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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I'm disappointed that the show has veered way over into personality conflicts and abandoned the nuts and bolts of making a movie. (Maybe this is routine - I've only watched season one of this series.) I don't think Jason is unusual in the film world. He's just another determined "artiste" who is stubbornly sticking to his guns (and may or may not learn how to compromise if he wants to keep working). He's not a bad person because he comes from affluence. Less affluent folks can be just as stubborn and insensitive. It's not his fault that they all have to try to jam months' worth of production into several weeks. The production folks are always running around trying to pull a show together with insufficient time and money. But Effie has brought the extra drama and they are focusing on that. She's a somewhat sympathetic character because she has to try to manage the chaos, but she's lost me during the Pete F. phone call. I don't think Jason dislikes her so much as he views her an obstacle to be gotten around. As are the location folks. And anyone else whose job pressures threaten his creative control. I did laugh when he decided Pete J. is his new best friend.
  2. Agreed. I think he expected his Eros/Bravo experience to be one thing, and when it became clear he would be producer- and Kate-manipulated, and that he would be thrown to the editing wolves, he became angry and started acting out. On this last episode it was as if he was daring production to get rid of him. I think he deliberately failed to place the food order in a timely way, or production hampered his efforts to do it on time. Also, I think that normally the captain would have intervened in many of these incidents, such as Dane drinking or leaving anchor watch, or the Kate-Leon fights, but Captain Lee understands this is a scripted drama-intensive show, not an ordinary charter. The captain is dutifully earning his reality TV paycheck. Connie's bizarre food-smeared breasts are just annoying. Dane is clearly a wannabe, not a true deck hand, with production pushing him into a variety of scenarios, hoping for reality TV gold. I could almost see production standing nearby during anchor watch, saying to Dane: "Leave the wheel house, even though you're not supposed to, and wander down to the galley, ask pointless questions, then return to the wheel house. Someone will probably yell at you and tell you to go back to your post."
  3. If Caroline F isn't on drugs (prescribed or otherwise), I'll eat my cursor. That therapy session was bizarre. The therapist sat there frozen, completely stymied and unable to react. Finally she managed to blurt out some random blandishment.
  4. I did not catch this. Maybe someone said it simply to create drama? I have the impression that Mattie arranged with production to be available only part time for shooting. For example, they didn't address where she spent the night, after which she went to bed early and slept. It's like she's living a parallel life - I think she takes time off to pursue other entertainment opportunities. Notice how polished she appears in her THs, with the chignon and full makeup? Did she have a friend in Miami and stay with him? Or, she was in her hotel room the whole time and they faked the disappearance. When they all turned on Murrey it was ugly. Didn't like that at all. Mattie mouthing off about Murrey's weight was a low blow, especially given her obnoxious behavior over time. I'm hanging on for this season but it's probably my last. The show is ruined.
  5. Remember when the contestants would gasp and moan and flail around when they were handed a one-day challenge? It was a big deal. Now no one even comments on it. Tim says it very matter-of-factly and they just grimly push on. I can't get interested in any of the designs because I know they are going to look like crap, regardless of a designer's talent. The smart ones probably "practice" for the show by creating a lot of looks in advance, planning to reproduce them when they meet a challenge. I think Swapnil may have given up. His business does very well in India, so he's not pressed for money like some of the other designers, and his brand has received US exposure. It's almost as if he thinks he knows how to play the game to win, and when he realized production is going with a story he doesn't like, he gave up. He may be content to call it a day and go home. I think this thing is between Edmond and Candice.
  6. I don't think anyone is expecting Julie to save the family pile. I think she and her husband have mentioned the need for money as a way to draw attention to Mapperton, which apparently has commercial offerings. I don't know why Julie made that crazed statement that the development and sale of JUB would help Mapperton - there has to be more to that back story. I think her stress and emotional instability are making a lot of people assume she's being asked to "save Mapperton." I think she bikes and teaches yoga because she's a fitness fiend and that it's her own nature to worry and be anxious. I'm with you. This most recent episode was a messy bore. I wonder if the ratings are in the tank. How many times have we seen Caroline getting her makeup done? The lack of production creativity is mind-boggling. Bravo's tired old formula of privileged women getting drunk and screeching at each other needs to change.
  7. Kate is extremely manipulative, but she does it in a very clever way. She's getting away with "poking" Leon while appearing to be smooth and professional because he's playing right into it. She's winning the power struggle. In addition to being inflexible, I wonder if Leon wants to minimize the time that he's working. I think he wants to work hard on a meal, with no interference, and then go back to his bunk and be left alone. Could be a yacht is too confined for him and the stress is too much for him. What did the deckhands do that set off Captain Lee? The editing made it very hard to follow that situation. I can't stand Eddie's victimology. It's interesting that he's had three or four arguments with his girlfriend while the cameras are rolling; he's choosing to do that (I don't buy for a minute that he doesn't know a camera is in that room where he calls his girlfriend). Plus he's mic'ed. And he's lashing out at the crew because he's unhappy and trying to blame them for everything that goes wrong. Connie said he's been MIA (missing in action). Emile's probably upset that Rocky is "disrespecting" him on television, and he thinks if he keeps pushing she'll cave in and he'll look like a Lothario.
  8. Just because an L.A. mansion is fabulous doesn't mean it has the look of an old East Coast property. But they were trying to locate one whose owners were willing to offer it on short notice, within their budget, so I also understood the availability of only three. While I've been in Effie's shoes many, many times and I sympathize - too many cooks, no time and money, and the soul-killing diversity politics - I know that she's never going to win some of these battles until she has more power and control. She does indeed have a defensive chip on her shoulder, with justification, but she has to learn to control her emotions. Repeating "do they want to see me turn," as a warning that she's going to lose her temper or something, is not an impressive managerial stance. She's coming across as slightly unhinged, which undermines the very thing she's trying to do. If this weren't a TV show, would this project already have been shelved?
  9. I suspect Melissa is there simply as a cast member. If the ratings don't improve, I doubt they'll keep her. This is at least her third TV show (didn't she and her husband have a show right after they married, when they moved to Hollywood?), so I think she's in this for her entertainment career rather than as a DCC mentor.
  10. Ben strikes me as someone who is a decent cook who coasts by on a lot of charm and that accent. I can see the value of that in the yachting world. There are a lot of self-important chefs strutting around - thanks in part to reality TV - so I don't take their competitive natures too seriously. I know THEY take themselves seriously, but I don't. How many of these people end up making a reliable career with a salary that provides for housing, retirement, insurance? With the exception of Captain Lee, and Eddie if his gets his wish to climb the ranks, how many will age out of yachting without a reliable alternative?
  11. I work in video production and I have a strong suspicion that there was pressure to do more with less this year, probably to save production costs. I think that's a reason for the choppiness and the amped up drama (the extended cut scenes, the focus on injuries) - save money yet bring in more viewers with the drama. Didn't someone say that this series no longer appears on the ratings charts, meaning its viewership has fallen? And they moved it from its regular schedule. Perhaps it is circling the drain in terms of being renewed. It was good to be out of camp and those stupid cut scenes. I was more than ready for the announcements and all that came with that. I think the rookies lack the same polish that the vets have. Kat, Holly and the others will probably settle in to their roles and pick up that polish.
  12. I was so excited that we might see some actual beautiful, talented design. But, no, we had to have the same old rushed one-day challenge that doesn't give people enough time to fully execute their designs. The fawning over certain designers is offputting. I thought many of the designs were ugly or thrown together. But...see paragraph above. I liked Swapnil's combination of pink chiffon and Glen plaid. But he does seem preoccupied with the up-swooped bodice thing. Was Lindsay also working in chiffon? Because if so that bodice was never going to stand up like she wanted. That's a rookie error. I like Candice. I like her confidence and polish and she's articulate. You need that to be a successful business person. But her main fabric looked like bad upholstery fabric. Laurie's two fabrics had absolutely no aesthetic relationship to each other. They looked like upholstery fabric and a Pier 1 place mat. Perhaps the heavier fabric was a luxurious silk dupioni, but I was startled at how they didn't complement each other. Plus she ignored the time limit - that was way too much design to tackle in one day. Ashley also made the time-limit error. I'm surprised because I think she knows better. Just when I thought I couldn't be more annoyed with the show, I'm treated to the annoying Zoe countdown clock and fake-bonhomie commercials for that show. I cannot stand that woman.
  13. About the Leon and Kate dinner skirmish: I was half asleep, but I thought there was a quick shot of her telling Leon "the guests are on their way back (from shore) and will be here in 20 minutes." I guess he still should have waited to assess whether they were ready for dinner, but perhaps he misinterpreted what Kate was saying. Eddie must be addicted to relationship drama. Rocky definitely has showbiz experience or training. Those tunes she was belting sounded pretty good. How many charters a week do they do - two or three? ETA: Kate must have taken note at the backlash over her behavior in earlier seasons. She's working hard to remain civil, at least on camera.
  14. The "JUB saves Mapperton" story doesn't make sense. I question whether the true intention of JUB is to generate enough income to support Mapperton. It would take quite awhile to get the company going, then sell it. Plus, saying she'd sell it for a specific sum seemed kind of odd so early in the game. Maybe we are missing a big part of this story. I do think she was trying to advertise JUB - perhaps to seek the investors. Maybe the reason they maintain a home in London is to school the children, plus provide yoga clients. Still, the rushing on a bicycle from class to class, plus baking, plus raising children seems insanely inefficient. I think Juliet is the only one of these hucksters who isn't trying to market something or create a brand.
  15. I'm enjoying what little we see of actual production planning and scriptwriting. I felt for Jason and Pete as they labored to meet that deadline. Been there, done that. Loved seeing Ojai, one of my favorite places. The Jack Russell terrier leaping up and down in the window was hilarious. Effie's constant patter and colloquialisms would drive me nuts. She needs to step up her professional communication. I'm sure there's a good producer in there somewhere, but I didn't see much of it, with all the "Yes Jesus." I hope Jason can set aside his idealism and take smart advantage of this opportunity: cooperate with decision-makers who can help his career and learn how to play the game. The obsession with film, in the face of being told no, is kind of a red flag. He can make those demands when he has more control later in his career.
  16. The reduced production budget is so obvious it's embarrassing. The show has become Project Runway: Dollar Store.
  17. The 9-19-15 Washington Post has a real estate article about a design project Jeff did in Arlington, VA (near my home). The owners were fans of Jeff and reached out to him; it was his first project in the DC area. Interestingly, since we speculate sometimes who actually works for Jeff's business and who is just a character on the show, the article mentions Gage and Vanina as being involved in the project. The WP blog URL is: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/where-we-live/wp/2015/09/18/an-arlington-colonial-gets-star-treatment-bravo-style/
  18. My sibling smoked for 30 years, quit, and after two years of quitting had multiple heart attacks and quadruple bypass surgery. His cardiologist: "Smoking that long caused his heart attacks; his arteries were destroyed and completely filled with plaque because of his smoking." His cardiac rehab nurse: "Smoking is the gift that keeps on giving. Even if you quit, you will probably have health problems later, either heart disease, or cancer, or COPD."
  19. I don't like that they dragged out the evaluations for so long, either ignored certain candidates during that time (one of them said she'd never been called into the office), encouraged others to keep trying (Taylor), and then cut them so close to the end. As others have said, it was a bloodbath, and I think they did it strictly for TV. I also think production scripted those unusually long "begging" scenes, where each candidate begged for another chance over and over. Usually a candidate will listen, make the comment that she thinks she can do better and request another try, be told no, and then say "thanks for the opportunity" and it's over. I thought I sensed tight-lipped anger in two of them, and I think it may have been at being used for the show. This part of the episode was tacky and undignified for all involved. I also thought Kelli and Judy were making comments solely for the cameras when they were on the field. Maybe that's why so much of their commentary seems meaningless - because it's different on-camera than what they say off-camera. It will be a bit of a relief when this season is over. There was too much negativity and not enough stuff that was fun to watch.
  20. This situation really bothers me. There are millions of dysfunctional parents in the world - none of us are naive about that - and in my own life I've known parents who spent minimal time with their children. But it's still sobering to watch two self-absorbed nitwits determinedly bring children into their midst. I don't know if I can watch this. I honestly do not believe Kathryn and Thomas spend much of each day with Kensie. The children will exist to fulfill Thomas' need to pass along his genes, and as a hoped-for meal ticket for Kathryn. Even if Kathryn and Thomas occasionally spend quality time with their children, it doesn't resolve the fact that these two clowns behave so abominably toward each other.
  21. I agree that the lack of back-stabbing and fake drama is refreshing. I still hate the stupid rushed challenges and the corresponding lack of beautifully designed clothes like we saw in the first couple seasons, but the show has taken a slight step up by keeping this season free of nastiness. (The Ashley drama is the one exception; hated that entire scripted scenario, especially because I think production manipulated her into believing it was something different than it really was.)
  22. I can't watch this show anymore without seeing the obvious producer manipulation. They aren't even trying to hide it any more. I think production is setting this up for a win between Swapnil and Ashley. Swapnil either believes he's going to win via a Tim Gunn save (after a "fall" and a redemption), and is twiddling his thumbs meanwhile, or he believes Ashley is going to win and is just riding out his time for the TV exposure. Weird how all the Ashley drama has magically disappeared, except for the judges' little bits of encouragement to her on this last runway. There is zero animosity between Ashley and the other women being shown now, and normally that kind of tension would continue in real life. I liked the top of Lindsey's dress, with the exception of the little blue bow. An entire sheath of that tiled effect would have been elegant. I understand her discouragement if she believes her storyline is to get hammered every week. Wonder if Jake's dog was a rescued greyhound. They are indeed very sweet dogs. Good for him for going home. Has Nina always been creative director? I thought she had a different job title at one point. ETA: Why did they make the designers push the carts back to the workshop? Was it because production was too cheap or lazy to provide a truck? How far a walk was that?
  23. I wonder if production is providing the tips.
  24. My first thought about the skin-showing was that it was unbalanced - a lot of Rocky and then last night, Connie. Very little of the guys. I was reading a blog about how female production folks are treated by Hollywood (not good), which ties back to the comment above about teenage boy editing. However, I'm wondering if Rocky is the only one who is cooperating with production's desire for exposed flesh - maybe the others want to be more professional and are refusing to flaunt that stuff in front of the cameras? Unlike Rocky and Kat? Emile kind of indicated he didn't like being pressured into exposing himself and being in the toga. And, have we ever seen Kate with her bare arms and decollete exposed? She shows her legs but very little else (which is fine with me).
  25. I usually hesitate to apply clinical labels, not being a professional and all, and we only see edited snippets on these shows. But Rocky's behavior when listening to lengthy instructions and training reminds me of an adult relative who has severe ADHD. It's the same inability to stand still, focus, and tolerate a lengthy period of communication. Rocky gets really agitated and almost becomes unglued. I enjoyed this episode because of the lighthearted moments. And Kate gave good TH. I also appreciate that there weren't any drunken idiots falling all over the place and pawing the staff. I think Emile's sending mixed signals. He makes flirty provocative remarks but doesn't ever follow through. When they messed up the bowline, Eddie immediately lost his composure and cast blame in the heat of the moment: "who was supposed to be taking care of that?" He has strong reactions to problems, and he'll have to calm down before he can handle his own boat. He also seemed to be trying to provoke a fight with his girlfriend - I think he's a drama queen. I think Dan was already regretting his hasty behavior, before he'd left the boat. Minimal Leon - works for me.
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