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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I mostly liked it, or at least, didn't hate it. The things I really wanted to happen, Edith and Bertie's marriage, Barrows elevation to butler, did happen. I'm a little sad that Carson didn't drop dead in a pool of his own self-righteousness, and that Mary didn't catch Tom and Henry making out at their new car business, but I can live with it. Everyone looked nice, and the Bates didn't murder anyone, so I guess it was a decent ending. Painting pictures of naked foreign men? He should have taken Barrows with him. I fear at this rate, Barrows will never get laid again.
  2. Well, I see Nyssa's point. Bringing Sara back would have been a disaster if Oliver hadn't called in Constantine. Nyssa may not have even known re-ensoulment was possible. I do think that Sara and Nyssa are finished. Sara was trying to break with Nyssa and the League all the way back in Arrow S2. I think the reason she goes off on the Waverider is because she wants to put the past behind her and get a new start in life.
  3. Yup, and I, for one, couldn't be happier. I think this is the first time Berlanti and Co have ever had a character where so many people are anxious to ship her with so many different potential love interests. It'll be a new experience for them.
  4. I've gotta admit that I find it hilarious that there's likely to be ship wars breaking out between supporters of White Atom, CanaryHunter, Captain Canary (I don't really know what that pairing is being called) and Nyssara. I mean, when you consider what happened with Lauriver. . . It's like TPTB can't help themselves; not matter what they do, Sara still comes off as a 1000% more awesome then the Official, Notorized, Because Comics version of Black Canary.
  5. I absolutely agree. I haven't completely enjoyed an episode since the Ponds left. Eleven's remaining episodes were tainted by Snowflake, and Twelve run so far has been ruined by her. Until now. Color me shocked at how much I liked Capaldi here; more than the last two seasons combined. This is the Twelfth Doctor we deserved. I'm also thrilled that River finally got the send off she deserved (and the one I'd given up hope for as Moffatt shoved his head further and further up Snowflake's ass). When River was going on about how she truthfully didn't believe that the Doctor loved her, and then finally recognized him, I started bawling. And of course I was ugly crying at the end. This was an wonderful episode. Also, because it has to be said: Alex Kingston has now demonstrated that she has chemistry with three actors playing the Doctor, while a certain other someone didn't managed any with either of the two she soaked up huge amounts of screen time from. Merry Humbug, Whovians!
  6. I know many don't like this possibility, but maybe Sara doesn't have the same level of feelings for Nyssa that Nyssa has for Sara. Or maybe she equates Nyssa with the LOA too much, and we've seen how whenever she gets a chance she runs away from them. I agree with FurryFury that her female love interest(s) will be guest stars, while she flirts with the three most likely regulars until they decide who she has the most chemistry with. I disagree that a Lauriver-type situation is possible here. Even if she doesn't click with one of them, there's still the other two. The promo bits with Rip and Cold looks like she's going to have a fun dynamic with both of them.
  7. Hey, wait a minute! This is a promotional pic for LOT, isn't it? Well now, that's not exactly the WHITE Canary costume, is it?
  8. Just think, if Iron Ray hadn't been such a bust that the network rejected his spin off (I don't care what they're saying now, I will never not believe that's how it went down), we wouldn't have this cool show to look forward to, Sara would still be dead, Cold would be limited to steaming up the screen with Barry only a few times a season, and Arthur Darvill would be doing wonderful and amazing things on the British stage that I would never get to see. Thanks, Ray!
  9. The promo seemed to focus on Sara, Rip, and Cold (with a side of Heatwave). I guess the network has decided who they think the big draws will be.
  10. Yeah, I think that's what's always bugged me about Rafael. He's always come across as entitled, not just to having access to Mateo (and he is definitely entitled to that), but to having himself, Jane and Mateo be the perfect little family that he always dreamed about. Back in early season 1, I didn't like Micheal because of all the lying and sneaking around, and that came from his belief that he was entitled to marry Jane and have the life they planned, even though her circumstances had changed. After she dumped him because of his actions, he started to lose that entitlement, and realize Jane doesn't, and never will, belong to him. Rafael also needs this kind of come to Jesus moment. Only when all three of them grow up (especially Jane, because this ping-ponging back and forth between two guys, and declaring which ever one she's fixated on at the moment is the one she "always" wanted, is the behavior of a teenage girl, not a grown-ass woman) can they hash out their complicated relationship, and determine if any of them have a future as a romantic couple. On a side note: I'm also starting to think those twins aren't Rafael's. Petra never gets what she wants, and if Jane/Rafael is endgame, then Petra/Michael might be too, and I think that works out better if he doesn't end up still raising Rafael's spawn even though he's not with Jane.
  11. Dear Golden Globe Voters: It's a wonderful day to vote for Rogelio, Rogelio, ROGELIOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. And, I agree with all this, but the core of this story (if we're going to call it that) is that Clara drove the Doctor insane. She caused him to have a psychotic break, like when the Master looked into the Time Thingy and went mad. Now that all memories of Clara have been removed he should go back to being the person he was before. Clara was a mental illness, but now the Doctor has recovered.
  13. Let me see if I've got this straight: the Doctor/Clara team up is the Hybrid, something so horrible that it trumps the Time War itself, has been the cause of endless, doom-filled prophesies, and the fear of it is why the Doctor stole a TARDIS and ran away from Gallifrey in the first place? Welp, I can get behind that. You know, I'm okay with Clara Special Snowflaking herself a TARDIS, and roaming though time and space with Ashildr, as long as I NEVER, EVER have to see her again. Bonus points for the Doctor not remembering her. Hey, that means Amy and Rory are the last companions the Doctor remembers. Thanks, Moffat! Next up: a much needed dose of River to wash the rancid taste of THAT PERSON THE DOCTOR DOESN'T REMEMBER (TPTDDR) out of our mouths! Joy to the World!
  14. They need to clarify whether it was an illusion or if the real Doctor is dead and this is just a copy. I have a bad feeling that this is one of those times when Moffat gets too excited over a "cool" idea, and fails to notice the huge, gaping plot holes he's leaving behind, and then the audience has to fanwank over them.
  15. My first Doctor Who story was The Masque of Mandragora. I wasn't entirely sure what the hell was going on. I stuck with it, and came to love Four. I was quite put out when he regenerated into Five (this was back in the 80's pre-internet, so my understanding of regeneration was a bit sketchy). Eventually, I came to love him too. Then there was, Six (the less said about him, the better), and then Seven and Ace, both of whom I also loved. Along the way, my PBS station aired all the existing DW stories. I miss those good old days: two hours, from 8 to 10 pm, every Saturday, of Doctor Who (occasionally interrupted for pledge drives). It's always seemed fitting to me that NuWho airs on Saturdays too.
  16. Well, Clara's dead, and it's from her own stupidity. And ego; mustn't forget ego. In the end, she truly thought she was just like the Doctor and could do what he did, and it bit her in the ass. I have to, grudgingly, give Moffat credit for letting that happen. Last year, Doctor Clara would have been able to save the day with only a minor assist from the old guy. I also agree that bringing Clara back this season, only to kill her, was a complete waste of time. And, what for? So, we'd all be sad and forget how much we disliked her? I cried buckets when Amy and Rory left (and they didn't even die), but with this, I was only vaguely aware that the overwrought music was trying to drag a tear out of my eyes. The season would have been better spent introducing a new companion; one who had better chemistry with Twelve. What was in the post credit scene? My copy cut off right after the Doctor was teleported.
  17. I've been getting my Brary hopes up for the last few episodes, only to have them dashed to pieces in the end; not by Mary and Henry's marriage, but by Mary herself. After telling Henry in no uncertain terms to get out of her house, she came down the next morning, found him gone, and in a fit of pique, ruined Edith's chance for happiness. And, that's all it was, not payback for past issues; just irritation that the man she wanted wasn't willing to crawl on all fours for her attention. Then, when she magically "got over" her entirely justified fears that Henry would die the exact same way Matthew died, and it all worked out, she was willing to extend an olive branch to Edith. What a nasty, selfish, terrible person she turned out to be in the end. Tom dodged a bullet. I wonder if that's what Sir Julian intended to be the takeaway from his story. Well, now that Mary's been handed off to a man that will surely make her miserable for decades to come, the CS can focus on whether Edith and Bertie can patch things up, and if Larry Gray is willing to grovel a bit to get Isobel to take his father off his hands. Perhaps if we're very lucky, Carson will keel over, and Thomas can be the new butler. Poor Master George is going to need someone in that house who cares about him, and since his new stepfather hasn't even acknowledged his existence, and his mother is a certified Ice Witch, it looks like Barrows is all he's got.
  18. I don't know, you guys. In that promo when Tom says, "You always ruin everything", it better be about spilling the beans on Marigold, and not about ruining his wedding plans for Henry, because otherwise, someone is WAY over invested. . I'm just having a hard time believing that we're supposed to support the Crawley's efforts to deliver Mary bound and gagged to the alter to marry some piddling race car driver. There's got to be a twist in there somewhere. Perhaps it's delivered by Violet when she asks Tom the all important question: "Why do you care so much?".
  19. It's really hard to tell. He's encouraging her to give Talbot a chance, but all of his scenes are with her. As for Mary, she has a scene with Tom, goes and flirts with Talbot, then comes back and has more scenes with Tom. He's her shadow, he's everywhere she is; and all the while has what might be described as a knowing smile plastered on his face. And, to make matters more confusing, Talbot is so insubstantial. There's no there there. He likes cars and is good looking and that's it. Gillingham and Blake were complex characters compared to him. I don't know what's the intent behind it all.
  20. I don't suppose it could be Carson's funeral, could it? I suppose that's just wishful thinking; but if he keeled over while his lips were firmly planted on some member of The Family's ass, that would clear the way for Barrows to remain and take his place, plus free Mrs. Hughes from her unpaid, and unappreciated, servitude. Everybody wins. I'm torn on what they mean to do with Tom and Mary. On one hand, they seem to just be establishing him as a fully integrated member of the family, who calls Mary his sister and plays matchmaker. On the other, I believe all of his scenes were with Mary, or the family including Mary (except for a brief word with Edith), and he WAS waiting up for her to get back from her walk with Talbot, AND he was looking a bit cross reading that newspaper. If only they'd developed Talbot into something more than a vapidly handsome guy who likes racing cars. I mean, look at Bertie Pelham, he's already proven himself a worthy suitor for Edith, and I don't think he's had much more screen time. It could go either way; they're really playing their cards close to the vest.
  21. Well, we've at long last found someone Barry has hot chemistry with: Captain Cold! Meanwhile, Cisco and Lisa were loads of chemistry-laden fun. I don't necessarily need to see them as a couple, because it would only end in tears, but the flirting needs to continue. Every good superhero needs a sexy villain/villainess to flirt with; Flash has Cold (until the spin off, that is), and Cisco has Golden Glider. Chemistry is a funny thing; it turns up in the damnedest places. Speaking of chemistry, or the lack thereof, Barry and Patty are coming off as so ridiculously forced, it's not even funny. You can't manufacturing this kind of thing; it has to flow naturally from the actors themselves. Look at Peyton List and Carlos Valdes. On paper, they don't seem like they'd work together: she's a bombshell, and while he's certainly cute, he's not a leading man hunk. Yet, put them together and all kinds of sparks happen. Put GG and SVS together and you get two actors awkwardly playing out meet cute scenes (over and over again). Stop trying to make Batty happen. The guy playing Jay is not a very good actor.
  22. I had an epiphany last week: I just don't like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. I used up a lot of venom on Clara, and she is a HUGE part of the problem; but, with or without her, I was never going to warm to 12. However, I did really enjoy this episode. Maisie Williams as Ashildr/Lady Me was the main reason. What a rich and compelling character writer Catherine Tregenna created! Me seemed enveloped in loss and melancholy (made more poignant by her inability to remember much of her long life); while at the same time, full of adventure. Oh, how I wish the planned spin off was about her, instead of some dopey school kids! (If MW could spare the time from Game of Thrones, that is.) Yet more hints of Clara's impending and "heartbreaking" death. I should be happy, but I suspect Capaldi will also leave after the specials or whatever they're planning to do in 2016, so I'll probably never know for sure if I would have liked 12 if he'd had a decent companion. 8/10 for Maisie Willaims.
  23. Um, no? Cisco's actions were motiivated by having a previously hostile relationship with Rathaway, who then turned into a violent supervillain (wannabe). Sexuality didn't enter into it. Also, we don't know enough about Cisco's love life to call him a loser who fails with the ladies. The show is not homophobic, and has never presented any of it's characters as homophobic. You might make a case about Arrow after what it did to Sara and Nyssa (although, I really think that was misogyny), but not Flash.
  24. Great Day in the Morning! Who ever had the bright idea to bring in Teen Joker is an absolute, certifiable genius! Don't get me wrong: I loved the mob story last season, but this, this, THIS Gotham City, barreling 90 mph down the Highway to Hell is the Gotham City that I've known and loved for decades! And, I am absolutely convinced that Jerome is the Joker, if for no other reason than they'll never get anyone else who could top this. This is the Joker from the comics. Completely, totally, malevolently insane. Unleashing him on the show is like a shot of adrenaline right in the heart. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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