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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. Is Dr. Phil planning to retire? Yesterday he had "The Mooch" helping out and this was the second time I've seen Lisa Nichols ( some kind of Life Coach) working with his guests. Are we looking at "spin offs", perhaps? Hey, I'd watch the Mooch talking about what an ass he has been, for sure.
  2. Adam Rippon really seemed to be enjoying Brandi,even more than Andy. Andy must be pissed!!
  3. I will be very disappointed if this doesn't return because it's actually more important for me the " This Is Us" which frequently stays on my DVR for a week or more. As everyone says, it's Jason Ritter's charisma that makes this show, but I have to say, the thought of replacing Yvette with Cindy was giving me angst. I also love Tyler, Amy and Nate so I'm in for another season.
  4. "The Mooch" continues his media tour with of all things - "Dr. Phil Show"! I guess he must be looking for redemption but as long as he keeps saying what a great guy Trump is, I'll never enjoy his brand.
  5. I have to admit the only character I’m invested in is Ramon ( and that’s for very shallow reasons) but I want to like it more so I’m staying for a while. Alan Ball really has a disdain for New Ager’s it seems.
  6. I couldn't get over the way a $75,000 check was treated like a tip. Excuse me, for most of us, $75,000 would make a significant improvement in our lifestyle, but it didn't seem to make a big difference to any of them. Diane, hits at least 3 vehicles and just drives off without consequences? Robert meets a beautiful , rich woman who immediately accepts his proposal of marriage AND helps him become a big success when he looked like such a loser in Season 1. France's first show is a big success and a millionaire wants to hire and she says no? None of these scenarios reflect the life of most divorcees that I know. The first season seemed more realistic in that we could see that getting out of a long term marriage is sad,expensive, and hard. This is the Sex & the City version of divorce.
  7. Maci on "The Challenge"? That's some crossover! I don't see her as being as physically fit or as explosive as most of the ladies I've seen on the Challenge, though I'm sure she could drink with the best of them. Somehow a married woman with 3 kids does not seem like a good fit.
  8. I'm wondering if Cynthia thought if she signed up for this show, the show would pay for the renovations ala the bar makeover show. In fact, I was surprised that Bravo wasn't paying for it. Hell, I could go in and tell someone they would do better if the got a new website and redecorated but what good it that? I could understand her hesitancy if she's barely making a profit that she started to freak out when the bill came due.
  9. I think I had a similar reaction to the posters above where I think these young men are starting to believe the hype and have done one interview too many and they are starting to dilute their message by coming off as smug.
  10. Well, I'm glad the mean girl was eliminated first. I cosign the idea that whispering at Tribal should be banned. I felt for poor Donathan; talk about feeling like the kid that doesn't get picked for the team! However, as sorry for him as I was, I resented Jeff trying to narrate some kind of a comeback story for him the next day during the challenge. Jacob's self fulfilling prophecy became his downfall. Instead of announcing to everyone how useless he was and practically demanding that they send him to Ghost Island, he might have just kept a low profile. Then badly lying about the fake immunity idol - that immediately put a target on his back! Well, maybe he can now be known as "the worst player in Survivor history".
  11. And a radio show and a radio station. I find him totally without charm or talent and it's hard for me to figure his success or his popularity.
  12. Agree with all the posters who say that this show has been the worst thing that could ever have happened to any of these people (I'm including all the family members and hangers on ). While many teen mothers have their children and either mature because they have to for the child's sake or in the case of giving them up for adoption have had to learn to get on with their lives, these people have profited by staying in a state of perpetual drama in search of a storyline to keep the franchise relevant and the pay checks coming.
  13. Michael does more than just sit back when Farrah is verbally abusing people, he also goes on Twitter defending her horrible behavior. He must really be on he gravy train. It is hard for me to imagine anyone spending any time with her as she is intolerable. She r must think that this porn career is going to last forever and she can give up MTV or live off the proceeds of her law suit. If you are doing web cam porn, are you an independent contractor? I guess that is the ideal job for her; she doesn't need to interact with anyone but the camera. How many houses has Farrah looked at over the course of this series? And yet, she lives with her father.
  14. Why is it that I can never stand SJP's characters when I don't feel any personal antagonism toward her ? Because her characters don't exist in real life! Let's face it, most 45 year old women living in a suburb of NY with two teenagers don't live a life where they are able to quit a lucrative job to open up a business that is difficult at best to succeed; live in a beautiful home, immediately find not one but two attractive men interested in you ( and dismiss one for no good reason ). Just as I could never believe that Carrie Bradshaw was so desireable and talented that she could live the life she did while barely doing anything except eating out.
  15. This episode is the first time that the character of Pete seemed at all savvy about the business and it came a little out of left field. He was absolutely right saying that Ali heard all of the suggestions about what wouldn't go over with NACA and she chose to ignore it so she had no one to blame but herself for not booking any gigs; Pete seems more malleable and not as determined to be a comic " purist". He's right - when you're working at Coldstone Creamery you can't get on your high horse about what to do to book a gig. On the other hand, I understand Ali's anger when she has been so helpful and generous with him and he's there yucking it up with the SNL girl ( a bit too enthusiastically, I thought) and offering to let her " open" for him in a patronizing way.
  16. Nene was doubling down on her mugging for the camera - guess she figures if she does it enough there will be a lot of GIF material. She was holding some of those looks for a long time. Also, Marlo teaches etiquette? On what planet is she an expert on that and WHO the hell uses this service?
  17. From what I'm told, there are a lot of cobblestone streets in Barcelona and stilettos can not be very comfortable for sightseeing. Also, not conducive to driving those little carts. These women are not dressed for touring with their wigs and lashes flying in the wind.there was nothing about that place they were staying in looked terrible to me. When you are traveling, you should expect something different than what you are used to at home and it was very rude for all these hood rats to continue complaining about their accommodations when they aren't even paying for it. Is it wrong that I don't have any problem with IKEA furniture. You'd think all these women were to the manor born the way they carry on.
  18. Clark Duke is a great character actor - wasn't he featured in one of the episodes of the HBO show the Dupree brothers did as the pizza boy?
  19. Amen, Millennium! How dare any of us judge someone ( I count that Sherriff who outed the guy,too) for not martyring himself for a job that probably barely paid the bills. This is exactly why arming teachers will not solve the problem - we're human and many people do not go to their jobs planning to be heroic and if this person was not I'm sure he's been torturing himself.
  20. I'm trying to decide if the writers hated Ed Helms or if he just didn't have the acting chops that Steve Carrell had to make an obnoxious and irritating character ultimately somewhat loveable. He was never able to make the pathos of Andy Bernard subtle; I either felt very sorry for him because he was pathetic and unself-aware or hated him because he was totally obnoxious and unpleasant. There never seemed to be the ability to dial it down.
  21. I'm wondering if Chastity set this whole thing in motion just so everyone could see how much better she looks since she had her bariatric surgery. She actually looks like another person.
  22. But Van Jones is pretty dreamy. By the way, that super straight long, long hair is not at all flattering to Brooke Shields. At least add some volume!
  23. How sad for Quentin that he has to be responsible for his pathetic mother and all her toxic relationships. Sounds like the entire family ( except poor Quentin) are f'd up! Meanwhile, Nev's wife is an authority on people from Michigan so I guess MTV should keep her and Cleo on the payroll.
  24. Actually, I prefer my US Senators to be more concerned with representing my interests than appearing sexy or otherwise attractive on television. Senator Gilliabrand is hardworking and serious and represents her State quite well. And by the way, nobody ever discusses what Chuck Shumer is wearing.
  25. This show is becoming a little predictable and may I say, boring. I guess there are only a limited number of scenarios you can have with privileged, middle aged women and after so many seasons it's just mixing the personalities up and regurgitating the same stories but with different people. Only Kyle and Lisa remain and so we just keep reliving their so called " friendship" difficulties. I doubt they are friends off camera so I'm not terribly invested in saving it and all the yelling and histrionics is not very interesting.
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