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Everything posted by lallalla

  1. What weight loss? I don't mean that rudely, I'm serious. I don't think she ever lost any on the show, that was all pre-show and she certainly looks to have gained an entire person just since last season. Btw, exact same comment I made about the stairs, GMTA! Also, Lenny, ugh. I don't at all go for that overboard Lumbersexual look, gross. And he's just weird!
  2. Looking like a dandy from Roots. LMAO!!!!
  3. I'm glad it wasn't taken as me trying to be mean, spiteful, or spark any kind of ill-will, this community is one of my favorites on the web, I would not want to hurt someone, either intentionally or not. :)
  4. I actually didn't realize that and I'm happy to remove that link. I do not believe in shaming or hating people who are overweight, I didn't explore the blog, I only read that one article which hits on many of the same points others here have stated. There was no intent to bring hate into the forums, I will remove the link because I do not wish at all to hurt someone's feelings or to even give the appearance of bullying. I am so embarrassed that I linked such content. I read it on mobile, posted the link from mobile, and admittedly didn't spend any time vetting the author or the blog's contents. I in no way champion shaming people (not even criminals) or promoting hate. It was not my intent to link something so clearly awful. :/
  5. One snippet I read online about this upcoming episode stated he drinks (up to?) a gallon of vodka a day. I can't even fathom that being humanly possible.
  6. I stumbled across this plea from her mom dated 2014. It reveals some truly awful, sad details different from what was revealed on the show. I keep looking for updates, hoping she's progressing and recovering. She is trying to forget a lot of things. Kacy's mom's plea for an intervention 2014 ****edited to add, looks like the link below isn't authentic. :/ Still rooting for her. And here is Kacy's blog as a recovering addict. I haven't browsed through it, but I hope it's a positive sign. Kacy's recovery blog
  7. Unsure if this thread is the best place for this article, but here goes. It says so much, so very well. It's the echoes of all the awesome voices on this forum. (*Note- the article was written earlier in the series run) **linked article removed because of highly offensive overall blog content, which was not my intent to promote, I should have checked that source more thoroughly (I think it will still link it in quoted responses below, my intent was to share content that echoed what others here have noted about Whitney, it was not to bring a fat shaming blog to these wonderful forums or promote hate and ridicule for anyone, let alone an entire subset of people struggling with a difficult issue).
  8. Has she gained 100-150 since the start of this show? Because I thought the last weight revealed was around 375-380? That would be 175/180lbs gain from the 200lbs she had dropped to, or am I confusing weights? It's clear to me she's gained significantly since Season 1 and I think at her size, you have to gain A LOT to look like you've gained?
  9. It's also VERY easy to rack up the calories drinking wine (or wine coolers, malt type beverages, I'm thinking of BudLite's line of Rita beverages, I know I love the Mango, it clocks in at 195 calories for an 8oz can, red wine, at least the big bolds I like, I can pass on sweet wine, are around 123 cals for 5oz.). If you are eating, socializing and enjoying some wine, it's easy to go through several hundred calories in alcohol over the course of several hours. I wouldn't find it hard to believe Whitney could go through a bottle, bottle and a half, or even two bottles over the course of an afternoon/night, totalling close to 1,300 cals in alcohol alone (for 2 bottles, depending on the type of wine, of course).
  10. When she's chatting with Buddy about her weight, this is basically the impression I got, that even if she lost a ton of weight, she would still be so horribly overweight, it feels daunting, impossible, and not worth it. :/
  11. I just actually watched this episode, vs just listening to it. I can't even believe how huge she is, she looks like she swallowed her first season self, I cannot imagine her being under 400lbs at this point. I hope she finds help soon..and accepts it. Also, yes, Buddy is looking larger.
  12. I still believe these are extreme, outlier examples. I would think attempts to revive are more commonplace than not, depending on circumstances/state of victim, of course. What you cite are powerful examples, but also (and I don't mean you are) attention-baiting examples. This doesn't mean the system works this way in most or all cases and I'd guess that a natural instinct to intervene is often more powerful. Maybe I'm just too hopeful, though. I wanted to clarify that I don't deny the horrors that go on in prisons, the neglect, the abuse, the over-all low standards. Part of my graduate studies involved studying prisons in-depth. I cried every day reading my course material and imagining what people were going through, many for non-violent crimes and in much worse prison conditions than even OITNB conveys. By the end of the course, I had reached out to the authors of our main text and let them know how profoundly they shaped my views on behavior and criminology. Prison is worse than punishment, it's a fate most of use wouldn't wish even on the most awful crimes we read about.
  13. The facebook tide, at least for the show's page, is turning against her and TLC Edited- I'm trying to add the actual link, but it's turning it into the one thing you see, which is not hosted by this guy, and it doesn't seem clickable. But it's the shows' facebook page, vs Whitney's. Hope that makes some sense!
  14. Todd Chrisley singing..or trying to..turned from sweet/endearing to ridiculous, he of course, turned it into a "pity Todd" moment...and I used to sing, so I get the throat thing he's alking about. But please, Todd, dying blow frogs sound better, martyr complex, anyone? Some things are best left to others..like people who can do that thing well. PS- Before Savannah said her bit about Todd making things about him, my 9 year old said that Todd is always making things about him, even when it's someone's birthday and should be about them. Even children see through his selfishness (and I'm a Todd fan, btw, but this episode annoyed me deeply. Fake sincerity annoys me. I am sure he wanted to do something special for Julie, but his need to insert and assert himself was just disgusting, even for Todd levels. Self-ingratiating troll.
  15. I'm glad that she knew, sorry she had to be written out, but I also get the deeper "why" of it. :/
  16. THIS! I can get why her, but I HATE that it was her, and by the guard it was at the hands at. After getting deeper into Suzanne's story arc, and having her go beserk at the hands of the guard earlier, I can see how this all could tragically play out, except, like some others have stated, I can't get over no attempts to revive her!
  17. I can't believe the way her death played out, just wow. Will Suzanne suffer more guilt? Or does she even realize the part she played? Seeing Bayley's grieving, his guilt, it was powerful. My god. Then just leaving her body. Already a couple of episodes ago, I was ready for Piscatello to take a hike, UGH! And that Humphrey's guy! UGH!!!! I've searched online, still trying to determine, did the writers purposely end Poussey's role or did the actress want to leave? All I found was an article saying she was sad to go/missed her co-stars. :/
  18. I am waiting, with morbid fascination, for next week's episode, featuring a "paranormal expert" who drinks up to a gallon of vodka a day! In my searches for forums/message boards about Intervention, episodes involving alcoholics in particular, I came across a sub-Reddit (on Reddit) of people devoted to/succumbing to/lamenting/(many) celebrating their addiction to alcohol. Some claim to drink a handle to two handles of hard alcohol per day, they post breathalyzer photos of having above a .35 BAC and celebrate it...the heartache and yet celebration of an addiction is almost train-wreck like in its ability to keep my morbid attention and think, "..but by the grace of god, there go I..." Many hopes for all those suffering to get the help they need to be happy and healthy in life without substances. Bless their friends, family, and co-workers for the on-going fallout.
  19. They're both disgusting. But FOUL-S are more disgusting (fat, old, ugly, losers)..though Mark isn't fat, he still fits the stereotype. He fetishisizes Fiiippina women and because of a number of personal and physical traits, can't get and keep a Western Woman. What better way to snag a woman than to go the desperate route? Sickening. That these men justify their actions is a testament to being disingenuous.
  20. I just realized that two different houses were used in the opening credits. I may have noticed it before and just forgot, but I just started re-watching an episode from season 1 and it immediately jumped out at me. I had to Google it to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. :) I just knew it wasn't the same outside of the house I so nostalgically remember.
  21. Didn't Buddy also comment on this since they've been living together? I thought she fussed at him for it? Not to mention, she also has no problem secret eating in her car, it seems. Remember the huge tub of ice cream consumed in the parking lot and the massive amounts of trash, to include food containers, spilling out of the back of her SUV?
  22. I don't think you look big at all, you look a good size and fabulous! So, you are right. I know some of my perceptions are because I DO suffer from body image issues and disordered eating. I cried for about 20 mins today because I am at my "fat" weight and have awful, painful, huge ovarian cysts and uncomfortable water swelling and PMS swelling, just adding to the weight (125lbs, whichI know is not overweight for my height, it's just mentally, not a number I like to be at.) I didn't intend anything rude about that weight and I hope I didn't come across that way. While 160 would still be overweight for her height, you are very right, it doesn't mean she would look chunky and she certainly would be far healthier than at 380 or 250. :) You look fantastic!!!!! If Whitney's confidence is not fake, I do wish I had a few ounces of that. She is really quite beautiful (and it wouldn't matter if she were ugly as sin), I hope she will do things that are in her best long-term interest.
  23. She needs to learn that not totally embracing the "truths" and lifestyle choices she presents to the public is not the same as "fat shaming". This whole route she takes to promote "fat acceptance" is ridiculous and conveniently absolves any and all self-responsibility. She wants us to feel guilty if we even disagree with her, because that is the same to her as hating her. Whitney's litmus test for "hate" doesn't require any horrible comments or actions, simply not eating up every word she says. Look at how she even shames and hates on any medical professional that doesn't acquiesce to her specific philosophy, she pushes them into a corner, doesn't even allow them to express understanding alongside recommendations to change her habits. She is a bully, really.
  24. I'm an evil, horrible person. I wonder if she did actually ever have a "binge and purge" problem. I know you can have that any weight, I don't want to think that way just because of how average to severely over-weight she's trended. Maybe it's also her attitude of having 1 million conditions and excuses that makes her seem less than authentic. I HOPE she hasn't struggled with that aspect of disordered eating and I hope she never will. Science about fat cells certainly speaks to this. They never go away, even if you get thin. So your potential is to forever get that big again..and then, of course, bigger!
  25. THIS, all day, yes! And as others have said, I do believe she has a binge eating disorder, she certainly has disordered eating. One can have that in a form that causes starvation (or near) or the other extreme, as *we* all seem to recognize. She'd do more for people struggling with all manner of body image disorders if she'd be more open and honest about issues like these.
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