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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. But that's the way the show has always been. Last night's episode should have been titled Barry and His Three Dads. I mean, they're probably going to do WestAllen, because they have no other options now (unless Supergirl gets cancelled, and they bring Melissa Benoist over), but it's never going to be the Barry and Iris Show. That's clearly never been the intention. The desire to see the show change it's main focus to Barry and Iris (I'm not saying that's what you want) is to me the equivalent of wanting Arrow to be The Green Arrow and Black Canary Show. That was never going to happen, even before whatever went down that made them start sidelining Laurel. Flash is what it is. They do need to address how they treat female characters. Every woman on the show is either a love object or a DiD. Iris is supposed to be a Lois Lane type character, in a universe that probably doesn't have an actual Lois Lane. Their inability to write this type of character in a comic book show is inexcusable, and shows just how little interest AK has in female characters. Maybe Jessie will get treated better now that she probably has super powers, but I wouldn't count on it.
  2. Thanks, but do we need another series regular on Arrow? Aren't we getting Curtis already?
  3. YAAASSSSS! The Goodie Two Show and the Bad Girl, is a dynamic that I've always loved. Lisa Snart might actually make Ray's love life fun. Besides, think of the lulz with Snart plotting Ray's death every time he sees them together.
  4. Yes, but if he's male, and they toss her at Ray, she'll be all "Do I love you or should I stay true to my poor dead boyfriend?" for the entire frickin' season, and now I'm starting to choke on my own bile. Can't she like Sara, or maybe Mick? Some women like the crazy. Please, I'm begging you, for the sake of my sanity!
  5. CR and KC are both exceedingly weak actresses who were deeply miscast as warrior women. Kendra and Laurel are both versions of iconic, kick ass female comic book characters that have been mangled beyond recognition by idiot, misogynist writers. Both shows will be better off without them. But OTOH, Killer, Klepto, and Pyro: the best thing that ever happened to the flarrowverse.
  6. Yeah, that's where my mind went when I read she was from the 1940s. I don't know if they plan to put her with Sara, but the way the article said she had repressed feelings for a team member does suggest that person was female. My dream casting for this role is Freema Agyeman; not only is she twice the actress CR is, but she was also a DW companion. I have no idea who the super powered Han Solo is. I literally can't come up with a DC character that fits that description.
  7. Goody Two Shoes Ray and Femme Fatale Lisa Snart? Sign me up for that! It would be worth it just to watch Snart mentally plot Ray's slow and painful death.
  8. OMG, this was so much fun! Bruce's face while Azrael was leaping around all "I am Vengence,I am the Night, I am . . .some crazy dude" was just priceless! And, Ed taking to Arkham like a fish to water. Hugo Strange, never leave me. You are the villain Gotham needs and deserves. This was the best episode in a long time. Sure huge chunks made no sense, but who cares? It was awesome. The end shot with Azrael on the bridge, and the batman-like cape flip? Perfection! I watch all the DC shows and they frustrate the hell out of me with their wangst, insipid love triangles, and characters who kill themselves in the past but are still alive in the present because reasons. Gotham may have questionable writing, play fast and loose with canon, and I'm still not sure that Gordon is supposed to be a hero, but it's unabashedly not afraid to be what it is: a psychotic blend of comics, Batman the Animated series, Tim Burton's Batman, and Adam West's 60's tv show. Learn from this flarrowverse. Ditch the soap opera, and the baby mama drama, and Barry's 50 pep talks per episode, and embrace the sheer insanity of being a comic show. There's no such thing as too over the top.
  9. What the actual fuck was that?! Thirteen episodes of the Legends tripping over their own feet and doing nothing to Vandal Savage but telling him who's family to waste in the future, and Kendra finally gets the chance to bash his smirking skull in but won't do it because her boyfriend won't remember her? Who the fuck wrote this, and can I borrow Kendra's gold plated mace while I have a chat with him? This is truly rage inducing. I haven't been this angry with a character since the Doctor was willing to destroy the entire universe to save Clara the Special Snowflake from dying of her own stupidity. And, in his defense, the show heavily implied that she had driven him so insane by that point that he had to have all memories of her removed so he could function again. Congratulations, Kendra you just won the title of most incompetent and useless character in the flarrowverse. Enjoy it in good health until hopefully you and hawkboy die in he season finale.
  10. That would totally work! I've long suspected that the Time Lords-lite were somehow in league with Savage, and the episode description above strongly implies that to be true. If they're out of the picture for some reason next season, Dr. Fate could be the one to send the Legends on their mission(s). He could be recurring; showing up to send the team wherever time, space, the multiverse is in peril.
  11. Exactly. I feel as if Sara was tossed aside (on to a trash dumpster, so to speak), so someone else could step in and take advantage of all of her hard work. That made me so angry that I was #NoSaraNoArrow for the rest of S3 (I didn't miss much, or so I've heard). I mean, I'm glad that she's back, and that's she had the chance to really shine; but to me, the White Canary is intended to be the lesser character. The Black Canary is supposed to be the legendary, canon comic book character, and the White Canary is only around because nobody wanted a solo Atom spinoff. Again, to me, it feels like a thief stole Sara's thunder, and she got relegated to second class status. Well, now that thief, who proved herself completely unable to fill Sara's shoes, is dead, and Sara should get back what's hers. It would feel like justice.
  12. Well, she's not Clara, so that's like a 1000% improvement right there. The dialogue was trying to hard for cutsey to get any kind of bead on what kind of companion she's going to be. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. I don't mind Ray and Kendra, I think they're kind of cute together, but I'm really tired of Kendra waffling about whether she should be with Ray or just accept that Hawkman is her only possible mate. Poor Ray, dead Anna, rebound Felicity and now maybe losing Kendra to the (borderline abusive) guy who seems to be stalking her through history. And I don't mean Vandal Savage. I must be the only person who likes Kara/James. I think it has potential if the writing got better. This need to keep couples apart has already screwed up Barry/Iris for me as well as a number of characters on other shows. On Supergirl, the only good couples seem to be the platonic ones. I think Ray/Kendra could be really good if it were better written, and Ciara Renee was a better actress. As it is, the story's just too damn repetitive, and CR is unable to convince me that Kendra cares as much about Ray as he does about her. It started out well enough with the two of them geeking out over Star Trek, but it them it devolved into an awkward mess, and I wish it would end. These showrunners don't do well with romance, unless it evolves naturally out of the chemistry between two actors. I wish they'd remember that before they get any more bright ideas.
  14. Why would they kill her for Felicity/Olicity? Because Comics? Because Comics is dead; and if she died because of Olicity, or because she was pretty much an across the board failure, I cannot say. I want Sara to go back to Star City and Arrow to guest star because that were she came from, and she has relationships there. Why would they need to hook her back up with Oliver? What about Captain Canary? What about all the other ships that form spontaneously whenever she interacts with any other character? Why toss all that out the window for something that couldn't work long term because she's a regular on another show. It'd be like having Barry date Felicity or Kara; it wouldn't work because they'd only be able to see each other a couple of times a season. And, I want to see Sara take up the mantle of the Black Canary because the wheel turns. I saw Sara dead in an alley, and another character stripping her of everything that was hers, and claiming it for herself. Well, that didn't work out. Sara has risen from the ashes and soared higher than she's ever been allowed to before. In every way but one, that is. She hasn't been able to reclaim the identity that she created, made into a hero, and that was taken from her at her death. She was unable to reclaim it when she was resurrected because somebody else was using it for her own benefit. Now is the time for her to take back everything that was taken from her.
  15. I really liked this one. Old Mick helping Young Mick come to terms with causing his parents death, and realizing that he was just a kid when he started the fire, was surprisingly moving. I know that his past self will forget all of this when they put them back in their right time, but I think this will have an impact on Mick going forward. In other news, Ray and Kendra making out just outside the door where Ray's other fiancee was at was all kinds of awkward. Also, Tiny Rip was all kinds of badass. Tiny Rip would have taken out Vandal Savage by now. Mother Time, I blame you.
  16. In Eobard Thawne's case, it was a version of him that existed in time before he came to Central City, murdered Barry's mother and impersonated Harrison Wells. Logically, when Eddie Thawne, his ancestor, commited suicide, he should have ceased to exist because he would have never been born; but logic and the Flash are not mixy. Near as I can figure, Zoom said that his time remnant was a version of himself that existed before he came to Earth-1, who he somehow convinced to go through time, stand in front of the portal so Zoom could stick his hand through his chest and kill him for reason that make no goddamn sense. Now logically, if he killed his past self, Zoom should have ceased to exist and never come to CC at all; but what the hell, only wimps expect things to make sense in the Flarrowverse. And now I want the Doctor to land his TARDIS on AK and MG Dorothy, Wizard of Oz style and just be done with it.
  17. I've got middling knowledge of the comics, and I've never heard of Karen before. She was probably just a one-off for the show. The actress gave a good performance, and I also loved her with Bruce. David Mazouz is fast becoming the MVP of this show. Every storyline that he gets involved with becomes more compelling.
  18. Oh Victor, Bruce is going to remember that. I loved Barbara tonight. Watching Babs strut around all shady lady, with a plan, makes me sad for what could have been if they hadn't screwed it up so badly in the beginning. If this is what they started with, she could have been awesome, but now she's gone back to Tabitha and the crazy will soon follow. Anyway, when did Bruce get nearly as tall as Jim? I swear they were looking eye to eye at the end. I don't mind Galavan, but I was hoping for Jerome. Dr Strange and Miss Peabody may be the most fun villains this show has ever had. BD Wong is clearly having the time of his life.
  19. I must be one of the few that likes AoS. I watched the first two episodes when the show premiered and then gave up on it, only coming back in the second half of the the second season (interestingly enough because I'd heard Luke Mitchell had joined the cast). I like almost all the cast, including Daisy, Coulson, and SquidWard. I've enjoyed the history of Hydra, the alien planet, and HIVE. Daisy and Mack's partnership is great, as was Bobbi and Hunter's, I'm really missing them. I was impressed to find out who Lash was, and am curious to see if the story is going where I think it's going. One of the few things that's not working for me is Lincoln. I floved LM on the Tomorrow People. He's one of the few reasons I stuck with that terrible show, but he's not working here. I suspect it's because the character's primary reason for existing is to be a hot guy for Daisy to make out with. I know LM can be really compelling, even acting against RA, so I don't know what the problem is with Chloe Bennett; she's a lot better than that block of wood. For next season, they need to evaluate what they want to do. I like Brett Dalton, but after HIVE's story ends, he needs to go. With Lincoln, they need to commit to writing him as an independent character, with his own story, and not just as Daisy's chew toy, or cut him loose.
  20. Gosh, Miranda must be really understanding to let him name their son after his ex. Or maybe that's just how they roll in the 22nd century.
  21. I want them to abandon the time travel aspect, because they can't seem to get it to make any sense, and travel the multiverse instead. This would not only allow them to introduce any DC character they wanted, but reuse characters in new and different ways. I know it's not going to happen because Peyton List is on another show next season, but I would love for Lisa Snart to join the cast. She's awesome, and I would love to see more Snart sibling interaction.
  22. This guy on Bleeding Cool says he's been spoiled as to who the "beloved character" will be: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/04/01/patrick-j-adams-role-in-dcs-legends-of-tomorrow-finale-revealed-spoilers/ He says it's Alan Scott, the original Golden Age Green Lantern. AG isn't from Earth 1 in the comics, so perhaps this means they'll be traveling the multiverse instead of time, which would not only be cool, but considering the ratings jump the Flash got when they did it, might be smart decision making. A couple of things come to mind is this is true: 1) GL is going to cost money. Can the show afford the Atom, Firestorm, and GL? I know they're probably getting rid of Hawkgirl, but it still seems like it's too expensive to add him if they plan on keeping him long term. I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that if that's happening, they're going to lose Firestorm. Two actors and CGI use up a lot of resources. 2) Alan Scott is gay, and this brings to mind WM pitching his character as pansexual (although, to be fair, a lot of things bring that to mind). Sara got her 50's nurse, will Cold gets his Golden Age Superhero?
  23. This guy has posted lots of spoilers like this, and no one has officially identified it as an April Fool's joke.
  24. The only thing that gives me pause is the suggestion that there was conflict between SA and CH. I've never heard anything like that before. In fact, I've never heard anything bad about CH at all. KC, yes, I've heard plenty; and SA's reactions to and about her, have lead me to believe that things have not always been a bed of roses between them. I think this is a combination of truth and guesswork. This guy also said that he had spoiled who the "beloved character" coming to LoT was going to be. Anybody know who it is? The Question (I hope)? ETA: He thinks it'll be Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern. Perhaps, that means they'll be travelling through the multiverse instead of time next season, which is what I was hoping for. Also, AG is gay. Hmmmm.
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