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Everything posted by ohjoy

  1. I don't know why the guys I like keep getting killed off these shows, but I will totally forgive any villain or hero of everything ever if he/she uses the spear in such a way that gives me back Leonard Snart as a permanent member of Team Legends without losing Mick, Rip, Ray or Sara in the process. #SpearofDestinyWishList
  2. ohjoy

    S03.E17: Duet

    I could listen to Jesse L. Martin sing all day, so I really enjoyed his moment. I didn't even catch that -- mainly because during Barrowman's song I was sitting there wishing that Colin Donnell was around for this and how great it would have been to see their BTS antics on screen.
  3. I think Sara's "Backstreet Boys" comment, followed by their nonplussed looks, is my second-favorite thing about this episode. My favorite was the scene with Mick and Sara at the Vanishing Point. Don't try to tell me Mick Rory doesn't have a heart (or brains).
  4. ohjoy

    S03.E17: Duet

    Another Selfie fan! I miss that show. This episode was alright for the first half or so. My interest died when it became clear that the whole point of the ridiculous Flash breakup (and likely whatever idiocy was going on with Mon-El before tonight) was just to have the musical be all about lluuurrrvvveee and having an excuse for Barry to sing to Iris during the perfect WestAllen proposal at the end of a Very Special Episode. Don't get me wrong, the proposal moment was beautiful, but they didn't need to muddy the waters with everything that's gone on with them over the last few episodes before this. (GAH!!! Please stop writing for plot over character!) They could have told a different story, instead of having the crap relationship drama leading up to this moment. They didn't the first proposal, or the breakup-for-reasons game that ensued. It just felt like somebody got the idea that the perfect proposal for Barry/Iris involved having Grant sing, and somebody else was pushing for the annual Barry/Kara Spring Crossover, and the writing snowballed backwards from there.
  5. I could have totally missed it, but did they say that they pulled Snart from before he joined the Legends? I just assumed they pulled him from right before the explosion at the Oculus, and then screwed up his memories/personality like they did with Rip. I really wish we could have Snart back fulltime. And if I have to put up with Mick & Snart as "bad guys" in order to keep him around, I'm willing to do so. This dovetails nicely into the running theories about who is leaving the team at the end of this season -- which, btw, I don't like at all. I don't like it because I'm not convinced it won't be someone that I want to keep (i.e. not the newbies -- sorry Amaya).
  6. The hair amuses me. Even during that very awesome moment when he and Roger are staring at each other through the windows of the subway train, I silently chuckled at Riggs' locks flowing in the wind as the train passed.
  7. I don't remember if I saw that episode, but the character description alone makes me love her even more.
  8. I should probably not be as excited as I am for "Take on Me".
  9. After swearing last May that I wasn't interested in any of the new fall shows, the two shows I added were This Is Us and Lethal Weapon (and both are in my top shows now). So yes, now I can give my dvr a bit of a break. It's a good thing LoT is not airing opposite the Prison Break revival though. They can't make me choose between WM/DP's old show and their new one.
  10. Ah, I see. Well then I got nuthin'.
  11. Oh good -- I thought the same thing, but then wondered if I just haven't been paying attention to Wally's hair in that Kid Flash costume. I actually kind of like the new style.
  12. I know next to nothing about chess, but isn't the Checkmate move the one that ends with the Queen knocked over on the board/ground? I figured that was the tie-in.
  13. He's done his job, and Rip is back now. Nate can go.
  14. *Waves to @dippydee in the shallow pool* I enjoyed this episode, but my cold black heart felt like it needed less of Nate's family/relationship drama and more of Mick's reactions to... everything. (Never thought I'd use "Dominic Purcell" and "adorable" in the same sentence before this show.)
  15. I feel like WM may have started out hammy on The Flash, but over time and especially as the character transitioned to Legends of Tomorrow I could definitely see the nuance and some surprising subtlety he was bringing to the character. He wasn't just Captain Cold: Villain, he was Leonard Snart: Brother, Partner, (Anti-)Hero. (Ironically, DP's Mick Rory has in a way gotten less subtle over time, and it's been just as delightful to watch that progression.) All of which got me interested in watching the upcoming performance season of Prison Break -- although why I've waited so late to get started on the series, I don't know. There's no way I'll make it through all four seasons before April 4 (I just finished 1x08!), so I hope it doesn't mess me up too bad, but I am a sucker for brothers doing ridiculous and/or impossible things to protect/rescue each other (see my avatar), so now I'm all in for this. (Plus, I'm slogging through Colony and thus need to enjoy a show where SWC's character isn't annoying me.)
  16. I didn't know how to explain how much I enjoy certain characters mostly/only with certain other characters, so I had to do this with a "favorite duos/trios" addendum. Favorite Characters (currently): Felicity Snart Rip Mick Cisco Wells (Harrison/Harry/HR) Sara Ray (LoT) Tommy Eddie (ETA: I realize Tommy and Eddie are edging out Oliver and Diggle right now; that's more a function of how much the current activities on Arrow and Flash are making me miss the old days than a current dislike of Oliver and Diggle. So this is subject to change.) Favorite Dynamics: Oliver/Diggle/Felicity (OTA) Oliver/Felicity Roy/Thea Diggle/Lyla Sara/Snart Cisco/Wells
  17. Is it weird that I thought the glasses were adorable on both of them in the last episode -- especially Dean? Maybe because I wear glasses/contacts, or because I know Jensen used to, but I could go with glasses on Dean for a while. Mmm.
  18. I got caught up on the last three episodes last night. I thought for sure I would not enjoy Rip being brainwashed against the team, but it turns out that was more enjoyable than I expected. (Who taught Rory Williams how to be hot? Even his hairstyle was hotter!) But this was definitely my favorite episode of the three -- glad to have our Rip back. I really liked the trip inside his mind, the dueling Saras, and human!Gideon (though I was also chuckling at the glaring Doctor Who similarities). Mick is possibly my absolute favorite on the team. Dominic Purcell never really wowed me before, but I wouldn't trade Mick Rory for anything. I would, however, trade this Nate/Amaya storyline. Not doing it for me at all. Nate's kinda tolerable with some of the other team members, and Amaya definitely is, but these angst-filled destiny-impairing romances on this ship just fill me with intense disinterest.
  19. Plus the baby is not even at walking stage yet and Sherlock had seen Kitty in two years.
  20. I've been watching the marathon of the movies that's on TV today, and it's just stengthened my hope that Palmer is not supposed to be the TV version's Lorna. Hilarie Burton does a good job and don't dislike her character or anything, but there's just something about Lorna's personality and her chemistry with Riggs in the movies that I'm not getting from Palmer. Hopefully that's something to look for down the road with the show, because I don't believe we have it yet.
  21. I was one of those people -- and the Vigilante vibes totally threw me off. So yay! I might actually watch parts of this one before deleting it from dvr (unlike the last two episodes).
  22. Another one we use in my family when one of uses a term wrong or has trouble explaining what we mean: "Oooh, you mean symbolic." Courtesy of this moment in The Amazing World of Gumball (first minute of the clip) --
  23. Oh my sister and I use that too! We love that moment, especially with the outtakes -- we're laughing just as hard as Debra Messing by the end of it.
  24. Barbara Bacock was in many different things during her career, but weirdly, I only ever recognize her as Joe and Brian Hackett's mother on Wings. I think she was only on one episode, but it must have been during my formative TV years, because that's the role that stuck with me.
  25. I was just sitting here thinking about how I wish I could see Jensen do a live-action Red Hood, and I come here and see this. Somebody please make it happen.
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