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Everything posted by lallalla

  1. I'm watching the repeat where mom is making a sweater out of Cupcake the dog's fur, lamenting that she couldn't bathe him first, so she'll just have to wash the sweater. She's literally pulling hair out of a dog brush and making a sweater. WTF? Am I alone in thinking that's not ingenuous but odd-ball disgusting? I can't say I recall ever reading any literature from say, colonial, pioneer, or more primitive days where a wife/mom/woman took dog fur and made clothing from it, particularly not a German Shepherd type dog. WTF?
  2. I think the incredulity here comes from people not realizing there is such a thing as too much downsizing to where it's impractical, for a single person, let alone a married couple or family, I mean, living "simplistically" has its limits; and the amount of money people are willing to spend to "save" when it's quite clear such living conditions just aren't sustainable for most people, including these participants, long-term. So in the end, it's a waste of money because good luck finding someone who will value your tiny home the same way you did. There's some ridiculous romanticism by lots of these people about "tiny house living", but I seriously think they fail to consider MULTIPLE long-term scenarios, such as, just tiring of it down to having to pay extra every month for a rental space for all you can't keep there..which totally defeats the purpose of downsizing. I won't even get into obvious sanitary issues, and I don't mean crazy ones like some of the "regular" (ahem..basketcase but searching for a normal sized house) people go into with their neurotic tendencies, I mean legitimate concerns.
  3. "S----ing in their kitchen" "Elmer's glue...f'd up Japanese game show." "For some reason there's a real estate agent involved in this transaction." LMAO "We took a home and put it on a trailer..." (like it's a new trend) LMAO HILARIOUS! I go back to what others have said, "fresh serving of cholera, anyone? Dysentery? OMG, let's be novel and copy other countries who live small..." Um, yeah, but not the same way people, not the same way. Had these people ever watched a YouTube piece on small abodes/minimalist living in other countries, or by god, even a Google search, they'd see these houses are NICE and not limited in what they provide, at all. It's not about echoing back to Laura Ingalls Wilder days.
  4. This is the best! And I spent my first few years growing up in a doublewide (though not in a trailer park, on a huge parcel of land).
  5. These last two episodes with the wrestling and smoothie schticks didn't make me laugh even once. I usually roll through the entire episode. womp womp womp, what a disappointment.
  6. I'm going to rain on the parade and say I didn't like the revelation that Bow is pregnant. It's not an addition I think the show needs. I love children, love, love, love, babies, and I'm sure their interactions and displays of parenting an infant/toddler will be riotous, but it left me with a "really? what the fudge? why?!" reaction. Scrooge McScroogerson, signing off here.
  7. Sometimes I wonder why I expect sense in anything any more, from voiceovers to guide descriptors. It's why I rely on you wonderful guys, who some days, feel like wonderful family and friends. :)
  8. I'm going to duck...(and not even sure if this the best thread for it)...but I find Matthew (yes, Grunwald) and Dom incredibly attractive and sexy. Annoying as Matthew may be (and far too young for me, as a 30-something year old), wow, the boy looks good. Better in some clips/shows than others (like Star Salvation had me salivating) and Dom, well, I can see why Geeeaaaaada LBH, thought he was a panty dropper. Personality-wise, though, it was hands-down Jay. I interacted with him some online and he was just as kind and genuine as he seemed to be on the show. I really hate the phrase "cheat day" and I didn't like Aaron's schtick, but he seems like an okay guy. :) There's a cartoon called Pinkie Dinky Doo.... :D
  9. That's what I thought, but I also thought it said a "second chance" and would have to go against all of the current season's 12 contestants. Maybe I need to replay? Maybe it's just the star salvation from last season? But I didn't remember it being that. I know there is the second chance within the season, but this didn't make sense at all. Nm, I relistened to it and yes, it seems it's from last season, the voiceovers make it more confusing. So much for trusting headline labels and not fully listening. Thank you :)
  10. Color me thoroughly confused. I just watched 'Star Salvation', for a second shot at winning NFS, Season 12. It featured Matthew, Sita, Rosa, and Christina. Alex and Jeff were the judges and said eventually, these contestants would have to battle all 12 finalist on NFS to earn a slot. This doesn't speak anything of the ones mentioned in the 'Comeback Kitchen' link, what's going on?
  11. I love this show for many reasons and try to be light-hearted with a lot of things presented as I know they are done over-the-top for a certain style the show has. That being said, is Grace's drinking getting worse? Is this something that you think will be addressed in the future? I was shocked that she took over driving. I got that Frankie couldn't, but it seems something could have given in that scene other than Grace choosing to drive and Frankie being okay with it. That part seemed glossed over. Grace also seems to be drinking a lot more in other episodes this season. Are we supposed to just see this as her "thing", part of her character and something normal or is there more here? I guess I'm conflicted with how casual the ..dare I say overuse.... of alcohol is with her?
  12. They were just clickable hyper-links, click the name of the sites, especially the Saatchi Art one, that's the one I checked out. :)
  13. Did you check out his artwork linked in the above article? It's odd drawings/paintings of things/people with beards. No, seriously, that's what he draws.
  14. Scroll down to see a pic of Lennie sans beard and where to view some of his original artwork. Something unsettling about that pic, I can't quite place it, maybe one of you, who always seem to perfectly and eloquently state what I'm thinking and feeling, can put words to it. :) Lennie Unbearded
  15. I think that article reinforces previous posters' opinions/concerns about her maintaining a certain unhealthy weight to please the men in her life, at the moment, Buddy and Lennie. Hopefully at least one of them will be there for the long-haul, but even if not, would she just surround herself with replacements with the same preference(s)?
  16. WOW! In this article, Whitney says she has no desire to go below 250 in weight! While better, that's still vastly and ridiculously overweight for her. I wonder if she is saying that because she feels that's an attainable goal or because she's embraced 'fat acceptance' in the way that Zsalynn from 'My 600 lb Life' formerly did? http://www.liftbump.com/2015/09/84652-tlc-star-of-my-big-fat-fabulous-whitney-life-reveals-exactly-how-much-weight-she-plans-to-lose/
  17. I am watching one of these episodes now, Season 5, Episode 8, Dee & Jan. They not only showed the piles of cat poop, which the woman says is basically all the kitchen consists of, but that her bathroom is a mountain of "human poop". She defecates in the toilet, pees in containers...and of course, the containers are stored, not tossed out somewhere. OMG! I screenshot images, but can only post if I go host it somewhere first and I"m too lazy to do that right now but there's a literal good 2-3 feet of human feces rising out of her toilet into a giant mountain. OMG :/
  18. I am watching Season 5, Episode 9 online right now. It shows Joanna, a woman whose house is how you can imagine it, and who doesn't have (and hasn't had in years) running water. She lines her toilet with plastic grocery bags and then disposes of them in the regular trash. Worse, her son and daughter in law have left their children in her care since they were born, because, as the father explains, daycare would be around $200 a week and that's half their income. I can't even. That right there, the mind boggles over. Two working adults, even part-time in my low-wage state, if they earned only minimum wage, could earn that per week ($400), so WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST? That's just part of what my mind starts to boggle over. I can't even.
  19. A muppet is exactly what she looks like! And an oddly, poorly put together one at that!
  20. I can't even comment on this week's episode yet...and I need to read all the threads/post because perhaps this has been answered/discussed already, but why is Cyrus on this season to such a less frequency? I know we can argue it's how his character has been written, but is there a reason in the actor's personal life for this? Even given his changing statuses, he's such gold on this show, which leads me to wonder whether it's because of other acting pursuits or personal endeavors/choice that Jeff Perry (Cyrus Beene) is shown to such a minimal degree? I've done some online searching to see if there is a reason, but didn't turn up anything, maybe I missed something small/big as to why? This episode hurt to watch and I love to hate Rowan...wow, just wow. And I have my real-life Jake Ballard, so to speak, from looks to other aspects (the positive ones of his personality), which I suppose makes me feel all the more invested in emotionally intense scenes with him. UGH! ALL THE FEELS! Or maybe Rowan's house would be the one place not wired, in terms of thinking, the least likely place to be monitored. (though of course, he watches his own house "just in case"..still, I can buy this set up quite easily, just food for thought; maybe outside surveillance or inside without audio, his house is such an enclave, I can buy it. :) ) Plus, Rowan doesn't need surveillance of either to know what still exists. Despite owning multiple suits, it's not out of the realm of logic to think a man like Rowan was going to get another one and would want it fitted to the 't', even if he knew his measurements hadn't changed any.
  21. I rewound to watch the beginning about Aaliyah's current circumstances, I am in tears, I just can't even. That on its own...add to all Aaliyah did for Alicia and then Alicia's cold-hearted treatment, which I almost want to...HAVE to..believe is over-the-top and some kind of defense mechanism, yet sadly, I've known people that cold and calculating in my life. The heart breaks and the mind boggles.
  22. I'm watching this as I type and I cannot believe what a thunder c- Alicia is. Words fail me, but I'm sure they won't for long. What a sick, angry, sad, pathetic, evil, soulless individual.
  23. It wasn't even that many decades ago, and I haven't kept up on what people do now, but even when I married in 2005, it was uncommon, at least in the South, to drop your maiden name and just take your husband's last name, people always assumed I was Jane Doe Johnson instead of say, Jane Marie Doe before and Jane Marie Johnson after. That was seen as a form of being very different, I was out of the ordinary. I don't regret the name change, but regret the marriage! As side commentary! LOL But have still kept my First Middle and Married last name, even though I"m not any more. Seemed silly to change back to First Middle Maiden, also, I wanted to have the same last name as my children and didn't want to put them through name changes.
  24. This. I don't mind her and thought she was fine for that role, but her hair, I kept looking at it and her head going, "ohmehgerd, what the french toast?"
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