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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. Holy shit! Stormy's lawyer just said she had been physically threatened, implying it was someone connected to Trump! Wow! And now Joe's wandered off on a Bill Clinton hating rant. Come back to the 21st century, fool! This is a HUGE story
  2. I've always been mixed on Peyton List: hated her on Tomorrow People and loved her on the Flash. She's ok here, just too restrained, and Gotham doesn't know from restrained. I join the chorus of being baffled about why the need for a recast. This new Ivy isn't doing anything that Maggie Geha wasn't capable of. Unless there was some drama behind the scenes that I don't know about, there was no logical reason to make the change. My Gosh, I love Cameron Monaghan as Jerome. He's the best live action Joker still on this mortal coil. They should send Joaquin Phoenix over to shadow him and take notes (after that, he can go hang around Mark Hamil). He's bold, unhinged, and always completely unpredictable. That mime off was something else, even for Gotham. I can't wait to see what he's got planned. I hope it brings him into contact with Bruce, because that's the best. Speaking of Bruce, he towers over Jim! Our Baby Bat has grown up! The dream sequence was a trip, and slightly prophetic. Jim with a 'stache and arm and arm with Barbara (Baby Babs has to come from somewhere), Penguin in his comic book costume and a Proto Batman. I wonder if there was any significance in Lee's Egyptiony outfit? Is she going to get knocked in the head and think she's King Tut, or perhaps Hatshepsut? And then there's Oswald and Ed. I'm (mostly) over shipping them, and I've enjoyed the evolution of their relationship, but it can't continue as it is, "I'm going to kill you for realsies this time, when I get through gloating, monologuing and/or freezing you into a conversation piece for my nite club" or it will get stale. It's time to move on to another dynamic. I hope Oswald being the key to unleashing the Riddler is the beginning of that. All in all, a good episode. I loved Sofia in the first half of the season when she was playing EVERYONE, so I'm looking forward to seeing what she has planned now.
  3. If you have photos, Stormy Daniels, for the love of God, don't release them.
  4. Hate is the natural and appropriate reaction to Cruz.
  5. Smack him, Joe! Smack him right in that smug face!
  6. It's Ted Cruz! Quick, someone get an exorcist!
  7. If one more person says Gary Cohn is a "Process Person" I'm going to scream. He stayed for the Nazis and left because of tariffs. The End.
  8. I know. He's such a great writer, he just can't get the words out while speaking.
  9. Geraldo was washed up in mainstream media, and then along came Fox; and now he's either spouting alt-right talking points because he's always believed them or for a paycheck. For a lot of these people, I suspect they always held these viewpoints but back in the olden days before Fox, they had to come off as more politically neutral to work in the news business. Now it's a free-for-all, with Fox willing to pay any idiot who'll push the company line (see: Tomi Lahren).
  10. Good Lord, somebody dug up Cokie Roberts! I'm serious, I thought she was dead.
  11. Did I hear Joe, mid-rant, say that he wasn't making it about himself? My God, everything is about Joe: gun control, the NRA, abortion, books that other people wrote, Mika'a Unitarian scarf collection. It's all Joe, all the time. Remember that meeting Trump had with his cabinet and they spent the first 15 minutes kissing his ass? It's required. You have to grovel before you can address the king.
  12. I know! What the heck was going on there? And then they struggled to get the camera back up to Joe and Mika faces.
  13. Constantine's showrunner David Goyer straightwashed Leonardo da Vinci so we were never getting a bisexual character out of him. If the show is going to shed a character at the end of the season (looking at you, Nate) I wouldn't mind John joining the crew. His skills are sufficiently different so as to not be stepping on anyone else (again, looking at you Nate). Also, despite his cool snarky persona, he IS a cold bastard that you should never entirely trust, and that could create an interesting dynamic. I loved Leo in the crossover, but except for the scene in the last episode where he had his talk with Mick, I haven't really felt him. Sara is clearly the sixth element: heart, love, badassery, I am Woman Hear Me Roar, or whatever it is, and will eventually prove when Mallus decided to mess with her, he made a fatal mistake.
  14. I've got the current republican deficit hawk on mute. The time to whine about how we have to cut entitlements or the world will end was before you voted 1.5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich, sweetie.
  15. Why are we wasting all this time listening to Piers Morgan (and by listening, I mean putting the tv on mute and just waiting for Stephanie Ruhle)? Is he really the person to ask about what Britain really thinks about Trump?
  16. Has Robert Costa lost some weight? His face looks thinner.
  17. Let me see if I've got this straight in my head: Robin's memories haven't happened yet to May and the others. They happen after they get back from the future. Then Daisy, Flint, Black Bolt (hey, there had to be some reason for that dumbass show), or persons unknown blow the earth apart. May, Yo-Yo, FitzSimmons and Robin escape to the Lighthouse. Mac is dead, and Coulson is unknown. FitzSimmons design the time machine which they've already had a chance to look at. Eventually, they all die and Robin grows old. Before any of this happens however, Robin has told Enoch to grab the team, minus Fitz, and send them all into the future via the monolith; with Fitz to take the long way around. It's a time loop, that's what Flashback May meant when she told Robin they never really had to say goodbye. Robin dies in May's arms, but when she returns to the past, she finds her again and becomes her adopted mother. May dies at some point in the Lighthouse, but Robin knows she'll see her again when May is brought forward in time and the loop keeps going around and around. In fact, I think this is a Causal Loop. According to Wikipedia: A causal loop, in the context of time travel or the causal structure of spacetime, is a sequence of events (actions, information, objects, people) in which an event is among the causes of another event, which in turn is among the causes of the first-mentioned event. If Enoch had not sent the team into the future, none of the events would have happened that Robin foresaw that caused her to tell Enoch to send the team into the future. If that makes sense. The question is how to break out of the loop. Is the world destroyed because of someone or something they bring back from the future, like Flint or the implant making Daisy's powers go haywire? If that's the case, then they somehow need to stop Enoch from kidnapping them from the diner. If the threat is unrelated to the time travel (like Hydra has a world-cracking bomb or something) then they need to stop that, but if they do then none of the events that lead up to that point happen, only they did and that's a paradox. Paradoxes make my head all hurty. I think we'll need a special guest appearance by the Doctor to sort this Timey-Wimey business out.
  18. Mika has a micro-pig, how cute. Only not. There's no such thing; it's a myth. Little Kasie (my God, how insulting is that) will grow to be several hundred pounds, and will end up in some overburdened sanctuary because Airhead's not prepared to take care of such a huge animal.
  19. Joe is 6'4", and he says if Trump weighs 239 lbs then he must be 170.
  20. Joe sure got worked up over Oprah possibly running for president. My goodness. Was it really the death of expertise that he found so distressing? Earlier he was whining that the democrats were going to pick somebody like Bernie Sanders, who "real americans" couldn't connect with. First he said don't pick the guy that wants to give medicare to everybody, then he said don't pick the one that everyone knows and likes. What's the nature of the bug that's crawled up his ass? Then he said Marco Rubio would make a good candidate and I knew he was talking out of his ass.
  21. Is Ash Pakistani? If Ash is Voq should they not have cast Shazad Latif in the role? I mean, I assume the character's arch had been planned before the actor was cast. Should he have been excluded from auditioning because of his ethnicity?
  22. I swear to God, every time I think it's not possible for me to have less respect for Mika she pulls something like this and proves me wrong.
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