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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Is Jennifer the one who posted to this forum or the old TWOP forum? Asking all kinds of attention-seeking, disingenuous questions about why we were being so mean to her? JD said something about his family sleeping and directed Thomas to what looked like an outbuilding for coffee? I assumed it was a guest cottage or office. Maybe they don't want cameras in their home and around his kids.
  2. Anyone who has watched the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders show will appreciate the monumental leap Brandi has made. From squeaky clean virtuous girl next door to booze-swilling potty mouthed idiot. Kelly Finglass must be apoplectic.
  3. Have we already seen this? Can't recall. It's Kathryn's mug shot from underage drinking and disorderly conduct. http://www.fitsnews.com/2012/06/06/sc-diva-arrested/ ETA: you can follow other links to news/blogs about her dating life, modeling career and so on. Mostly from the fitnews guy who is Kathryn's number one admirer.
  4. It's official. Kathryn is mentally ill. She's histrionic and narcissistic. I loathe her.
  5. The brothers' mother was indeed a drama queen. Her voice was really loud a lot of the time. When Renee's mother discovered the filthy room, she seemed genuinely devastated. I wonder why she hadn't been made aware before. Jeff steadfastly plowed through a triple header, and the sister was the quiet hero, both doing what needed doing. As I watched the brothers, I thought of all the talent and joy that is squandered by addiction. One was a talented baseball player, with a shot at a career and/or coaching something he loves, and the other was a smart guy with a passion for design. I hope they can pick up the pieces; they are young enough.
  6. Think of the level of desperation that drove women to jam a coat hanger into their bodies. Social and religious mores drove the desperation - no job, no money, loneliness, abandonment by the father, condemnation and abuse from everyone around you. That schoolteacher would need years to recover from this incident, if she ever recovered. In the 70s I knew a young college woman -- wealthy, educated -- whose father beat and disowned her when he learned she was pregnant (and unmarried). He refused to pay for her education and changed the locks on the family home. She was literally on the street until friends took her in. The older sister of another friend was married to a physician, and when she experienced an unwanted pregnancy, her husband performed the abortion on their kitchen table. My own landlady snooped in the apartments she managed, rifling through drawers (upon discovery of this I moved to a big anonymous high-rise) and peeking through curtains to see if a man was spending the night. It was good to see happy Fred again. I laughed at the shot of the mother lifting her child through a window so a neighbor could run the little girl over to the public toilet. Harried busy mothers know economy of motion! Glad they are taking the time to show that neighborhood demographics were becoming more diverse.
  7. I wondered about this also. The exterior looks different.
  8. Just because Kathryn and Thomas haven't "been to court" doesn't mean they don't have a negotiated agreement. They've both said their attorneys were in negotiations a year ago. I believe they have a signed agreement based on SC guidelines. You don't have to drag everybody in front of a judge in order to negotiate an agreement. Kathryn probably understands she won't win any attempts to get more. If they have an agreement, and Thomas breaks it egregiously, then she can pursue that. She may be exaggerating about him not honoring a child support agreement, because there are federal child support enforcement guidelines that apply to every state. The US Department of Justice has the Office of Child Support Enforcement. I would think that if he ignored his obligations, she would be all over him.
  9. We are all growing old together, watching Intervention. Beats the alternative! Is this the longest running reality TV show?
  10. Fat babies: I'm a boomer and I was a fat baby, which was considered healthy and desirable. Southern mothers often put Borden's Sweetened Condensed Milk in our milk, and my friend's mother put Coke in her bottle! The show tries for reality, but I'm always slightly distracted by how clean and bandbox fresh these supposedly poor mothers are. Perfect hair and makeup, cute ironed outfits. Not that they should be slobs because they are poor, but we don't see them looking like real-life moms. Curlers in the hair, house slippers sometimes. I'm still bugged by Trixie's prissy mannerisms. She doesn't even lounge on the bed without arranging her body and pointing her toes. I'm gonna miss Sister Evangelina. She's my fave.
  11. I think Thomas was well into his cups at the bistro dinner. He was slurring his words a bit and struggled to keep his eyes fully open. Agree that he's probably upped his child support amount since the second baby was born. He clearly stated - I think at the reunion episode - that their lawyers hammered out an agreement, and that he would pay what the law requires for support. He also has stated that he won't pay to support Kathryn; he intends to pay child support only. Withholding a child based on child support is a shitty thing to do. At this point all I can hope for is that the same nanny travels around with the children, and that they at least have her as a consistent caregiver. Kathryn putting on the humble Poor Me act in Jennifer's kitchen didn't fool me for one second. Also, in a talking head, she said that she had the means to rent a home and live with her children there, and she intended to do so. Which is it - she's barely scraping by and living with her parents, or she can afford to rent a home? If Cam was "raised on McDonald's," then perhaps she was raised by a busy working mom who didn't cook. My guess is that she and her husband eat a lot of simple cooked foods or carryout. Lots of people do that. I also assume she has a housecleaner.
  12. Hasn't it been about six or seven years since Sylvia was on the show? I just realized - I don't think they are offering to send families to Betty Ford and such any longer.
  13. So great to see Sylvia. Wonder how long she'll be able to keep the sweet, imploring approach to doing interventions. Sylvia 2017: "Get your ass in here and sit the fuck down." You know she's got it in her. I laughed when the family was trying to be all dramatic and confrontational with Karissa and that happy bouncy tail-swishey retriever came barreling in to the room. So cute.
  14. All winter I had this thought parked in the back of my brain: when's Happy Valley coming back? Have seen five of the new episodes so far. First two dragged a bit and I wondered if the show had lost its momentum. But I woke up with episode three and was glued to the TV by episode four. Now I'm already mourning that the season is so short. Sarah Lancashire's acting chops are touched by the gods. She is remarkable.
  15. It wasn't even his mother's cemetery, right? Not only was this episode very clumsily scripted, but it was like White Bread Intervention. Tepid as all get out as everyone slumbered through their scenes. Or faked emotion, at least until the end when Krysten looked beat. Affirms for me that before the intervention she and Spencer were living a pretty cushy life.
  16. I feel sorry for Craig, at least being the butt of so many mean-spirited, arrogant comments from some of the others. He looked painfully self-conscious and anxious at his housewarming party. Given Shep's privilege and earlier breezy sunny personality, it's bizarre that he's become fixated on schooling Craig. All I can guess is that Shep is accustomed to success and adoration, and he's furious that he was made to look bad on a reality TV show....and by a northern "commoner" no less. That's his entitled hubris coming out. For those still wondering, Kathryn stated last night that she's living in her parents' home. It's possible that her parents and a nanny are doing the bulk of the childcare. I don't see her as a consistent mother figure. I don't think Thomas sold his plantation home. Isn't that where his polo fields are? I think he did sell the Charleston town home he got for Kathryn, or it was a rental. It's interesting that he isn't providing a residence for Kathryn and the children. Kathryn may be in this for the long haul. In 30 years or so, her children could be very wealthy heirs. I do love seeing the interiors of those old Charleston houses. Thomas' was built in 1815.
  17. I think there's something off about the Chris and Kim relationship. Like there's another version of their relationship in real life, behind the scenes, and they play-act the noble self-righteous thing for reality TV. I think he's controlling her. I'm all about being self-employed and people making a lot of money if that's their goal, but Kandi and Todd come off like hardened cynical money-grubbers. Interesting theory that Kandi is the boss of that relationship. I'd assumed it was Todd, but I may be wrong. Too bad Andy didn't rise up against the gay-bashing several years ago. He's a bit late for me to take his noble stance seriously.
  18. I'm still trying to figure this show out. I think I smell a "Dr. Drew" flavor to this series, in that Kristina is trying to balance treatment protocols with her desire to be a TV star. I watched her earlier series several years ago, so she's been at this TV business for a while. (Plus, I'm pretty sure she's done the Hollywood breast implant thing since then.) I'm puzzled at the "keep co-dependents together" spin. From what I know of codependency, it's not resolved neatly within the space of 30 days or even a year. It seems as if forcing the codependent addicts together early in their treatment, on camera, is not in their best interest. * Major Side Eye at Kristina* This latest episode made it seem way too easy. And, if Dan is "using what he learned in treatment to help Louis into recovery," how is that different than a parent trying to be responsible for a child's addiction and behaviors? I wonder what Ken, Jeff and Candy think of this approach. Meanwhile, Louis' vocal gymnastics nearly drove me away. Combined with the whining and drama, he was insufferable.
  19. I think Lena Olin plays June Temple's mom - the red head. The blonde woman in this latest episode must have been an aunt or grandmother.
  20. Blaze is charismatic, razor smart, and way too mature for her tender years. I hope the Intervention angels get her some counseling so she has a chance in life. She learned at the intervention that her aunt and grandmother were also addicts. She must be terrified it will happen to her too. Despite his addiction, Digger was in touch with his feelings -- all the crying about being raped as a child and other stuff -- and Anne was checked out and mouthing platitudes. I think Digger was ready for recovery and she is not. Dad may be too far gone. His residence was a pig sty. It's tough when the parent has to stay far away in order to maintain sobriety. I hope Digger's children get their dad back soon. At least their grandmother is taking care of them.
  21. I think Kim did the show in order to get her face back on TV, as a stepping stone to more TV deals. I think she wanted to promote her production skills. I think she planned in advance to do one season and that is why she had the holier-than-thou attitude - she wanted to signal to other showbiz folks that she was slumming and didn't intend to stick around long. She tried to use the show to her advantage while holding her nose and putting herself on a pedestal.
  22. My appreciation for this show is waning. I no longer feel connected to the characters - there are so many now and they are scattered all over the place. The Princesses in High Dudgeon are especially annoying. And the soft core porn is cheap and boring. Maybe ratings are plummeting and the sex stuff is to lure viewers back in? I know everyone has to age, but Ragnar tottering toward old age is not enjoyable to watch. He and Lagertha were the core of the show for me. Hopefully now that she's earl again, we'll see more of her.
  23. My mentally ill family member cycled in and out of a severe psychotic break for a year. The culprit? Chantix (non-smoking drug). I recognized some familiar symptoms in Sierra, especially the agitation and the "word salad" - the brain puts together sentences and phrases using real words, but as strung together they make no sense. Here was my family member seeing strange people and animals, hearing voices, wandering the streets at 2am....and he "wasn't a danger to himself or others." Never mind that he was in terrified agony. It is unconscionable that a person has to commit physical violence before anyone will even take a phone call to help him or her. My family member actually had insurance and still no go everywhere we called. It's a national disgrace. Sierra is beautiful, bright and talented. I really hope she makes it, as it's clear she was suffering. She's got the resources to help lift her up. I found it interesting that except for when she was advancing on her mother in the parking lot, she didn't appear to be physically threatening any one. She willingly let her family and friends kind of motor her around by the arm. That surprised me - maybe an indication of how fractured her thinking and motor skills were. Good to "see" you farmgal4. *waves* Always glad to read your posts.
  24. Watched it last night. To paraphrase Joseph Conrad: "The pander, the pander." Ugh.
  25. I'm power-binging my way through the series, which is a rare treasure. One of the few false notes is this accent. I've spent a lot of time in Appalachia, and nobody has this accent. I think she's doing a deep South accent on steroids. I absolutely hate it, with the down-turn thing she does at the end of every sentence. Plus, she's all about the cleavage in this last season, which bugs.
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