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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. Yeah, but it's been a whole season; how much longer is this going to go on? What's next? Will he buy a sports car and try to pick up college girls on spring break? I just don't have any interest in watching the Doctor go through a mid life crisis.
  2. If we're stuck with those sonic sunglasses for more than one episode, then they will officially get my vote for The Dumbest Thing Ever. Also, why was it SUPER BAD for the Doctor to use Davros' life support set up to kill all the Daleks, but okay to trick Davros into stealing some regeneration energy, which wakes up the sewer sludge, which kills all the Daleks? In the end, the Daleks are still dead because the Doctor concocted a plan to kill them. I liked this episode a lot, but it was more for the character moments and the acting then the plotting (ha, ha, plotting). Missy is a completely evil, but very entertaining villain; so much better than last season. The Doctor and Davros had some great moments together, even if all of it was a scam on Davros' part . Moffat better not make this Time Lord/Dalek prophecy a thing. Surely his ego isn't so huge that he would take it upon himself to answer questions that have been around for the 50 + year run: what's the Doctor's real name, and why did he steal a TARDIS and go on the run? Those questions are core elements of the show, and should never really be answered.
  3. OMG. THIS. So. Much. If you can get through that serial without screaming shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, at your tv, then you're a better man than me. I quite liked Steven, but Dodo never made much of an impression on me one way or the other. I find it amusing that she eventually just wandered off in the middle of an episode and was never seen again.
  4. Thanks! Maybe it will pop up somewhere on line. ETA: I just saw it! (thanks Llywela for pointing me in the right direction) I would also like to see another male companion. They've been pretty rare since the 60's; and there hasn't been one presented as the Doctor's primary companion since good old Jamie got forcibly tossed off the TARDIS and memory-wiped by the Time Lords (unless we're counting the 30 seconds Adric was Four's sole companion before Nyssa and Tegan showed up). It would be an interesting dynamic, and since they aren't presenting the companions as potential girlfriends with Twelve, maybe it's a possibilty. I would want him to be the one closest to the Doctor, even if there was a female companion too. I mean, I loved Rory to death, but Eleven was all about Amy. I'd like to see that situation reversed.
  5. Where can I find The Doctor's Meditation? It isn't on youtube.
  6. Thank you for your interest, but after examining my preferences for many decades, I have come to the conclusion that I much prefer to ship same sex couples. That's why I won't be shipping Barry with any of the women. Instead, I will be shipping him with Cisco, Poor Dead Eddie, Real Harrison Wells, Cold, Diggle, Ray, and in a Special Crossover Event, Gotham's Jim Gordon. (Note that Oliver Queen is not on this list. Barry doesn't deserve to be stuck with all that baggage) As someone who has shipped same sex couples back before the internet was even a glint in Al Gore's eye, I have had my preferences questioned many times. I have been lectured at, moralized at, and been told that my presence was not welcomed in "normal" fandom. So, when I see posts that, however well-intentioned they may be, tell people to re-examine their preferences, I can't help wishing that we could all be more tolerant. Can't we just accept that people are going to ship who they want to ship, and let it be? Shippers who prefer Snowberry, Barricity, Barry/Linda, or potentially Barry/Patty are just doing their own thing. Is it really necessary to imply that there's something morally wrong with their thinking because they don't want to jump on the WestAllen train? Perhaps it would be beneficial to examine why, in every fandom, some segments are so bound and determined to squash alternate ships.
  7. It's great that Clara is finally leaving, but how much time does Peter Capaldi have left as the Doctor? My understanding is that 2016 will consist of a few specials, much like 2008. Will he still be there in 2017, or is this leading up to a regeneration? I'd hate for Clara to be the only companion he gets.
  8. What about Romana and Four? She decided to stay behind in E-space instead of returning home to Gallifry when the Time Lords summoned her. The Doctor was a bit sad, and then moved on. There was never anything romantic between the two. The Doctor had serious, romantic relationships with both Rose and River; and I'm sure he'll have another one somewhere down the road. Humans often have more than one relationship in the their lives; why shouldn't the Doctor who has lived/will live the equivalent of many human life times?
  9. I actually enjoy the Alpha female and the Beta male, when the writing and acting is good, and that's the problem here. There are a lot of ways they can go with One's character: should he seek revenge for someone he doesn't even remember, why stick with these criminals when he can return to his old life of wealth and power, but they're not going to be able to pull any of it off because the writing is piss poor and Bendavid can't deliver. Three is a watered down version of Firefly's Jayne. If the character has found any traction at all, the credit goes to Lemke.
  10. I hate 'em too, but throwing Three into the mix might be the only thing that makes this "romance" tolerable. One's dead in the water as any kind of romantic lead, and at least Three has that whole bad boy/asshole thing going on. It would have been preferable if they had not gone with the expected male and female lead hookup, but had waited a season or a season and a half to see not only who Melissa O'Neil had the best chemistry with, but which character meshed with her's in the actual course of the show, because it's just not One.
  11. I think Three is funnier than One; I also think Three's actor is much better than One's.
  12. I thought this was much better than DM's similiarly themed episode from last week. I liked that this wasn't just a paint-by-the-numbers space zombie fest. I thought the use of the nanites for torture and then healing was clever and different. I liked that both Hogan and the ship's computer were both batshit insane. I liked that we never found out whether Red 17 had any meaning, or was just gibberish spit out by the ship's damaged programming. I loved that Lucy abandoned her protocols because her beloved Johnny was in danger, and that he was the one Khylen threatened to get Dutch to come with him. One of my fears was that Johnny would be shoved into the background in the rush to show just wonderful/amazing/abtacular D'avin is. I'm glad that's not happening. Killjoys has some very ambitious world building going on; not just the people and politics of the Quad, but beyond. It's not a perfect show, but I'm impressed by the thought that's gone into it.
  13. These writers couldn't write a decent romantic story if the fate of western civilization depended on it. Whether Barry/Patty catches on will depend entirely on the chemistry between the two actors; and considering GG's track record with regards to sexual chemistry with his female co-stars, I wouldn't get too worked up about it.
  14. Yes, but what would she DO on Flash? Obviously, she can't be one of Barry's 25 different father figures, and I don't see her working out as a temporary love interest to ship stall Barry/Iris. The same goes for LoT; they already have a Canary, who's vastly superior at the actual Canary-ing, so what would her purpose be? Nope, I'm afraid Arrow is stuck with her.
  15. http://www.ew.com/gallery/20-believable-butt-kicking-women/713270_caity-lotz-arrow EW's 21 Butt-Kicking Women in Movies/TV 16. Caity Lotz, Arrow Trained by the League of Assassins, and Ra's al Ghul himself, the Black Canary has no reason to shy away from a fight, and that's probably why she never does. She's one of the world's best combat fighters and when she's got her bo staff handy, she's downright lethal. —Samantha Highfill
  16. I love River and look forward to her interacting with other Doctors. This might be the first Big Finish Audio I've bought in a long time.
  17. It was a Berlanti show. It was not only badly written, but appeared to be dumbed down for the anticipated teenage audience. It had an absolutely toxic love triangle; and never seemed to grasp that Luke Mitchell's character was the beating heart of the show, while Robbie Amell's was a fairly stupid block of wood. Tomorrow People might have been a good show if it had been built around Luke Mitchell, Mark Pellegrino, and the wonderful Madeleine Mantook, instead of Robbie Amell and Peyton List. And, of course, if the writing had been better. Klemmer might have a good pedigree with VM and Chuck, but TP was littered with bad decisions, lazy writing, and a stubborn unwillingness to assess which characters worked and which didn't, and adjust accordingly. His appointment as showrunner does not fill me with anticipation.
  18. But it's not that way in the comics, unless they changed it up with the Nu52 twaddle. Ra's al Ghul has always been, well, Ra's al Ghul.
  19. I'm bitter that Sara had to die so Laurel could be BC because comics, but Malcolm Merlyn can take over as Ra's Al Ghul and that's okeydokey. What?! I mean, Ra's isn't a a costumed identity like BC; it's the guy's freakin' name! Both characters are iconic to DC, but one has to be handled completely by the book, while the other is pretty much anything goes? I don't get it. They threw Sara away because they didn't think they needed her anymore (until their spin off came up, that is). It never had anything to do with comics, and I wish they had the stones to admit it.
  20. Short answer: yes. Long answer: I'm tired of watching shows where I really dislike one of the characters. It's just exhausting. I love Sara so much that I might start watching Arrow again, at least through her resurrection arc; but, I much, much prefer that she be separated from Laurel and allowed to do her own thing, without what I fear would be producer interference that would hold her back so she wouldn't overshadow their favorite. They had to kill Sara really dead to stuff Laurel into the BC identity. I fear what they might do to keep her there once Sara's alive again.
  21. I don't know how accurate this is, but over on fanforum there's a rumor that Samantha Gort, of the Carrie Diaries, has been cast as Patty. I'm not at all familiar with this actress. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2789953/
  22. I love superheroes, so the more the better. Hawkgirl has the kind of story that could potentially make great television with good writing (they might need to bring in new writers). There's also the possibility that they're saying Hawkgirl, when they mean Birds of Prey. Unfortunately, in that case, it would probably mean the inclusion of Laurel.
  23. In that streaming panel that she did, she apparently expressed interest in a BoP spin off. Nothing wrong with that, of course, what with practically everybody who slaps on a mask getting their own show these days.
  24. I find it amusing that right after KC talked up a BoP spin off, the CW starts leaking info about another spin off starring an actress who's only had about 2 seconds of screen time on the Flash. Of course, it is possible that this show will turn out to be BoP with Hawkgirl, BC, and a player to be named later, but it's still interesting that the early noise is about HG and not BC.
  25. They might replace Hawkgirl with a live action Vixen, or Lisa Snart. There's already been questions about why they included Heatwave instead of her in the first place.
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