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Everything posted by lallalla

  1. I am 5'2.5 and I know, we all have different body types and carry weight differently, but I can assure you, she would still look chunky at 160 and that is (as you mention), still overweight. I only got to that weight when pregnant with severe early onset preeclampsia (my bp was 290/170 when I went in for a 31 week assessment; I had painful amounts of edema gain, stretching my skin to the point of almost bursting, not to mention, killer headaches, I was just over 170 and had over 58lbs of literal water weight..as in, I looked like I could been juiced on Willy Wonka..it was clear it was massive swelling, though). So while I know that kind of weight gain is different and looks different, it's still an idea of what 160-170 looks like..at someone taller than her! 160 is chunky for that height. I am sorry to use such a word, I know it's usually associated with shaming and insults, that's not what I intend, I basically want to reinforce what you've said: she has to tow such a ridiculous line to get to even the upper end of her recommended BMI, it will be nearly impossible without serious medical intervention. (note: I usually run on the thin side, so I feel my self-perception is geared toward ultra-thin but I don't usually view others in the same lens, I am far more forgiving and willing to see them as "normal", even when they are overweight.) Not even sure if my semi-but-not-anecdotal example makes any sense. :/
  2. I can't even with her any more. I don't blame her for my personal issues, but I guarantee she fuels many with disordered eating like myself, into reverse thinspiration. She makes me MORE set on NOT eating, for fear I ever get like that. I realize I can't blame her for my perspective and mindset, but I'd guarantee you others feel the same, just as they do the other extreme, using her to justify gross intake of calories. She is NOT a spokesperson for healthy body image and that she was asked to be at some "eating disorders awareness week" is both grossly ironic and a mockery to people with eating disorders of every end of the spectrum, from anorexia, to bulimia, to over-eating. Disgusting. PS- Others need your cross, Whitney, step down.
  3. Can we just take a moment to pause and realize that doctors classify "morbidly obese" as: "An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes." (from University of Rochester Medical Center) SmartBMIcalculator.com returns these results when you input her info: "Are you sure that you have entered your height and weight values correctly? A body mass index of 60 and higher is more than this calculator can handle." In RED font. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/) lists her BMI as: 71.8 (height 5'1; weight: 380) That is more than double for the baseline for "morbidly obese" qualification, with NO complications, ie: diabetes, pre-diabetes. She passed morbidly obese ages ago (I'd wager to guess her 250 weight bs to be as thin as she wants to get is STILL morbidly obese for her!) and she is gaining, not losing. My point in all of this is not to shame her, I don't want her to hate herself. It is to look at reality and how UNhealthy she is...and IMO, how dreadfully unhappy she is. I think she goes overboard trying to prove happiness when she's really covering shame and self-hate. I hope I'm wrong, but I also hope she finds whatever mindset she needs to actually start turning her life around and get healthy. Her parents will either end up burying her or die while knowing their daughter is fast behind them, with decreasing quality and quantity of life in her very short future. I went and checked and YES, her target weight of 250 still places her WAY over morbidly obese range; BMI of 47.3 at that weight!
  4. I think of Richard Simmons every time I hear about her, but she wasn't one of the morbidly obese helped by him, was she? I looked at Google and it seems not, but now racking my brain for who (specifically) he did help. That Michael guy, right? Wasn't there a woman too or am I not remembering correctly? I am sorry things turned the way they did for her, addictions are monsters. Sometimes even the best help, most access to resources, and tons of support can't be enough to turn things around.
  5. I think just guesstimating her intake based on BMR would be interesting. A baseline of likely calories and then imagining all she could eat for that. She is certainly not under-eating to not only maintain, but do what looks like gaining. Her base BMR, assuming she's still only 380, is 2444.3 calories (taken from BMI-calculator.net; input: 380lbs, 5'1 height, age: 32; F) (For perspective, I am 5'2.5 and of normal to below average weight; inputting my "high normal weight" (meaning, within recommended limits for weight for my age, height, etc, my recommended calories before any serious exercise, is right over 1300, to maintain my weight). Her height, like mine, absolutely means her calories are on the low-end of what we consider "normal". If she were in a healthy weight range, her base BMR would be less than/almost half her current base BMR.
  6. Since being revealed quite a while ago that she is at 380, I think she looks like she's gained a considerable amount. The pic that has been posted somewhere here in one of these MBFFL threads of her in the dress? She looks considerably larger than in the past. I think she is well past 380 now, she for sure is not any smaller.
  7. Todd Chrisley's net worth estimate at $- 5 million. Yes, negative. (*as of 2014) http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/business-executives/todd-chrisley-net-worth/
  8. This is why we have to have such fire safety codes, in part. To save the short-sighted idiots who can't see serious self-harm and dangers from their own silliness. And also because it's nice to have an expert like that because no one wants to go "yeah, could have been prevented, had someone investigated that" when it comes to people dying fiery deaths.
  9. I grew up in the South, I was 11 in 1991. Looking back at this show, it's amazing to think we (the South, perhaps the majority of the US?) where only "there" when it came to black males of any sort, but particularly ones with "unfortunate incarcerations" being in the regular company of white women. I remember always loving Anthony and resonating with how ludicrous..yet understandable, (based on personal observations), client and even some passing staff at Sugarbaker's interactions with Anthony were. It was just ground-breaking to present a black man in that way at that time. Looking back, I'm kind of shocked we were only "there" in 1991, though I guess in the span of America's past, it hadn't been too terribly long since segregation and Jim Crow laws. Don't know if I properly conveyed the sentiment of how unique this show was in context with real-life perceptions, but it was seminal and yet also captured the mood of the day on so many important issues.
  10. Awesome tidbit! A comment above yours seems to hint at that, how fascinating if it is true!
  11. I have always wondered how TV houses, no matter their socioeconomic standing, manage to have fully furnished houses, even accounting for donations, yard sale or Good Will items, etc. Really? You're broke as f-, but have a house full of stuff. So unrealistic. I have a personal experience which may cloud that, but I felt and thought that prior to being left with literally nothing, two children to raise, and my accounts (though little in there) cleared out, while trying to leave a situation people thought I'd never get out alive from. We can rationalize, maybe shady loans from crazy furniture places, but for me, we all sit on the flooor most of the time any way so I stick with beds, a love seat I found on Craigslist for free, and a donated dilapidated table from a neighbor. So many more important things when you're hiding from a hellbeast and trying to make ends meet than what your house is filled with. The plausibility of these shows is so ridiculously suspect and I feel leads to hard-working people feeling less than. Even people with a great grip on reality, I feel it just helps nag at them "why can't I obtain this on what I earn/do?" I don't mean to absolve personal responsibility, common sense/real world experiences, just that even when we realize it's only entertainment, we end up with a gross sense of reality and it has a devastating ripple effect. I don't think I've worded exactly what I feel/think here, but I hope I've come close. I don't mean to pass blame for the debts we take on, I know we can assess fantasy from reality, but the lines can seem so blurred as you keep consuming more and more media, to the point of destroying you emotionally and/or financially, because we forget what a rational norm is.
  12. Surely in this clip from 'Partying to Death', Dr. Phil meant .505 and not 5.05 BAC?! I have read some instances of BAC being as high as ..9 to a little over 1.-something, but 5??!! Is that humanly possible?!
  13. In the next to last episode, I was really touched to hear how Mike's mom Peggy raised him as a single mom. It explains so much about her personality and it was very clear at that moment, if it hadn't been before, that Peggy was tough, but loving, and had to be tough to wade through all she did, especially 40-something years ago. Touched my heart. It really broke my heart, as a single mom now myself, that left a horribly abusive situation after years of trying, to hear her describe not being able to be there for Mike because she has to work, made me more committed to my work that allows for more time with my children versus going for a couple of careers that would pay far more, utilize my college and graduate degrees, but provide limited time with my children.
  14. Was that the theme song from 'Mama's Family" playing at one point when the brothers were standing around a T.V.?
  15. Like being handed poop on a stick by a young child that thinks it's gold and as if they're sharing a life-treasure with you...
  16. THIS. ALL DAY. Prior to the release of photos from her OBGYN appointment, I liked Nev. Now, I can't stand looking at either or them or thinking how vastly selfish and immature they are. I am only a few years older, it is mind-blowing to me to see the massive differences and approaches toward life. What the actual french toast?!
  17. After seeing this a couple of times now, I agree, you're absolutely right. The first time I was little concerned, then by the second, third, eighth times I had seen it, I realized it seemed over-the-top and fake. I would be shocked if she directly attributes it to her weight, it will be something about not getting enough rest, not eating enough, heat exhaustion, etc., she'll have some way to get out of saying she even needs to lose a moderate amount of weight. Apart from a couple of articles I read dated early last year, is she even discussing losing a moderate amount of weight still or is she just all about being "big, fabulous, and 'healthy'"? At one time, she was *at least* saying she would get down to 250 lbs (or was it 225?), but no further. As others have stated, that is still dangerously overweight for her height and would only classify her as lower category of morbidly obese.
  18. TLC is airing commercials for June's new season and it doesn't look good for Whitney. The clips shows her boyfriend expressing concern for her health, Whitney retorting that she's happy with her weight, and then cut to a dramatic shot of her suddenly falling to the ground, ominous music accompanies.
  19. If you watch the show (versus just read the media about her, like one article I read where she DOES cop to PCOS only accounting for about her first 80lbs of weight gain), it's clear she totally blames PCOS, not for just the first 80-100lbs, which I still find suspect, but certainly easier to swallow than nearly 300lbs. She is self-capitulating, braying, whining, and ignoring the fact that even her 'dance' (cough) classes seem to offer her little to no movement. I think she is a beautiful woman, however, I hate that she only uses medical professionals who cater to her mindset. It's one thing to find medical help you feel emotes with you, it's another to seek out multiple ones in order to reaffirm your own dangerously unhealthy personal biases. You need to find someone with a healthy balance of empathy and outright honesty. This capitulating by them is going to sign her death sentence, or at least guarantee her a slot on 'My 600lb Life'.
  20. Yet he's the braintrust of the family. (where's the fall down laughing emoji Yahoo used to have?) :D I think they should try 'noodling', like I saw an episode of something recently..was it Intervention? Ugh, why can't I remember?!
  21. Maybe he loses an ounce of affect for every new gray hair.
  22. On this 'hair from the dog brush weaving clothing' episode, Billy was speaking about the charges, all I gathered was yammering and excuses about how they'd been misunderstood, maligned, and never wanted to dupe the great people of Alaska (my paraphrase, not his direct words). I don't know the answer to your question based on that, but my half-watching ears perked up once I caught that's what he was touching on.
  23. UGH Why does this seem disgustingly bizarre instead of resourceful? And, FWIW, it's not the fact it's a dog for me, it just seems like a silly insulator. I get it, it keeps a dog warm, but I'm not sure certain hairs/furs translate into warmth when it's the brushed off debris from something or someone. Maybe I'm wrong or dumb, but I don't see it really retaining heat or holding up to normal wear and tear, let alone laundering. That 'fuzz' that comes off is different from attached hair follicles that attach at the root. Maybe I sound like an idiot, but it seems very different from say, shearing an animal and using the fur (or skinning it). I have traveled to countries where they sell dog meat kebabs on the street and I know in some places like China, dog meat is not unheard of. So for me, it's not some bizarre thing because they are household pets over sources of food or other things (not that people in these countries don't have dogs as pets, I hope my explanation makes sense), it just seems impractical and WTF-ish.
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