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Everything posted by ohjoy

  1. Is Ward definitely back for S2? I hadn’t seen any recent promotion including him (though to be fair, I haven’t been looking at the promotion too hard.) He unexpectedly became my favorite thing about Iron Fist S1, and Misty Knight unexpectedly became my favorite thing about Luke Cage S2, so if Ward is back then I guess I’m fully on board for this.
  2. I was so excited to see this movie, and I really enjoyed it. This franchise is pretty much the only version of Tom Cruise I’ll watch consistently. I loved the action and the stunts (even as I was distracted by everyone gasping and groaning almost in unison in my theater) — and yes, that bathroom scene was brutal, even having seen half of it in trailers. I caught onto most of the twists ahead of time, but it was still fun watching them play out. And watching Henry Cavill and his mustache be covertly and then overtly evil was even more delightful than I was expecting. Sloan seems a good choice to step in for Hunley, and Angela Bassett is having a great year in that type of role. I also liked the wrap up for Julia’s story (even if it seems to have slightly retconned the end of Ghost Protocol, at least for me).
  3. This was hilarious. Maryse laughing at Mike to the point of tears during the photo shoot was the highlight. These two are entertaining. I could have easily watched an entire hour instead of thirty minutes.
  4. Please remember, per the guidelines, discussion (even if bitter) about how TPTB love/hate the lead characters (one or both) goes in the "Bitch vs. Jerk" topic only. Thanks.
  5. MTE. I like this show; it fills the weird-science hole in my viewing slate, but is generally not that deep/dark, which is great for summer. The question of allowing someone to die in their reverie is a good one, though. I figured they’d have to let the clients do what they want, but now I’m sure the option of risking a client’s brain damage to force them out is going to be used at some point if the show goes on.
  6. UGH. I hate that they aired this as one two-hour episode instead of two separate recordings — this finale was one hour too long (or really, just ten minutes too long) for a show not getting a second season. The whole “Cameron chose Kay over Jonathan” thing didn’t really wash for me. Neither brother trusted MW to actually fulfill any of her promises (and it was even proven in that episode that MW had no intention of giving Cam the USB drive whether she got the diamond or not), so why would Jonathan feel betrayed by Cameron not trusting MW any more than he did? The last ten minutes didn’t make sense to me as anything other than a looong con Jonathan decided to enact to keep Cameron from getting himself killed going after the map’s contents. That may be a vain hope on my part, but all I ever really wanted was 100x more of Cameron, Jonathan, and the team, not more MW, and now I won’t get it. I do have to say this: I thought I had a crush on Jonathan, but Cameron’s semi-drunk, still quite pissy attitute in the room with the automaton was probably as close as he gets to Jonathan’s natural demeanor, and I loved it. Gimme all of that Cam. (Oh wait, you can’t, because there are no more episodes. So stupid.)
  7. If I’m not mistaken, he was trying to say ”Tada!” But was in too much pain to get both syllables out. Always good to see Brett Dalton on my screen. Of course, by default I suspect he’s actually an undercover bad guy in every role he takes, so part of me kept waiting for him to pull a gun on Kay. I loved the absentminded card and coin tricks Cameron and Jonathan were doing during their phone conversations — there was some neat stuff there. In the first convo, Cameron’s eureka moment was accompanied by the card he was holding flipping into a completely different card. And in the second convo, I loved the part where Cameron threw a card in the air and the shot switched to Jonathan catching the coin. Nicely done. This ep would not feel so much like wheel-spinning if we didn’t know the end was nigh. Why, oh why, is the end nigh?
  8. You forgot to say HOSS, Samanda.
  9. Dang. Okay great job SA and PB.
  10. Why do I get the feeling Oliver needed that drive from around Diaz’s neck to avoid prison? WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST GRAB THE NECKLACE OLIVER?!!
  11. It’s just irritating me, but I will also be wrecked when he gets around to Felicity.
  12. And now comes the on-the-nose convo that will in no way come back to haunt our intrepid hero.
  13. Stop Quentin. You’re embarrassing yourself.
  15. In other words, it was a good thing Anatoly decided not to meet as instructed.
  16. Drat. The tie-in is not as exciting when it happens several weeks after the big event. But it's better than nothing, I guess.
  17. Deke, to Davis: “That’s the most incredible story I’ve ever heard, and I’m the same age as my grandparents.”
  18. I thought I was prepared for the end of the series, but then I saw this news of a shortened season that potentially can be properly timed with the release of the Avengers movie next spring for one last tie-in without so much of the wheel-spinning that held up Season 1 -- and now I'm excited. One last ride!
  19. At this point I’m crossing my fingers for Gotham’s renewal. And I don’t even watch that show.
  20. It may just be paranoia, but Coulson’s coyness with Daisy post-kiss (coupled with the way the kiss itself was framed) gives me Angel Season 5 vibes. Not that it wasn’t a great kiss, and great for Philinda fans, but for some reason I think there’s a tangential reveal coming.
  21. I'm seriously bummed by this news. I know I'm going to be hoarding these last few episodes (I'm a rewatcher) on my DVR for a long time. Now my concern is a cliffhanger ending. Ugh. I haven't been so annoyed since Common Law got canceled in it's first season, and that I saw coming more than this.
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