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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I remember the diner gravy fries in the great movie "Diner."
  2. I remember those comments too. At the time it reminded me of Joe Simpson's inappropriate comments about Jessica Simpson's body and virginity.
  3. Agreed, except that in this case I think Crystal is posturing rather than expressing genuine upset. She's stone cold, that one. Any tears are probably fake (for all of these women, not just Crystal). I'm just not buying her story.
  4. I give Garcelle the side-eye sometimes - after all, she chooses to be on a reality TV show - but I'm thrilled she's having some success. I love that she is building her own modest beach house - none of this 10K square feet nonsense.
  5. I hated how they treated the goat as a TV prop. Not to mention the carefully coached children. Along with the tired, clumsy posturing, this show is unwatchable. I'm out. Also, Stanbury has developed a grayish pallor and an oddly heavy chin area. It's weird.
  6. I don't know if others remember the first season of this series, but their lifestyle then was extremely opulent - way more than is shown now. And Todd was an asshole - regularly flying into rages and berating his family on camera. By the second season he had toned all of that way down, and they began to pull away from the extreme spending (at least in terms of what viewers saw). They've always struck me as grifters, including grandma. Early on there were unflattering stories online about Todd and Julie, and later his mother's gambling debts. Todd has held extreme emotional and financial control over his family, and I wonder what the children will do once he and Julie are in the hoosegow. I hope they break free of his control, but I don't know if they know how to. Or if they will figure out how to live off-camera and without social media money and endorsements.
  7. Every once in a while she drops the victim demeanor and shows her true self. This self-absorbed gold digger is an elitist snob.
  8. The Elizabethan headband alone sent me to my fainting couch. Also, her lips look like a baboon's ass. I don't think Crystal's motives are anything more than a determination to take Sutton down. Ever since the ugly leather pants shade. They aren't "friends;" Crystal has been biding her time. And Crystal is using her supposed "trauma" and "triggering" and "violation" to gaslight everyone - castmates, audience and production. She is a thug. I'm pretty sure there is no "dark" comment - I think she's lying through her teeth. She's playing a very sordid, ugly game.
  9. Spoiled, bored housewife with nothing better to do.
  10. I swear the brunette one just pulls these ridiculous "themes" out of her ass. Or, worse, she spends many hours deciding on these useless themes. I'm beginning to reach hate-watch status. They are SO annoying.
  11. Is there a chance that Sutherland pulled some financial shenanigans back when he received the settlement? Or since he received it?
  12. I don't have Instagram, so I did a search and found this: https://allaboutthetea.com/2022/02/11/kathy-hilton-sends-lisa-rinna-cease-and-desist-after-aspen-blowout/
  13. I've been wondering whether PK and Dorit collected on their insurance claim, or if it's unresolved or was rejected. That's private information so we wouldn't know.
  14. Perhaps Buddha was chosen because he's the more natural tie-in with Top Chef business - all the financial opportunities/promotions that follow the show. He's in NYC, he's married to an esteemed chef, and he does trendy food. I do feel the season was wired for his win. I wouldn't order his food. I'd order Evelyn's.
  15. First time in many years where I've watched every episode. The weirdos and egos drove me away from previous seasons.
  16. Why did they keep Alan in the holding cell long after they knew he didn't commit the murders? How long a time period was he in there? Jeb's return to his smiling family seemed odd, given the prolonged struggle between him and his wife. Appreciated the reality of the Indian/Mormon "partnership." Glad I watched. There were some stand-out performances. Among the creepiest characters were the elderly Mormon leaders.
  17. My friend is an LCSW. She began using it for patients in the 90s when she read it was effective with military veterans with PTSD. She used a simple process with a pencil. I don't remember more other than her patients were children and adults who were victims of physical and sexual abuse.
  18. I spotted him in, I think, Barry, and I think he's a wonderful actor and has a bright future. I thought that everyone but Bernthal was fabulous. Bernthal always has too many actor-ey twitches for my taste. Baltimore is such a wonderful city. I'm so sad that it's still such a mess. The people deserve so much better.
  19. I don't know how severe Dubai's financial/import/export laws are, but it could be one of the places where it's easy to launder money, or practice shady business tactics. Also, there's a reason why so many beautiful women flock to Dubai. As others have already posted, its human rights history is horrible. A lot of people who get rich there do it off the backs of repressed and abused people.
  20. Was this a period when visitors had to spend time in quarantine? Perhaps one reason for all the luggage.
  21. Chase scenes usually bore me. But I was riveted even though I knew some of them were green-screened.
  22. Now there's a blast from the past.
  23. ETA to my March post above. When this blind gossip item was written originally, it stated that Ashley was the one who leveled the racist comments toward Gaby, not Daisy. I have a hard time believing that Daisy, being a seasoned chief stew, would behave that way. I assume an error was made in the post.
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