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Everything posted by ohjoy

  1. .... when you hear any slight variation of this phrase as Dean's voice in your head and it never fails to make you smile.
  2. Rewatched parts of this tonight. Jessica's absolute disdain for Matt's Daredevil suit is hilarious-- especially when the camera pans over from Luke and Jessica's conversation outside Midland Circle to reveal Matt as if he's just walked up, and Jessica deadpans, "There it is, again" while side-eyeing the suit. She's definitely MVP of the series.
  3. This honestly was the most disappointing thing about this team up -- Claire's known Matt longer than she's known any of the rest of them. How did we get not one scene of them even acknowledging each other? I get that he was (at least initially) intent on keeping his dual identities separate, but that shouldn't have precluded Claire and Daredevil from talking to each other as if they were not complete strangers. I've never been a huge fan of Karen, but that scene with Karen and Foggy waiting for Matt to walk in was heartbreaking. Also, I knew Matt had to be coming back somehow, but I was bummed to realize that I probably won't get more of him and Jessica in JJ S2 since I'm guessing she won't know he's alive. Luke/Danny were amusing too (although I've always like Jessica and Matt more -- and they were hilarious together), and the a few of the secondary characters' meetings were fun, if a little sparse. The character interactions are my favorite parts, so I'll be patiently waiting for more of team-ups.
  4. For some reason I just assumed that Jensen was referring to SDCC when he said they hadn't been asked back for s14 yet. That doesn't seem to be what everyone else was thinking though, so I've no idea how I came up with that.
  5. The blind item about the arguing cast is sort of clickbait in the sense that it was pushed so people would listen to the podcast, but I doubt TVLine would ever outright say which cast it was, and even if they did, does it really matter? Maybe they all secretly hate each other. Maybe they don't and everyone was just tired. Or maybe it was just one person and the talking over each other got out of hand right before the interview. There's no way to glean ramifications from it, even if it's revealed, so -- eh. That being said, to me the most proof of it being Legends (beyond the pictures) was the comment that was quoted from Ausiello: Since I was looking at the words (rather than hearing them said on the podcast), my brain began to see the quote as "explained a LoT" -- which, if it is Legends, is probably the only clue available to give via podcast without giving it away. (But that's just spec, and also the extent of any spec I have on the matter.)
  6. I saw this movie via free rental over the weekend -- I knew next to nothing going in, but I really enjoyed, and would love to see a sequel. I caught on to the twists approximately 20 seconds before they were revealed in each case, but nothing was over the top for me. I didn't need most of the Treasury scenes (though I like both of the main actors there); I just kept wondering when we'd get back to Christian. I was just surprised to get so easily caught up in the movie; I watched it once and then immediately started it over, and then watched again one more time before my rental ran out, so I guess I really liked it. He actually did begin to look around for the puzzle piece when Christian started freaking out; he just didn't get up from his seat to do so (the look his father gave him as he walked by just before kind of said to me that he was probably not allowed to). But I actually thought that he was the one who had found it at first until I realized the girl had gotten up. It might be my bias toward overly protective brothers from absolutely brutal upbringings, but I thought there were several little moments that built up the brothers before the big reveal, much the way @raven described it. That said I'd love to see more. It'd be great if Jon Bernthal could be in the sequel. That was adorable, as was the short half-smile he gave when Braxton needled him a little about saying "I missed you too." (Like I said, I'm a sucker for tne brother stuff.)
  7. I didn't realize the each individual episode of the series could be nominated as a movie (interesting workaround since the series as a whole was not as great as it could have been). That being said, The Lying Detective was absolutely a standout, so I'm glad to see it recognized.
  8. I wish neither of these guys had to shave -- although that would probably make the hiatus beards less special (or they would shave for hiatus instead of the other way around). Ah, sacrifices.
  9. I could quibble about the order in which these placed (3, 4, and 5 are among my absolute faves in the entire series) but the selection as a whole is so very spot on. Honorable mention to Oliver swinging Felicity over the staircase when Slade attacked the lair: I had skipped several episodes at that point (I realized later that I was waiting for the light at the end of the O/S tunnel), but after hearing about that move I actually searched out the episode so I could watch the scene in context.
  10. Not really -- the origin story was fine, but I'm looking forward to seeing a more established Dr. Strange hang out with the other heroes from around the MCU.
  11. I don't know of this is "too much Supernatural" or "too much Sherlock" (since I've been rewatching the latter series this weekend), but: .... the narration at the beginning of an episode of Sherlock causes you suddenly to understand the title/story theme of an old episode of Supernatural. (I'd never heard of the actual "Appointment in Samarra" story before.)
  12. Aw, I actually like it! I've been on a positive-message commercial song kick lately.
  13. UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH -- This frustrates me so much. It Did Work. You know what didn't work? Screwing up the relationship with BMD. Oliver was not happy-go-lucky during BMD, and them doubling down on it and then claiming that the happy, stable period of the relationship was the problem irks me to no end. And does not ease my concerns about the directions the show will take the relationship in the future.
  14. You're right; the idea of BC was not the problem -- it's the execution that failed everything, from their plan to have this particular DLL in the pilot with the intention of her becoming BC, through the casting and script writing and so on. (I also kind of think if they hadn't intentionally started with this DLL then when FS came along they'd have picked Olicity up and no one would have been the wiser. The screaming wouldn't have been nearly as loud for GA/BC or against Olicity, because the expectation wouldn't have been set from the get-go. Of course, knowing these showrunners they probably would have just decided to turn FS into BC and be done with it -- which again, no one would have been the wiser, and there would have been no alter-ego name already in the show for other fans to cling to, because the official names for BC would have never come up. That's total personal spec though.)
  15. The best thing this show could have done for itself was not have Black Canary in it. The (near) fatal mistake was intending to have a character from the pilot turn into Black Canary. If they had never decided to start with this character "Dinah Laurel Lance" then likely none of that mess would have happened.
  16. NGL, my need for completion and obsession with numbers makes me okay with the idea of SPN going 13 seasons + 13 episodes = 300. The J2 have abundant time to spend with their families and still pop in the spinoff for Very Special Event episodes (assuming Sam & Dean are still alive).
  17. '90s action adventure "The Mask of Zorro" was on tv over the weekend, so naturally I had to watch it in all its glorious cheese entertainment. I did not remember that Matt Letscher was the evil Capitan Love, so that was a fun treat.
  18. Honestly, a big part if the reason I didn't even believe my eyes with Olicity early on was because of the major dumpster fire burn that was the HIMYM finale. I thought, if these prople are willing to spend what feels like eons on the evolution of one particular couple, showing their ups, downs and evenual development for several seasons of the show only to switch back to an ostensibly dead OTP in the end, then it's hard to trust that the couple that I like (and that makes the most sense) will actually get to be OTP for the show, no matter how much they telegraph it. (That being said, I'm no longer concerned about that for Arrow, barring either EBR or SA leaving the show. They ain't going back on Olicity now.)
  19. Oh, it's total faux-spec on my part. I know next to nothing about the movie, but I figure since Tony Stark and Aunt May are both concerned with Peter's wellbeing (of sorts), surely they must have a scene or two together in the movie, which naturally will be fantastic because it's RDJ & MT (even if it's not RDJ/MT, per se).
  20. I have a crazy amount of nostalgia for Only You, considering I was no older than 12 the one time I saw it. I should probably watch it again, so I can get the nostalgia out of my system and/or get amped for Spiderman: Homecoming. (I don't actually care about Spiderman, but I might still be a sucker for a potential RDJ/Marisa Tomei pairing.)
  21. That's what I mean. People who had the name before the rise of this organization still have the name, yes, and still use it (it's their given name). But whereas before writers and creators probably didn't think twice about using Isis as a character name or title for something, now they have to, because the minds of much of the general public jump to the terror group rather than the Egyptian goddess (or even "oh, that's a pretty name!). Or what @wonderwall said while I was typing. :-)
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