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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I think a lot of Rip's shady behavior was because of his desperation to save his family. I think he'll settle down now that he's accepted their deaths. But he'll still have some edge because he'll always be the orphan little cutpurse who was manipulated and betrayed by the Time Masters. I'd enjoy seeing him bond with Sara over their losses, whether it's as brother/sister as CL described or something more.
  2. Why does this show have ANY obligation to Laurel beyond what's necessary to further SARA's story? Laurel is not, nor has ever been, a part of LoT. They didn't save Snart or Rip's family because timey-wimey, so it's makes no sense that Laurel would get treated any differently.
  3. Rip pointed out how there was no possible way to save Laurel on LoT, and on Flash they made it clear that the dopplegangers are not interchangeable with their E1 counterparts. It's like they're shouting, "She's dead, dead, dead! Gone, gone, gone! Bye bye birdie!" on every show in the flarrowverse. (and yes, I do think those dead birds were about Laurel) You know what's going to be hysterical? When it's discovered the man in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick, and he's the doppleganger for Henry Allen, and Barry bonds with him and makes him his honorary father figure #357. Meanwhile, BS is trapped in a bathroomless cell in the pipeline.
  4. He couldn't think of anything to write for them because they were awful, and seriously miscast. Yes, the miscasting was his, and the other showrunners fault, and so was devolving Kendra into nothing but her love life; but, by the time they starting thinking about season two the die was cast. The characters didn't work and the audience didn't like them. He had two choices: keep them around for another season and try to fix things, or get rid of them. Personally, I think he made the best choice.
  5. Bwahahaha! I forgot about that. They just stood there with their thumbs up their butts while Rip plunged to his death. In the end, anybody could kill Savage. The only thing they needed Kendra for was to send the note that lead them to France to find the meteor that set the plan in motion.
  6. Sara/Rip was my ship going into the show, and then Captain Canary came along. I honestly think this is where the showrunners were orignally heading but also got distracted by CL/WM's chemistry. What they ought to do now is let Rip and Sara bond over their losses, and develop a genuine close friendship, and then down the road see what happens. CL and AD are both very good at expressing emotion and vulnerability. Give them time and see what happens. Or the new female character could be Sara's new love interest.
  7. Because Sara's still in the flarrowverse, and there's no benefit in promoting Laurel now that she's gone.
  8. Yeah, I'm also pretty sure he was talking about those three, aka: Rogue Canary.
  9. That absolutely was Sara. It's from the episode which had Laurel, Thea and her teaming up, and she fired a gun.
  10. Please God, make her leave and take Hawkboy with her. I can't deal with another season of her frickin' love life. Anyway, they're introducing two new characters, so somebody besides Snart has to leave or the cast will be too large to be manegable.
  11. It's the Thanagarians. Earth is being invaded by an endless army of Hawkpeople. Break out the booze.
  12. That's never been the theme. The first season showed that the murder of the Waynes upset the delicate balance of the city and that lead to the crime families going to war. Out of the ruins of that the madmen started rising up. The implication to me was that the madness was always there but Falcone and his like kept it in check. Now, Hugo Strange is free to unleash his monsters on the streets, and there's no one to stop him. (Well, maybe the Court of Owls, but I'm sure if they do, they'll have their own brand of crazy)
  13. My current theory is that this time around Vandal Savage killed Miranda, but not Jonas. I mean, we didn't see the body. Rip won't be able to change the events anymore for timey-wimey reasons. He'll leave Jonas at the refuge with Time Mommy so he can keep traveling with the Legends because of whatever new threat turns up. This will give him a partial win, but also provide a reason why they can't save Laurel.
  14. Ding, ding,ding, we have a winner!
  15. Honestly, I don't think it's because Savage was the wrong villain. Loki was by no means the biggest bad in Marvel; it's was the casting of Tom Hiddleston that made it work. Choosing Casper Crump was were it all went wrong. A more charismatic actor might have made the difference.
  16. I've been thinking that since Snart blew up along with the Oculus thingy maybe he's going to be the Dr Fate/sees all knows-all character that's going to guide the team next season; but if that's so, what's Patrick J Adams gonna do? Be the Big Bad? If Snart is Dr Fate-ish, it would explain how he was going to appear across the flarrowverse. I admit the mention of the Thanagarians scare me because that means Hawks, and i want them gone.
  17. I have no doubt the Hawks will be gone next season. Replacing them is not the issue. Filling the hole left by Snart/ Miller is the issue. None of those characters could do that.
  18. There's some deadline article that says some gibberish about how he signed some kind of contract making appearances in the other flarrowverse shows, but's he's not going to be a regular on LoT. I don't know what that means if he's actually dead. I'm not sure I actually care either. Snart is dead and the Hawks are alive. That pretty much sums up the flarrowverse: they killed Sara and kept Laurel. They killed Snart and kept the Hawks. I think I just need to transfer my obsession to Gotham. At least I know they won't kill Bruce . Or what everyone else said. Sorry, I'm just demoralized.
  19. I don't know what to say. If Snart is really dead, and it looks like he is, I'm not sure I'll be around next season. I mean, I love Sara to death, but this has been a bad show. The Hawks and Savage are just terrible, and the writing has been some of the worst in the flarrowverse (and that's saying something). The only things really worth watching has been the Rogues and Sara.
  20. Okay, first Kendra won't kill Vandal Savage because Stupid Boyfriend #1 won't get his memories back; even though, as Snart pointed out, he's just going to reincarnate later. Then, Stupid Boyfriend #2 flies into a jealous rage over Stupid Boyfriend #1 and lets Savage goad him into a fistfight, which he promptly loses because without his super suit he's less of a fighter then Stupid Boyfriend #1 who Savage has murdered to death 200 times. Can we just toss Kendra and her Stupid Boyfriends, and her Stupid Wannabe Boyfriend Savage out the nearest airlock and just get on with our lives. On another note: Stein was awesome for being willing to sacrifice himself to save Jax, and Sara was also awesome for knowing that Rip deserved a good, hard beating for sending Jax into danger in the first place, but not abandoning the mission. Also, the Time Lordlings are evil, who'd of guessed it?
  21. CF would be a huge loss, but, JDT? Not so much. Why is she even there? If they lose Chyler Leigh, they might as well hang it up. The sister relationship is the heart and soul of the show. The big question for me is, what happens if CBS cancels it and the CW doesn't pick it up? Is that the end of it, or does MB go to Flash as Powergirl? That would be a real "game changer".
  22. Candice Patton as Lady Blackhawk; I could get behind that. Hey, with the way things are on Flash, they probably wouldn't even notice that Iris was gone.
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