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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Only in an indirect way. I was angry that they allowed this family to appear on television, but then I wondered if the vets tried to use the footage to demonstrate how horrible parvo is. Still, it angered me that the asshole got her 30 seconds of fame. I hope her friends and neighbors give her a good talking to about taking better care of her animals. In the early 80s my neighbors and I cared for a timid feral Labrador whom we presumed had been dumped because she was pregnant. She ran away at every effort to approach her, although she would avail herself of food and water we left out. She had eight puppies, and she was magically tame after she gave birth. (I think she knew she needed help.) They all died of parvo very rapidly. My vet's dog provided blood transfusions but ultimately the vet urged euthanasia due to the immense suffering. He said her pregnancy probably gave her temporary immunity, and then the disease rushed in. I never got over it. ETA: I'd love to eavesdrop on what the vets and staff REALLY had to say about the puppy-killer.
  2. Same here. Your attempts to sound charming to the vet don't cover the fact you neglected your dogs and caused immense suffering. Asshole.
  3. Was she drunk? Has the old hotel done any business during COVID, and if not are Erin and Ben carrying the cost of maintaining it? I love that they saved it. The potbelly pig hauling ass was hilarious, and when the humans chased it the big goat joyfully joined in.
  4. I'm pretty sure the Erikas and Dianas aren't snagging their wallets using charm. I'm pretty sure it's something else.
  5. Judith Light redeemed herself after all of the hammy characters she shoved down our throats - I'm thinking of Transparent. This was a delightful series. I adore Sarah Lancashire and Bebe Neuwirth. I worked in television news in the 80s and frequently visited a friend who was talent at the PBS station. That station was held together with spit and baling wire, and the staff barely made enough to live on. I'm barely a "cook" but I always love watching master chefs do their thing. When I encounter them in real life, they turn up their noses upon discovering I am a vegetarian, although that perspective is improving a bit. More than anything, I could see that Julia suffered her Pasadena childhood but managed to be a devoted spouse and very kind human being.
  6. Jamie wants to be perceived a certain way and he's a crybaby. He pouts and holds grudges. Terrible leader.
  7. I'm sick of all of the lengthy religious discussions. Can someone explain what is the "red book" that "tells the true story of Mormon history?" The Lafferty languishing in jail said he had it hidden in a paper book jacket. Why would the book make Pyre nearly lose his mind? I know there is a Red Book on Mormonism, but was the hidden book something different?
  8. Culver mentioned his family's place on the Patuxent River. I was just in Chesapeake Beach MD and that part of southern Maryland is beautiful and mostly free of sprawling development. There are gorgeous homes on the water. Culver was working as a fitness trainer not far from Chesapeake Beach. Guess now he's attracted to showbiz.
  9. Because Kyle is too stupid to think of something else to talk about. Also, she thinks she's so clever pandering to the producers. She thinks they and Andy are her best friends.
  10. This was one of the better renovations, but I thought the dark blue cabinets were jarring. I didn't mind the exterior green and there was less clutter (although I think we were treated to old tennis rackets on the wall). I bet the outbuildings were appealing to people who like to do shop work and keep lawn riders and such. I'm glad the seller got a decent chunk of change so she can truly relocate and recover from her broken relationship. I bet she panicked when her fella left her with all of that work way out in the boonies. I wonder if he was on the mortgage and title and received some of the sale proceeds?
  11. I'm sorry I did not save the link, but yesterday I say an online story about testimony in the Chrisley case. A guy named Brad says he committed some of the financial misdeeds at Todd's request, and that he and Todd were intimate. These events were early in the show's beginning, or just before it.
  12. Me too. Feels like PR for the show. The campaign started during the current season, with the crew coached to comment "I think Daisy has a thing for Gary." And why is the new guy announcing it? To draw attention to him as a new cast member.
  13. One of the many blogs that accuse Diana Jenkins of being a madam: https://theyig.com/theyig/diana-sanela-jenkins-infamous-madam-political-player
  14. Diana mentioned being a Victoria's Secret model, or some other VS tie. It's established that VS trafficked some of the models.
  15. Supposedly her sugar daddy (Vegas casino owner?) dumped her. "160. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 05/13 **5** This Housewife was dumped by her sugardaddy. She would bug him 24/7 about needing more money and needing this and that and the texts and calls were incessant. Erika Jayne Girardi/"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"
  16. Dr. Ferguson trying to win over those adorable little girls was hilarious. They weren't having it. "Gimme some candy."
  17. I think Jaime will be fired. Doesn't make sense, but they seem to be setting him up, and I think part of his attitude is based on him realizing he's the fall guy. He's barely controlling his resentment. Maybe production doesn't like him. Maybe production wants a firing and it will be based on who's available as a replacement. I'm so disappointed in the Down Under series. I'd hoped for better. (Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Now I don't watch any of the BD franchise.)
  18. Surely the show is trolling the viewers. Or these are two of the worst designers on the planet. Those caca-brown cabinets were horrible.
  19. What infuriates me is that all of these wealthy HGTV "stars" swoop in and out, flap around and mouth inane sound bites, and act as if their puny rushed efforts will help make an entire small town relevant and prosperous. We are in very tough times. Their efforts are meaningless and insulting. Shame on this entire series and the entitled HGTV nitwits who participated. I'm extremely disappointed in Ben and Erin. They've sold out.
  20. I was lost during most of this episode. Too much switching between historical and contemporary timelines. The writers are trying to belabor the connection between the Laffertys' zealotry and historical doctrine. We get it already. I will never, ever be convinced that any man believes that polygamy is holy. I believe it's simply a matter of 1) wanting many children (to build a fiefdom) and 2) being a creep, often a pedophile. I wonder if Gil Birmingham is OK. Maybe it's just weight loss, but he looks kind of enervated. Hoping the next episode calms down a bit and focuses on getting the bad guys.
  21. Diana Jenkins partnered with Sean Penn to form the Jenkins-Penn Haitian Relief Organization. I have heard and read rumors that the charity is not on the up and up. It is not listed on Charity Navigator. Blind gossip items claim that it is a cover for stealing and laundering money. Those items also suggest that under the cover of disaster response, sex trafficking occurs - women and children are offered transportation out of the disaster zone and then manipulated into bad situations. This speculation arose again when Sean Penn weirdly rushed to Ukraine, then left quickly. Here is a story about something similar: https://www.gawker.com/5951307/wyclef-jeans-perverse-fraud-of-a-charity-is-no-more
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