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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I agree. Their preplanned couples tend to be either boring or a trainwreck. It would be better to let things happen organically; and focus on establishing the team, and telling a good story. With this mix of characters, someone is bound to spark, and they can pursue that in S2.
  2. Well, Gandalf did it, and Sauron didn't say anything.
  3. Yeah, but they love them some Iron Ray; they've invested time, money, and ego into intro trying to make him happen. They also have a tendency to rationalize failure: ie, Laurel wasn't popular because she hadn't put on the fishnets. I bet they think the reason Ray hasn't been a hit is because the Olicity shippers hate him, and not because of anything that they've done. There's going to be heavy focus on him, at least in the beginning.
  4. I think BR will be leader of the team; and the actual lead in terms of credit, screen time, and first choice of the wimmin (blergh). Even though I think AD is FAR AND AWAY a better actor than BR, he's not the big, strapping manly man, with a manly man supersuit, saving the day by virtue of his manliness. (also, blergh). He will be the funny, interesting, supporting character, that fandom likes better, and ships with both of the women, and most of the guys. This has all happened before, and it will all happen again.
  5. Okay, but what was the name of the sticks CL used to spare with Oliver and Diggle, and is so good at that she belieavable kicked their asses? Black Canary should be able to do more than pick up a baton without dropping it. I'm just sayin'
  6. While we wait for more news about the show, here's some Arthur Darvill singing (with Carlos Valdes on bass) :
  7. I actually loved Gotham's finale. I was sitting there the whole time saying, "The fuck?! The Fuck?!? THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!". I love it when a show loses it's shit like that: with bullets and dead mobsters, and (trust me) audience pleasing chick fights, and meglomaniacs busting out all over. It was epic.
  8. I didn't care for it that much either. It wasn't bad, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. I was also unhappy with Black Widow's storyline.
  9. I mean, really. Isn't there one decent guy in all of Westeros? Non-related, that is. The Starks aren't the Lannisters. Although, one of them might be a . . . never mind.
  10. I believe TNT and the CW are both owned by Warner Bros. I don't think this show is going to want CH as Arsenal, though. It's going to have Nightwing.
  11. I believe the witch was speaking a demonic language, which was a perversion of an angelic language. I suspect the reason she didn't understand what Vanessa said was because it was the pure angelic language.
  12. Soooo. . . they killed off their bisexual superhero, the very first one ever on tv, and now they're going to have her lesbian girlfriend marry Oliver? Because, why now? Her daddy won't let her run his evil killing organization unless she's appropriately hetero? Oh my stars and garters, this is going to get ugly. You know, there's been an awful lot of stupid this season, but this would take the cake. Guggenheim can't possibly be that short-sighted to not see the hell that would come at him if he did something like that. I mean, he has shut up about what a wonderful idea killing Sara was, and how he couldn't have possibly known that when he shoved her dead body in a fridge, people would accuse him of fridging another female character. Somebody must be giving him some "dude, head out of your ass" advice, right? Right? Oh, fuck.
  13. The duel to the non-death was pointlessly stupid. The whole "Take Over for Ra's Because the Arrow is Interchangeable with Batman" was and is pointless stupid. Their casting of a random Australian footballer as Ra's Al Ghul is both pointlessly stupid and offensive. The entire season has been a huge pile of steaming cow doody. I fail to see why Sara had to die for it.
  14. I don't think he's going to be Cyborg. I think he's going to be the other half of Firestorm, because RA isn't committing to the spin off. I could be wrong though.
  15. It might be a case of them recasting the part, like they did with Sara, combined with trying to keep whatever's going to happen to Ronnie a secret.
  16. He might be the other half of Firestorm, if RA is out. If they kill Ronnie at the end of the season, they could use the character of Jason Rousch (sp?). They might just be calling him Jay Jackson for now; kind of like how they were calling CL Lisa before they revealed she was going to play Sara.
  17. I think the endgame of Barry/Iris has already been decided, but I wouldn't put it past them to do an Iris/Barry/Caitlyn triangle next season once Iris breaks up with Eddie. It just seems like the kind of thing they'd do do rile up fanbases, and get the shippers to fight each other all over the internet. It's easier than character development.
  18. Barry doesn't have a lot of chemistry with any of the female characters. There were, however, several moments when I wanted to tell Barry and Eddie to just kiss already.
  19. The Teen Titan show that's being planned right now, has Starfire, Oracle and Nightwing all in the cast. Clearly, they're going to do a love triangle. Jane the Virgin has a love triangle. The Tomorrow People had a love triangle; it blew up in their face, but they still had one. I don't watch The 100, but I'm pretty sure they have them too. Arrow had a love triangle in the second season, with Oliver/Sara/Felicity, and it has one again this season with Felicity/Oliver/Ray. 75% or more of the shows I watch have them. How is having Caityn set up as part of a potential future triangle an issue, when so many shows, particularly on the CW, have them? That seems to me to be business as usual. We don't actually know if they're going to do a love triangle. But, if they do, how is it an issue when triangles are a staple on the CW, and most tv shows in general?
  20. I'm not even paying attention to these people at this point. They made a big deal out of Loki being bi when Agent of Asgard first came out, and ended up mentioning it once in the first issue and then forgetting about it for the rest of the series. They weren't commited to showing LGBT characters, they just wanted fangirl dollars, and that's probably what's going on here.
  21. Well, just the one time. Yeah, the problem with Rafael is that he's not funny, and that's a big deal in a show filled with outrageously funny people. It's hard to be the straight man to all that, and it requires a strong actor to hold his own with all the over the top characters.
  22. I like Bobbi and Hunter, but I like them livening up AoS. I'm not sure it's a good idea to send away the really good characters from a show that's had so much trouble keeping people interested in the past. I also agree that they're starting to do something interesting with Barbara. She looked absolutely stunning at the Wayne Charity Ball, and she's got really strong, disturbing chemistry with 50 Shades of Milo. As someone said in the Gotham forum, Jim might end up having to save him from her. It's encouraging that the producers of Gotham recognize their problems (instead of blaming the audience for reacting the way it does) and take steps to correct them. It bodes well for the future of the show.
  23. I hope that's still just a working title, because it's sounds kind of like a soap opera.
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