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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I believe you're thinking of Tom Baker's first story, Robot. After regenerating, he goes through a series of wacky costumes (including a barbarian) before finally deciding on the one he's known for.
  2. I've read this from several people about Romana's regeneration, but it didn't happen. All of the forms she tried on were female. I'd think Kris Marshall would be way to expensive what with him coming off the successful Death in Paradise. Plus, he'd probably have no trouble getting the lead role in something else. With the exception of Catherine Tate, companions have traditionally been up and coming actors, and I expect that's who'll they be looking for this time as well.
  3. Should I repost the Doctor Who Helpline from the previous page?
  4. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by remembering. He's remembers everything from his past regenerations (except the stuff he's forgotten). Or do you mean having onscreen visuals of the past Doctors? They did that once with the 4th Doctor (although they threw in extra Doctors that had never been seen before and just confused everyone)
  5. Babylon 5 is the only show that's every got that 5 year plan thing right, and even it got a little rocky in the final season due to cast changes. I hope Chibnall let's it play out; see what works and doesn't work and makes adjustments. I honestly believe Moffat's determination to turn Clara into a quasi-Doctor come hell or high water is what dragged series 8 and 9 down.
  6. I was disappointed for like 3 minutes, and then I saw the trailer with Jodie and got really excited and happy. That's pretty good for me; I was pissed off about Matt Smith for all the months between the announcement and his first episode. This feels right. It feels like the change the show desperately needs. And, all the howling about how this Woman is going to kill Doctor Who dead warms the cockles of my cold, black heart. You know, you can judge a person by their enemies, and if that's the case, Jodie's doing all right.
  7. Last chance to make your guesses! I've given up hope on Arthur Darvill, and now my monopoly money is on Kris Marshall.
  8. The frontrunner seems to be Kris Marshall. I started watching Death in Paradise so I could get a feel for him as an actor (just in case). He comes off as a cross between Tom Baker and Peter Davison. He's certainly different then Tennant and Smith.
  9. Well, I think we all knew that Twelve wouldn't get away without Clara showing up one more time to look down her nose at him. Anyway, in case you haven't seen this already, here's a link to a video with a picture off the set of the Christmas special, with a a spoiler. It's not the regeneration, so don't get excited, but it does have something that might be interesting: https://youtu.be/qt2Jhz7OhrE
  10. Yeah, the more I think about it the more upset it's making me. It seems to me like there are only 3 possible reasons for Rory to be left out : 1. Moffat forgot about him, 2. He didn't think he was important enough to include, unlike Jenny and Vastra, 3. Moffat's got a personal beef with Arthur Darvill. In any case, every other regular companion, and quite a few of the recurring ones, were included; it looks like the character and/or the actor was specifically snubbed.
  11. This was fantastic. Easily the best episode of the Capaldi era. The Master was evil beyond redemption and Missy was evil but tip toeing up to the edge of redemption. They were amazing together, one of the high points in an episode chock full of high points; and how they went out was absolutely perfect. Nardole was also perfect. I've really come to love the character, and his ending with Hazran and all the children was wonderful, even if they are all ultimately doomed. Bill's story was so sad, and I was just so resigned to her death right up until Heather showed up. Then, this bizarre wailing noise started, and it was me crying my guts out. I don't care if it's another case of Moffat not being willing to kill his companions off, if Clara got immortality and her own TARDIS while Bill died a Cyberman, I would have thrown a bitch fit you could have seen from space. And then there was the Doctor, fighting not because he thought he could win or he really had hope, but because his sacrifice could buy those people a little more time. That's the Doctor I've loved for 35 years. Moffat chose not show him much during Twelve's run, so I was very happy to see him today. Then, when he was holding back the regeneration and refusing to change, and up walked the First Doctor, I started laughing and crying at the same time. It was a truly perfect moment. Only one tiny quibble: how come Rory wasn't included in the flashback of the companions? I went back and watched it again just to make sure I hadn't missed him. Everybody else was there, even Jenny and Vastra, who weren't technically companions. To be honest, I love Rory more than Amy, should I be offended that he was left out?
  12. Eleven genuinely bonded with little Amelia, and it only seemed to get stronger with grown up Amy. I've always felt that Amy was like Susan come again to him, which makes it so poignant when he begs her so hard to stay with him when the Angels trap Rory in the past. The First Doctor locked Susan out of the TARDIS with only one shoe because he knew that she wanted to be with David, but was unwilling to leave him. All the years and loss later, and he begs Amy not to join her husband, and the father of her child, because he couldn't bare the loneliness. As for Clara, she was just some girl with a mystery about her, there was never any kind of emotional connection. When he solved that mystery and regenerated into an older man, with a little snow on the roof, she started treating him with contempt; as basically her taxi driver, who's job it was to ferry her around time and space and provide her with adventures. Instead of chucking her out of the TARDIS as any of his past incarnations would have done, he became weirdly obsessed with her. It was all nonsensical and kind of gross. Bill has been the very picture of a classic companion. The Doctor meets her and she gets involved in the strangeness that follows him around. He takes a liking to her and invites to go on more adventures with him. I've found it really refreshing, and I'm sorry that it seems like this is the end for her (hopefully not because of death or permanent cyberization). I hope Chibnall remembers that not every companion needs to be the most important girl in the universe, or the most mysterious; and that the show worked just fine when the Doctor would meet someone, they'd become friends and go off traveling the universe in the TARDIS.
  13. Clara was polarizing; I've seen almost overwhelming support for Bill. She touched the equipment after the nurse left, because she saw the knob at the top of the "IV" said volume, and the patient continued to behave the same way after it was adjusted as before when he was complaining about pain. When she saw that volume meant how much noise the patient could make, not how much painkiller he was receiving, she checked someone else and found the same thing. She apologized profusely, and turned the volume back down because there was nothing she could do to help and she was in a vulnerable condition and needed to avoid being caught.
  14. Someone on Gallifrey Base is reporting that they've seen the 11th episode and it begins with the Doctor's regeneration, although we don't see who he regenerates into, and the rest of the story is "how did we get to this point". Another individual, who has some spoiler cred, says the BBC held back a scene from whatever this viewing was until Saturday night. There's also going to be an event with Steven Moffat and Pearl Mackie, after the episode airs, parts of which will be live streamed. If this is going where it seems, either this week or next, I believe it would be the first time anybody's ever kept the identity of a new Doctor a secret until his (or her) first episode aired. It would be quite a coup for Moffat.
  15. Well, think of it as the longest, most detailed audtion tape ever. :)
  16. That's what they SAY, but let's look at the clues. LoT's filming should started in July, AD's play in London won't end until July 22. He will be in Wales for a convention Aug 8 & 9; current rumor is that even though filming for the Christmas special will start in late July, the 13th Doctor regeneration scenes won't take place unil August. Current rumor is that filming for the eleventh series will begin in October (the 9th to be exact), AD will be in in the UK doing a concert to promote his album on the 8th. A lot of the stuff about exactly when Doctor Who is filming is still rumor, but there's been a picture building for awhile for when things are going to happen. As for Rip Hunter and LoT, they've said he'll be back next season, but they haven't said he'll be a regular. He won't be on the Waverider with the rest of the crew. He could set up the "Time Bureau" and rap up his story lines in a few episodes filmed in August and September. I know this is all ridiculous speculation, and I'm prepared to have my heart ripped from my chest and brutally stomped on, but until then I'm going to enjoy being a crazy conspiracy theorist. :)
  17. I have to disagree. Alexander Siddig is the perfect choice for Ra's, and Gotham has costumed him to look just like he does in the comics. If there's one thing Gotham can do, it's cast a villain. 98% of their choices have been nothing short of inspired. The LoA soldiers had me laughing though. With the costumes and all the flipping around, they looked to me exactly like they did on Arrow.
  18. This is the first thing that's got me excited about the season! I've been convinced since the finale that AD wouldn't be a regular anymore, and that opinion's been backed up by the fact that he's making appearances in UK during August at a convention in Wales, and in October at a show to promote his new album. Surely, if he was going to be a regular, he'd be in Vancouver filming then. I admit that I've been considering dropping the show because of it, and also general flarrowverse exhaustion, but bringing in Isis has really caught my attention. When I was a little girl in the 70s she was my first female superhero. Before I ever heard of Wonder Woman, Batgirl, or Supergirl, there was Isis: strong, and brave, and standing up for what was right. I'm going to at least have to check out the first episode to see what they do with her. Here's hoping they don't screw it up. Here's a link to an episode of The Secrets of Isis (because I can't seem to get you tube videos to embed anymore). Be advised that it's a cheesy 70s Saturday morning show, aimed at really little kids. But I loved it! https://youtu.be/O2Zo3UiJkHs
  19. Yes! I'm not the only old-timer here! Isis was also my first female superhero. I loved that show so much, Shazam was okay too, but that was about boys. Isis was way cooler because it was about girl power (only years and years before I ever heard that term). My question is: how do they reconcile this Muslim woman channeling the goddess Isis (that's what happened in the 70s show)? Or does she just take use it as her superhero name when she gets powers? Or is it just her hacktivist name? It seems like it would cause confusion about what her goal really was.
  20. I enjoyed it. The visuals were great and the acting was fantastic (as usual). I particularly enjoyed Bill and Nardole; they make a fun team. I just don't think this story was worthy of three episodes. I'm not convinced that Missy is on the road to redemption. The Doctor would be foolish to believe that she's sincere and not playing him. Also, why did he describe the two of them as the last of the Time Lords? Did the memory wipe in Hell Bent make him forget that he found Gallifrey? Moffat trolled the fandom pretty hard. I've spent the last week reading all kinds of wacky theories about that "regeneration", and then in the end it was "nope, just a fake out".
  21. Well, they have apparently reached the Barry Allen level of time breakage. He might conclude that it's time for the loose canons to step back, or at the very least, be a part of an organization that has some damn rules about what you can and cannot do. Remember Sara planning to drop in on the crucifixion? Does anybody think that would have ended without Mick Rory dying on the cross for our sins? This Time Bureau is probably going to be made up of any surviving Time Masters who weren't in on the Vandal Savage plot. I'm also going to go out on a limb and speculate that the Waverider crew, after an episode or two of headbutting, will join up; perhaps as a special team that gets sent out when things get dire.
  22. What bothers me is, what's the point of locking Missy in the Vault for 1000 years? Is he going to let her out at the end so she can go back to her old ways? Did the Time Lord killing contraption work only it takes 1000 years to actually finish her off? We have no idea what that was about , or if it was even true. I say that because there's been NOTHING ever shown that would suggest River would commit genocide. Steal anything not nailed down? Sure. Lie? Absolutely. Marry a few guys behind the Doctor's back? Why not. Plot to murder Old What's-His-Head, an actual genocidal maniac? Oh yeah, and it was stated in show that his atrocities were one of the reasons she was so eager to do him in. I'm just not willing to take the word of an evil maitre d over everything else that I've seen on screen about the character . It might have been a fiction she created to get access to the restaurant.
  23. When did River commit genocide?
  24. The Doctor doesn't need to be in a romantic relationship, but considering how romanticized the other Doctors have been in NuWho, I would side-eye them pretty hard if there weren't at least some mild flirting. It would come off to me as them not being fully committed to a gender change.
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