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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. It's just a feeling that I have, that they're going to hit a big reset button.
  2. I'm pretty sure this is all going to end with them going to Aruba instead of 1942 and this whole season never having happened, which means Amaya and Nate never joined the team, and Evil Snart was never pulled from his own time.
  3. I'm meant the bow tie was for Eleven and the coat was for Ten.
  4. Yes, The coat is a shout-out to Ten.
  5. The odds on favorites, at the moment, are Kris Marshall and Phoebe Waller Bridge. I didn't think I'd seen either of them in anything until I remembered PWB's role in Broadchurch S2. She didn't make a big impression on me. If Broadchurch is anything to go by, Chibnall is no Moffat when it comes to handling female characters. They are as complicated and flawed as the men. They're allowed to be unlikable and screw up, and pick themselves up and carry on. Hopefully the era of Magic Girl/Mary Sues will come to and end, and we'll get to see real, fully realized women as the Doctor and/or the companions. Haley Atwell would be a fantastic Doctor. She's strong, quirky and charismatic. She also brings genre street cred. I know she'd be up for this, and the same can't be said for some of the names I've seen bandied about. My other Secret Never Gonna Happen Pick is Arthur Darvill. I know that being a companion almost certainly eliminates him (but, hey I've heard people suggesting Billie Piper!) but he's just so talented and I love him so much.
  6. Rip's epic Time Cake looked like the intro to Doctor Who. Evil Snart was Evil. And much more of a bastard to Mick than he used to be. I liked that the Legends kept ending up in Nate's mom's basement like the losers they are in this reality. Too bad they never told us what Felicity's vigilante name was because now I'll never know if I was right about her being Spoiler. "Bored now"
  7. The sock they found was the same kind Leo was collecting from the sports team, and his girlfriend (Ines de Clerq, Arthur Darvill's wife, hee!) was lying about him spending the night with her. Jim is a shifty, violent asshole, who according to Cath may up to something that would allow her to "burn his world down". Ian broke into Trish's house, probably to steal her computer which he might be using to spy on her. Ed punch out Jim, but did he do it because Jim is a terrible human being or because he feels entitled to Trish because he likes her? Clive is a terrible human being. Aaron is a terrible human being. All those boys hounding Daisy because of the stolen photo are on their way towards being terrible human beings if their parents don't smack some sense into them. I think the rapes taking place during the summer has something to do with the sports team. That puts the spotlight on Leo, but why would he only be doing it then? He lives there year round. What's the triggering event? Is this some kind of initiation?
  8. Mick has physically intimidated Martin, a man who's 20 years older and much smaller, repeatedly. He's physically intimidated and twisted the arm of Ray, someone who's only ever tried to be his friend. He's physically intmidated Rip, who he could literally make two of. He would have shot Sara with his heat gun in Marooned if Snart hadn't stopped him. He threatened violence against Jax when he and Snart were trying to convince him to fly them to Central City so Snart could prevent his father from going to jail. This isn't innocent Mick being bullied by his teammates, it's more of a case of his teammates being wary and mistrustful of someone who has a violent persona and has betrayed them in the past.
  9. Well, she IS an assassin, and it is a dystopian hellscape created by a pack of Super Villains. :)
  10. I don't think there will be any residual reprecussions of Doomworld. It'll be a reality that the Legion created, and when the Legends get the Spear they'll change everything back to the way it was, and no one will remember except them. And maybe Cisco, if it's plot-convenient.
  11. This is the second time that Mick's betrayed the team. The first time he started a chain of events that lead to the death of Kendra's son. Who know's where it going to lead to this time. So, the question isn't whether they were wrong to not fully trust him; they weren't, he betrayed them. The question is why should they ever trust him again? Why should they give him a third chance? What happens next time they get captured by some smooth talking villains who can offer Mick a good deal? As for Jax and Rips "moralistic superiority complex": no. Both times Mick betrayed the team, the well being of the entire planet has been at stake. Last season was about preventing Vandal Savage from becoming Immortal Dictator of Earth. This year, it's about preventing a group of supervillains from violating the will of every single human being and rewriting reality to suit their whims. Under these circumstances, morality seems like it would be a good thing. Jax has always been the ultimate team player; not only in the sense of carrying out the mission, but that team mates have each other's backs and work together. If Mick's run afoul of him, it's because he doesn't always live by that philosophy. The first time Mick betrayed the team, Rip said something mean to him, and he responded by shooting at everyone, and trying to kill Sara and steal the time drive, leaving the crew stranded. This time, Rip made a snide comment after the fact, which had no bearing on Mick's actions. Don't get me wrong, I love Mick. I wish Amaya and Ray hadn't been pulled away from his story to prop Nate. However, other people are not to blame for what Mick decided to do. If he felt he was not getting the respect he deserved, he could have left at any time.
  12. I'd like to keep Sara, Rip, Ray, Jax, and Mick. I'd be okay with Martin leaving, either ending Firestorm entirely, or finding Jax a new partner. While I'd love to keep Amaya, she's a great character who unfortunately got stuck in an insipid ship that did her no good, I'm 99% sure she's already gone. Nate can go any time. I'd love to get Snart back. He's one of my favorite characters in the Flarrowverse. Gypsy would be a great addition to the show. Her ability to open portals would open a lot of story possibilities. Traveling in the multiverse would make a nice change from mucking up time, and it's always a lot of fun when they do it on Flash.
  13. This season has given AD a real chance to show off his skills and versatility. I was encouraged by Rip being the one to give Aragorn's speech instead of say, Nate. That told me they wanted to make sure it landed, and AD was the one they trusted to make that happened.
  14. I'm not so sure. Stephanie's always been the red-headed stepchild at DC. They may have less of a problem with her non-Batgirl identity being used. Of course, regardless of what her costume looks like, they might just go ahead and have Felicity be Overwatch.
  15. Have they said what her superhero name will be? Because that looks a lot like Stephanie Brown's (aka Spoiler) costume.
  16. If Rip had been able to translate latin or known about the Gawain myth, there wouldn't have been anything for Nate to do, and that's the problem. Anyway, I enjoyed the trip to WWI and Tolkien, particularly Tolkien getting misty eyed over Rip giving what will be Aragorn's speech. It was nice to see Snart again. WM has never met scenery that he wasn't eager to chew. I wish he could have come back earlier, he fits right in with the Legion. While the team was extra mean to Mick, I have to point out this is not the first time he's willing betrayed them. Those that were there for the Time Pirates incident have reason to not fully trust him. Now that the blood of Christ is gone, how will they destroy the spear? Will someone have to lay down their live for their friends?
  17. Will Snart have any say in what's happening in Doomworld, or will it be all Eobard? If he has any say, Sara CAN'T be in a relationship with him because it wouldn't be consensual. She wouldn't have agreed to it of her own volition. I mean, these writers screw up a lot, but maybe this time they put some thought into it.
  18. Oh hell, it could be the Music Meister. I've been digging around and it turns out the character was created for The Brave and The Bold animated series. He fits the criteria. Now, how they'd fit a character who's super power is singing into the show is beyond me, but they've done wackier things. At least, there wouldn't be any costly fx involved.
  19. The Flash is adding Tracy Brand, a character who will be celebrated as a genius in the future, for 4 episodes. She's described as quirky and full of idiosyncrasies. http://tvline.com/2017/03/20/the-flash-season-3-anne-dudek-recurring-tracy-brand/ I've searched DC wikipedia and can find no reference to her, and I don't remember her from any DC show. I know that she most likely has nothing to do with LoT, but I can't help speculating. If she's not the character we've been talking about, she still might be a replacement for another character, like Martin or Ray.
  20. Sounds like Constantine to me. ETA: nope, can't be him because he's from the comics. ETAA: It's either an historical figure or a character from a non comic work of fiction.
  21. I want android Gideon to join the cast next season. They don't have to get rid of Amaya for it to happen, they can get rid of Nate. The season has finished filming already, and if it ends with Amaya leaving to fulfill her destiny, they can introduce another women of color and still get rid of Nate. Why can there only be two women on the Waverider at one time? Who made that rule?
  22. That's the problem. They don't need Nate, Ray and Rip, and the show has so many characters to write for; it makes me worry. I kinda feel like they brought Nate in to be the Regular Guy: i.e. an irresponsible man-baby, who's job it is to bro around mocking the smart, serious people, and reducing his love interest to an uptight, lecture-y prig. See also, Mon-El of Supergirl. The flarrowverse has a lot of personalities, and personality disorders, but it's never had this kind of character before, and now it has two. I wonder what's the story behind it?
  23. It's when Martin and Jax first go to Mission Control, Martin tells them that they are British observers in a fake accent, and Franz gets to use his real one. It's only like one line. If Amaya is leaving, I agree they ought to consider having Amy Pemberton play a live action version of Gideon. She got a very positive reception, and her character is very different than any of the others. Of course, they could just get rid of Nate, keep Amaya, and have three women on the show. Anarchy!
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