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Everything posted by Roslyn

  1. And the kicker about finding out that Christine was watching the kids and then going to work before their bedtime was that we find out about that only recently...back in the early days this was not mentioned on the show, just that Christine preferred to be the home mom. And...if memory serves there is a scene early on with Kody going and making a good night rounds with the kids...and him saying that he likes to touch base each night with all of them. So yea...there was quite the blizzard snow job in those first seasons.
  2. Early on there was a couch talking head with the older kids talking about absorbing Robyn's littles. They complained that Brianna was always crying and that they were more tender than the Browns kids. Logan the peacekeeper said that they were just raised differently. Maddie explained that when they were little they were expected to work it out amongst themselves and not bother the adults unless a bone was broken. She said they were also expected to amuse themselves and "be creative". Since she is in the original kid pack of 5/6 that could have gone as they all developed their own pecking order etc or some version of Lord of the Flies.
  3. A side note to the comments about the kids seeing clips while filming their talking heads. Gwen was asked in one of her recap videos and she described the couch time as the producers behind the camera would say "do you remember when you did "abc" ? How did that make you feel ? Can you talk about "x" ? etc. Often it seems like Kody just saw a clip because his anger is so intense...but according to Gwen it is just the producers promoting them to talk about certain things or to explain further. After hearing Alton Brown describe reality television as "producers poking amateurs with sticks" it does add a new layer watching Sister Wives talking heads.
  4. Meri and Jenns interactions remind me of my daughters 13th birthday sleepover party. Giggling and more giggling about things only they knew...and more giggling.
  5. The approximate time of the hit/slap/smack...what ever it actually was, Gwen was 12/13 and Paedon was 15/16. He was close to his full height which is 6'6" and he is a big guy, easily over 200 pounds. Gwen doesn't go into details but she made an off hand comment that "it was every day, it was relentless". Everyone is focusing on the (possibly) one time that his hand made contact with her body. However, her reactions to him to point to more. Paedon comes off to me as a shit stirrer, a winder-upper. The kind of kid/teen that just pokes and pokes and pokes until they get a reaction of some kind. Gwen has really big reactions, she goes from calm to hyper pretty quick so she probably gave him the reactions that he was seeking...making him feel like a big boy by having her lose control of herself. He was seen on camera way back in the honeymoon episode in S1 standing in an aggressive pose over Aurora because she sat in his chair near the fire when he stood up and his finger pointed inches from her nose. Sure...kid stuff, but Logan had zero reaction and told him to just sit in another chair...so it wasn't anything new...standard kid stuff that Daddy Logan dealt with all the time. He was the kid squealing in audio while Kody hit/poked him in the eye in retaliation for Paedon poking Brianna in the eye that led to Meri gathering them all up to give them a "what-for" that the cameras caught. Christine laughed it off...and that reaction may be why Robyn kept her kids from being watched by Christine, because the bullying wasn't being addressed to her liking. Christine has said that Paedon is her dear, sweet and darling boy...so she may not come down on him as she should have just because he was her only son. Gwen has kinda inferred favoritism to Paedon from Christine. They brought up on camera that Paedon bullied Dayton in the beginning before he accepted him and then they became friends. I have read over and over about how "its just sibling stuff jeez". Some people grow up and physically fight with their siblings and think it is just how it is and they came out fine as adults...that doesn't mean it is that way in other families at all. Christine knew it was an issue to the point where Paedon and Gwen could not be in the house together if she wasn't there. Gwen has a strong reaction with just hearing his voice and does not want to talk about it to complete strangers who pay her money to "spill the tea". To her it was something else. Something deeply traumatic.
  6. Way back when they explained since there are so many kids that they pick names for the kids to buy one present for one other child vs each child being responsible for a gift for each of the 18 siblings. Kinda like all names in a hat and you pull out the sibling you will be buying/making a gift for that year. Garrison said that they have done it that way for 20 years, so that is well before the show began. The Zoom thing was from Robyn. We really don't know who actually brought up the gift exchange in the group chat because three or four people have been mentioned on the show...so who really knows. However the short version is that when the chatter was going on in the chat group Robyn brought up that she wanted either to have the discussion of the gift exchange or the choosing of the names to be done over Zoom. Seeing that there are 18 siblings...that is a lot of people to line up for a zoom. Robyn's reasoning was because "Ari doesn't know who you guys are..." It is confusing because we are only getting bits and pieces here and there and trying to piece it all together. But it's apparent that the siblings were just doing what they do...and Robyn came in with a giant wrecking ball with "Victim" written on it and just blew it all up. Then she declared that her part of the family is NOT participating in the whole gift exchange AND she isn't speaking to ANYone anymore (insert a hair flip and a grand flounce) but I guess she didn't say that herself, but had Logan(neutral) and Mykelti(flying monkey) to pass her declaration on to everyone else. As an add on. Listening to Brianna tell it...it is very obvious that Robyn told them that everyone else is having Christmas without them... when it was the other way round.
  7. So. For years and years we have watched this show and listened to their pontificating about how their polygamy was just as wholesome as our lowly monogamy. They did the tap dance and kept the viewers tuned in then... wow. The masks were torn off and the real show began. I feel like we should be seeing Dr. Frank N. Furter appearing before us to break into song.
  8. Screw him. It's not worth it. Truer words have not been said about Kody Brown.
  9. So. Christine forced herself into the family? Like with a shotgun ? Marry me or else !
  10. I don't think that Kody can actually love at all. Not real love.
  11. Yea. Garrison is talking, but you can clearly see the pain on his face. It is very raw with him.
  12. Listening to the two sides of the story with Robyn's extra input...wow. These people just can NOT communicate at all. Robyn isn't communicating directly to the other women...everything is filtered through Kody's skewed opinions with a twist of Victim Robyn.
  13. Going by the recent wedding photo, and it seems like most of the girls are not in high heels, Truely comes up to Christine's nose. She is 13 and has more growing to do. My husband hit his growth spurt at 12 and grew 12-inches in 12 months, he has paid for it with life long back issues. I think Ysabel is the tallest daughter, and we know that Paedon is 6'6". It has been mentioned that Christine's father was tall, so she does have a height gene. Her daughters also all have her gorgeous hair gene as well.
  14. I love when I can fit a quote from The Office into other interests in my life... Robyn wanted the Browns with their 12/13 children so that her children "could have 13 friends and none of them could say no to being their friend"... Robyn wanted the Browns with the three other wives so that she "could have three female friends and none of them could say no to being her friend"... Robyn wanted Kody and the Browns' teevee show so that she "could shop and shop and no one could say no to paying her bills"...
  15. Yes. He did just that. You can see the spark leave his eyes and he looks directly in the phone camera that is on the dash between them. His game of flirting with Janelle isn't working now.
  16. Okay. I am really perplexed. Robyn whinging endlessly about Meri not "leaving" the family. Is she really that thick? It is absolutely cruel to manipulate Meri to believe there might just sorta kinda maybe be a bit of a little spark in Kody that if Meri just keeps hangin on...he might reach out to her. Jesus...what kind of a mind game is that woman playing ? Is Meri her emotional polygamy support animal ?
  17. Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve ?
  18. Roslyn


    lol I got "child free" time when my kids were little. It was called a bed time. They got tucked in and I got the remote control in my hand and a big bowl of ice cream to celebrate the peace and quiet.
  19. Bingo!! Thank you. 😁 So. Since I have nothing else to do this afternoon except stir the three gallons of pasta sauce simmering on my stove...I re-watched it. We were all right in a way. Yes, Meri signed up for two fall classes and then dropped them. AND there was B-roll footage while she was talking that showed Logan and Meri on campus. AND then she said that she signed up for a Spring class and was planning to take one class at a time. And since this is actually the Robyn thread...I will then mention just how much talking Robyn does on the couch in the "Meri" episode. 🙄 Also...wow. It's such a big difference watching them after these last seasons since the Covid season. Whatever has gone on in their lives off camera has made all of them guarded with those walls up and razor wire on top. Just. Wow. The biggest changes are in Robyn and Kody...but Christine is noticeably different as well.
  20. Oddly I can't even go back and recheck. There were filler episodes before the "divorce" storyline dropped called "All About __insert wife__". Two are available on my Prime and I have never saw the other two until I subscribed to Discovery+. The "All About Meri" episode is now no where to be found on either. And Robyn's episode is now "Robyn behind the scenes". 🙄 I used to be able to rely on my recall...but these days not so much. Ugh.
  21. That's just it tho. Meri did go back to take classes at UNLV. At least one, maybe two, but that was all. About a year later that she jumped with both feet into Lularoe. It was only briefly mentioned in one of the filler episodes that seem to come and go on streaming sites called "All about Meri". Meri mentioned that she did go back, but not that fall. And during the catfish era, Meri was in class doodling "Samuel Cooper" in her notebook and sending a pic to JO aka "Sam".
  22. I think this is a really poignant theory. I think this is also why Robyn did a few odd things in the beginning of the show. She mentions in the book talking to the producer (Tim?) that she already knew everyone would hate her and she needed a "soft edit". Also, after they all joined Twitter and would tweet while live watching the show, Robyn was actually active on Twitter. There was a time when she announced she would answer questions...and she truly truly thought that she could explain to everyone her point of view and settle the debate that she was actually a loving and sweet person. It was an absolute disaster. And one more being when she opened a like page on Facebook with the lovely Kendra as admin. Anyone still around from CJ's blog days may remember the catastrophe that was the Facebook/Twitter days that was also ended up tied in with the catfish eventually. As for my point of view...again I am at an unusual loss for words. My one take away is wondering if the local governing bodies in Flagstaff would approve of a drainage catch pond being used in the off season as a quad runner race track. I live in the country and had a "neighbor" over the mountain a good mile away run dirt bikes and quads through trails on his property. It makes a hell of a noise...even far away with lots of trees... and it makes a mess of the property. I really don't think they should be destroying the banking/grading of the pond. And if that was Brianna on the mini bike...it looked like her first time. OH! A thought...Lots of people have noticed on Christine's social media that she seems to be posting snarky jabs at Kody... After her giggly teen girl style lunch with Janelle it is pretty obvious she is really ready to pick and jab at him in general. It just reinforces that Christine is not love and light but can be mean girl right back.
  23. I suspect Janelle was Kody's "buddy wife". He didn't have the dread of being confronted by those pesky wimmin's emotions when he went there, they could have real conversations about both religion as well as business/finance/politics. His sons were in her house and were those manly types that also were into politics and sports for him to relive the glory days of high school wrestling. Janelle was his buddy. What happens physically has been speculated, but the one thing I have learned in my post 50's life is that there are many kinds of intimacy and emotional intimacy is just as powerful as physical intimacy. Also speculation, but Kody has given enough clues that he has been online in the hateful women hating groups. So even his buddy Janelle is getting the vitriol that he is filling his head with. Losing her means losing his (truly) best buddy that has stuck by him all these years. She may have pushed back, moved out for a bit, butted heads with him, but in the end she always went back and followed him, until now. After the Christmas story of Kody showering Christine with Christmas presents while Meri sits quietly with nothing...I am more convinced that Kody brought Christine in to 1.) Stick it to Meri and 2.) take Meri's focus off of Janelle. He is only angry that she left him because she had always sucked it up for the family before and she played him financially and won.
  24. A commercial kitchen means commercial zoning and commercial hook ups. Not an expense you would go through for a wedding or two in 5 years time. Sounds like a talking point/storyline moment to me. The caterers I have worked for/with that travel and set up on site usually have their own portable facility. Usually a trailer that is set up on site, kind of like a food truck that you pull vs. drive.
  25. Teeth problems ? I have a sinking suspicion that Kody didn't realize that he did not call Savannah in any way until Janelle told him at that table. He had zero come back. But naturally had much to say in a talking head. I would love to know the actual dates that he did finally "bring her some Christmas". Who, besides Robyn, phrases it that way ?
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