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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. Just a couple of weeks ago, Mika was praising the hell out of Gillibrand for her comments on the Clintonz, and telling people not to attack her on twitter for supporting them for so long. And now she's attacking her for supporting them for so long. Mika is a self-involved wackjob, who's situational opinions turn on a dime: Gillibrand: I think Bill Clinton should have been held more accountable for his actions 20 odd years ago. Mika: Oh, you're so brave and wonderful! You're my new girl crush. Gillibrand: Al Franken should resign because 8 women have accused him of inappropriate behavior. Mika: Evil Witch! You have no respect for the rule of law, and you're a Clinton-lover!
  2. It's going to be awesome. Perhaps Joe will compose a song for the occasion!
  3. I grew up in Panama City, which is just down the road from Pensacola, and I heard it. From my own family. Joe and I are in the same age bracket, so I'm pretty sure we had similar experiences. Joe is lying through his Kennedy-wannabe teeth.
  4. Maybe one of the chickens bit her finger off. Senator Grassley doesn't think women are people.
  5. I like Willie, but maybe it's best if these morning shows are hosted by woman for awhile. Good Morning America is the only one left on the major networks that hasn't been hit. If I was George Stephanopoulos, I'd be thinking back over my past behavior.
  6. Keith Olbermann was tweeting before Thanksgiving that his phone was blowing up with rumors of someone big in the media about to go down. I guess now we know who he was referring to. Wowza.
  7. Joe needs to stop lying about most Americans being anti-choice. I just googled, and it's 57% pro-choice. Also, am I the only one who thinks that guy who's going to be a write-in challenger against Roy Moore is a bit of a flake?
  8. Is this from Friday? OMG! ETA: This isn't from Friday, they've just cleaned up the first 30 minutes, eliminating the worst of the drunken rampage.
  9. They are stoned! Well, Mika is at least. She's mocking Chris Matthews and badgering Heidi Pryzbyla ( I hope I spelled that right) about the pronunciation of her name.
  10. Bwahaha! Maybe Heileman and Nicole Wallace are planning a coup by convincing management that Joe & Mika are mentally unfit. I'll sign a petition if it'll help.
  11. Since Mika is so against co-workers going out for drinks, you gotta wonder how she hooked up with Joe. Was there some kind of Church Social for people who wanted to step out on their spouses?
  12. In the dictionary, next to the word "snooty", there's a picture of Noah Rothman.
  13. Among the many things Mika needs to shut her hole about is trying to equate her "friend" Mark Halperin's behavior with Al Franken. Franken behaved inappropriately with one woman, Halperin is a sexual predator who rubbed his penis against numerous unwilling women for years. Also, why is she all over Clinton's consensual relationships, but has yet to make any comments on Pappy Bush's decades long pattern of grabbing unwilling women's backsides? It's the hypocrisy that does her in every time.
  14. I was in the other room, and only half listening when she said that, and I thought I misheard because Mika couldn't possibly be so self-involved that she couldn't see how that also applied to her situation. Geez. I agree with @Millennium, why no calling out of Grabby Bush? She's calling out Drumpf and the Clintonz, but not him? To paraphrase Roger Stone, they're all in the barrel now.
  15. Our long national nightmare is over. Attilan is destroyed and the inhumans have come to earth, where perhaps they'll learn the value of representative democracy. And right to the end, despite his crazy, murderous, destroy-the-city-if-I-can't-be-king ways, Max is still more sympathetic than the entire royal family. And it's not because he's so great, it because they SUCK SO MUCH. "Gosh, we're sorry that we forced you into slavery and oppression and being a water-based Inhuman stuck on a waterless moon, all while we lived our lavish Royal Cape-Wearing Lifestyles, but we promise to do better once we get to Earth!" Did anyone involved in the making of this show even notice that all they had to do to make RAMSEY BOLTON sympathetic was have him talk about how after he became human everyone treated him like shit and his only friend, Medusa, abandoned him; but they had to pull not one, but two plot twists out of Black Bolt's ass to kinda sorta justify his behavior? Hey, Max forged a document threatening teen BB with brain surgery, oh noes! Hey, there's some terrible threat that not only required BB to become king, but get humans and inhumans killed instead of arresting Max before he put his plans into motion! And we never heard about either of these things before the finale episode! BAD, EVIL WRITERS! I never want to hear about any of these people ever again. I want to pretend this never happened. I want someone to ask Daisy, "Do you Inhumans have a king?" and for her to answer, "Of course not. We Inhumans believe in representative democracy."
  16. They've made it clear that Tabby had a thing with both Barbara and Butch, and that it blew up because they're unstable murderous criminals. Same with Oswald and Ed. I'm pretty sure we can include Jim/Lee in that category too. Bruce and Selina don't have smooth sailing ahead of them either. Every shipper gets screwed over on this show. Pick a shipper, and they've had their heart stomped on.
  17. I like Nicole; I watch her show when I have the time, but I find it awfully "coincidental" that right-leaners are suddenly calling for a 3rd party just days after the dems blowout in Virginia which had the usual suspect suggesting a blue wave in 2018. What was it Littlefinger said (you know you're going to miss him)? You always have to ask yourself what's the worst possible reason a person could have for doing something. That goes double for Joe and his column.
  18. Why were they beating the Weeper guy to get his tears? Couldn't they just force him to chop onions at gunpoint? I mean, if they kept abusing him, they were risking his life, and then where would they get their drugs? This was a mixed bag for me. The bachelor party was fun, up until Cecile's daughter turned out to be a stripper because #feminism. The ladies night out was fun, but they kept doing one stupid thing after another. Was I suppose to think this was wacky? I'm enjoying Ralph Dibney, anyway.
  19. Joe was yapping on about how Obama was "aloof". Souza said he was from Hawaii and was laid back. He also said that Obama didn't do the Washington cocktail circuit very much, and that's probably why people like Joe start calling him that. If you're not there when the gossips are gossiping, they gossip about you.
  20. Donna Brazille seems drunk. Willie had to pull teeth get a straight answer out of her.
  21. I can't help but think you're right, Oakville. He's marrying into a politically famous family. He lives in New England, and hobnobs with all the "important" people. I saw Scarborough Country a few times back in the day, and I can vouch for the fact that his hair didn't always look like that. I think he's got some delusions going on.
  22. Joe needs to shut the hell up about remembering 1968. He was five. He remembers Romper Room, not Vietnam.
  23. If they don't stop with that stupid Kasie/DC crap, I'm going to pull an Elvis on my tv.
  24. So, Black Bolt knew Max was planning a revolt and instead of having him arrested because he's, you know, the KING, he just let it go forward getting his own people and innocent humans killed. Was he just bored with living his lavish lifestyle while the less fortunate were forced to slave in the mines and wanted a little excitement? Everyone on this show sucks so much. I want Daisy to lead a rebellion and "exile" the entire ruling family. Queen Daisy 2018. She can keep Lockjaw. He'd probably be happier having someone more intelligent to drool on.
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