the bodies, help figure out what's going on. That's why she's there - not working there. - Slight variation. She is working there, gets wind of a ton of bodies/victims coming into the hospital, at the same time Mulder thinks it's some alien thing, and she sneaks in to view the victims, or gets permission to examine the victims/view bodies, etc. Hence again, filming at the hospital a lot. So if Scully is working there, it could be a brief mention that she's there, and the strange victims come in, and she gets a chance to examine them. - The above scenario (with some variation) popped up a lot on the regular show.
  20. How about the drug trope of "The Fastest Acting Medication in Human History." Someone on TV is either having a heart attack, a headache, something, and they (or someone) forces a pill down their throat and magically, one second later it works. A select few drugs do this, but in TV land, pills are immediately effective once in the person's mouth, even though they've barely swallowed it, it's not be digested/processed by the stomach, and the drug hasn't had a chance to hit the liver or kidney, or whatever it needs to do to work. I saw recently some show where the character is having some seizure or something, someone else pours some liquid down their throat and they are perfectly fine one second later, they are fine. Drugs take time to absorb and do their thing. Also - the fact that TV shows ignore illness transmission in some cases. The specific one I saw recently - in Texas Rising, where one character is dying of tuberculosis (i.e., consumption). They kept showing him coughing up and spitting in the air or ground a ton of blood, or coughing a bloody spray into the air, and all I could thing about was "Well, I guess all of you have tuberculoss now". I know people back then didn't know it was the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium at the time and was spread by airborne droplets, but there would be a scene with like 5 guys in close quarters and the character lets out this hacking spray of bloody lung bacteria into the air, and I'm like....Damn...you guys are all dead. Okay, maybe the above it partly due to the time period and health ignorance, but I am sure even back then, some people didn't want to be coughed or hacked on, but it completely took me out of the scenes.
  21. Well, you never know. If the revival is a hit, and the actors, CC and the rest are up for it, we could be seeing more than just these six episodes. Hannibal was just cancelled, freeing up some time for GA, and Aquarius is doing not too good in the ratings so who knows if it will get a second season. I know she has The Fall, but it just free her up a bit more. If there are enough "nostalgic" viewers and the episodes are really good, then I bank on more M&S. Yes!! And I guess for GA hair, it's good too - no more having to go back blonde and killing her hair (until she has to film The Fall)
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