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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. Late to the party as I just watch the re- showing of this tonight but how did a lot of that audience listen to Kesha's song and not feel like a bunch of hypocrites and asses. I'm sure the majority of the males in the music industry who are widely acclaimed (I can think of Dr. Dre as someone whose documentary discussed it openly) are guilty of something for which their "Times Up".
  2. So apparently to show people how individual you are, you should all wear black jeans and a black leather jacket. Yolanda is starting to grate on me now. Most 13 year old girls who live in the heartland and whose mothers were not models, would have no idea who the fashion photographers are. Bella & Gigi have been groomed all their lives for modeling careers, so of course they would know. I thought Lilyann's hair looked healthier without the bleach blond but it did kind of make her look a little more ordinary. They really have edited her and her mother to be mean girls, though, and so no one will feel bad when she loses. Both the girls mothers were spiteful and jealous. Breanna had a better attitude than her mother, even though she's a bit bitchy herself.
  3. I'll give it another chance but it wasn't an auspicious beginning. I kind of hate angry, privileged white men who are their own worst enemies, but I like Patton Oswalt so I'll see if the second episode is any better.
  4. Mika's little hissy fit has just put Michael Wolf back in the spotlight . I had kind of thought he had run out his news cycle, and even wondered why they had invited him back on, but good for her, he'll probably sell more books. He must be thrilled.
  5. Guess this show isn't enjoying the success of Tabatha's other show judging by the lack of traffic here and that it is tucked in to a marginal slot in Bravo's line up. Agree, that she was much better on "Salon Takeover" because she was ruthlessly honest and snarky with them. I thought that the family last night had a wonderful idea for a niche group ( those who wish to dress modestly) that should be very successful but it was so disorganized & they were such poor business people; plus they were pretty unlikeable. I couldn't even stay until the end to find out what happened because I just didn't care.
  6. I'm not a Michael Wolf apologist, but I thought it was a bit shady the way they brought him on to talk about one subject and then blindsided for an allegation that he never specifically made. ( though, yeah, he allowed speculation and gossip). Mika, you were rude and sounded like an ass demanding he leave. Must be ratings are down and they want a little Internet traffic like Tapper got.
  7. Sarah Jessica Parker will never be a favorite of mine because she is a friend of Andy Cohen. I cannot for the life of me understand why all these people ( Kelly Ripa, Anderson Cooper, John Mayer etc) find him so appealing. He seems absolutely charmless and shallow but I guess as a celebrity ass kisser he is without equal.
  8. Laura is thirsty!!! No more,Nev. We don't want to see her or your baby anymore. Confine your videos and cute stories to your parents who are the only ones who care. Meanwhile, I believe this was Mary's redemption episode. As she said, she got called out so viciously on social media, I think she wanted a chance to be shown as the vulnerable one ( and maybe earn the money for those new teeth). That said, this show makes me feel so sad for humanity. "Adam" is the son/ daughter of a mother with " a lot of problems"; he's transitioning; he is stuck with custody of a younger sister AND he has mouth cancer and refuses to give up chew. How the hell does he have the energy or focus to be involved in all these online or real relationships? Just one of the previously stated issues would have me in therapy 24/7. There would be nothing left to give to any other relationships. But apparently, people are so lonely they will take whatever crumbs that they are thrown.
  9. I actually don't think that when Teddi talked about "pot luck" she meant like the Methodist Church kind where everyone brings a dish to pass. I think she meant a more casual affair, where she wouldn't have to worry about which forks ( or glass ware) to use. If people are driving all the way from BH and spending a day or two, I doubt she meant they'd have to bring something. I don't blame Teddi or Dorit for the stupidly of the fights this season. This is producer inspired, and since these two have the least tenure, they have been designated as the fighters. I think this show needs some new, more creative producers.Have they not been reading? We are interested in rich people stuff, with fancy parties, over the top homes and designer labels - not manufactured drama!
  10. I was getting sick of hearing Liz crying and whining, but I think she was not edited to look like she was being bullied. I believe that if someone was physically threatening her, they should have been asked to leave as well. This certainly is a high strung bunch of ladies or maybe I just don't remember all the drama cause I stopped watching when Tyra left.
  11. It is clear that Tyler & Caitlyn know nothing about parenting the child they have. She was obviously irritable, either having just woken from a nap or not having a nap. A three year old does not have to be offered three or more options about a drink that's going to be in the car. Tyler had a very short fuse "ok then you don't get any!" Caitlyn overrode that decision anyway. I think when Tyler posted " I want a new one" he meant he would like to trade in the one he has. Mackenzie, you are really quite the bitch, aren't you? I can't even get pissed about her, because being with Ryan is its own punishment.Think poor Amber's mother was completely blindsided because Amber chose to do it on television with a million eyes on her. I think she was intimidated enough to be on camera without that bombshell. Boy, talk about a child being brain washed! Sophia repeats for the camera exactly what she has been fed by Mom. This is probably exactly how Deb and Farrah interacted until puberty reared its ugly head and Farrah totally rebelled. Looking forward to watching what happens in the next 5 to 8 years with Derek's little girl. (I believe that Farrah has rewritten history a bit or she was lying about her relationship before).
  12. They are giving PETER his own show? Wow! Bravo is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. First, Shep and now Peter. Have these guys been b----ing Andy Cohen?
  13. It is very uncomfortable to watch Cynthia interact with men. For a 50 year old model who has been married twice, she acts like she's never dated. Who the hell cares who a 42 year old man dated before or during your dating period when you told him you didn't want to be exclusive? Your friends are not friends,they are just bored ( or need a storyline). You are not obliged to drag your whole dating history out ( in fact it's considered rude) on your first few dates. Peter has no interest in Cynthia whatsoever. Must be he is able to get as much out of her check book with the minimum of contact. He shows up for some camera time ( and a check) and doesn't even stop by to say hello to her? I like Cynthia but she really needs to be more confident about herself. By the way, Eva,you will be a terrible politician's wife if you start spreading rumors about your husband's supporters. Will has my sympathy, unless this is producer driven. Nothing like these biddies attacking you when you are going out for the evening.
  14. OMG, Bill was so rude to Zooey Deschanel ! Who the f does he think he is? She likes bread - wow, Bill, let's humiliate her, not let her speak and try to prove that you eat cleaner than she does. You are an ASS!
  15. I don't know I if they've mentioned ( or anyone knows) if these girls are from the NYC area or what. If not, how does Athena's mother think that with six other children she will EVER be able to monitor her as closely as this show allows. I agree, 13 is way too young to be put into adult situations without a parent guiding them, but I'm not sure a marriage or a family should be discarded for a child's dream.
  16. While I didn't see the swimsuit photo shoot as overtly sexual, that wasn't my 13 year old daughter. I'm assuming this was edited for time, and Yolanda was a bit more understanding with the mother, although she (Yo) is a bit frosty. On the other hand, it's the reality of the business ,as she said, and if the Mother feels that way, she should wait until her daughter is older. I'm not a big fan of Lilyann, but I can imagine that it must be horrible at that age to be criticized about your looks in such a public way. I understand her tears. Hopefully, she is just a producer plant and she was willing to do this for more screen time.
  17. Wow! THAT was the OMG moment that was touted all night long? I'm a little more OMwhatever. I still don't know. Did Farrah get fired? If not, she should be for no other reason than this has been a very boring storyline. Also, did MTV pay for a trip to Italy for the Abraham/Danielson family? Do I care whether either of Farrah's goofy parents get remarried? Not at all. I don't care whether they get along or don't. I'm more interested in why Farrah's ass looks like she's wearing several layers of Depends.
  18. If Dr. Drew has the nerve to show up at the Reunion and not ream Amber out for irresponsibly going off her meds and getting pregnant purposely while ignoring the daughter she already gave birth to, he should lose his medical license! This show is now the antithesis of good messages for young people.
  19. FF 'd through Taylor & Maci's stuff; I'm only watching Amber till New Matt does something stupid and Amber attacks him ( she's off her meds? should be soon); Tyler wants some time in Rehab, too. Not fair that Caitlynn gets those nice vacations, a horse and to go to the VMA's and he's stuck working on the house and not sleeping at night. Kim, the Oscar goes to you! You are out drama-ing both Cait and Tyler!!! I'm waiting for the fake firing of Farrah. Have to say, Michael's silly poem and proposal to Amy was cute. It's so funny to watch anyone try to be affectionate with Farrah - she totally freezes! By the way, if I ever need a full time ass kisser, I will go on a reality show and get myself a producer. What a horrible job they have!!
  20. This show has me cringing throughout. I'm only watching for the cameos.
  21. The ball was another example of " trickle down economics" that didn't work.
  22. I found Sean Diddy Combs to be a delightful guest and more charming than I would have imagined.
  23. I'm trying to enjoy this show but none of the characters are particularly appealing. While I feel for Francie's struggle with her children, what exactly makes her any worse a parent than their Father, who seemed rather inept at parenting as well. Both her kids really seem to hate her and are more forgiving of him.
  24. I am not particularly politically astute, but even I wouldn't fall for the baiting that Joe is trying to do with Trump. "A 32 year old assistant is leading him around by his nose!" "Obama would never let an assistant tell him what to do". I used to do this with my kids when I wanted to shame them into doing something and it very seldom got them to look up from their devices.
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