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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in the Threads
  2. Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in the Threads.
  3. Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in Threads.
  4. The red Spoilers tag is there to warn people that in THIS particular thread, spoilers be here. So read at your own risk. I just wanted to alert everyone's attention to the note I just posted in the popular threads. However, I'm not tolerating comics spoilers this weekend. Also, this is a relationship thread, so if one is really behind on watching the Walking Dead and apparently living in a hole, and hasn't seen the Richonne hookup, well reading this thread, you'll be spoiled. That's what the red tag is for - a warning that you might be spoiled. Also, this thread is not where you are to be talking about this Sunday's events...
  5. Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in the Threads.
  6. Everyone needs to read this ASAP. Revealing Spoilers in the Threads
  7. They actually did comment after season 2 was done, NB was a bit more vague, but Mison was quoted in an interview basically saying the season was a mess, and the writers didn't really know what they were doing/where they were going. You'd have to search, but the links are here somewhere, in one or two of the threads (Media? Therapy thread?) He also said something like the writers had no idea what they were doing. Both he and Mison also lamented they didn't work together more.
  8. Thread Title: Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers Definition of WITHOUT: in the absense of; omission; lacking. THIS THREAD DOES NOT CONTAIN SPOILERS. /end sentence Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in the Threads
  9. Interesting. It would need at least a 15 episode season, so FOX could consider a slightly shorter season. It does well very overseas, plus, so far it's steady on Fridays. FOX will crunch the numbers and decide whether renewal is profitable. If so, season four.
  10. Everyone. You've been told time and time again, DO NOT FAT SHAME. There is a nice little MOD note that reminds you of this HERE. GO read it, since apparently everyone forgot what message it contains. Comments that are clearly distasteful, classless and shame-full will be - and have been - removed. This applies to the My 600 lb Life thread, and all threads here in PTV-world. Everyone has been pretty good for a long while, so let's keep that up.
  11. I see this from certain hard core shippers in the Sleepy Hollow fandom. They ship the actors like no tomorrow and are 100% convinced that Tom Mison is in twu luv with Nicole Beharie, just because his character excels at the heart eyes and meaningful looks and seemingly romantic gestures. It's called excellent acting. Not saying actors don't date each other - happens all of the time - and countless marriages have broken up over the cheating. But certain fans seem to not be able to diferentiate the character on the show with the actor portraying them. I totally agree. Like others, shipping the actors together and claiming how in love they are in real life based zero evidence and personal fantasy just creeps me out. And makes me feel bad for the actors, spouses and/or significant others. Chemistry is all subjective. There are examples of on-screen couples who dated in real like, but had zero chemistry on screen. Then there are those pairs with amazing chem, who are just friends or even hate each other.
  12. I created this thread two weeks ago, and at the time, the episode WAS called Something to Fear (it was hidden, in case you were wondering why you didn't see it). Since it was the finale, I was like, "I bet it's 1.5 hours long". When I double-checked, the title had changed and I was like, "Oh crap...this is NOT good". I'm gonna watch live (with lots of wine and tissues), We'll all meet in the episode thread for our therapy after. I feel we are all going to need it.
  13. Head Over Feels are still doing recaps! Hell ya. I've missed them. *bookmark* Aren't we all? (okay, most of us) It's so nice to see/hear/read this...! *lesigh*
  14. People. You've been warned about spoilers in the episode threads over and over again. This thread, of all THINGS, must NOT contain a spoiler. There is a pretty green tag on the upper left of this page, with the words No Spoilers in it for a reason. I don't read the comics, so I have no CLUE what the hell means. Which means it's a spoiler. Which means it's not allowed in here.
  15. It was a mistake, actually. In an interview with Metzner at the WonderCon, he was asked something, and responded basically that they wanted Ichabbie to be best friends first, develop the relationship, but his answer was him trying to be diplomatic as he could. The mistake was that a tweet was sent out by the Con, that stated that Ichabbie are ONLY to be friends. In fact, Orlando Jones tweeted in defense of Metzner. Many attendees who were there tweeted out that Metzner never said what that tweet claimed he said. Honestly - it's a pure misunderstanding, and I vehemently ship Ichabbie. I actually feel bad for Metzner. I get history, but in this case, he shouldn't be attacked for this. Original (incorrect) Tweet: Orlando (which Metzner retweeted): Others:
  16. Actually, how it appeared in the pilot can be taken as fact. Katrina was weeping over Crane, and Father!Chainslinger (tm whoever came up with this) came to her side and says "it is time." From day one, I always assumed it was HIS magic that saved Crane, not Katrina's. They reconned it later, with first "why" she ended up in Purgatory (or was that from fanfic, now I don't remember), but if you just go by the pilot, then it holds, imo. This is the BEST quote! HIlarious!! Remember, Danny offered Abbie a "pancake" breakfest, whilst Crane was cooking up some tasty Italian food, complete with red wine, flowers and candlelight. Now, to each his own taste, but yeah, I'm choosing the red wine and candlelight and flowers. To flip it, I'd rather be in a grungy pub drinking beer (well ciders) with Crane, than drinking scotch in some upscale place. It all boils down to company and conversation, and I'm not sure what Danny and Abbie would talk about, besides work. I think at this point, Abbie and Crane have a lot more interesting conversations and fun together, than Abbie and Danny do. Obviously YMMV. *sob*. This is beautiful...
  17. It gives excellent closure for everyone (well, except poor Crane). Everyone now belongs where they originally were supposed to belong (Crane in ground, Abbie doing her FBI thing, Jenny doing her whatever thing), everything is back to normal, no demons to fight, no risk to SH or other places. If Crane goes back and lives the life Dad always wanted, that's always those time travelling paradoxes that means that unless it's an alternate timeline, then the future does get screwed up because no Crane in 21st century. I thinking the death, only because I'm thinking of like in Star Trek, when someone is in the wrong time line, their "quantum signatures" are not correct for the time. Crane's "quantum signature" is different and doesn't fit in the current timeline /*STNerd But if he goes back, please ensure he's happy and AWAY from the wife. And doesn't remember anything. Because that would suck, being exposed to all of the new technology - like, you know he LOVES cars - and he loses all of that. And again, timelines. His modern knowledge could be detrimental to how events are supposed to unfold in the 18th century. Yes, I've thought a lot about it. :') I think they would if it's a series finale, not a season. And I think they know. FOX said at the beginning of the season, they wouldn't leave CC hanging. What Mison says and what he really knows are two different things, and I think he knows and they know. It's why knowing that CC said very recently this season is supposed to end on a cliffhanger, but before said that he would ensure proper closure. So if a massive amount of closure? - end series. Unresolved plot? - season 4. Also why the haircut, imho. However, if he's spotted anywhere fully shaved in the next two weeks, then yeah, show is done. He always sounds like he does and is very positive so that's nice. Still, don't tease me, bro!
  18. It really was a great analysis, eh? Spot on (I hope). Hopefully everyone read the comments too, because there is some insightful stuff in there. According to CC and a couple of the writers, they keep mentioning that we will "revisit" and learn more about that shady government guy who offed Nevin. Since I read that, we haven't seen him at all, so if this will occur, we'll see it this Friday or next. And there is still the possibility of a season 4 - maybe a shortened one, so IF there is a season 4, then there will be no Ichabbie resolution this season, because that will be the focus of S4. So I say crack a couple bottles of wine each of the next two Friday's, settle in and enjoy the ride. That's what I'm gonna do.
  19. Final Adjusted Ratings for Friday, March 25th. Demo adjusted up to a 0.7 demo. Good.
  20. Just read this fabulous analysis over the whole DanAbbie thing that really gives some great insight into what the writers MAY actually be trying to do. I know many are really upset about what seems like no Ichabbie ship sailing, but in reading this, it really gives a good sense of what the writers are (possibly) trying to accomplish. Very interesting and gives me hope in a weird way. I mean, we don't know what's going on with that shady government guy, and there are only two episodes left this season. So that has to be addressed, Danny's role in it, plus Ichabbie are going into the catacombs together. Someone elsewhere (here? I forget) pointed out that time moves faster in the catacombs. If they are gone for a few hours, to Ichabbie, it will have seemed like weeks and months, that they will be together, alone. Anyway, here is the link to the analysis.
  21. I hope you are right, because then it would make sense. The overarcing problem (at this point) is that we don't know about renewal and many people ship Ichabbie. So without knowing about S4, we all think that's it for the ship and show, but if we DID know, then I (and others I think) wouldn't have a problem with it. Yeah, I mean how is Abbie going to have a relationship with Danny, when he is going to be jealous and suspiscious everytime Crane and Abbie take off somewhere alone, plus the whole 'bond' thing, etc etc. Not easy for anyone in this threesome.
  22. Well, an Ichabod Crane did exist - Ichabod Bennett Crane, who was a colonel and served in the War of 1812. Washington Irving did meet the Colonel once, and the theory is that it's such an unusual name that Irving decide to use it for his story. There is also evidence of a entry ticket to the British Museum issued to an Ichabod Crane, and there are references to an Ichabod B. Crane in a New England Marriage registry. This is what I thought was going to happen since the pilot. Why they never followed through with that, I'll never understand. Ugh. That's won't be awkward at all for Crane. I really hope not. Does that mean we can bring back the hashtag #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter, if she's with Danny? It was out of left field, but I guess they are trying to make parallels. Meh. I guess that convoluted crytic long speech by Abbie a couple episodes ago, wasn't really cryptic at all. Still, it seemed to come out of nowhere, and Abbie dear, he's your BOSS!! If you are going there, at least HIDE it from your coworkers instead of macking on your BOSS in plain sight.
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