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Everything posted by Roslyn

  1. So. Essentially, Meri has officially left one cult for another ?
  2. Over the years people have seen large gun safes in the background on the show. Most likely everything is locked and secured.
  3. Based on what I read on reddit, that there is a huge pull of new viewers, many even first time viewers, from somewhere... Because the subreddits for sister wives are active with posts and conversation there are a lot of viewers now going back for full rewatches for the sake of the reddit activity etc. I'm sure those streaming views are contributing to the overall ratings and push to continue the show. Once the hot mess became an inferno during covid they launched themselves into more seasons for sure. To quote the end of the article..."There is no end in sight". That sums up Kody Brown pretty well.
  4. Yea. I'm pretty deep into the sunk cost fallacy with Sister Wives. I've watched from the beginning in real time and discussed it online since almost the beginning of the original sister wives blog and various forums that have come and gone over the years. I figured I would stop when it ended and here I am...🎵🎶..."...praying for the end of time..." 🎵🎶 to quote Meatloaf anyway.
  5. Based on Meri's obsession with owning things that belonged to her family and when she closed on the B&B she materialized a truck of furniture from family, I think she has way too much stuff for any kind of small house. They were filming her pre-evacuation panic and she was running around digging through an endless sea of plastic totes, not even knowing what was in them, pointing out plates on display that had been painted by every member of her family etc. Back in Vegas her house seemed tidy and spaciously furnished, yet when the camera went around the corner into her Lula roe room it was a hot mess. Clutter and stuff everywhere. I think she kept her filming rooms looking good for the camera and every other room in Vegas and then the various mega rentals she had in Flagstaff were packed to the gills.
  6. Change the name to "The Brown Family Shenanigans" ?
  7. We now know that Meri gave the proceeds of the sale of her Vegas house to Kody and Robyn for the big house. So she wouldn't have had a chunk for a down payment for buying a house in Flagstaff. They couldn't talk about their MLM in Vegas on camera, only calling it their "marketing sales business". Meri did all the entertaining parties trying to lure the punters at her Vegas house. That was her "entertaining" back then.
  8. I have a snippet in my memory...take it with a grain of salt since I read it on reddit... Someone claiming to be very close to the AUB (or once in it...) said that since Robyn was pregnant without being sealed/married to Preston she would not have been able to be sealed to him, but only legally married. So since she wasn't sealed, her children weren't sealed either. We do know that Preston filed for divorce tho, since someone looked up the divorce papers long ago. This person surmised her need to have her children sealed to Kody was what drove her to have him adopt them. When she told Christine how she needed to ask the permission of the church leaders for an official divorce from Kody she never referenced herself as "when I was divorced I had to ask to be unsealed..." etc. She then later had the talking head about how Christine wouldn't be divorced until she had sex with another man to make it official.
  9. I have thought for a long time that Kody is under the impression that he is the star of the show and the women are just the supporting characters. While they seemed to want to show how polygamy is just so normal and fine and not abusive at all, I suspect Kody's agenda was to show the world just how hard it is to be a polygamist man and so they would stop feeling so sorry for the women and see how hard he has it.
  10. I think Janelle showed as much salty-ness as she is going to when she pointed out that the family money went to Christine for housing. Then lots more family money went to Robyn for housing. Oddly she never mentioned Meri, I suspect Meri is holding herself up with her LLR hustle. Then making a point to say the same amount of money was in the family account as when they all gave for Robyn's house but Kody flat out balked at putting money or TIME into Janelle's housing. Interesting, because an outsider can see that Kody is underhandedly punishing Janelle for all the Covid and lack of "obeying" him. She needs him to move forward with building and he just doesn't seem to care about that any more. I don't think that Gwen has enough life under her belt to know what it feels like to go above and beyond for someone and be slapped back. As you listed, Janelle has given and given and given and she is now being set aside in true older polygamous woman fashion.
  11. I suspect that Kody thought he made it by landing the show. It would provide all the money needed for such things. It's easy to get stary eyed with large amounts of money when you are used to only have a little money or barely getting by, but then you go overboard with spending and that money just disappears.
  12. For anyone who doesn't have reddit. These are the pics.
  13. I remember going back to the early seasons when the Browns went to wYoming and a cousin ran up to greet Logan. They looked a LOT alike. Brother alike. I think Logan favors Kody's side.
  14. The most plausible reason for the LLC is that their teevee income is set up that they are sub contracted through the business. This is to separate their income into the business and then everything involved with the business becomes an expense of doing business. It would not surprise me to learn that there are a lot of deductions within their homes are expensed out. Kody once pontificated that their "family" tax return was 50 pages long. The only way that would be so is if the four very separate households were in holding with the collective show income.
  15. Meri gave a small hint that their real timeline of "being done" was closer to the anniversary with the rice krispie treats, which was 2020. She said that she asked if Kody wanted to make an official social media announcement and he said no, because he didn't want the public backlash. So she just pretended after that. I suspect the May 2022 was most likely what we will learn in the next season after Janelle tossed it in.
  16. It will be interesting as I believe Dayton is graduating from uni this year. Will he get out on his own? Or will Robyn suddenly agree to move and magickally end up in the same area that Dayton lands his dream job?
  17. That's what it reminds me of !! My Grandmother was a super hippie vegetarian that followed the advice of Prevention magazine as scripture back in the 70's. She would make a dark brown bread with molasses and hand ground whole wheat, seeds and nuts that wasn't strong enough to hold its shape in a loaf pan and was more of a batter bread. It was baked in empty cans from canned beans/veggies etc. It was my job to heavily grease the cans since I had little child hands. Just like her regular whole wheat bread it was really only good straight from the oven. She would keep it in the freezer and saw off a slice at a time. I called it her "horse food bread". She did lots of no sugar experiments too. I can officially tell the world that if anyone wants to try making home made ice cream (I always got to do the cranking of the machine...) with skim milk, honey instead of sugar and chopped up strawberries...do not bother. I do have a blip of a memory that wheat bread in a can might be a New England thing. Good memories tho.
  18. One of my favorite breakfasts (my family always thought I was nuts) is ... I poach a piece of fish in veggie stock and then open a package of the cheapie ramen noodles, but don't use the flavor packet. I cook the noodles in the veggie stock and have it with the fish. I love soup first thing in the day with my tea.
  19. I have a feeling that Kody isn't all that engaged with his littles, even though he is now monogamous with Robyn. Gwen mentioned that he runs "several businesses" and we know from social media that one is the firearm/accessory company he has with his friends (Meri's BIL and the guy he officiated the wedding for). He talks about investing a lot, and I don't think its too far of a stretch to think he may be into crypto shares. He really seems like the type to love the whole "money for nothing" that the crypto world is. Janelle also mentioned that Kody drives around a lot and uses his car for "work", so whatever he is doing is mostly going to be on his phone/internet etc.
  20. I have said it before and I'll say it again about Leon. They are the perfect blend of Meri and Kody in personality and mannerisms. As well as a unique blend of an only child, but a child from a large family. Also, what I see in them I would call piousness. If you read about Mormonism in general, and especially the stories of those who have left trying to navigate with those who are still well and truly locked into the beliefs, you can see the behavior of Mormons as very "high and mighty" pious. I recently watched the "Under the banner of Heaven" series and behind the storyline it gives a very good view of the beliefs of the true believers, the development of those who broke off into the fundie version and the road leading to the crumbling of beliefs and the fallout that comes.
  21. The way I read Robyn is that her "tears" and scrunched face are her "walls". When a conversation is getting too close for comfort and she may actually need to take accountability or apologize her face instantly scrunches. Then the person who is "making" her feel that way immediately backs off because they may be perceived as the big meanie making poor empath Robyn cry. And then Kody will have to whip out his sword and punish the big meanie.
  22. It can be complicated. There are plenty of ads, usually for accident and injury cases where the lawyer takes your case on the contingency of their pay being from a settlement/award. So no money from you up front. They are going to be very selective about the cases they take on. However, if you want to sue someone you usually need to pony up cash first. The lawyer may give a free consult for you to explain your potential case and then they will need funds upfront to begin the paperwork and everything else involved. It isn't unheard of that $10,000 upfront as a retainer is needed. So the willy nilly suing people isn't usually those without disposable income. Sadly on the other end, if you are being sued you then have to defend yourself and come up with money as well.
  23. The Browns use "safe" as a blanket term. There are times when I think it means "I don't feel like I can open up with my feelings right now" but then it seems to mean "I do not trust you in any way to not use my vulnerable declarations as a weapon against me at some point" And then it seems it can be a simple "you are a person I can relax and open up with" like a measurement of trust.
  24. My upbringing was in the beating and abuse spectrum. The physical is one thing, the emotional and mental abuse lasted long into my adulthood. It wasn't until I took time to allow myself to learn, process and attempt to heal that I found the contentment I have today. But the anger and resentment and bitterness I have for my blood relatives (I loath to call them family) is still there under the surface. This wasn't how any of the children in my family were raised, only me. My healing journey was sparked by an article explaining "gaslighting" and I fell down a rabbit hole and I began to understand the "quirks" in my life and where they came from. I am a shy observer and yes, very content in my hermits life. As a child we lived in the woods with the closest neighbor about 2 miles away, so my escape was the woods and books. I learned to heal myself in the peace and quiet to survive. It's still my preferred place to be. And before anyone suggests therapy etc, I have zero trust for people in general, and I struggle with even trusting myself, I could never have the trust needed to even give it a try.
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