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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. This has been my experience as well. I didn't watch the first season after three episodes, but I love the current season. I'm still trying to identify the veterans hall with the big bombers on the mural. While poking around the Internet I was reminded that Luverne was featured in Ken Burns' The War. Jessie Plemons has had such an interesting career - from the goofy hapless teenager in Friday Night Lights to playing so many weirdos and enigmas. It really works because he has the physical appearance of a predictable regular guy.
  2. Quoting my own post, because I just realized there were five guys with anger issues. Dan was the fifth. Waaaay too many.
  3. In hindsight, I don't like that so many men with hostility triggers were included in this season: Leon, Eddie, Dane and Emile. I hope Bravo reverses this trend; it's not pleasurable to watch. Normally when someone executes a flawless dive, I admire it, but last night I was all "ho-hum, there she goes again." I kind of think Eddie and Rocky deserve each other. Remember the scene in Romy and Michelle when the two ancient old biddies are still bickering at each other? I envision this for Eddie and Rocky and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in their "love triangle." This is a crowed that loves dysfunctional drama, and they're especially big on trying to have the last word. There was a moment when I thought Rocky and Eddie had resolved it, as they stood off to the side talking, but then Rocky's Dysfunctional Drama Radar honed in on something Eddie said and she just couldn't resist: "What did you mean by...." And they were off and running again.
  4. Julie's face during the "jizz" comment was hilarious. She was actually speechless, which is funny in itself. I don't like Not Bea Arthur ganging up on Sweet Dipsy Couchie.
  5. I can't stand her. Her single-minded obsession with her child makes everyone around her miserable. It becomes about her and not about him. Maybe my reaction to her is because I come from a military family. And my close friend is bearing up under the recent loss of her child who is in the military. Also, I just cannot stand hysterical female characters in television and movies. A little of that kind of thing goes a long way.
  6. I grew annoyed at the over-use of the word "fuck" and fast forwarded through much of those scenes. I'm not a prude - not by a long shot - but that much use is lazy writing and self-indulgent. We get it, it's really cool that an actor can say the word on cable TV, please stop.
  7. One of my all-time favorite scenes of this series was when holy terror Miss Cordelia was sitting in the bath and said to Didi "If you love me I'll love you back." Dawn said almost the exact same thing in one of her scenes last night. Coincidence or special meaning for the writers? There aren't enough words to express the genius of this show. We go from explosive feces to Dawn's transcendence. And the chemistry between her and Patsy was off the charts. I forgive him his many transgressions in thanks for the dancing. And we got to meet Didi's family!
  8. I flew to my remote the moment they showed him tap-dancing and added the show to my DVR. He does not disappoint.
  9. Viewed individually, all the little dramas seem to have their own story. But I think that Swapnil's behavior, and the "mean girls" behavior, was based on them figuring out that Ashley was targeted for the win. Swapnil figured it out and essentially gave up, and the women tried the one opportunity they had to get Ashley out. No one's going to say that on TV. Yeah, I didn't buy the insecurity BS either. Swapnil is supremely confident, possibly entitled. Completely agree. The entire storyline is extremely offensive. I don't think anyone targeted Ashley because they disliked her, I think they viewed her as production's pet. Ashley is so insecure that she allowed herself to be manipulated by production into the storyline. And I hate her victim act. In the end, she has a long road to travel and she's the only one who can grow up and deal with it. Glad they called out Laurie. I don't completely buy her defense of poor Ashley. I think she was gunning for the other women, not protecting Ashley. Interesting that fluttery, bashful, blushing Blake can turn on a dime and skillfully skewer the women. Methinks the fluttering is an act. Glad Kelly got the money. I hope Edmond and Merline get something out of this. They are both earnest and determined.
  10. How did I not know about the Alabama pageant coach? He may be the replacement for my Toddlers & Tiaras fix. (Which I stopped watching when the mamas got too mean and crazy) The chihuahua (PeeWee?) takes no prisoners. And Julie meets her head-on. Love Papa Zeno's joyful laugh.
  11. I don't believe Rocky is heartbroken over Eddie. Annoyed or jealous perhaps. But all that sobbing and tear-soaked mascara was to attract the cameras. She was acting. I can't decide if Emile really wanted to confront Eddie, or if all of this is producer-driven. I'm leaning toward the latter.
  12. I haven't watched housewife shows in ages but was curious after seeing Cynthia in Below Deck. Phaedra seemed heavily medicated much of the time. She can barely keep her eyes open and I don't think it's those stupid eyelashes.
  13. Or maybe serious designers recognize the embarrassing tripe this show has become and stay away in droves. One-day challenges? No sleep? Idiotic judges? Who needs that? Not to mention the fixed results.
  14. The silhouettes of those planes looked like American B-17s, and the sound was right, but my dad's bomb group wasn't in England until May 1943. So they may have been English Lancasters. England held a Remembrance Day this past week, at UK WWII airfields. I felt such satisfaction at the mother slapping the daughter, who has behaved like a stupid schoolgirl (and the wing commander is a cad). Let's hope Pat gets to report back to her telephone operator job, laze about in the evening with trashy novels and a dirty kitchen, and do great deeds with her WI pals. If her husband is killed, maybe she'll even get a widow's benefit. It's a win-win situation.
  15. The actor is doing a damn fine job. He manages to rise above the soap opera atmosphere. I wonder if McLeod will somehow shame the British into doing the right thing and free Sood?
  16. In addition to being full of, well, crap, I think Annabelle has had breast implants. Is anyone else snorting with laughter over the fact that her books are called the Me, Me, Me series? I don't like watching anyone have a real Ugly Cry. Maybe Julie should take a break from this series.
  17. The actor is a genius because I despise Patsy. One of the most brilliant aspects of this show has been how Patsy uses narcissistic psychobabble to try to manipulate and control everyone in his life. How many of us have worked with or had an acquaintance whose entire conversations consist of "You're crossing my boundaries and I need some Me Time." With the insecure rage running just beneath the surface 24/7. That's Patsy. Also, it would be so easy to skewer the southern Tri-Delt character as a predictably clueless flibbertigibbet. Instead they make her a sharp operator who saves the day for Dr. James. I was a bit thrown by the scene of the mentally challenged characters in their underwear. Does everyone know that Niecy was nominated for an Emmy for this series? And Laurie Metcalfe is just brilliant.
  18. Anyone else think that Ashley's win was a pre-production business decision? Supposedly the market is finally acknowledging the big demand for plus-sized clothing. Doesn't the winning designer's contract include an investment/ownership by the network in future work? I recall that Jay walked away from the arrangement because Bravo's contract stipulated that it retained an interest in the winner's business in perpetuity. In other words, they chose Ashley because they believe there's a growing market for her plus-sized clothes and they expect to benefit financially. I would have picked Kelly. Candice's clothes were beautifully made but predictable, Edward's were commercial, but Kelly's were different. I thought Ashley's were horrible - very southern mother-of-the-bride. Ashley seemed to understand that she was the winner. She picked up on the clues from the mini-collection feedback.
  19. I keep wondering how Briana and Ryan are faring with military life. It's a conservative and insular environment. Ryan's commanders can't be happy with his public persona, nor with Briana's public feuds with her mother. Briana could work to integrate into the community - with other spouses and families - but I suspect she does not.
  20. I absolutely hate the Abby-as-Nancy-Drew plot. There's not enough depth to the character or the actress to justify this much attention on her. I'd rather see more of Helen. Between Abby and Frank's bizarre prison episode, this series has been ruined for me.
  21. My dad was in the USAF. He always said that the Roswell mess was a weather balloon. My favorite little moment was during the UFO story when they flashed forward to modern times, showing all the government officials gathered around the table again. A lot of them had on little gray wigs.
  22. Returning casserole dishes: I've experienced many a casserole - church potlucks, funerals, neighborhood events, supper at friends' houses. In my experience, putting your name on the bottom of a container isn't a command that someone wash and return your dish to you. It's simply in case your dish gets lost in the hubbub.
  23. Here is Effie's professional website/blog: http://www.dulynotedinc.com/ She tweeted that the statement that she left the project was "revisionist history." She says she did not participate in pick-ups but that she was still on the project.
  24. The PR spin was strong in this final episode. Effie stated somewhere in an interview that she intervened while this series was being produced because she was disturbed at the way she was being portrayed. Maybe that's part of the reason for the PR-infused shift. She and Jason both received careful kudos from various people - Len, Affleck, Damon, the editor, etc. I avoided taking sides as I watched this series, in part because I found Jason and Effie equally annoying. But I'm very disappointed at all the personal strife we were forced to watch, instead of a show about making a movie.
  25. I died at the looks Julie and Brandi were giving each other, and the TV, during the Manzo wedding. As Hollywood insiders, they probably abhor all things Housewives.
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