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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. The note-perfect touch to Jill's gawdawful bridesmaid dress was the matching Scrunchie in the braid. I died.
  2. Well, it's obvious she encouraged it - she ended up entering into a relationship with him. He didn't hit her over the head and drag her into a cave - she participated willingly, instead of moving away from having the relationship. She had a choice.
  3. The obsession with dates and timelines and "sleeping with a married man" kind of misses the point. The first time someone has sex is not the start of a relationship. Bethenny and Dennis probably had eyes for each other for quite awhile before they acted on it sexually. That's the start of the affair, at least emotionally - he was emotionally pulling away from his wife and toward Bethenny, and Bethenny knew it and encouraged it.
  4. Bethenny knew what was coming and was prepared. Three things that caught my attention: When Lu turned toward her and began the you're-a-hypocrite attack, Lu didn't even finish her sentence before Bethenny talked over her and said something like "you're going to talk about my boyfriend." Bethenny spit out the drug accusation as early as was possible, in the hopes of deflecting the married boyfriend talk. Interestingly, Lu said "we all agreed we would not talk about that." Did they all talk about it off-air, and Bethenny ignored some kind of agreement in her desperation? As they say in the TV news business, Bethenny had her video (phone call) all teed up and ready to roll. Despite her preparations, Bethenny was like a scared rabbit. She was actually quaking and gulping at one point. And it wasn't the fake, fluttery, big-eyed "emotion" she churned out in the hotel room. She was very stricken that her affair was being outed on TV. She got outplayed. ETA: Last night was the only time I've ever seen Bethenny look truly embarrassed about her own behavior.
  5. Like we need yet another two-bit, washed-up "celebrity" with fake boobs and butt occupying valuable TV real estate. I didn't even finish watching the episode. That Camrie person is abominable.
  6. What were the savvy and media-conscious Chyka and her husbanding thinking? Allowing their spoiled, whiny brat onto the show? I guess Chessie thinks if she complains enough her parents will give her a cushy glamorous job. Rick is an absolute sweetheart. A very rare specimen on reality TV. I love the way Gina doesn't give a flying duck about the criticisms leveled at her. She knows that they are only doing it to capture camera time. I wonder if Lydia and Pettifleur have an inkling of how loathsome they are.
  7. I'm insanely excited about a NOLA spin-off - my familial stomping grounds. Unlike Charleston or other beautiful-but-staid southern cities, wealthy New Orleaneans aren't afraid to show the crazy.
  8. Something was off about the ceremony. Gamble joked that Rick was complaining about the money spent on the wedding, yet we saw nothing to justify the supposed costs. There were chairs and a modest canopy on the beach - that was it. No shots of an expensive reception, although perhaps we'll see that next week. And Rick and Gamble had the long talk about a prenup, yet actually didn't sign one, which Gina tartly pointed out. Were they just signing the officiant's documentation when she made that comment? Gamble tried to pretend she didn't understand all the prenup business, and didn't care, but somehow I doubt that. Editing tried to make Gina's behavior with the viewing party look bad -- Jackie and Janet are the worst script-delivery gals ever -- but I wonder if Gina behaved that way because the entire wedding thing was purely for production. In other words, her role in it was just a part of her RHoM job, and she felt it was OK to tend to other business as well. I wonder if there was trouble about the prenup at the last minute and the production company staged a kind of just-for-the-show ceremony.
  9. I didn't get an incest vibe myself, but Brittany did comment that when she began partying with her father, their relationship became more like friends. However - and this is weird - I swear when I was trying to find Jonel's episode online about 10 days ago, I stumbled upon random ads for Brittany's episode that used the word incest. I can't find the ads now. ETA: maybe that was another Brittany's episode?
  10. I'm lovin' this series. Turturro, Headly, Berlin...and the splendid Michael K. Williams.
  11. Given the extremely remote locations, harsh weather, etc. often the only jobs on a reservation are working for the tribal government. Or people lucky enough to own a vehicle drive a long way to a job site. A large nation such as this one has tribal accountants, social workers, teachers, IT specialists, law enforcement, health workers, etc. Some of those jobs are for the local offices of federal agencies that support the tribes. But of course there aren't enough jobs for everyone, not by a long shot. I mentioned a trust - some Indians receive dividends from a federal trust fund that was established long ago and is managed by the federal government on their behalf. For example, a parcel of land that is leased for cattle grazing. But in many cases the payments have become tiny - a couple dollars - because of so many descendants of the original account holder. Mrs. Cobell and Blackfeet Chief Earl Old Person were original litigants who sued the federal government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_trustfund_lawsuit And the Blackfeet have their own bank. I think the lob cabin building was a tribal building.
  12. My guess is that the wife is in it for the money, manipulating the situation to her advantage. Only now Robert's run through it all and she needs him sober and productive again. Addiction allows the disgusting enablers and hangers-on to hide in plain sight. Everybody's busy with the addict's antics, and the enabler/manipulator can get away with a lot when nobody's paying attention. There did seem to be a lot of acting in this episode. It's hard to be sure, what with the codependent typical love of drama. I wish Donna would soften her edges a bit. She's so harsh.
  13. Maryland has some very exclusive ocean- and bay-front communities (e.g., the Eastern Shore), with a strong boating culture. Many of the estates are owned by the Washington DC elite. I can see Jen seeking a position in that community.
  14. I think Ben sends mixed signals. At the end of his TH he said something like he wished he could have spent more time with Hannah and hopes he can spend more time with her. He's keeping her on the line; he had the same dynamic with the other chief stew. Julia is attracted to Bobby but is determined to be loyal to her boyfriend. She did flirt with him in earlier episodes. Captain Mark tried to keep it professional and above-board. He may decide he can't deal with reality TV. I've started to tire of the heavy producer manipulations.
  15. I have worked with tribes for decades and worked on the Blackfeet reservation. Of course it's true there is abject poverty and despair, but many of the tribes have established more infrastructure the past 20 years. Part of that is from gaming proceeds, part is from other business opportunities. Interesting note: a Blackfeet woman, the late Elouise Cobell, led a successful effort to sue the federal government for its failure to fulfill its fiduciary duties as a trustee of native assets, and there is a landmark settlement. Also, the rural American South is just as bad. Paul Theroux the travel writer spent a couple years traveling there for his latest book, and he compared it to third-world poverty. I see it every time I visit relatives in rural MS, LA and AL. It seems that the price of recovery and sobriety is separation from family, and the victimized children break my heart. They just can't win. I appreciated that Jonel's uncle had a kind word and a hug for Brandon. It helped him into recovery.
  16. The editing was rapid choppy cuts, but I did catch the nasty "FC" comment. We also saw Brian making the gross fist/arm/hip motion, simulating sex, while Ben and Tiffany were chatting together on the deck. I don't like the sneaky shots of the female crew mostly naked as they sleep, and I think we saw a one-second shot of a boner on a sleeping male crew member. Perhaps the captain kept Bobby because they have only one more charter and no one to fill in for him at the last minute. I doubt he would keep much of this crew around in real life. The way they all drink and party on their off nights - it's inevitable that some of this stuff is going to happen. I wonder if the real-life crews carry on this way. I keep thinking that with true five-star service they would be more professional during their free time off ship, but perhaps not. Showing how little self-awareness he possesses, Danny claimed he was shocked to get fired. He deserved it, but so do the other two creeps. Perhaps Danny's true home is as a tour guide, or running social programs somewhere. But even then one must show some awareness of boundaries.
  17. I thought this group of guests continued to be prompted by production to max out the odious behavior - making Julia run up and down the stairs, for example. Same with the captain's relative non-reaction to crew shenanigans - he's not making those decisions, production is, because this is a production, not a real excursion. I've formed the impression that Ben is very moody. The tears seemed to be from left field. Maybe wandering the seas, crammed into a tiny galley and bunk, is catching up with him. On a lighter note, when some of the crew were arguing - can't remember who it was - there was a quick shot of Jen's little head slow rising up from below a table. I laughed hard.
  18. Not to mention poking him hard in the chest, followed by a slap to the face. That really struck a nerve with me and actually brought tears to me eyes. It was one of the few times we saw Brian express a reaction to someone; he was very hurt and embarrassed. I wonder what it was like, living with her in a presumably small apartment, after her divorce. She may have projected a lot of rage and depression at Brian. I did like his aunt - she said she helped raised him, and I think she was one of the few kind adults in his life. He seemed like a people-pleaser to me, too, while being shut down. I was surprised he decided to stay in CA, but think it's very smart.
  19. Haven't watched in awhile. Bethenny looks tired and sour all the time. She seems utterly depressed at all times. She must.have.the.last.word.at.all.times and dominate every situation. When she can't, she deflates and shuts down. If she's so wealthy and successful, which I believe she is, why is she doing the show? Does she need the money? Is it to expand her brand and business? Or is she that desperate for the attention? I don't get it. She and Carole have their own eating disorders - at worst - or they are overly obsessed with their own food and appearance. As such, their radar picks up instantly on someone who is like them (Jules) and they appoint themselves as her judge and monitor. It's a projection thing, and a competition thing, and I think they are jealous of her appearance. They remind me of vultures circling an injured critter.
  20. In an otherwise depressing episode, I giggled for a moment at Alicia nodding off over the blank paper that the family gave her to let her think she was working. Maybe her parents spoiled her because they felt guilty she was from a failed relationship. I wonder if her half-siblings will resent her sliding back into a relatively cushy existence when she returns home. Maybe Cookie is one of those insane hysterical narcissists who make everything about them and wreak havoc everywhere they go. Gina said Cookie left town because of the episode being produced - either "it's not about me so I'm leaving" or "holy crap I'm gonna get called out so I better vamoose." Alicia looked fantastic during rehab. Farmgal4: we're rootin' for ya. We love ya like crazy!
  21. Hannah's seeking to control Ben while at the same time seeking his attention. And he knows it. Next time they are drinking she'll try to have the same conversation and get the answer she wants. Also disappointed in her throwing herself at Bobby, and vowing vengeance at other staff. There go her professional head stew points down the drain. I thought Danny was faking it. He's the type who will push boundaries and act out until he switches to pouting and withdrawal, which I thought he was doing in response to the captain's dressing down. But it appears he was really ill. I eventually thought food poisoning or appendicitis. I'm enjoying the thought of Bryan cringing as he watches his stupid buffoon self on the episodes.
  22. They all handled themselves pretty well, with the exception of Landon and Kathryn. Thomas cleaned up his act and looked good. Landon was poking the bear and it wasn't fun to watch. Kathryn was loaded - nodding off at one point - and struggling to speak coherently at other times. The flinging up of the shoe was bizarre. She may be trying to manage herself with prescription and illegal drugs and alcohol (and failing miserably). Also, she just can't help herself whining about being entitled to free money. "Thomas gives me nothing...." I foresee Thomas being a fulltime father in a year or two.
  23. I think the alcoholism and drug addiction are true. Not sure if the shakes were real but exaggerated, and I'm not buying the lupus without more proof (my family member has it and another is being tested for it). Candy seemed strangely detached and I think she doubted some of what she was seeing. Since I don't believe in paranormal-anything, and look askance at these fake idiots on paranormal shows, it seems to me that these two doofuses have made their living scamming the public, including those who give them money. Zero sympathy and tolerance for the wife, who never met a camera she didn't like; she sure had her script nailed down. I suspect she glommed onto Daniel for a TV career. Those tears were for herself because she's lost that income. Having been raised in the midst of Southern Baptists with extreme views, I can see where Daniel's parents might have been very hard on him. They take the demon stuff very seriously. There was a news story very recently where parents and church members beat a child to death because they thought he was possessed. If Daniel was sensitive, he may have internalized all that - he started drinking very young. I wonder if he has hallucinations that he's passed off as paranormal manifestations. Also, there was something off about his speech - it was distracting.
  24. I wondered if Glen would attempt the snow cave if he was alone (no camera crew). Then I wondered if the moose-fat lamp would melt the snow. He said he spent seven years preparing to move to the Alaskan wilderness. I wonder if that included saving money to buy or lease the land. Also, another site stated that Glen keeps a satellite phone so he can speak with his two children. I wonder how Andy's litigation with Kate is going (I read about this online last year). He has a lot of infrastructure invested in that property, and my impression is she wanted a settlement. As far as I can tell, they all offer something back to society via business or give-aways, but it seems as if Glen and Andy simply exist, using Alaskan resources.
  25. Key point: Whitney has no control over production and editing.
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