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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Understood. Except most of the judges don't seem particularly notable, nor are they celebrities. I guess Jay and Melissa are local celebrities, but the rest of them? I wonder if some of them are wealthy and pay for the privilege of being a judge, i.e., donations.
  2. Why don't they have more professional dancers and dance coaches as judges? Are some of those folks on the panel for political reasons (i.e., big donors or somehow in business with the organization)? A has-been country music singer? A newscaster? It makes no sense. I would love to see Cersten's and Holly's full solos. They are outstanding dancers - a big cut above the others.
  3. Jeff is the talent, although I think he's just another dime-a-dozen designer - nothing special about his skill set. (Other than being smart enough to get on reality TV and make money, especially when the economy crashed.) Gage is the person who is holding the business together, keeping it solvent and executing a strategy to make it grow. I have no doubt. Jeff is an asshole. He has his clever moments and he plays up the Grinch factor, but his true personality is bully. He's shown zero psychological growth since the show first aired. I hope Gage has smart legal contracts in place. I believe Jeff will not bond with the baby, nor put her first in his life. He doesn't have the ability to do that. Anyone can have occasional emotional moments, make statements about how the baby has changed his life, and cry crocodile tears for the camera. It's called pandering to a reality TV audience and business partners.
  4. I suspect that despite his outlay of money Jerry didn't get laid, and he was venting his spleen on the young buck with the big muscles. This episode was the most transparent about the ubiquitous presence of "yacht girls" in the Mediterranean.
  5. They are at their best when they are wisecracking throughout a routine day. The kids continue to be refreshingly natural and well-behaved. Tubbers is so adorable I am eyeing a Frenchie for my next companion. (In his exuberance to go for a walk, my family's half-grown Lab puppy pulled me off my feet the other day.) I'm a bit put off by the mother-son relationship between Jennifer and Josh - she's really hard on him sometimes. I understand why, but she needs to let go of her resentment and control issues. He'll never grow up otherwise. That said, he needs to get a decent-paying job and contribute to the household's expenses. If it's not law, he should find something else. Pumps: you do know that cigarette smoke weaves itself into your clothes and hair and everything around you, right? Nevertheless, thanks for the hilarious gift of the Playtex glove.
  6. I can't recall if either parent agreed to Ken's suggestion of Al-Anon, but I suspect that anything that is not grounded in their faith will be a no-go. Hope I'm wrong.
  7. I guess Jesse had someone feed his other dogs at his home base while he took a small team camping. At some point in this series I realized that some of the cast are relatively close to Eagle. The dogs and puppies made me happy this episode. Andy's dogs are magnificent and very well cared for. When Jessie first appeared on the show, he and his dogs looked like they were malnourished. His dogs are still thin looking, but perhaps that is their breed. If Andy ever has to retire to town due to age and ailments, I fear for his neighbors. He will be an extremely unhappy guy.
  8. One summer in the 70s I got orange/pineapple milkshakes every morning from a little shack next to where I had an early dance class. They were divine. I think after this season ends I am done with this series. It's like watching middle schoolers and they are all in on the scripted storylines, even Captain Sandy. You can see them walk into a scene and deliver their lines meant to keep the drama going.
  9. Belatedly seeing this news. Godspeed Bob and thanks for opening your life to us.
  10. Katherine will try to hang onto that wallet as long as he lets her.
  11. It's possible that Lu expected an open marriage, with the expectation of discretion, sweetened with wealth and property, and a fun wedding and TV ratings to boot. She probably hounded Tom about his tacky indiscretions, thinking she could convince him to keep it on the down low, and then realized he was going to embarrass her forever. Also, he may be broke.
  12. This is a link to court documentation on Chip's case: https://casetext.com/case/in-re-hailstone
  13. The reunion veered between depressing and boring. I miss the light witty banter we saw during the first season. Kathryn did better than the last reunion, but she still seemed medicated. She was slurring her words a bit and her eyelids were heavy at times. Kathryn isn't all wrong in her suspicions - I do think Jennifer and Landon have had designs on Thomas, even if it's just to be part of his social circle. Kathryn's problem is that she can't handle the situation appropriately - she's insanely jealous and controlling. Her mouth gets ahead of her brain and she ends up sounding stupid. It's possible her dress was the biggest offender - it looked like tomatoes exploded on her. Shep looked horrible. Who wants to watch that bloated hostile mess?
  14. I just discovered this series last night. I subscribed to Hulu just to watch The Handmaid's Tale and Hulu pushed this in front of me. I'm delighted to have found it - perfect summertime fare. The colorful costumes and jewels are yummy. Love the actors, whose faces I recognize from so many other beloved shows (i.e., Lady Repton is also an accountant on Home Fires). Love the characterization of George, Quigley Jr. and the fussy manservant. Love the locales. Love the fops in face paint. Didn't it contain lead? I believe I've read in several publications that Victorian gentry was also fond of buying young virgins to deflower. I look forward to finishing the rest of the episodes and hate that there are only eight!
  15. This episode was so scripted that the pages were almost visible. Production has ruined the show.
  16. I think we saw an homage to the great Joan Cusack in Broadcast News. She had to deliver a tape for a broadcast and ran pell-mell through the TV station to deliver it, jumping over filing cabinets. Bash almost copied that scene exactly as he raced to deliver the show to the engineers for broadcast.
  17. I'm almost done watching the first season. It picked up beginning with the third episode and I'm really enjoying it. However, Alison Brie bugs me in this. She seems very mannered and actressy (yes I know she's playing an actress). I'm enjoying the peripheral characters more than her character.
  18. The writers better figure out a way to bring back world-weary Fiore. I was riveted by the actor's performance and need to see him again. Little things mean a lot: the little body dip to get the long head scarf to lay just right over his left shoulder before he approached the stage. After half-watching last season, I delayed watching this season's first episode on my DVR, only to be excited about the improvements. Then I eagerly watched the second episode. There's great acting chemistry between the trio.
  19. Cameron may take time off when her child is an infant, then return to work, as many parents do. I can see her making occasional appearances on the show, then resuming her full participation. It is her job after all. She can tote a nanny off-camera during production if she wants the baby nearby. The question for me is whether she'll keep working in real estate.
  20. Like many narcissists, Kathryn is projecting onto her daughter, who shares her gender and looks like Kathryn. She doesn't relate to Saint.
  21. And on WWHL Thomas responded that he had no idea Kathryn was living in the apartment. Then he said he's not dating anyone seriously. Also, weren't there legal reasons why she couldn't see the children in Thomas' home? More than "it's not my day." Like, she had to have the monitor present in order to have visitation with her children? That was Carolyn Roehme with Patricia at the party. Another wealthy socialite who dabbles in fashion, flowers, going to parties... Kathryn has picked up some lingo from rehab and therapy and is spouting it out instead of being a real person. When she's not raging, she's so detached from what's going on around her. I think Thomas' "I want someone who deserves me" lingo is also borrowed from therapy. I also am pretty sure he rehearses these tone-deaf speeches off-camera. Literally. Also, JD was either drunk or bored when he and Thomas had their little chat in JD's office. He could barely keep his eyes open. This was the most obviously scripted episode I've seen. All the storylines were painstakingly (and painfully) brought to the finish line. Cam's motherhood, Craig-and-Naomie, Chelsie and Austin, Kathryn's supposed redemption... I think Thomas will take a tumble in the sheets with Kathryn, especially if he's loaded late one night, but I think he's moved past wanting a relationship with her. What we saw last night was advertising for the reunion.
  22. I agree. We keep thinking that these are real charters, and that professional behavior is required, but the environment is a production set. Yes the crew performs real duties, but the normal behavioral rules don't apply. They set up conflict and reprimand and fire people solely for TV drama. I think Hannah and the primary faked the supposed kiss for production, with the captain being in on it. The choppy editing was horrible. For all we know that was Kate Chastain's moaning that they edited in. Bugsy is probably trying to leverage the situation by advertising for a chief stew role with the show. The only real thing is the conflict between various personalities. It seemed like the unhappy blonde was interested in the primary and not having her affections returned. And the primary is really working the reality TV circuit. His manners could be real, or they could be calculated for the cameras. I'm annoyed at how fake this show is. Rented beards.
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