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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I enjoyed Cold's smile as he watched the Sara Beats Up Bar Goon Show. Also, stop whining, Ray.
  2. New Wentworth article: “So far he seems to be presented as straight,” Miller explains. “I’d like to believe there are a couple extra layers to unpeel [and] I instinctively feel like he’s probably pansexual and just gets a hard-on for your soul.” http://www.newnownext.com/wentworth-miller-on-legends-of-tomorrows-captain-cold-i-instinctively-feel-like-hes-pansexual/01/2016/
  3. Oh, I'd gladly kill both the Hawks for Zatanna. I'm not sure about getting rid of Heatwave; I think I'm going to really like him. It might be a moot point though, as the impression I've gotten is that DP is only here to work with WM, and if he's not sticking around for another season . . .Anyway, they could free up some money by not having BR return; you know he didn't come cheap. I suppose if they are going to focus on magic next year, they won't need any of the science types (which sadly includes Rip, unless they're still going to do time travel). They could bring in Constantine to be the team "leader", and Vixen; keep Sara (because there might be riots if they try to get rid of her again) and anybody else who wants to stick around for another season. Still, it's risky.
  4. "I'm in charge, in case any of you have forgotten" "I remember. I just don't care" I love Cold so much, it'll be a shame if he's only on for one season. However, that might be all WM was willing to sign on for. It's risky to make major cast changes every year. How many people have said they're only watching for Sara and Cold? There's no way of knowing if new characters would have the same appeal. Also American Horror Story may have a different story every year, but they reuse the most popular actors playing different characters every season.
  5. "Can I burn some stuff now?" "I wish you would" OMG, I'm going to love Heatwave! And Cold and Heatwave, and Sara/Cold/Heatwave! ETA: Have they done Cold's character promo yet?
  6. For me, it's an absolute lack of trust of the people making this show to: a) write a decent episode, and b) not screw over the characters I love for the hell of it. That bar fight scene did a lot to reassure me that, despite whatever issues the pilot might have, they haven't completely screwed the pooch here. I remain concerned about the Hawks. Neither of those two can act, and their story is ridiculously bad. I'm less concerned about Ray. I didn't watch season 3 of Arrow after Sara died, so I have no real issue with him, as long as they don't try to present him as the lead of this ensemble cast.
  7. Sara being high would explain the fight, as well as hitting on that dude's girlfriend in the first place. Are the Rogues along to keep an eye on her? If so, good job boys.
  8. Here's the bar fight scene from the pilot; https://amp.twimg.com/v/dd2a5f5c-ac49-4e4f-abe9-29b386c6eadc The Hawks may suck, and Rip might be stuck being Mr. Exposition for an episode or two, but at least Sara and the Rogues will be fun.
  9. First, the pilot gets a negative reaction (from one critic, I don't know about the rest) at the TCAs, then the Sara/Rogues bar fight gets released. Coincidence? I think not.
  10. I wonder if that's why it hasn't leaked yet? They don't want people flooding the net with complaints about how terrible it is weeks before it officially debuts.
  11. Well, I liked the music; that's something, I guess. I hope they do these with the other characters.
  12. Could it be Powergirl? If so, hello boob window.
  13. I think the promos are being made, or at least approved, by someone higher up the network food chain than whoever made the posters. That person is clearly putting his/her money on Sara. Rip's getting a lot of play lately, and the Rogues have gotten plenty in the past, but through it all, Sara's been prominently featured. That snippet with Sara and Rip dancing was probably included because the network noticed shipper interest in the two. Networks love shippers. I'm surprised they haven't shown anything really shippy with Sara/Cold; the CW loves triangles.
  14. Gosh, Sakura, you know they're not going to include Quentin. Because Comics must be the one to send Sara off into the "light" (eyeroll). Anywho, I've been torn between Captain Canary and CanaryHunter, but things like this are starting to tip the scale. :)
  15. I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the 24 years he's spending with River on Derillium, there'll be a bar fight.
  16. Really? I thought the point of casting her was because Kendra Saunders is black/latino in the comics.
  17. Then, what about Ciara Renee? She does appear to be a person of color.
  18. Who are we talking about, Ciara Renee? Should they have passed her over for the role because of the skin color of her relatives? The diversity quotient for the LoT regulars is about the same as AoS. The difference being that there will be actual named superheroes of color. In fact, the Flarrowverse has three named superheroes of color, with Wally West up on deck next. That may not seem like a lot, but I believe it's more than everything Marvel's done combined.
  19. Wait, so Rip Hunter steals a time machine, runs away from the stuffy, robe wearing Time Masters, picks up some companions, and starts saving the world? I think I've heard this story somewhere before.
  20. i really love the new promo. It has A LOT of Rip, and the "how many knives do you have scene" got expanded; perhaps as a response to how well the first one was received in the other promo. It looks like someone at the network is looking at reactions, and adjusting future promos accordingly: lots of Rip and Sara, although not very much Cold this time. However, he did get that cool Boba Fett line.
  21. Yeah, I'm not impressed with the Hawk's story either. To make matters worse, I don't think either of the actors are particularly good in their roles. But, I haven't given up hope. The promos barely feature them. Instead, they focus on Sara, the Rogues, and Rip. Someone has an idea about who the audience is going to respond to, and it's not the Hawks. Their story may be up front in the pilot, but that doesn't mean it's going to dominate the rest of the show.
  22. No, Snowflake deserves to die for the two and a half seasons (or series, if you prefer) she spent telling the Doctor to shut up, demanding that he do things her way, her constant efforts to tear him down in order to make herself look better, and for using up two thirds of Twelve's run making it all about herself. Think about it, Capaldi's probably got one series, and a Christmas special, to pull his Doctor out from under Snowflake's shadow, and build him up into something of his own. Honestly, I feel like this episode was the first time in TWO SERIES that he's had a chance to do that. I didn't know that he could laugh like a giddy loon, pout like a jealous schoolboy, joke around, or be a hopelessly romantic fool UNTIL NOW. That's unforgivable. Yes, the blame goes squarely on Moffatt's shoulders, but that doesn't mean I'm obligated to have any use for the obession that caused the problem. I don't hate Snowflake because she's a helpless young woman. I hate her because she's done damage to a show that's I've loved for over thirty years.
  23. Yes, and before it all get started, I'd just like to say that I'll be happy to ship Sara with Rip or Cold, or alternatively, Rip and Cold with each other. As long as Ray stays out of the proceedings, I'm good.
  24. Is this reliable? It kind of sounds like KC, and the actress who replaced her in a story line, and she now hates and tried to get killed off could be either CL or EBR, but I don't know. I know she's not going to LoT, at least for this season, because they're half way through filming already. I suppose she could be joining for the second season, but that would mean they would have to ditch CL AGAIN to make room for the buckles, and that's just too much stupid even for Berlanti and Co. I suppose they could be talking about a BC spin off, but who would watch it?
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