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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Todd and Julie are hoping that one of these lame money schemes will rescue them from their financial woes. I wonder if Chase and Savannah would prefer to be living private lives, but feel pressure to appear on the show to help their parents. That's a lot of unfair pressure. I'm pretty sure the camera uses a filter for Todd's talking heads - his image is softened in those shots. And all Julie does is mutter inane reactions to Todd's attempt at being clever. It's like she's not even there.
  2. Maybe Kate is an alcoholic who can function well in a controlled environment, especially for a limited time period such as six weeks. We've seen her being nasty and immature in earlier seasons of the show; she found the resolve to rehabilitate her chief stew image for TV and also not drink to excess on camera. Maybe she goes to pieces, at home, without the relative isolation and structure of working hard on a vessel at sea. Of course since these guests were civilized we saw less of them than the obnoxious guests. I think Ben and Emily are for the camera. I didn't see any chemistry between them. But they enjoyed their dinner away from crew madness and had some interesting conversation.
  3. I have Bratty TV Kid exhaustion from several other shows, but I'm going to give this one a chance. Plus Corfu, and animals. The writing son is a bit fey; seems like he belongs in a different show. What is the family's social and economic background? Were they wealthy or working class? The mother said they only ended up in Bournemouth after her husband's death. Anyway, they don't seem to belong together, possibly because the show is portraying the siblings as so insufferable while their mother is in such desperate straits. At least she's got some great eye candy in all the fellas that are trying to help her.
  4. This show doesn't know what it wants to be when it grows up. I've seen SJP do this character before, and THC's character belongs in a sitcom about hapless husbands/dads. I did chuckle at the useless deadpan therapist - a lot of marital counseling doesn't work because the participants are too miserable or self-involved and don't really want to be there, but the counseling is what society tells them they should do. The art gallery gig seems completely unrealistic and a poor script writing choice - suburban location, no apparent experience for the character. Guess they are trying to infuse the notion of sophistication and glamor.
  5. This show has grown on me. I like the intrigue, and some of the actors are really talented.
  6. I'm not an imbiber, but I love this series. It's unlike anything else I watch. I love the characters and how their stories are interwoven. I like seeing new actors, some of whom are very talented. And we see real slices of NYC, beyond the predictable restaurants, Times Square, Housewives' apartments, etc. In the episode with the grieving son, we were shown how some of the characters are related in an organic way; the can-collector from a previous episode resurfaced.
  7. I really liked this episode. Mormons are an easy target, so the script isn't especially clever, but I liked the two women trying to explain themselves to each other. And the sly twist was funny. The guest actress Sarah Baker was so great in Zach Galifianakis' The Campaign. The bratty daughters are wearing to this viewer, and I'd like to see Sam have the occasional cheerful moment. She's such a sad sack all the time.
  8. Can someone explain the "B" and "C" conversation that Lawrence had with the father of the young child - the neighbor? I think it had to do with gang affiliation?
  9. Captain Lee's blog reads like an intern wrote it. Oh, wait. If he really wrote his own blog, it would read something like "Deck crew fucked up. Again. Idiots." (I don't think that, but it's how he would write.) He's really got it in for Kelly. Uncomfortable to watch. With all the recent focus on crew relationships, and them getting lazy (e.g., leaving sushi out all night), this show is less and less about running a charter yacht and more like a floating Vanderpump Rules. The nervous fiance was sweating bullets as he waited to propose.
  10. Liking the show so far. Appreciate the writers delving into the office stuff and not making it too cartoonish. I do wish they would drop much of the profanity, as I think it's lazy scriptwriting. I appreciate the boyfriend's characterization - many of us have dealt with decent partners who are stuck in life - but I like the part of the show that is about something other than romantic relationships. Women are so much more than who they date. ETA: meant to say that here in DC there are lots of kids and adults who never visit a Smithsonian museum, the Washington Monument, the Capitol, etc.
  11. I wonder how many of those animals were drugged to keep them calm. Also, did the pageant director require proof of vaccinations? My friend's mother attended a party and was bitten by a supposedly docile donkey. She developed an infection at the bite site and nearly lost her arm; they did manage to get the infection under control. And my brother's church had animals at its annual Christmas nativity scene until they learned that the animals were being tranquilized.
  12. I guess when the judges are desperate to see something that hasn't been done to death already, they salivate and laud it as fashion (the poorly executed Bedazzling and the chrome yellow). But if that's true, why did they hate the beige dress with the textured insert? I watch PR with hands over my eyes because I fear an outbreak of two things: diva hissy fits and sob stories. So far they've chosen to keep this kind of thing under control (with the exception of nasty Cornelius). Good for Mah-Jing for not projecting his outsider position onto the teamwork. However Alex bordered on sliding into noble victim territory. But I'll take that over the nasty brutish fights of earlier seasons.
  13. Just watched Dundee's first two episodes for Season 2. For my bucket list: holding a fat dozing wombat on my lap. I've always loved wombats - they look like Yodas on all fours.
  14. I've always thought that the extended counseling scenes with Judy and Kelli were solely for the show. As other posters have suggested, I think Amy, the tall candidate and some others were let into training camp, or kept there over the weeks, solely so there would be these extended counseling and cut scenes. I think K&J may hate having to tape them, as in reality they are pros and they know what they want to do without a lot of hand-wringing and drama. I thought several of the trainees had the same strengths and weaknesses - Yuko, Kelsey, Amy, Kyndall, etc. - yet some were kept and others were released. I found the excessive pandering to Yuko bizarre, given the practical limitations of having her on the team. K&J were probably overruled on some of these decisions. We need to see less of the repetitive training camp stuff, and the faked forced scenes, and more of the real stuff - show group (love!), Kitty practices, new dances. Ax the horrible fashion show, the CMT crossover stars (although I love Kacey Musgraves' music), the Melissa R. coaching sessions. I'm assuming that if Tasha's child had suffered Tasha's absence, Tasha and her husband would have dealt with it. I'm also assuming that the kid did just fine and saw her mother during training camp. Tasha gets to decide how she mothers. This last episode made suffering through some of the earlier episode nonsense almost worth it.
  15. On a camping trip, Kim and Kroy sat around the campfire with their kids and explained why they don't see Kroy's parents. There was reference to Kim being an older woman with two kids, and also I think Kim alluded to her lifestyle - she couched all of it as being things that Mrs. Biermann disliked. During this campfire scene, there was a quick shot of Kroy's mother making a face at some point earlier, supposedly in reaction to something Kim was doing. Anyway, Kroy was very assertive as he stated that based on these events he refuses to see his parents. What really bothered me was how early in the relationship he decided this, and how self-satisfied he sounds when he talks about it. He simply abandoned his parents over a new relationship, and Kim is thrilled that he did it.
  16. Kate is a control freak so she was annoyed that production surprised her with Ro's visit. Plus, I think the relationship is for exposure. When they went into the bathroom, the cameras were already set up to catch them kissing in a perfectly framed mirror reflection. And I think the excessive texting was for the cameras and to annoy Ben. Weird about the guests' accident. I'm not a sailor nor a diver but I know not to put drunks into a speeding boat, and to avoid coral and, you know, the nearby massive yacht. I'm annoyed at Kelly, Lauren and Sierra being set up, in the sense that they aren't extremely experienced in their designated positions, yet they are being called out for it and humiliated. I assume being bosun is very demanding, and Kelly doesn't have all the necessary skills. Did he even know that the hand signals were incorrect? And Sierra can't be faulted for not knowing what a Painkiller is.
  17. I got my weekly cute puppy quota filled by those scenes where the service puppies were being trained.
  18. I've noticed this on a couple other shows and moves. I guess production thinks it's pretty to look at and flatters the actors. Definitely a production trend. I sure wanted to like this, but the veering between manic black comedy and serious drama was distracting. Anybody recognize the suburb? What is Frances' occupation?
  19. Despite her claims about how much she wanted a large family, Kim seems quite detached from all the kids, with the exception of Brielle. I don't see any bonding, and it was clear that being in Montana (i.e., doing something she didn't want to do) and trapped with all those kids (who normally are handled by nannies while Kim gambles and shops) was getting on her last nerve. I think she dotes on Brielle as a mini-me but also feels competitive with Brielle. Publicly avoiding Troy's family, while being in his hometown, is an especially nasty move, regardless of the history of conflict. I especially give Troy the side eye for not trying to figure out a solution when it all started, instead of abandoning his family to appease Kim. That tells me alot about his character. They are both trash.
  20. We all know Tim can bring the snark; wish we had thought bubbles over his head as he ponders some of Heidi's outfits. I like Brik. He's not completely of this world, but he's kind. I noticed him weeping a bit as Sarah said her goodbyes.
  21. Loved this episode. Loved the sweet moments between a mother and her daughters. The older teen actress handled her little monologue very well. A nice change from the previous shrieking we saw.
  22. I wonder if Ben's headed for a meltdown - since the Mediterranean season he has seemed a bit unstable, as compared to the earlier seasons of the series Kate said she started yachting to find a rich husband. While that may have been said partly in jest, perhaps part of her attraction to Ben is the possibility of an inheritance.
  23. I have searched high and low for the vet forums. Finally I searched by "Oakley" and landed here. Looking forward to reading through the pages when I have more time. ETA: does anyone remember a short-lived TV show about a woman who ran a sanctuary in southern Alabama? She had red hair. I particularly remember a couple episodes where they showed her team having to move all of the animals to higher ground because of a hurricane. It was such a lot of work to accomplish in very little time. I think they eventually relocated the sanctuary to a better location. I also watched a short-lived series where a woman in Mississippi rescued animals, mostly stray dogs. She would scoop them up from the side of a road, get them care, and then find homes for them, often putting a bunch of them onto a big rig and driving north to adoptive families. Both of these shows caught my attention because I lived in both states, and the locals can be very cavalier about how they treat their animals. About 10 years ago I was home visiting family and spotted a stray injured dog out in the country. I discovered that none of the animal control places answered their phones on Sunday. I had to go through a sheriff's office to find an emergency clinic in a city and then drive the poor dog there. The lack of services haunted me, but since then some rescue groups have been established.
  24. I love the northern English accents - am looking forward to trying to decipher every week. How do yachts handle drinking ages while cruising around in different geographic locations? A couple of the latest guests seem underage (by US standards).
  25. Appears to be a very economical production. A few richly furnished rooms, a minimum of costumes and wigs, and the lead walking in and out of various rooms, gazing into the distance, and delivering his lines. How could such a sumptuous period appear so barren on screen?
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