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Everything posted by ohjoy

  1. I'd love to see her write a comprehensive ranking of all the ice cream places in town.
  2. Of all times for my dvr to decide not to record the extra time that ran over from football. :-(
  3. I've been wanting Tommy to come back in a Jason Todd / Lazarus Pit Gone Wrong scenario pretty much since the possibility of using the pit for Thea was introduced, for all the reasons you mentioned. I agree it's the longest of long shots, but keep hope alive!
  4. Considering she apparently didn't know that Sam had been tortured in Hell "by Lucifer himself" and therefore would not be breaking anytime soon, I'm guessing not. She was complaining about both boys befriending (or more) the things they were supposed to be eliminating (i.e. vampires and demons), but she didn't seem to realize that they'd both dealt way bigger issues than being buddy buddy with the bad guys. Her issues are so low on the totem pole for them. As an aside, I had to pause and rewind the scene with Mary talking about John being such a good father -- because I have the shirt she was wearing! I got it recently, but Hello New Favorite Shirt!
  5. I do remember finally seeing her name and going, "There's no way I'm going to remember that. I'm sticking with Poppy." (Thanks everybody!) OT: I honestly paused my dvr and walked out of if the room when I heard the name of the fancy new drug hitting Star City's streets. My eyeroll simply could not be contained. Thankfully the episode turned out much better than I expected in that moment. Still not a fan of Wild Dog, I need Curtis to please go back to the lab/computers (I've never cared one iota about his Mr. Terrific destiny), and Evelyn is essentially a nonfactor for me, but the rest was fine. Oh, and I'm not a fan of the freshly minted Diggle Jr., or Diggle's completely OOC martyrdom, but honestly I've been silently concerned that the plot twist which shall not be name screwed up not just his child(ren) but his relationship with Lyla -- I'm so relieved to see that is not the case, I'll put up with other unpleasantness. The new D.A. is Prometheus, right? Still makes him more intersting than Mayo.
  6. They might also be going through the series at different speeds depending on the time of day. The episodes that start at midnight on day are going in order from a different starting point than the episodes that run from 2pm to 5pm on most afternoons, and those are also different from the episodes that start at 2am some late nights/early mornings. Tuesday seems to be its own special block; the run those episodes completely separately from what they air on Monday or Wednesday, and sometimes the Tuesday block ends at 8pm, while other times (like today) it seems to go well past midnight. (These are all EDT, btw.) I don't know if the assumption is that people watching at midnight won't be able to continue following the next day at 2pm, or that people who make time for Arrow all through Tuesday evening are not the same people who make time during the afternoon Wed. through Fri. AKA, a mess.
  7. It could also be that she knows how she's used to responding to a command/request that comes from a family member, particularly Kevin, since he's also her boss. I think it also says something that that was the only line that Kevin didn't tell her. He had asked her what she wanted him to say to help her out, and she gave him three lines -- the one about her weight he pretended not to remember, so she had to repeat herself several times, until she decided on her own, without his input. He essentially allowed her to give herself the command, rather than just accepting it as a command from him. It said a lot (at least to me) about how Kevin views Kate, versus how she may view herself. That seemed to be reinforced in this ep when she said she didn't know who she was without him, and he said, "I do. You're gonna love her."
  8. I absolutely would have preferred Flashpoint not affect Arrow at all, but since that concept was apparently completely unheard of -- Oh how I wish any of these had happened instead. Even if I didn't care about Baby Sara, even if replacing a girl with a boy unnecessarily for the supposed sake of potential future comic storylines were not problematic on several levels -- come on, man. These ideas above would have had a much better impact to Arrow (since clearly changes that Barry made to the people of Arrow are in no way intended to have any impact on his life on The Flash)
  9. I don't know where they got the kid(s) playing the baby, but she continues to be too precious for this world, holding the spoon out to Martin as he approached to feed her. Count me in the group wishing Murtaugh had truly apologized to Riggs for lashing out at him over RJ. I didn't have to be long/drawn out, but a straightforward, "I'm sorry I said that, man. I was out of line," would have sufficed. I get that he was angry and terrified (trust me, I get it), but it felt like he crossed a line there. If I were Riggs after that I'd always have it in the back of my mind that no matter how friendly Roger may be towards me, one false move and he'd be right back to shutting me out and trying to kick me where it hurts. (Thanks @Raja for the reminder about the episode order. I hope that's the case, because that would make me feel a lot better about that scene.) I did really like the rest of the episode though. I'm not crazy about the new detective, but as long as they dial WAY back on the animosity Roger's protege has for him, then that will be tolerable. Riggs/Murtaugh = fun bickering (most of the time). Protege/New Detective = not. And I don't think I'm ever going to really warm to the therapist unless they make it clear that she's not a potential LI for Riggs. Just, no. Sorry Jordana. That last therapy scene was actually fun though, when she yelled for them to get out of her office. (Now that I think about it, if they decided to do a mini-version of Common Law (short-lived USA buddy cop show) within the show, that would go a looonngg way in my enjoyment of the therapy dynamic. Just no more solo sessions with Riggs.)
  10. That incredibly big fake smile as Randall started implementing his revised plan to tell his mom about William was a thing of beauty. As was his "Hi white people. Just your friendly neighborhood black man," after arguing with William on the sidewalk. I also loved the way Beth pursed her lips after the older daughter's "He's hiding something!" when Randall left. That family is awesome. I think that Kevin is probably going to be the longest-term growth story for the show. Since his issues aren't as obvious, it's probably going to take him the longest to realize what they even are, before he can start dealing with them correctly. Firing Kate was sweet though. I would have thought he'd have just told her that she should be able to live her life without being at his beck and call (and she should), but the simultaneous realization that she's dropping her life for him while he's hiding in a closet (a closet with a minibar smh) because he can't handle his own emotions was a great step for him. Hopefully he can hold on to that. I want to like Toby. Actually, that's not true. I just want to not dislike Toby. I haven't been able to do either. I was so close while he was watching her sing at the senior center. Then he lost me again by basically getting grumpy every time he thinks he's losing out on a chance to have sex. (Dude, you met her a week ago. She's known her brother her entire life. Even if you're right about her being too attached, give her more than a week to figure that out on her own.) Then of course her apology is no good unless it comes with the sex he's been trying to get for the last week. Just no.
  11. The pilot established that Roger is 50 (belated "birthday gift" and all that), so maybe the answer is somewhere in between?
  12. The "frozen in amber" line took me right back to Fringe (even though I know the phrase is more generic than that), which reminded me of Peter/Olivia -- another couple I didn't expect to love but did, who kept getting pulled apart for ridiculous reasons as well. So then I was both nostalgic and distracted. I'll have to go back and see how S&E played it.
  13. Honestly, my fear right now is that the FP changes will anger me so much that I won't be able to tolerate the show long enough to stick around for whatever paltry reconciliation scenario they deign to give us.
  14. I'm actually hoping that it's Kevin or Kate (my preference) that's going by a middle name, so that their full names don't follow a particular scheme or pattern.
  15. Or, if they (or any other siblings) do call each other by name, they use their names way more than normal -- almost every sentence or paragraph starts or ends with the sibling's name.
  16. This is the same page that I was on -- Farkle seemed to take "one of my ancestors survived the holocaust and that's why I'm here today" in a way that seemed much more like "one of my ancestors participated in the holocaust and that's why other people aren't here today." But I shouldn't have expected something so deep in the same episode in which Zay Had to be told/reminded that his family hadn't always lived in Texas. I mean, I know it was played for laughs (and I did laugh, because it was late Friday night and I was tired), but how did the first round of this assignment have Maya getting as far as Ireland but Zay not getting any farther than Texas?
  17. HIMYM is what's tripping me out. #imnotbitter
  18. I'm pretty sure you can add "or single gals who were initially opposed to this ridiculous version after CN bailed on the beloved think-y dramatic version" to your definition of "parents". :-) ETA: I spend most of my time shaking my head at the 80s homages, especially the songs, but I have to "Your Uncle Jokes Are Just Not Funny" and "The Light Begins to Shine" are two of my absolute favorites. I'm guessing the writers know who's really watching the show.
  19. Unless I'm badly mistaken, the first commercial I heard the song on was a Dove (or similar chocolate) candy commercial. It is indeed making the rounds.
  20. Maybe it's the height differential that's throwing some people off? Yeah, I got no other explanation. (I do wonder of these are the same people who saw an "inappropriately close siblings"vibe between Oliver and Thea when the show first started. I remember seeing much ado about that for the first several episodes until they started bringing dates for Thea that were her own age.)
  21. You see the following quote: and immediately do a double take to make sure you're still reading Ben Foster's interview about his new movie, rather than accidentally switching tabs over to a SPN forum.
  22. Betty White was in Bringing Down the House with Queen Latifah, who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon Next Up: Rosario Dawson
  23. My feelings exactly. I had to be calmed down to quit shouting at my tv during the 14 minutes that aired last night, of which I watched only two. Thankfully there were some lovely Olympic moments to cleanse my mind of this crap.
  24. Which honestly is what annoys me the most about this whole incident. It's becoming, not a "their word against ours" issue about this one instance, but a "their word against ours" issue about the whole level of crime in the region period. Which is crazy, but now there's this swinging door that both sides are desperate to push in the direction that favors them.
  25. That was pretty much my reasoning. Or it could be as simple as they thought they'd be fine to wait in the taxi for the police to show up, and the security guards thought otherwise, but with the language barrier, the four did not get the demand not to stay in the car until the guns came out. (All of this sounds like I really want to defend these guys, but that's not the case at all. I think they were stupid basically from start to finish, and it's being exacerbated by the apparent fact that neither the swimmers nor the authorities want to admit they might have been wrong about the other side, or that the crux of the problem is probably a simple communication breakdown.)
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