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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. The script writing is disingenuous to an extreme. Can a spouse take on debt, for which the other spouse is also responsible, without the other spouse knowing? I thought those days were gone, but Frances' attorney said Robert had plunged them deeply into debt by taking on numerous loans without her knowing.
  2. Is it my imagination, or did I see mascara running down Demelza's face as she strode along the beach in her red dress?
  3. I thought Sven's little speech to Louisa about moving to Corfu to "escape" his homosexuality, and his loneliness, was very moving. I've just remembered some funny dialogue from a previous episode. When Larry and Nancy are having noisy sex, and Larry is howling (presumably in orgasm), Gerald in the next room asks Leslie what's going on. An embarrassed Leslie explains that Larry "stubbed his toe." Then when Nancy is howling, Gerald slyly says "Nancy also stubbed her toe."
  4. I so agree with this. I've lived in five southern states, and the accents vary. She nailed the accent when she was in the bar and restaurant wearing the blonde wig and trying to inveigle her way in with Javier. Also, she nailed the southern mannerisms - the self-deprecating flirtiness. So far I like this. Dockery has disappeared into the role, and a lot of the actors look and talk like real people (e.g., Heidi). I'm curious how the writers will sustain our interest.
  5. I think Bravo brought in Block without letting Kandi know. They blindsided her. When Chris walked into the office, everyone was really thrown off, but went with it because the cameras were rolling, and not realizing how far Bravo would take it. Or, Kandi was complicit and has thrown her daughter's privacy and dignity to the Bravo wolves in order to make a few bucks. I did laugh at Kandi fussing at Riley's ponytail, considering that monstrosity Kandi sports in her THs. Phaedra has a quick wit, but it's weird how she veers from proper southern lady to the nasty jokes and innuendo. Also, is it my imagination (I haven't watched the series for several seasons), or does she seem kind of medicated at times? Her demeanor isn't as sharp and crisp as it once was, especially her diction. And her eyes look heavy. Do any of these women have only their original body parts?
  6. Honestly, this episode veered so closely into Harlequin Romance territory that I laughed. (Elizabeth appeared to resist, then lustily gave in to her passions.) And sometimes Ross and his merry miners sound like a parody. Aidan Turner can barely keep a straight face. It's too bad. I really enjoyed the earlier episodes and season. The actresses who play Elizabeth and Caroline are quite wooden. Morning-after Elizabeth acted like a robot as she sat in her bed.
  7. This show is just MTV's Real World on water. There's no real chain of command because this is a reality TV show staffed with thirsty immature wannabe TV celebrities. Kelley can yell all he wants, but it's meaningless if the crew is taking direction from camera people. Captain Lee is willingly part of the charade. When he threatens to "take action" several times and then doesn't do it, he's playacting. What is wrong with the primary guest that he seeks out opportunities to be on this tawdry little show three times?
  8. pasdetrois

    S07.E04: Service

    Where is Judith? In some seasons she is everywhere, being hauled around like a sack of potatoes. Now we haven't seen her in ages. I wonder if the absence of Judith and other children this season is because the writers don't want to go there with Negan's sadism. I mean, he wouldn't be all loving and gentle with children - he would use them to his advantage, like he does everyone and everything else. ETA: For Pete's sake I just remembered we saw Judith in her crib. Still, we haven't seen her and other kids for many episodes.
  9. I loved this episode - the show has hit its stride. I wish I could remember all the great dialogue. (Especially the butler's line about depression and chocolate.) And there's a quirky bit in almost every scene, which the actors handle so well. I loved the face slap when everyone was screaming in the countess' room. Quite unusual in that day and time for a mother to fail to bat an eye at her child's enthusiastic and very noisy sex life. But then, this is the family that chucked everything to live precariously in Corfu. The actress who plays Margo is an almost dead-ringer for Scarlett in Four Weddings and a Funeral. There are a lot of taciturn Swedish men in my family, so I understand Sven's introverted nature.
  10. This is a phenomenal series. It's visually breathtaking and the scripting is very intelligent and meaningful. It was a relief to see the angry exchanges between Elizabeth and Phillip because Claire Foy has given us so little range. All we see is Elizabeth's famous reserve, and it's boring to watch, especially when all the other actors are really bringing it. I do wonder how it feels to the family to have Phillip skewered so publicly. I'm looking forward for the next installment.
  11. I would feel a little more sorry for Shailynne - clearly she's quite off - but she managed to pull herself together to run off to her hotel room and drop to her knees, calling for Jesus, all while positioning her body for the cameras. That was good old fashioned T&T gold. On a more serious note, she's going to get fleeced by the pageant system for every penny she's got.
  12. Once again we see that most of these people don't know how to create fashion for real women. Even when the real women are their mamas. Erin's look was one of the worst I've ever seen on PR. I laughed at Tim's critique. I'm glad Rik won because he really focused on something his mother can actually wear without cringing.
  13. With their bad plastic surgery and love of clown makeup, Kim and Brielle look like aliens out of an old 1960s scifi show. Also, why is Kim always shuffling around in that gross blue bathrobe? It's especially bizarre when she tries to make it sexy by pulling the shoulders down. Snarking aside, this is not a woman who is going to age gracefully, either from a physical or a psychological perspective. Her life is limited to talking heads, gambling, beauty procedures and shopping.
  14. So glad we are going to have a second season; I was worried. I love this show, and this season finale episode was sublime. I love the show almost as much as my beloved (and cancelled) Getting On. Tiny nit pick: the oldest daughter's constant wobbly vocals.
  15. Kyle is simply trying to maximize his 15 minutes of Bravo fame. I question half of the stories he tells. I don't think he was interested in Sierra, other than to win her affections on camera and put another notch in his belt. With the determined and repeated trashing of the interior of the yacht, and the ridiculous petty fights, this is no longer a show about elegant yachting; it's just another trashy Bravo show. So disappointing. Bad crew behavior. Prolonged suspense over who will get fired. The firing by a disgruntled Captain Lee. Rinse. Repeat. (Yawn)
  16. At Kenya's housewarming, Sheree's performance veered into a caricature of herself. Dial it down, Sheree.
  17. I wonder if the mom who fell was rushing to answer the door, tripped over a suitcase or something, then smashed her head against a door frame. That was a very loud crash. The top hat boys did not disappoint, although we did not have enough of them. We need more of them, as well as the loopy judge with no filter. I hate the new "facials" that seem to be in vogue.
  18. I appreciate Laurence's talent, but I do feel we are seeing a limited repertoire from her. Maybe she's trying to use the show to market her leather jackets for her post-show career. Too bad Tim used the save on Cornelius. Probably would make for a better competition if Tim had waited. Did I hear Dexter call Mah-Jing fat? When Mah-Jing plopped down between the two guys, Dexter angrily bellowed something like "don't sit your fat ass next to me." Charming. I wasn't in love with any of the looks, but thought they were all pretty polished, which is a PR rarity. So it was refreshing to see. When Roberi designed the plaid/leather skirt, I thought it was a play on the ubiquitous plaid shirt tied around the wait and hanging down the back. Clever. When will the entertainment world stop foisting the obnoxious and entitled Kelly Osborne on the viewing public? I loathe her.
  19. I see that Mickie continues to whore out her poor daughter - now they're on the road in the Mickie 'n Eden Show. I thought that Eden looked tired and dispirited and was on auto-pilot. That poor kid.
  20. I'll bore everyone further (sorry all) by adding that I felt Stella's shade of blonde was all wrong for her skin tone. In certain lights these things jump out at me - brassy blonde against cool skin tones, which wouldn't happen in nature. Another place I notice this clash is in the red hair on Poldark's Demelza. At least production keeps up with Demelza's roots.
  21. Call me nuts, but I think I hear Kate doing a voiceover in a new Moto TV commercial. It's either her or a doppelganger Kate voice.
  22. Anderson and Dornan drove me crazy with their rigid performances. Somewhere on PTV there's a great phrase that comes to mind: Angry Whispering. I think for Paul Giametti's performance on Billions? Anyway, it always made me laugh to read it, and I kept thinking Sleepy Whispering, or Boring Whispering, whenever GA opened her mouth. Dornan was mostly a blank stare. And I was distracted by GA's lousy dye job. Oh, and what good was Mopey Burns? I'm cranky when British crime procedurals disappoint me, because I so look forward to them. But I'm glad I watched because I was introduced to two good actors whom I'll watch for: Krister Henriksson (the psychiatrist) and especially Richard Coyle (the ER doc).
  23. I like this series too, especially some of the actors. And the scenery and clothing are beautiful. I do find the sudden presence of Rachel Griffiths on our screens a bit odd, although she's giving it her best. This gang reminds me a bit of the Happy Valley crowd, another group of jaded, wealthy Brits fornicating and murdering in 1940s Kenya. One of the movie channels has been showing White Mischief lately. The use of the little boy as tiger bait didn't shock me because my brain has absorbed how cruel many colonists were. I marveled at the maharaja's thick collar of diamonds at the disastrous dinner party.
  24. Guess we know now why Kyle was cast. Loved seeing the three couch surfers - I've been missing People's Couch. James' (Ben's brother) name on Ben's device read "Jengo Robinson." There's a Jengo Robinson who is a screenwriter, and who's also involved with aviation - maybe that's the international corporate gig that James referred to during the conversation with Ben. Ben is still unraveling. His treatment of the psychic was very rude. He seems to be quite insecure. I think he's the one that Captain Lee goes after, presumably after another ridiculous meltdown. I continue to think he and Emily are having a showmance.
  25. There was a fantastic instrumental song played early in the episode, while Mac was walking around a warehouse. It was guitar-y R&B. The episode didn't show any music credits - anyone recognize it? And I laughed at hearing Poke Salad Annie. That song was everywhere in the south. Also, I've been fighting poke in my garden - it's very invasive and puts down deep roots! ETA: song is Big City After Dark by Link Wray.
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